Dear friends,

First, my sincere thanks to all those who have sent their contribution to my work.  This winter fundraiser is now over and even though it had a difficult start, I want to thank those who replied to my appeal and made it a success: your help is absolutely crucial and it will make a huge difference for me and my work on this blog.

Second, big news: my 2nd book, “The Essential Saker II – Civilizational Choices and Geopolitics: The Russian Challenge to the Hegemony of the AngloZionist Empire” will go on sale here, on this blog, on Monday January 1st!  Please check the announcement on Monday.

Third, a member of our community, Ioan, has sent me a beautiful Orthodox calendar for 2018 which he designed specially for our community.  Here it is: (takes a while to load – please be patient, the total size is 42MB)

You can also download it directly by clicking here and here (this second location might be faster)

A big THANK YOU to Ioan for this beautiful calendar!

Finally, I want to end this year by thanking you all from the very bottom of my heart.  This community has be absolutely *amazing* in its kindness and support.  Absolutely every time I have asked or any help I have gotten it.  Of course, the financial help is crucial, but I also got heart-warming emails, (snail mail) letters, card, books, often from people whom I did not know and who never asked for anything in return!  I am absolutely amazed at the kindness I have seen from our community and for that words truly fail me to express my gratitude.

Thanks to you all, the blog is doing better than ever and I am approaching the upcoming year with a few major projects (to be announced in Spring) and with a great deal of optimism.

I wish you all a Happy New Year and, to those of you who follow the Church calendar, a peaceful and joy filled feast of the Nativity!

Hugs and cheers,

The Saker

PS: Music is at the very center of my life, and has always been.  I believe that music not only conveys emotions better than words can, but that it also conveys emotions for which words do not exist.  I therefore consider music not only the highest form of art, but also the highest form of communication.  I wanted to end this year by sharing with you my favorite album by Bill Evans: You Must Believe in Springs.  I think that the sad and kind intelligence of this album must count as some of the most beautiful music every played.

This is also my way of thanking you all for being out there.  Enjoy!



Update by Amarynth:  The Essential Saker II is now available here: