When I started my master’s program in an American university, I also took work as a web developer, and programming was making me very hungry.

My tuition paid for a meal plan and the use of a buffet-style dining hall, but as the only Russian there, I was the subject of extreme scrutiny by the student body of “food police,” resulting in my inability to take a second helping of turkey and mashed potatoes without being stared down.

I managed to get by by buying high-energy food in a local Russian-Ukrainian grocery store. Which is to say I snacked on sandwiches with salo. Salo is pure 100% pork fat, pickled and smoked. In college, during the breaks I would eat a sandwich assembled with bright white slices of salo between two slices of black Russian bread. Other students would ask me, ‘What are you eating? What smells so good?’ ‘It’s a tofu sandwich,’ I would tell them.

Not everything is what it’s seems, and many things are not even close to what they are named and appear to be.

As we all know the plans to instigate war between Russia and Ukraine go way back.  It’s kinetic stage, however, started in 2008. Immediately after the skirmishes in South Ossetia with Georgian and NATO troops in August 2008, in October the Washington Times publishes an article of  Jeffrey Kuhner: “Will Russia-Ukraine be Europe’s next war?”

Europe faces the risk of another major war. In 1939, Nazi Germany’s invasion of Poland triggered the Second World War. Today the possible trip wire is not Poland, but Ukraine. And the aggressor will not be Adolf Hitler, but Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.”

That’s a statement; it’s not an analyses, or expert opinion, its a statement of intent. This statement was made not by anyone in the government of Russia. This statement was made by the “deep state” globalist government. It says that they are about to stage a major war in Europe. Like the previous big war in Europe, this new war will be fought under the fascists and Nazi flags. They also say that they will start this war on the territory of Ukraine, the war will be against Russia, and Russians will become the appointed aggressors and even “the invaders of  their own homeland.

This is a typical for globalists switch, when the victims are named aggressors, and that the Western powers act in order to “stop an aggression” and even better “to prevent an aggression.”

What actually happened was a remarkable transformation since 2008. The American Universities came out as a breeding ground for the militant Marxists movements, while the Western media had died a slow death of virtue signaling and reporting the CIA memos as news.

War on Donbass was planned to ignite a major war in Europe.

Just let this to sink in for a moment: the collective armed forces of the European nations, including but not limited to Germany, Poland, France, United Kingdom, Denmark, United States, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Canada, and last but not least Israel, are in a war against the Russian population of Ukraine in order to bait the Russian government to interfere and start a major European war.

The list of participants tells you how much Europeans want a major war in their countries. It’s actually quite remarkable

Don’t get me wrong. I am not particularly adverse to a major war in Europe. I even think that Western Europe needs a major ass kicking. Just keep Russia out of it. It’s not Russia’s problem to fight your wars any more.

Left Picture: German Nazi Troops at the Russian Border facing Ivangorod Fortress 1941

Right Picture: the US Troops at the very same spot yesterday

Ivan-Gorod was a fortes built in 1485 as a Russian for-post as a way to prevent the European hordes from moving any further east. Six centuries later, it is still serving the same purpose, which speaks volumes of the progress the Europeans have made in the past six centuries, which is exactly zero.  Not that they didn’t try.


No matter how many times the Russian government says that Russia doesn’t have a war with Ukraine and Putin says that it’s impossible to fathom and that it will never happen, people who started this war back in 2008 keep saying that it’s all “Russian aggression.”

After the assassination of the Donetsk militia leader Givi, the Russian government’s spokesperson, Peskov, made yet another statement saying that the Donbass republics’ tanks are from Kiev, and not from Russia.

He also said that Russia officially has never deployed any volunteers to Ukraine, and that all volunteers that have been fighting in Donbass have done so on their own free will.

The question about tanks came after 100’s of old Soviet tanks magically appeared in Eastern Ukraine, most likely Poroshenko finally used those junk tanks Kiev bought from Hungary.

The Russian media and other experts have been consistent in one regard about the recent intensification of the war in the Donbass republics: most of them trace this to the “fight” between Poroshenko and the “national patriots” for control over the Ukrainian army.

Upon careful consideration, I think it’s a misleading idea. Poroshenko is nothing but a front man for the globalists’ rule of Ukraine. Poroshenko and all the others insiders of the Kiev regime always do what they are told. Poroshenko does what he is told to do by the CIA, and by the US senators, like Lindsey and McCain.

In this scenario, that I suspect is called a “Bear Trap,” NATO is sitting on the Russians Western borders like a hunter, Ukraine is positioned as a trap and the Donbass republics are a collective bear cub being used as a bait.

Captured beforehand, a bear cub is being tormented and when it screams in pain, the hunters in NATO are getting ready to shoot a mother bear coming to save her cub. That’s a scenario, but luckily for us, those who wrote this scenario have no knowledge neither of bears, nor of the Russian intelligence.

Bears are extremely smart animals; they won’t go for a trap without circling it around many times covering vast areas of space while doing so. If in their travels they run into a hunter, they attack from behind.

Instead of trying to figure out the Porosh’s next move we should be looking at the broader picture of NATO’s moves. The question is not why the Ukrainian armed forces had started their massive assault on Donbass. The real question is why they stopped and backed out.

The attacks of the Ukrainian armed forces on Donetsk is connected and coordinated with NATO actions from Russia’s Northern border in Norway, to the Southern border in the Black Sea.

With German and American tank divisions moving across Poland towards Belarusian and Russian borders, with the US troops arriving to the east European countries, the NATO fleet has started gathering in the Black Sea.

February 5th, 2017 the US troops have arrived in Latvia

US troops have also arrived in Romania.

The US troops marching to Narva on February 9th, 2017


On February 2 the USS Porter entered the Black Sea for the Sea Shield 2017 naval exercise

Sea Shield 2017’ was scheduled to run between February 1 and 11 in the proximity of Russian borders. The “drill” was designed to be NATO and Ukraine’s provocative activities in the Black Sea. 16 warships, a submarine and 10 warplanes along with some 2,800 troops from Ukraine, Romania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, Canada, and the US. The drill also was scheduled to include the HMS Diamond of the UK Royal Navy dubbed “Putin Hunter.”

Against all this “might” Russia put just one: the Vishnya class intelligence collection ship RFS Priazovye SSV201.

So, once again the same Black International as always is gathering on the Eastern front. It’s this time of a century again, when our better civilized Western non-brothers get an itch they can’t scratch yearning for a good ass kicking by the Russian soldier’s boot. This one, if it takes place, is going to be swift and spectacular.

Other NATO activities in January – February 2017

  • The president must tell the Senate to act swiftly and ratify Montenegro’s accession to NATO. Tell those few holdout Senators not to mess with Montenegro. By Evelyn N. Farkas
  • According to the Daily Mail, 650 British military specialists and troops are involved in secret mission in Ukraine.
  • the France24: NATO backs Ukraine as clashes surge: deputy chief



On February 6, the Russian military Red Star TV channel posted an analysis of the Sea Shield 2017 navy drill, stating its main task to prepare for a “liberation of Crimea,” it’s impressive coverage – 80,000 square kilometers, it’s extreme proximity to Russian border, you can see the  NATO ships from the Russian shores.

Something happened, however, and on February 10, much earlier than planned and before the Sea Shield drill was over, the USS Porter left the Black Sea.

11 Feb 2017  US Navy’s Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer USS Porter DDG78 southbound on the Bosphorus, returning from Sea Shield 17 in Black Sea

In the middle of the Bosphorus Crossing USS Porter passed Korolev 130, a Project 775M Large Landing Ship (LLS), a.k.a. “yankie-terminator” returning from Syria.

Bosphorus Crossing: Just after USS Porter’s Med-bound Bosphorus transit, ВМФ Бф BF Korolev 130 entered Strait after returning from Syria


It’s obvious that the heavy shelling of Donetsk and other local towns were done in preparation for the start of the Sea Shield drills in the Black Sea. That’s the basic American strategy of invasion, that I described in the Failed NATO Invasion of Moldova.

Only, unlike Libya, NATO would have to go over Crimea to “liberate Donbass.” It’s interesting how the invasion of the historical Russian lands are called “liberation” by the Europeans and Americans.

In clear coordination with the Sea Shield, on February 7th,  the Ukrainian “free” media announced that Kiev is sending its aviation to the “ATO Zone.”

At the same time, Shoigu announced the sudden combat readiness for the Aerospace forces of the country.

Today, in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, an unannounced inspection of the Aerospace Forces has begun to assess the readiness of military administrative bodies and forces to carry out combat training tasks,” Shoigu said at a meeting.

Needless to say, the Ukrainian aviation stayed grounded.


Coming back to our ship. Before we decide that USS Porter fled the Black Sea chased by the “yankees terminator” Korolev,  consider that something else has happened.

On February 8th, the FOX news Pentagon news  producer Lucas Tomlinson  posted an information that per unnamed US official, Syria had received a shipments of 50 SS-21 Tochka short-range nuclear-capable  ballistic missiles. The missiles allegedly  arrived at the Syrian port of Tartus along the Mediterranean Sea in the past two days, starting with Monday February 6th.

The SS-21 short range missile is called “Scarab” by NATO.

A month prior, on January 7, 2017  some Israeli news sources reported that Russia’s advanced Iskander SS-26 “Stone” short-range ballistic missile systems have been spotted at Russia’s Hmeimim air base in Latakia by Israel’s ISI EROS-B satellite.

To put it in simple terms, an Israeli satellite was allowed to “see” those systems.

After pointing out that, “this places Tel Aviv and Jerusalem well within dangerous range of these missiles, as well as the cities of Haifa, Tzfat, Herzliya and numerous other targets.”

The Israeli newspaper with incurable optimism stated that : “However, it is believed the Russians have no interest in targeting Israeli cities, at least at this point.”

That was January 7th, a month before the Kiev regime, whose members in Rada publicly call themselves as being “one nation” with Israel, had started pounding Donetsk, and NATO fleet entered the Black Sea to “liberate Crimea.”

On Thursday, February 9th, asked about those pesky “Scarabs” spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters:We cannot comment on that. I have no such information.”

It’s important to note that by then the heavy shelling of Donetsk died out and the major attack of the Ukrainian army on Donetsk was canceled.

I see the murder of Givi by the CIA as a demonstration of their weakness. Since they are neutralized on the Middle East from making any military moves in Ukraine, they go and act like average terrorists by killing someone in the middle of the huge city.

Givi was assassinated on Wednesday, February 8th, the Donetsk republic security services reported that they were in hot pursuit of the Ukrainian sabotage-reconnaissance group (DRG) group suspected in his murder.

On Saturday, February 11th, Ukrainian military reported a disappearance of one of the their sabotage-reconnaissance groups (DRGs) that according to their version went to Lugansk and disappeared without a trace.

In an unprecedented move, the press officer of the tactical grouping “Mariupol”  Dmitry Zavtonov made an announcement on the Ukrainian TV channel 112 Ukraine.

What makes it interesting is that they never before reported on the activities of those groups. What makes this one special? It’s clearly the group that took part in the assassination of Givi. It also being reported as an alert to the Russians, because it has US and maybe UK special ops troops. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be mentioned. In essence, NATO wants those their “specialists” back in one piece.

In conclusion, the heroism and stoicism of Donbass defenders is already written into the book of Russian military victories along with the defenders of the Brest Fortress and  the Badaber uprising, when eleven Russian POWs took on the Army of Pakistan.

However, the battle for Donbass and Ukraine is being fought on the Middle East.

In this bright new multi-polar world, a tofu sandwich might turned into a smoked pork sandwich, and the battle for Donbass can be won by the rush delivery of the Scarab ballistic missiles to Syrian Tartus.


P.S. Every generation Russians has been in war, directly and indirectly:

1914-1917 – WWI

1917-1920 – The War against Atlanta and the Red Terror

1941-1945 – WWII

1979-1989 – The war in Afghanistan, shielding the country the spread of Islamic terrorism and extremism

December 1994 to August 1996 – First Chechen War with Islamic terrorists coming to Russia and setting up their Islamic caliphate

1999-2006 – Second Chechnya War, kicking Islamic terrorists from the Russian territory

2008 – Georgian–Ossetian conflict. Not sure what it was all about.

2014 – present – the War in Ukraine, the rise of the European fascism.

2015 – present – war in Syria, finishing up those Islamic terrorists coming from Chechnya and some of those European fascists.

All of these wars were fought either on the Russian territory, or near its borders. All of these wars were fought with the same Euro-Atlantic nations and the same states’ actors.

Now, by getting Syria under its wing, and by talking control over the Israeli skies, Russia gets a reprieve from the need to fight the wars on our territory, current and historical. In response to the hopes expressed by our comrades in Israel, – don’t worry,  your security is in the Russian’s capable and kind hands.

A Soviet soldiers’ song, “We are leaving, leaving, leaving….the Middle East forever. We will never come back.


Well, guys, don’t despair and never say never.  


News of our “Run, Mice, run…” department

The Interpreter staff are offered to freelance.

From the Kulak: “RFE/RL claimed that the decision to defund The Interpreter came a few weeks before the election. I am not so sure that’s true but to save face and not burn his bridges at the Prague Palace for future funding, perhaps neocon’s neocon Michael D Weiss is sticking to that version of what happened. There will be more WH directives to management I’m sure to at least try to cover FN or AfD fairly and GASP even give their party spokesmen or women the same right to comment on stories as any other political parties even while the shrill ‘Russian media (that no one but extremists and losers in moms basement read anyway) are attacking Merkel and Macron’ talking points are spread.

There’s an old expression in military circles that tracer rounds not only allow you to track your fire but also reveal your firing position to the enemy. The same holds true in social media when you see #TheResistance trolls or the likes of Jakub Janda, Jakub Kalensky and Bellingcat (Bellingcrap)’s Eliot Higgins all eagerly retweeting the same agitprop article from fake news creator John R Schindler on the same day:”

The bottom-line, our Orthodox Chekists have bent everyone over. BOHICA.

Thank you for your time,
