Dear friends,
In a week or so I plan to record my second podcast. So now is the time for you to post your questions right here, in the comments section under this post.
Please do not email or post these questions elsewhere, only here, okay?
If you have emailed me before or if you have posted a question elsewhere, please do repost it again here.
If it ain’t here by Friday 1800UTC I will not answer it.
This time the podcast page (which I will announce here) will include show notes.
Please keep ’em questions coming!
The Saker
PS: none of the “here” above are URLs. They just mean “here, on the comments section under this post”. I will post the podcast URLs when the podcast is ready.
Has kiev followed any of the terms for the continued access to Russian NG or is the junta following those similarly as they have the cease fire? What is your take?
In a fantastic article: “Russia’s Vulnerability to EU – US Sanctions and Military Encroachments” Prof. James Petras concluded the Russia must do the following:
1) Diversify its economy by industrializing its raw materials and investing heavily in substituting local production for Western imports.
2) Re-nationalize its banking, foreign trade and strategic industries and shifting from oligarchs to technocrats, from rentiers to entrepreneurs, from speculators who earn in Russia and invest in the West to workers co-participation
3) Conduct a new economic and political revolution – in which the government recognizes the West as an imperial threat and in which it counts on the organized Russian working class and not on dubious oligarchs.
4) And above all Russia must create new democratic, popular forms of democracy to sustain the transition to a secure, anti-imperialist and sovereign state.
The question remains whether Putin will succeed in this historical mission or whether, out of fear and indecision, he will capitulate before the threats of a dangerous and decaying West.
I would appreciate very much if, based on your experience, you could comment on this conclusion and provide your own outlook.
Is this article fictions or real? I mean, I am aware that the Israelis and Americans do it. But does Russia do it as well?
I like the diving saker much better than the creepy one with the wing wrapped around the globe
Recently, there have been a lot of warnings from Novorossia that the Ukraine is preparing an attack. Militarily, that does not seem to make any sense.
If you read western media, you get a very different picture. According to the western mainstream media, the forces of Novorossia have increased their “provocations” (worst of all: democratic elections) and are now constantly attacking Ukrainian forces.
Could it be that the only goal of the Ukrainian government is to create the impression, that Novorossia has broken the ceasefire and started an all-out offensive? To me, the only possible outcome of increased hostilities seems to be yet another devastating defeat for the Ukrainian forces. However, such a situation might encourage additional financial aid from the EU.
What are your thoughts on this?
That “here” does not work.
dear saker,
following your recommendation on the first episode of the saker podcast, i’ve started reading The Gulag Archipelago. due to my complete ignorance (to my shame!) about the context of this opus, i’m often confused as to when the events Solzhenitsyn writes about are taking place.
my saving grace here is that i’m reading this on my ipad, so that whenever there’s something i don’t know or understand, i select the term and look it up on wikipedia or google it. one such term was Chekist.
Solzhenitsyn uses this term to describe members of the secret police, i believe. i found this out by looking up the term Chekism on wikipedia. it’s this article that triggered the question that i am about to ask you.
In the Soviet Union, the KGB was a state within a state. Now former KGB officers are running the state. They have custody of the country’s 6,000 nuclear weapons, entrusted to the KGB in the 1950s, and they now also manage the strategic oil industry renationalized by Putin. The KGB successor, rechristened FSB, still has the right to electronically monitor the population, control political groups, search homes and businesses, infiltrate the federal government, create its own front enterprises, investigate cases, and run its own prison system. The Soviet Union had one KGB officer for every 428 citizens. Putin’s Russia has one FSB-ist for every 297 citizens.
i remember watching an interview to which you linked with one of Putin’s advisors, essentially recounting this same development, but in a positive light. i forget the name of this advisor, but i think it’s the one that you are planning to send all of our questions to.
saker, do russians truly have to choose between chekism and selling out to the west? is russian society so ossified as to have rendered the alternative of activism impotent? i am thinking here of relying on your own strengths, on that of your community to defend yourself against the arbitrary abuse of the Atlanticists/sell-outs on the one hand and the Eurasianists/Chekists on the other.
you make it seem as if it’s a choice between the two. i instinctively balk when someone proposes such a binary choice: what’s the catch? what am i supposed not to consider? just like having to choose between Republicans and Democrats in the united states, or the left and the right in europe: by doing so, we lose sight of how the power structure is trying to make us forget that there is life outside of these extremes of acceptable discourse.
am i wrong to have these concerns? am i mistaken in identifying the Eurasianists with Chekism? are putin’s politics a true emancipation of the russians?
thanks for clarifying, as always. i am guessing i will have more of these questions as i proceed in my reading of The Gulag Archipelago. i hope you don’t mind.
That’s great Mr. Saker.
What is your comment on this very revealing article today from Reuters?
EU senior officials expressing remorse.
Hard Ukraine bargaining leaves sour taste for some in EU
(Reuters) – Seeing its gold-spangled blue flag flown on the barricades of Kiev thrilled the European Union, reviving its self-image as a beacon of democracy at a time of growing doubt and economic gloom.
But nearly a year on from the first “EuroMaidan” protests that would topple the pro-Moscow president who had spurned an EU trade deal, some in Brussels are disillusioned by the experience of helping Ukraine. EU generosity in waiving import duties and funding gas supplies from Russia may be being abused, they say.
Some in Ukraine’s elite may be colluding with Russia, even as fighting in the east has begun to escalate again.
“The Ukrainians are manipulating the EU,” a senior EU official involved in negotiations told Reuters, saying the bloc was “waking up” to a need to better defend its own interests.
“There may be, in certain sections of the Ukrainian government, an interest in colluding with the Russians and instrumentalizing to a certain extent the EU,” he added.
[.]Yet in private, endemic post-Soviet corruption, the power of business “oligarchs” and suspicions of lingering Ukrainian collaboration with supposed enemies in Moscow lead some in Brussels to question the future of current levels of EU backing.
“Maybe people fell for this ‘poor little Ukraine’ line,” one EU diplomat said. “But they’re not so naive. They’re waking up.”[.]
Here is an interesting article. Wonder what you think of it.
Secret History Revealed — Putin Played Critical Role During The Post Pre-Planned Collapse Period Of The USSR
Kind regards,
Syed Zaidi
So many questions where to start?? well lets start with a Thank you for a very informative blog ;)
Question :
With the whole Mistral deal being dragged out, we know it will be very costly for France not to deliver these ships.
The question is does Russia still want them? I assume it would have all sort off CIA “toys” installed to get any information, tracking ect.
I don’t doubt that any spying devices could be found but wont the cost and time make it not worth while?
Your analysis would be appreciated
A second question if I may?
It ties in with the first, You may have answered this in the past but I did not find it while going through some of the archive.
With the failure to deliver the S300 air defense to Syria and Iran does it not show Russia as an unreliable arms provider?
Caving into the cries from the exact countries they are trying to defend them selves from?
As far as I’ve researched moneys was partly paid to them in advance.
With the defense pact that Russia has with these countries does it not paint Russia in a bad light as an ally?
Thank you
The militia leadership is all but gone, so the Donbass Army is led by Russian officers, clearly. Mozgovoi has been told to break up his brigade. Bezler is gone. All the other “names’ are small unit leaders, not brigade leaders.It is clear the Russian military has total control in Novorossiya.
We see 80 vehicle armored column rolling in militia territory, fresh new equipment.
Will Shoigu give the signal to finish the war as they did in Chechniya and South Ossetia?
There seems to be no reason to wait for the politics of the junta to ever change. There are more nazis inside the government than ever.
And the U.S. can keep that evil in power until the Ukrainians themselves pull it all down. That might take ten or twenty years.
And as long as Russia waits the dynamics of sanctions and low oil prices arranged with the Saudis stays in force. The EU dolts don’t seem to care that their economy is in the toilet, too. Even the Germans seem to enjoy the Hegemon’s iron phallus up their butts.
Dear Saker,
Thank you for your important work here, it is much appreciated in these days when Western “news” is essentially propaganda.
There are some who believe that Russia has made a mistake by choosing to sell its gas to NATO member states and Ukraine, since all these nations continue to engage in both sanctions and military preparations for war against Russia.
I believe the thought is that it would have been wiser to have put severe economic pressure on these nations now (in the form of a gas cut-off), which would have been likely to have caused a popular revolt against the government/EU officials willing to side with Washington rather than with the economic interests of their own nations. The fear is that when Russia chooses to “working with” these nations, this will allow them to eventually launch military operations (most likely a full-scale UAF attack against Novorussia).
In other words, as Strelkov says, war has already begun against Russia, and to make such accommodations only plays into the hands of the West. Perhaps it is wishful thinking to assume that a Russian refusal to sell gas to those engaging in sanctions and threats against it could have led to a fundamental change in policy by Poles and Baltic States, as well as Germany? But if such a strategy were to be pursued, it should have been done before the contracts were signed.
If there is any way in reality to prevent a wider war in Europe from developing (US/NATO versus Russia), would not one way to be to cause the European states to drop out of the fight? Maybe if the citizens of NATO states had to endure homes without heat for a couple weeks, they might have become rather more motivated to demand change in their government policy and leadership?
I think the gas deal will be looked upon as a big mistake, if Ukraine launches another massive attack on Donbass. Kiev is using the gas to heat the factories and shops where the tanks and planes are being refurbished for the coming war.
What is your opinion?
To truly control the country Putin must have control of the money supply. Has he taken steps to rid Russia of the Rothchild/Goldman Sachs central bank?
Dear Saker,
what’s your take on Yevgeny Alexeyevich Fyodorov, his take on the constitution of the RF and the whole National Liberation Movement (НОД)? All just conspiracy theories or finally a movement with competences in all spheres but military? If the latter, what do you think are the chances for a unified Strelkov-Fyodorov-Front?
With regards
Dear Saker,
there is increasing evidence that “Washington” is seriously considering a first strike option (BMD in Europe, AEGIS systems in the worlds oceans and the Prompt Global Strike – Programm) if Russian-US relations are consistently worsening (“Nuclear Posture Review”). If you can, please elaborate on the vulnerabilities of the Russian triad and if the current developing technology is making a first strike option (with the prospect of relatively minimal damage to the US) increasingly viable for the “US”.
Thank you!
Saker, you’ve said before something like the US Aegis ABM shield in Europe can’t target the russian ICBMs. Can you please explain shortly why is that today, and if that changes tomorrow, that is if the Aegis does get the capability to shoot down russian ICBMs, what would be the russian reponse to that? Are the russians working on developing a similar ABM system like the Aegis?
repost for podcast question: (my Nov 3 post is gone)
your judgement appears to be that the US is setting Ukraine up for a war of attrition – indirectly of Russia. i didn’t think they have time to do a Salvador, but now i’m not sure. btw, Calif Nat Guard is scheduled to train Ukie forces, likely the Nat Guard as they’re the most motivated, least skilled, and most directly controllable. you’ve stated as your belief that Ukraine must de-Natzify itself – the hard way. please expand.
Larchmonter does’n think so: (03 Nov 2014 5:18)
” If you look at how things have changed and how impossible a proxy war is for the CIA and NATO now, you will see that the West has lost big.
Putin has not only called their bluff on nuclear threats, he has disassembled their 50-60 Billion dollar Ukie war and shoved it up their butts.”
obviously the CIA and DOS don’t think so.
all the best…
A few months ago the Saker blog was a quality source of information, with particular essential reference to events in Ukraine. Now it has become mostly about the blog and podcast, with important articles on Ukraine few and far between. Can we have the useful information source back please?
Yes I know I am free to leave. I am currently seriously considering that option.
Do you think Israel will be defeated in the future? Are they going to survive now that people have woken up around them?
President Obama referred to Russia as a regional power. Does the west under estimate Russia’s military capabilities to fight a war? Is it hubris on their part or are they correct in their easement?
I think the obvious question for Saker is:
what does he think about Hungarian Prime minister Viktor Orban ? What are your predictions about his fate?
For me it is the biggest question in European politics these days. Hungary is the absolute surprise.
One could expect from Serbia something like this, or lets say, Bulgaria or Greece, but Hungary?!
I remember 1989. when Hungarians were burning all Russian books in public places…such was anti-Russian sentiment among Hungarians.
To see Hungarian Prime minister saying yesterday that “US is pressing Hungary because of its cooperation with Russia” was unimaginable just a decade ago.
Shall we see another Maidan in Budapest? Or will Orban manage to resist and stay in power?
Regards from Serbia,
The Wend.
Consumer or public boycotts are an available and potentially powerful tactic pertaining to countless possible issues. But there are organized boycotts, and then there are spontaneous boycotts, like when a lot of people sniff the air and walk in the other direction. And everything in between. Any thoughts on the general subject or on on the following article?
1) How do you interpret the function/role of disputed territories like Transnistria, Abkhasia and South Ossetia from the pov of Russia’s interest?
2) Do you think Russia deliberately picks the strategy of creating such territories in order to paralyze the adverserial states and retain influence in their politics? For example neither Moldova nor Georgia can let the disputed territories go, but if they don’t let them go then they can’t join EU or NATO.
3) Do you view a similar development as realistic in the case of Novorossiya vs Ukraine (i.e. Novorossiya as a new Abkhasia or Transnistria)? A last option if all else fails?
Dear Saker
I have only one simple question: Is it fact or fiction what is written down in this most astonishing piece?
,Vladimir Putin’s Russia: Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis And Their New World ‘Order’
(Read more: http://www.storyleak.com/putin-defies-the-west-leads-brics-alliance-away-from-nwo-reservation/#ixzz3IcH20I00)
I believe what the author says about VV. The AAAs must be furious about his resistance, his strong morale and clearsightedness.
Could it be that Ukraine’ is supposed to become a ,fallback state’ for the ,tribe’ as mentioned by the author?
An outrageous thought indeed.
It would be great to hear your short comment on this story.
Saker, 3 quick questions; 1. Will Putin let Assad get the S300 missiles and other much needed weapons to defend against Western agtession? 2. Iran also paid for some S300s, will Putin deliver, and if no, why not? Russia is not amused with France over those 2 ships and neither is Iran, with Russia over its missiles. 3. Will Putin ensure that Iran secures membership in the SCO?
@Anonymous 09 November, 2014 18:57, concerning “Putin’s troll army”:
It is most likely real, but it is done by all sides:
Not just governments, but corporations as well (in China, called “Internet Water Army”).
Have you heard of the UK intelligence’s “Online Covert Action”? It’s much more sophisticated than paying trolls to leave comments (though it does that too):
It long ago got to the point where most internet commenters on many websites are simply paid commenters from the opposing sides arguing with each other.
Dear Leg Man,
I agree. I’ve begun to suspect Saker doesn’t know where to get information. Most of the stuff he publishes seems to come from his imagination. I have suggested several times on this site that one of the best news sources is Twitter Advanced Search, using a long string of search words related to the topic of interest, for example, Donetsk Lugansk Luhansk Novorossiya Zakharchenko and so on. You don’t have to sign up for Twitter to do this, just Google “Twitter Search”.
Twitter is analogous to a search engine, except the “crawlers” are human beings and the posts are in real time. Though the content varies in quality from day to day and hour to hour, and sometimes takes patience to sort through, Twitter provides endless links to articles across the spectrum, including to Saker’s own, but also to many others, such a Ria Novosti(sp?), Adam Baum’s website, Paul Craig Robert’s website, Global Research, rt.com, and many others I can’t remember. If Saker seriously looked into this, I believe he would sound more informed.
In fairness to Saker, he is still considered the leading website on the topic of Ukraine, and does an excellent job of inspiring comments and controversy. I’ve been grateful for his efforts, and have sent donations.
Saker explain to your readership what NATO actually ‘is’ or has become .This coterie is no longer a Cold War excuse ; it has become a sort of Mafia Organization with an obvious intent in escalation .
Today churches of Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchate in the Western Ukraine are being seized by schismatics of the so called “Kievan Patriarchate” (with the help of Right Sector and other neo-Nazi thugs), priests of UOCMP are beaten and tortured. Links:
1. http://rusvesna.su/news/1413289651
2. http://rusvesna.su/news/1415225885
3. http://svpressa.ru/politic/article/103055/
4. http://nacontrol.ru/religiya/khram-na-slezakh-zakhvat-pokrovskogo-khrama-v-lvovskoj-oblasti/
5. http://rusvesna.su/news/1412978723
Q1: What is the nature of religious factor in West-East division in Ukraine?
Q2: You have been saying that Vatican “created” Ukraine and also contributed to the current year crisis. Can you elaborate what is Vatican’s role in this whole Ukrainian crisis?
1-When are you going to stop anonymice and insulting/stupid comments?
2-Many, including Strelkov, have made the observation along the lines that Russia made a bold move against the existing order by incorporating Crimea, but left the economic/social/domestic situation largely as it was. This is untenable in the long run and probably even in the medium term – external and internal policies can’t conflict to this degree. What changes do you expect to see to domestic or economic matters in the next year or so? Or possibly even earlier.
@Paul II:1-When are you going to stop anonymice and insulting/stupid comments?
I do, believe me. I trashed 5-6 such comments tonight. Usually, it is the same guy with different aliases trying to get me to react. Normally, I let one pass, when the start spamming their crap, I send it to the trash.
What changes do you expect to see to domestic or economic matters in the next year or so? Or possibly even earlier.
Sadly very little. Strelkov is right and Putin is stuck with a formidable foe he has been unable to effectively beat down. There is progress, constant progress, but it is painfully slow. Strelkov, like myself, would like to see more, but apparently Putin just can deliver that.
The Saker
In past articles you have implied that idealogical and doctrinal differences between Roman Catholic (papist) and Orthodox Christianity contribute to the current animosities and distrust between Russia and the West. Maybe I missed it, but I have not heard Pope Francis make any negative comments towards Russia. Could you clarify this, perhaps in your podcast?
Dear Saker, I ask you this question for reasons that are certainly obvious to you. :)
Why do you consider Peter the Great to be so evil?
The RF seems to distance itself from formally honoring the NAF elections as legit. Why?
I’ve come across very sporadic reports out of Kharkov of guerrilla activities. In one case, a warehouse holding winter supplies for the Ukrainian Army was torched; a second case where a local office of the SBU was shot up. My guess there are likely others. Obviously underground resistance groups by their nature must remain secretive and hidden, but have you heard of other similar reports? Would you care to speculate if such forces might be local (Kharkov) in nature, or more likely organized from Novorussia or Russia?
This next one is definitely straying from your normal material but maybe you’ve got some thoughts on it. Having come of age in the late 60’s, I’m well aware of the important role the music scene (and the drug use that fueled that music scene) had in the social upheaval of the times and in ending the war in SE Asia. But since then, music has lost a lot of its social relevance. There is, of course, still music like this being made, but it never seems to reach the mainstream consciousness. No doubt there’s forces responsible for that. Do you expect to see the rise of socially conscious music again any time soon?
There has been little information regarding the plight of the refugees. Can you give an update please?
Winter is coming, the first snows are forecast, and there must be large quantities of unexploded munitions that need to be cleared. Are there any efforts to start on this important and dangerous task? Vegetation has stopped growing and there is still no snow, but the longer one waits, the more difficult the job. Surely some areas are worth starting to clear. These are a real threat to humans, animals and the water supply. Any word on this?
A question:
Judging by the way you pronounce Russian names and words, Russian is probably your native tongue. Besides, you seem to have an extensive military background. So, in all likelihood, you are familiar with КОБ (Концепция Общественной Безопасности) – a concept developed mostly by a group of Russian Navy officers. It seems that very few in the English speaking world have ever heard of this concept. Do you see any signs of Putin’s actions being guided by this concept?
Best regards,
Do you have any comment on this two item? I’m not presenting it as anti-Semitic, rather as a possibility to help understand the clear insanity in Ukraine today (and perhaps the apartheid Zionist state of Israel in general). Is there any link between Zionist anxiety over self-identity — the DNA obsession thing — and this type of mental illness etc?
“Scientists discover gene that predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to schizophrenia”
“Variations of the DNST3 gene make Ashkenazi Jews 40 percent more likely to develop schizophrenia and similar diseases.”
Q-What changes do you expect to see to domestic or economic matters in the next year or so? Or possibly even earlier.
A-Sadly very little. Strelkov is right and Putin is stuck with a formidable foe he has been unable to effectively beat down. There is progress, constant progress, but it is painfully slow. Strelkov, like myself, would like to see more, but apparently Putin just can deliver that.
New Q-Do you then expect something resembling a crisis to allow or force Putin to move quickly?
Related Q-Would a continuation of the current status since Minsk be acceptable to the Kremlin for, say, a year? Same number of deaths per week, same amount of destruction, and no change in sanctions. Would time be on Putin’s side in that case?
What was the point of the war against Serbia? Does Kosovo, location of camp Bondsteel, have any military value?
Question: Do you think its possible that the ukies are shelling the cities to try trigger an novorus offensive. in this way they could fight from a strong defensive position.
On your post titled Ukraine SITREP November 9th, 22:25 UTC/Zulu: A creeping conflict you stated:
“This is now a race against time. Who, of the USA or Russia, will have to cave in first and who will have the staying power to hold on to its objectives. Can you guess on whom I am betting? :-)”
I tend to agree that the odds are with Russia and China, but I also see America as a mad dog. Do you think America will let itself go down quietly into ignominy as its economy collapses or do you think they are going to start a WWIII?
Personally I can’t imagine them doing the right thing and WWIII sounds very plausible.
A lot of good questions asked above. Personally I am interested in why hasn’t Russia delivered the S300 and met it’s obligations.
Hello Saker, my question regards the Ukrainian Airforce, at the start of the conflict they made a large impact on the battle. I have not heard them doing much recently. Are they still combat capable or a spent force?
Hi Saker my question is regarding the Ukrainian Airforce, given the losses they have sustained thus far are they still combat capable or are they a spent force?
Saker, please tell us how the other Saker sites are doing and how you cooperate. There is so much to read here, that I don’t have time to visit them all. There are also some language problems.
Given the smashing success of opperation Cast Lead in Lebanon (sarc.) please comment on the weaponization of the social sciences [sic?] and the use of “non-violence” in the war of the Anglo-gnostics against Russia.
Hi Saker,
It would be interesting to know your opinion on the history and future of the relationship between Russia and Germany. How do Merkel’s and Schroder’s approach to Russia (and that of other German chancellors) differ? Has post-1989 Germany always been anti-Russian or is this just a recent Merkel/CDU phenomenon?
Kind regards,
Two of Vladimir Putin’s speeches have stood out for me as they ‘made a splash’ in the Western media. The first was an op-ed to the New York Times, published to their credit on 9/11 last year. It was on the subject of Syria, praising Obama for standing down from further escalation. Here’s the last part:
“…My working and personal relationship with President Obama is marked by growing trust. I appreciate this. I carefully studied his address to the nation on Tuesday. And I would rather disagree with a case he made on American exceptionalism, stating that the United States’ policy is ‘what makes America different. It’s what makes us exceptional.’ It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal.”
The second speech is the one he gave at Valdai, in which he points to rapproachment efforts in North Korea and in Iran on nuclear issues.
We are so far from ramping down nuclear confrontation these days – my question would be on the dangers of exceptionalism as a trait fostered by the leaders of struggling states, such as North Korea, and the importance of a friendly attitude from both media and governments towards such states. (In contrast, say, to Bush’s Axis of Evil statement.)
Sorry to be so longwinded, but some on these forums have complained at Putin’s calling the western nations ‘partners’ when they are acting so antagonistically. To my mind, he is not weak when he does this, but in the position of a driver of an extremely unruly troika.
No worries if this doesn’t sound like a question. I like the idea of ‘troika’ much better than ‘axis of evil’ though.
Will Novorussia be absorbed into RF? Now that destruction of NR is so total is it worth Putin’s money to rebuild? Putin has own large natural resources, but unexploited and over shadowed by gas exports. Eastern Ukraine has titanium, coal, metallurgy, heavy industry and all that rich soil that can grow anything unspoiled by GMO. In Pindosistan, Central Valley of California grows all food. Dying from drought. Will NR have enough basic value to be renewed bt RF?
Question: Ukraine holds about 300 to 450 NAF prisoners of war. How come they need to grab civilians off the street for every prisoner exchange?
[stolen question from another user]
I have a question about NATO & Russia.
There has been a number of ‘incidents’ lately involving ‘NATO intercepts’ of Russian aviation & in 1 instance, a civilian reseach ship. Of course this is interpreted in a discussion paper as being:
“At the military level, it may be initiating and using such incidents to observe patterns of response and test the preparedness of specific elements of national and allied defence systems, as well as levels of cooperation between NATO Allies and partners. Perhaps equally important, Russian actions may serve propaganda-related and political aims. They serve as a demonstration of Russia’s capability to effectively use force for intimidation and coercion, particularly against its immediate neighbours. With regard to non-NATO Finland and Sweden, they may bring home the message that further integration or membership in NATO would cause further Russian harassment.”
In your opinion, to what extent is this true?
(especially in a historical context of the Cold War & given the Russian way of thinking?).
Thank you very much
Link to report: p 10, http://www.europeanleadershipnetwork.org/medialibrary/2014/11/05/3b2f357f/Dangerous%20Brinkmanship.pdf
Yours aye
I have a question that is not connected with the current situation in Novorossiya and Russia-What is the truth the Moscow 1999. apartment bombing? I know that this was during the war in Chechnya when Russia was fighting US-Saudi backed terrorists and the terrorists were behind the bombing. But I am interested in the conspiracies theory that “evil Putin killed his people so he could launch the second Chechen war”? I know that this is probably a anti-Russia lie to demonize Putin but I would like to learn more.
My questions are about Pavel Gubarev.
I’ve read that his party was banned from participating into the last Donetsk election because it “was not able to hold a founding conference”.
Was it a mere pretext for getting rid of another character non completely aligned with the Kremlin ?
Is there any connection with the assassination attempt he endured ? Was this attack an episode of the internal struggle within Novorussia or was it something coming from the outside ? Is there any development in the investigations that can offer a clue about it ?
Dear Saker,
Having moved to America as a Chinese national, one of my biggest struggles in adapting has been to the food. I was wondering as a Russian, are your experiences the same? Yes I have lived here for a while, but it doesn’t really quench the longing for good home-style food. Do you cook (or does your wife/companion) Russian dishes? Can you recommend some? What are your favorite dishes from home? My girlfriend and myself are interested in Russian culture and particularly cuisine. She loves pickled vegetables and we are trying to pickle some onions, cabbages and tomatoes Russian style :) Any tips? Please help us on our quest of gastronomic cultural discovery.
Your friend,
Charles Mondeley
This is what passes as a reliable source within the CCMSM and is used as proof positive that MH-17 was downed by a Russian supplied BUK system and crew.
Western propaganda distributed by Business Insider.
The vilification of Russia is non-stop. Simple amerikans fully believe it as well.
Business Insider, CCMM propaganda. This is a source they utilize to prove Russian complicity in the downing of ML-17. What a joke and simple minded amerikans will accept it as truth.
Hi Saker: The Ukrainian government has promised to stop paying pensions etc. to its citizens living in DNR and LNR. I suppose Yatseniuk’s idea, apart from punishing the Donbass locals, is to force Putin’s hand? Will Russia be forced to “annexate” Novorossiya’s citizens as a result of this move?
We chatted for a few lines. I am the gayguy from Germany. I know that you would refer to us as “homosexuass” only but not as “gays”. Fine for the moment.
I am fully aware that ppl in the west – those ppl that not long ago hated everything homosexual, are now at “our side”. lol. lol for two reasons:
a. they became “gay friendly” when they realized they can use us. Use us to stabilze their system, in the US to get more guys to the army and later: to use “us” against Russia.
b. there is no “us”. I never dealt with any community that is so hostile to each other as gay people are. To a small extend that is different in the US, but over here in Germany, if u go to a gay bar: it is nothing but open war. Solidarity does not exist. Its only about how to get a good looking guy to bed for one night. I hate this, but it is true. Nothing wrong for me w/ being happy w/ a guy, but this: every night a new one that is were I disagree.
My problem is to get accross to you that your idea about gay ppl and how they are might need a major update. It is NOT about the lifestyle..it is how we treat each other. THAT needs to be addressed.
My questions to you for your next broadcast are those:
1. When would you protect a guy that is “homosexual” – even so u do not agree with the way he/she lives? When would you as a gay guy to come for your protection if he is a “brother”?
2. Why do you think Russians and Poles are so anti-gay? How do u think about them attacking gays like in front of bars?
3. Do you think this is a matter of development? Or is it cultural?
4. What do you think about right wing people that hate gay ppl and have so many of “those” in their own ranks? The German Naziparty (NPD) had a major problem when they were talking about “family” as the only valid concept.
5. Do u think being gay is not also “normal” because it always happened? Look Roman empire and b4 and after!
6. From a relgious pov: if one loves mankind: does that not also include the love of man to man?
7. Love between men does not need to include sex. How do you think about that? From my pov the slavic ppl have many guys loving others (but not having sex). To me Russia and Poland is (emotionally) very homoemotional. Might this be the reason for the problem with the topic? Whenever I visit Russia I get many, many invitations to meet friends, families and such. And I feel that guys like to be close to me. Why?
8. Sex: were does it start, were does it end. Hugging? Kissing? Playing? Intercourse?
9. This issue needs to be talked about bc – from my pov – it is something dividing us. and there is no need for it.
10. Porky announched that the Ukraine will now protect GLBT rights. When I read this I had to laugh. They try to use this issue to look better then Russia. How do u think about this stupid idea to score with the west? To what I know gay guys in the Ukraine are mostly like gay-nazis in Germany. Why?
11. I am so sick and tired to make this simple issue and issue, but it is needed. It keeps ppl away from us.
12. Maybe u do not understand this, but folks like us need protection.
13. and last. I think the line of Jon Stewart and others: Is Putin gay? Is of course and attack on Russia. In a bad way it is an attempt by those “liberal” ppl to discredit him. Same time it discredits them bc they say “nothing wrong being gay” same time they use it to picture Putin as gay. So, between the lines, they admit being gay is bad. Not my folks! Nothing wrong w/ being gay, str8, or from planet mars. we all are people!
14. what about the always forgotten bi-sexuals?
I and some other folks would be interested to know your thoughts about that!
Greetings from Singapore:
Since the Yugoslavia war was a test case for the West and they seem to apply this procedure now to every country they wish to de-stabilize, wonder if you are willing to re-count your experience/story on the Yugoslavia war, since you were a direct observer of this event.
We chatted for a few lines. I am the gayguy from Germany. I know that you would refer to us as “homosexuass” only but not as “gays”. Fine for the moment.
I am fully aware that ppl in the west – those ppl that not long ago hated everything homosexual, are now at “our side”. lol. lol for two reasons:
a. they became “gay friendly” when they realized they can use us. Use us to stabilze their system, in the US to get more guys to the army and later: to use “us” against Russia.
b. there is no “us”. I never dealt with any community that is so hostile to each other as gay people are. To a small extend that is different in the US, but over here in Germany, if u go to a gay bar: it is nothing but open war. Solidarity does not exist. Its only about how to get a good looking guy to bed for one night. I hate this, but it is true. Nothing wrong for me w/ being happy w/ a guy, but this: every night a new one that is were I disagree.
My problem is to get accross to you that your idea about gay ppl and how they are might need a major update. It is NOT about the lifestyle..it is how we treat each other. THAT needs to be addressed.
My questions to you for your next broadcast are those:
1. When would you protect a guy that is “homosexual” – even so u do not agree with the way he/she lives? When would you as a gay guy to come for your protection if he is a “brother”?
2. Why do you think Russians and Poles are so anti-gay? How do u think about them attacking gays like in front of bars?
3. Do you think this is a matter of development? Or is it cultural?
4. What do you think about right wing people that hate gay ppl and have so many of “those” in their own ranks? The German Naziparty (NPD) had a major problem when they were talking about “family” as the only valid concept.
5. Do u think being gay is not also “normal” because it always happened? Look Roman empire and b4 and after!
6. From a relgious pov: if one loves mankind: does that not also include the love of man to man?
7. Love between men does not need to include sex. How do you think about that? From my pov the slavic ppl have many guys loving others (but not having sex). To me Russia and Poland is (emotionally) very homoemotional. Might this be the reason for the problem with the topic? Whenever I visit Russia I get many, many invitations to meet friends, families and such. And I feel that guys like to be close to me. Why?
8. Sex: were does it start, were does it end. Hugging? Kissing? Playing? Intercourse?
9. This issue needs to be talked about bc – from my pov – it is something dividing us. and there is no need for it.
10. Porky announched that the Ukraine will now protect GLBT rights. When I read this I had to laugh. They try to use this issue to look better then Russia. How do u think about this stupid idea to score with the west? To what I know gay guys in the Ukraine are mostly like gay-nazis in Germany. Why?
11. I am so sick and tired to make this simple issue and issue, but it is needed. It keeps ppl away from us.
12. Maybe u do not understand this, but folks like us need protection.
13. and last. I think the line of Jon Stewart and others: Is Putin gay? Is of course and attack on Russia. In a bad way it is an attempt by those “liberal” ppl to discredit him. Same time it discredits them bc they say “nothing wrong being gay” same time they use it to picture Putin as gay. So, between the lines, they admit being gay is bad. Not my folks! Nothing wrong w/ being gay, str8, or from planet mars. we all are people!
14. what about the always forgotten bi-sexuals?
I and some other folks would be interested to know your thoughts about that!
Viewing the documental nicely linked by Martin Bochnig, “The Unknown Putin”, I can see that the reforms conducted by Gaidar and Chubais are considered to be responsible for the deaths of about 12 million Russians. Fortunatelly V.V.Putin could reverse part some of these reforms.
While Gaydar is dead, I wonder why Chubais is in charge of as important public enterprise as RUSNANOTECH.
Is there no people in Russia prepared for this position and has no relation to the CFR?
@gayguy from Germany: Hi, yes, I remember our chat. Good to have you here again. I want to answer all your questions, but not on the podcast. So I will do this here, okay?
homosexuass: I never used this term. “Homosexual” seems and non-offensive. It is also neutral, this is why I use it. “Gay” is a “framing” expression, it is pre-loaded with positive connotations. I refuse to use this manipulative term.
Now to your questions
1. When would you protect a guy that is “homosexual” – even so u do not agree with the way he/she lives? When would you as a gay guy to come for your protection if he is a “brother”?
I treat homosexuals exactly as any other human being. To me a person’s sexuality is simply not part of his/her identity. I try to act honorably and kindly towards all my fellow human beings irrespective of their views, choices, pathologies or behavior.
2a. Why do you think Russians and Poles are so anti-gay?
Because the PTB use the homosexual agenda as a political tool to subvert their societies. Homosexuals as beign used like cannon fodder in an ideological war of the West against all traditional societies including Russia, Iran and many other. This has nothing to do with sex or love and everything to do with politics.
2b. How do u think about them attacking gays like in front of bars?
Bars attract fights. This is why I don’t go to bars. You don’t want to be beat up, or mugged, then don’t go to bars. This has nothing to do with sex. Furthermore, thugs are typically cowards, so beating up an effeminate homosexual is a lot safer than picking a fight in front of a hockey or MMA club. Finally, thugs are also insecure, including in their own sexuality. So for these morons beating up a homosexual is some kind of “proof of manhood”. I would stay away from places were these Neanderthals congregate.
3. Do you think this is a matter of development? Or is it cultural?
What do you mean by “it”? Homosexuality? I think that it is a sexuality disorder.
4. What do you think about right wing people that hate gay ppl and have so many of “those” in their own ranks? The German Naziparty (NPD) had a major problem when they were talking about “family” as the only valid concept.
Nothing. What should I think about them? I hate the Nazi ideology and the fact that is seems to attract hypocrites does not surprise me.
5. Do u think being gay is not also “normal” because it always happened? Look Roman empire and b4 and after!
That is a myth. Read: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1586178334/ at the very least please read this:
6. From a relgious pov: if one loves mankind: does that not also include the love of man to man?
“Love” is an empty word. You don’t love your son like you love your wife like you love ice-cream like you love Bach like you love your dog, etc. Spiritual love has nothing to do with sexuality.
to be continued…
… continued:
7. Love between men does not need to include sex.
Of course not. Neither does love between a man and a woman. You need to differentiate between all the different kinds of ‘love’ out there and then very carefully define which one you are talking about.
8. Sex: were does it start, were does it end. Hugging? Kissing? Playing? Intercourse?
In the mind. Which then produces a reaction in your body.
9. 10. 11 are not questions
12: Maybe u do not understand this, but folks like us need protection.
From what and why do you need protection? Please clarify.
13 is not a question
14. what about the always forgotten bi-sexuals?
The list of sexual psycho-pathologies is much longer then that.
If you are interested, here are some of my views on this topic:
These will give you a much clearer idea of where I come from (and provide Saker-haters with a real bonanza of quotes to further trash me).
Since the issue of homosexuality in Russia is most definitely a key component of the current AngloZionis war against Russia, I welcome the opportunity you have given me to address this issue. Sure, some folks will never understand what I think and why I think it, but others will, and it is important for me to explain these matters to those willing to listen.
Kind regards and many thanks, cheers,
The Saker
I would much appreciate your thoughts on Bezler being removed from his command
Sergei Glazyev is a brilliant analyst with an extremely clear grasp of the situation in the Ukraine as well as a deep and broad overall understanding of the economic problems facing Russia.
Any stable and long lasting resolution to the extraordinarily difficult and complex current situation can-and must-only be achieved on the the diplomatic and political fronts, rather than on the military.
Your thoughts on Glaziev’s (and Lavrov’s) influence in developing the thought and basic strategy and the tactics of Russian policies would be appreciated.
I have two Qs, so choose which one to answer:
Firstly, how much is it true that the current ziofascist gov in Kiev is creating CIA Guantanamo styel torture centers for the pro-Novorusiya sympathizers? If so, what is NAF/Russia’s ability/willingness to neutralize them (c)overtly?
Secondly, will Russia ever be able to prosecute the zionazis (alone, or with the help of its allies) for the obvious genocide they are committing in the Banderistan? It was a grate mistake on part of USSR not to carry out deep & extensive prosecutions of those criminals after WWII in order to expel from their sick minds any future attempt of similar design, while, at the same time, it completely went along with the holocaust story on the international level.
That ziofascist Tito gave amnesty to the Croatian Ustashi scum & their allies, & they came back in 1990s to finish their plan of Serb extermination from 1941. I feel the same was/is being done in the (ex-)USSR, i.e., in the Banderistan at the moment. Do you agree?
Do you think that there were opportunities for the USSR to reform itself into a more viable entity without its collapse? Could Stalinism have evolved into some variant of a `Czar and Soviets` regime theorized by some Russian emigres which reconciled the red and white camps? I understand that you have a low opinion of Khruschev’s reforms. What about those of Beria and Andropov?
Is there any chance that a winemaker in Crimea might want to create a special edition “Vineyard of the Saker” label and put it on some great Crimean wine for export? Do you have ‘Trader Joe’s’ in Florida? Trader Joe’s loves that kind of stuff, especially if the Vineyardsaker becomes legendary and they can write up a good story in their ‘Fearless Flyer.’ Russophobia stops at the door when it comes to fine wine and other alcohol, right? Is Crimean wine not exempt from the sanctions list? It should be, as Prohibition is never popular in the U.S.
Dear Mr Khazin,
Hello from Canada, and thank you for this opportunity to learn more about Russia. I hope you will be able to answer a series of seemingly unrelated questions.
1) Other than military and natural resources trade, how much is China allowed to participate in Russia’s economy? China has its own advanced 4G TD-SCDMA mobile phone technology, but I have not heard of China Mobile setting up business in Russia, with Russia seemingly favouring EU companies. What about high speed rail, in which China is now a world leader? Has Russia ever considered converting its railway tracks to standard gauge (1.46 metres) versus Russia’s current 1.52 metres, so that railway logistics between Moscow and Beijing can be more seemless? Is Russia’s oil and gas industry really helpless without Western technology, as the Western media suggests?
2) Will there be more technological co-operation between Moscow and Beijing? Much of the Western media claims Beijing only pirates Russian technology, highlighting Su-27 “theft,” but this is old technology. Russian companies played a big role in laying the foundation for China’s current military technology base; wouldn’t it be efficient for the Russian navy to re-equip itself with Chinese-built ships, instead of unreliable Western “partners?” What about co-developing a new aircraft carrier with China, perhaps an improvement over the Orel-class? There is also a big increase in demand for air travel; what about co-development of a supersonic airliner?
3) What is the news with Edward Snowden, i.e. will he one day become a Russian citizen? How much has been learned from him? How much of that intelligence, if any, has been shared with Beijing?
4) Western media, and a few Canadians I know that traveled to Russia, say that Russia suffers from rampant poverty outside of the showcase cities of St-Petersburg, Moscow, and Sochi, thus “justifying” the population loss and the desire of Russians to escape to the West. How true is this? What is being done to raise both the standards of living, and overall population? Have Russian cities like Vladivostock been able to prosper from China’s rise, or is there still rampant racism/neo-Nazi supporters against Asians like the Western media says?
I apologise if this seems too long, and I will be happy if you can answer any of these questions.
Best regards,
Saker ! I really like that logo on the right side….
agaHi Saker !
I was wondering if you would print a transcript of the podcast, as I don’t have time to go to another level of participating on the Saker Blog..?
And I really don’t want to miss the answers to these great questions…
troll quote
Anonymous Kennedy Applebaum said…
Dear Leg Man,
I agree. I’ve begun to suspect Saker doesn’t know where to get information. Most of the stuff he publishes seems to come from his imagination. I have suggested several times on this site that one of the best news sources is Twitter Advanced Search, using a long string of search words related to the topic of interest, for example, Donetsk Lugansk Luhansk Novorossiya Zakharchenko and so on. You don’t have to sign up for Twitter to do this, just Google “Twitter Search”.
Saker, is this one of the comments you usually trash ?
thus fterlymGayguy 22:31
Mr…this is not a site about sex…are you for real ? I doubt it.
not really a question but sort of relevant…
If Russia/China contracts are in own currencies,what do they measure them against if not the toxic dollar?
Are rates fixed at a certain agreed date?