by Eric Arthur Blair for the Saker blog
I thought that my previous “Propaganda Wars” article for the Saker would be my last one. I hoped to quietly vanish back into cyberspace obscurity, having sufficiently vented my spleen.
But no! No! Noooooooo!! My spleen demanded yet more venting, my mental health required yet another cathartic diatribe, given the off-the-scale never-ending insane hysteria that continues to be pooped out like explosive diarrhea by the AngloEuroZionist mainstream media (MSM)!! I need to blast a flame thrower at their bovine excrement in order to cleanse my mind! And I don’t care if I mix my metaphors! Or use exclamation marks with every sentence!
This article will be a hodge-podge of scattered comments and weblinks. The first and funniest comment was from a Saker reader. It had the dual effect of causing me to LOL while simultaneously thinking “that really hit the nail on the head”:
Ciclismo on September 21, 2022:
On a flight from Munich to NY I was seated next to a Russian man and eventually he shared he was with the FSB. He told me he was going to study advanced propaganda techniques used in the US on its citizens.
“What propaganda?” I asked.
“Yes, exactly” was his response.
Was it a true anecdote? Impossible to know. However it accurately reflects our real world experiences of being repeatedly lied to by the Western MSM:
JFK was killed by a lone gunman! Gulf of Tonkin incident! Babies thrown out of incubators in Kuwait! WMDs in Iraq in 2003! Gimme a break. And yet the majority stupid sheeple keep swallowing the AngloEuroZionist bullshit, they keep trusting and following the mainstream media. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool large numbers of people three, four, five, six times and more, what are they? Fucking morons.
Ciclismo’s comment mirrored the following sentence in the article that I previously stole the sheeple diagram from (appendix 3 after the novella
“The greatest triumph of the US propaganda machine is convincing people that they have not, in fact, been brainwashed”
And that sentence in turn mirrored this famous quote from William Casey, a former director of the CIA:
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
And that quote in turn brings to mind Joe Biden’s recent UN speech, to which the only appropriate response, from various nationalities around the world should be, “Mamma Mia!” or “Sacre Bleu!” or “Oi Vey!” or “Antofagasta!”(1) or “Holy Crapoly!”(2).
Biden’s speech was a perfect example of Casey’s stated goal: it was 100% false. Please look at Ben Norton’s forensic dissection of Biden’s speech to understand exactly how full of crap it was.
Ben however agreed with one of Biden’s claims: that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was illegal, which would make Biden’s speech only 99% bullshit. Ben is a meticulous, scrupulous, cautious, honorable researcher and journalist, but I am not sure whether he is a legal expert. Here is a comment by Christopher Black, a Canada-based international lawyer and authority on laws of war, who contends that under the UN Charter, Article 51, Russia had several legitimate grounds for self-defence:
If correct, that would mean Biden’s speech was indeed 100% bullshit. Biden also recycled the proven lie about “genocide in Xinjiang”, citing a “UN report” containing zero facts, written by shadowy figures, to which Michelle Bachelet refused to sign her name (she was hounded out of UN office following her China visit, after refusing to write fabricated smears against China).
A suitable response to the pompous Pompeo and addled Zenz “heartfelt” concerns about “genocide” in Xinjiang is this: it is amazing how the US hates Chinese and how the US hates Muslims, but somehow the US deeply loves Chinese-Muslims.
The reality is this: the USA would love nothing more than to fight China to the last Uyghur. The USA actually views Uyghurs as potential disposable cannon fodder, just as they view Taiwanese as potential disposable cannon fodder, just as they view Ukrainians as actual disposable cannon fodder.
The latest hysteria du jour is Putin’s speech. The MSM portrayed it as a further escalation to our already high risk of global nuclear war by Vlad-the-Impaler, that authoritarian dictator-vampire (3). Fortunately for non-Russian speaking Anglophones like myself, the Saker translated Putin’s original speech for us to view here:
Please consider these specific words by Putin:
“Washington, London and Brussels are openly encouraging Kiev to move the hostilities to our territory. They openly say that Russia must be defeated on the battlefield by any means, and subsequently deprived of political, economic, cultural and any other sovereignty and ransacked.
They have even resorted to the nuclear blackmail. I am referring not only to the Western-encouraged shelling of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, which poses a threat of a nuclear disaster, but also to the statements made by some high-ranking representatives of the leading NATO countries on the possibility and admissibility of using weapons of mass destruction – nuclear weapons – against Russia. I would like to remind those who make such statements regarding Russia that our country has different types of weapons as well, and some of them are more modern than the weapons NATO countries have.”
Those words were nothing new compared with Putin’s previous similar words at the very beginning of the Special Military Operation. It was simple repetition. Where is his nuclear escalation? Russia has been on high nuclear alert since the start of the SMO, which remains unchanged. Both Russia and China have publicly vowed NEVER to deploy nuclear weapons first. Russia has absolutely no need to use nukes in Ukraine, having always had the upper hand and continuing to possess almost limitless conventional ammo, unlike the UkroNazis and US/NATO who have basically run out . If any side is going to launch a tactical nuclear strike first, it will be US/NATO.
Regarding Ukraine’s recent “hugely successful” advance into the Kharkov oblast, the fact is this: Russia withdrew in a orderly manner and suffered very few casualties (even the analysts in the UK Ministry of Defence admitted this), while the Ukro/NATO troops suffered many thousands of deaths, being shelled in open territory as they advanced (a classic Mongol “withdrawal” tactic, learned by the Kievan Rus to their great cost historically, and now used against the dumbass UkroNazis to their great cost). With such a glorious success, it is just a matter of time before the UkroNazis suicide their way to moribund “victory”.
Russia and China are definitely NOT the parties who pose the risk of nuclear war to the world, although if fired upon first they will not hesitate to retaliate without restraint, which was Putin’s actual message. The USA is the only party which defacto seriously considers first nuclear strikes, because their policy has long been captured by despicably immoral, unethical and criminally insane psychopaths:
Here is another previous comment of mine (slightly modified):
I would like to make it clear that I am NOT against all Americans in general. America is not a monolith, it consists of:
- AmeriCANs, who are a tiny minority courageously striving for truth and a better world and better living conditions for average Americans. I named some of them previously (Chris Hedges, Noam Chomsky etc). I support the AmeriCANs with every fiber of my being, they are true American patriots, unlike the MAGA knuckleheads. However the majority of the population in the USA are:
- AmeriCANTs, who make up the teeming masses of hapless, clueless citizens who lack agency and are suffering dreadfully under a rapacious Kleptocracy. Then there are:
- AmeriCUNTs, the tiny minority of psychopathic Neocons and their ilk. They are like the ant brain fungus Ophiocordyceps or rat brain parasite Toxoplasma that cause their hosts to engage in suicidal behavior to benefit said parasite.
Here is something I wrote (slightly modified) in response to Pepe Escobar’s recent article about the US in Africa
There was a time when the USA under JFK might truly have become a force for good in Africa and the world. JFK was a friend to the social justice champion Patrice Lumumba who was the democratically elected leader in the Congo. Things changed utterly when Lumumba was assassinated by proxy by the CIA. JFK’s anguished dismay at this news was captured in a famous photograph, reproduced in this article
All hope (for a better world) was lost completely after JFK, then RFK, were assassinated by the CIA and FBI. View Oliver Stone’s documentaries to get the facts. AmeriCANs lost control of their country, it was taken over by AmeriCUNTs.
I do not have the space nor time to list the scores of other assassinations that the CIA historically perpetrated, for which we have indisputable evidence. They even set up an assassination school for would-be US puppet banana republic dictators and wrote an assassination handbook. That the AmeriCUNTs are ruthlessly psychopathic, murderous and evil is beyond dispute. They have repeatedly demonstrated that targeted assassination is a highly effective means for changing the course of human events. It is those neocon psychos, just a tiny handful of cunts, who are the primary driver behind our escalating risk of nuclear extinction today. How can we change this dangerous course of current human events? Isn’t the answer obvious?
(1) The name of a beautiful city in Chile, which sounds like an exclamation of dismay but is actually not. Apologies to Antofagastans for such a cheap shot.
(2) The full quote being, “Holy Crapoly Batman! What’s with the nipples on your Batsuit??”
(3) Makes no sense at all. If Vlad triggers human nuclear extinction, there will be no more human blood left for him to suck, which will be to his own detriment. Did you think about that, you dumbass MSM stooges? Huh? Huh? Huh?
- I previously asserted that Putin was forced to intervene in Donbass by the demands of the majority of Russians, when I argued that Russia was a defacto democracy. I am not the only one to make that assertion: Berlusconi may be a creep but nobody can accuse him of lacking political awareness.
- You may recall the famous mock Latin phrase, “Illegitimi Non Carborundum“, translated as “don’t let the bastards grind you down”. Here I coin my own made-up mock Latin phrase, “Satirium est Ipecac in Nauseum Non Veritas” translated as “satire is the remedy to nauseating untruths”.
I have come to realize that the news one gets, is the news one has to hear.
B/c when it happens here, lets say a draft, the amount of gay people not wanting to fight the straights will have them going straight to the travel exits, as they are travel experts all passported up and can’t afford to own anything else.
So to advertise the exodus from the war (I’m not even sure its a draft, I think these first recruits are #’d up and just need some organization) on tv (rather than the 90% of straights who do want to fight just to get it over with), only makes media sense, since no one who is blind to the events wants to be one surprise behind the future news.
My hat is off to the Saker; despite his previously stated strong disagreement with many of Chris Black’s positions (re Rwanda), an article cites him positively, albeit regarding a different subject. Thank you.
U.S. Congress negotiators set $12 bln for new Ukraine aid
Last month ALL 100 US senators passed a Russian Terrorist Resolution.
Exactly the same as EU – it is not simply a ”clique”.
What then is driving the hysteria ?
How about $2 QUADRILLION of nominal debt that Russia has put on notice.
Deal with this!
And we CAN with Glass-Steagall, a RFC, not King Charles the Turd’s Great Reset.
Hello sir
Point of contention. Those maga knuckleheads are the only anti war organized group in the US. The people they elect will reflect that. They are the most skeptical of the msm cia fbi etc. Meanwhile the precious left especially the squad vote in lock step giving Ukraine more billions and weapons.
They are not the “left”. They may call themselves it or identify themselves as being on the left but they are not. They are imperialistic neo-cons that have grabbed the left vote to forward the aims of a western power elite.
Often they take on single issue causes that in no way threaten the status quo, but again, gets them that vote.
In US politics there is no mainstream left or right but a instead monolithic imperialistic killing machine that
tries to destroy everything that gets in its way. Its best described as Nazism.
The Left in America … the left behind. Old and mostly in the way. I know. I’m one
Leigha: your comment requires an expanded reply which I hope can be posted as a feature article. It is almost complete, but delay in posting may occur. Remember that Andrei is now preoccupied with hurricane preps and his and his family’s safety must be foremost in the minds of all Saker readers
“A suitable response to the pompous Pompeo and addled Zenz “heartfelt” concerns about “genocide” in Xinjiang is this: it is amazing how the US hates Chinese and how the US hates Muslims, but somehow the US deeply loves Chinese-Muslims.”
This is the sort of straight forward logic that used to guide the west.
Lots of interesting links in this article. Lee Camp! Man, they cancelled him or what?
About the cans, cants ….., It seems we almost need a new expression to accurately capture those soulless devils who have captured so much.
I sometimes think a sort of amnesty could get us moving toward sanity but there will be unforgivable sins. I suggest they initiate a program for themselves and get the ball rolling, the sooner you sign up for amnesty, the better! Obviously aiding and abetting genocide is one thing, but initiating it, another.
Great article, thanks!
The scene is being set for an inevitable pre-emptive tactical nuclear strike by nato … b/c ‘Russia’.
Public opinion is being prepped: ‘We had no alternative.’
All this talk about tactical nuclear strikes … Russia has not used this terminology.
They have simply warned that all the loose talk (by a list of Western officials encouraging nuclear strikes) is ill-advised in view of the ramifications.
Zelenskiy just called on Western nuclear intervention last week in the Guardian if Russia were to even think of a nuclear weapon, and he already thinks Russia has crossed the line with the occupation of the Zaporizhzhia NPP. Zelenskiy is so concerned with possible nuclear blackmail that he bombs the NPP every single day, and of course it is Russia’s fault if anything happens !! Nothing would please this monster more than nuclear interventions.
Everyday the media is hyping up the use of nuclear weapons so we get used to it and almost expect it.
@ Eric Arthur Blair
You really need to laugh Sir, accordingly just for you, please go here!!! Please!!!!
Aaaarrrgggghhhh!!! Eric you could also try a song and fill your heart instead of your spleen.
Thank you ! a great response to the massive wave of AngloEuroZionist bullshit, of late!.
Summed up a lot of my thoughts and feelings in a very articulate way.
Warm regards, R.
Dear friends,
what am I to think of an author who is unable to understand that all people in Latin America are also Americans? How long will this nonsense continue to be spread even on the Saker blog?
“AmeriCANs lost control of their country, it was taken over by AmeriC&&&s.”
What is the point of this gimmick when the core remains the same?
I do hope that even on the Saker blog, the difference of “USA” and “America” is slowly becoming known. Sure, all people who live on the continent of America are American or can be called so. But there is a clear difference between USA and Venezuela or Paraguay or another country of LA, so Latin America and not Los Angeles.
many greetings, willi
Asuncion, Paraguay
willi.uebelherr: you are correct of course. I have used conventional language shortcuts to suit a blinkered Anglophone audience. Such conventions may change with time as more folks like yourself make the corrections. For example, the “middle east” is a Western centric term and should probably be termed “west Asia”. New language conventions take over when new centers of soft power take over the prevailing narrative. This is happening.
I think it depends on how many in the West still think Russia is losing badly in Ukraine, a narrative they continue to try to build. They could try to pass off a false flag that way, saying “Russia got desperate, like we were so afraid would happen.” Even if they don’t manage to cultivate that narrative to the needed degree–I think the referenda were a clever move to disrupt that narrative. I watch the media spin furiously. Watching their dreams elude the grasp of their fat fingers, the cabal may just go for a Hail Mary/Samson option. Dangerous times.
Agreed. It is noun theft. I have always corrected people when they say “America”, “Americans”.
When people say “…in America” I’d ask where in America? Brazil? Then typically I’d be accused of being pedantic.
I don’t have many friends left LOL
Mr. Blair, a most excellent post. I would like to express my concern, that right now Biden and his “team” are strategizing how a nuclear false flag in the Ukraine could help the Democrats retain both the Senate and the House of Representatives in the upcoming mid-term elections. The Biden administration had their people on all the Sunday talk shows, talking about the nuclear option. Are they laying the foundation for a nuclear false flag? If they are, they have only about six weeks to carry it out. It seems like an endless string of power hungry psychopaths continue to be in charge, willing to sacrifice in this case possibly millions, to stay in power.
I enjoyed the venting of your spleen very much. Very refreshing. Still laughing!
America is the world’s preeminent war criminal nation. Period.
The self-styled Land of the Free is guilty of murdering millions of the people around the world from Iraq to Afghanistan to Libya to Syria and beyond.
How Many Millions of People Have Been Killed in America’s Post-9/11 Wars? – Part One: Iraq
How Many Millions Have Been Killed in America’s Post-9/11 Wars? Part 3: Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen
The United States has waged serial wars of aggression based on lies throughout its bloodstained history.
In fact, in the 240-year history of America’s existence, it has been at war for the vast majority of its benighted time on this planet.
Only 15 Years of Peace In The History of the United States of America
That is not the behavior of a peace-loving people. That is the behavior of war-loving bloodthirsty people.
But in the sociopathic value system of Americans, they are the good guys who are “deterring and defending against aggression” no less. America is a truly sick nation.
Even the “antiwar” opposition in the USA in reality is a fake opposition.
These antiwar fakers are not opposed to America’s wars per se but rather are merely opposed of the cost in blood, treasure, or US hegemony a given war may cost the USA.
The millions of people that America murders, or the scores of nations that America destroys do not enter in the cost-benefit calculus of Americans.
Moreover, some of the antiwar fakers like the MAGA conmen are only “opposed” to war against one country (like Russia) while they agitate for war against other countries (like China and Iran). They are typical of American political opportunism.
Make no mistake, however, America’s day of reckoning is coming.
The United States will at long last reap its historical karma and be on the receiving end of Shock and Awe without end.
All the horror that America has inflicted on the world will return back to Americans–with interest.
xvfsb: powerful comment from you with solid reference links. This paragraph of yours in particular bears repetition:
“Moreover, some of the antiwar fakers like the MAGA conmen are only “opposed” to war against one country (like Russia) while they agitate for war against other countries (like China and Iran). They are typical of American political opportunism.”
Now US agitprops are trying to convince the world that Russia has bombed its own Nordstream pipelines, just as the US claimed that Russia bombed its own nuclear power station. None of us readers can examine the forensic evidence, but we can use logic and reason. Who stands to gain from the bombing of either, but themselves will be unaffected? The USA of course. Europeans need to wake up and realise the USA is their real enemy. The USA does not care if Europe becomes a radioactively contaminated wasteland or collapses economically, in fact the USA is arranging it.
That open sewer news-rag called The Guardian, has immediately blamed Russia for the bombing of the Russian / German Nordstream pipelines (using no evidence and twisted thinking), just as they blamed Russia for bombing a nuclear plant occupied by Russia.
This is clearly the opinion of a desperate failing psyops establishment gone completely insane.
Key question: who benefits?
If you want sanity, listen to these American commentators who also mention the “coincidence” that the US navy were previously conducting deep water military exercises nearby. Scott Ritter said that an independent underwater inspection of the blasts will be able to prove who the culprit was, which is what Russia is calling for but the US is blocking.
This bombing completely seals the economic doom of Germany, in the wake of popular protests demanding the removal of sanctions against Russia and restoration of gas flow.
If future facts show that the US was responsible for hostile action against a NATO country (Germany) , then NATO doctrine demands that NATO retaliates against the aggressor. As such, Europe must start bombing the USA and indeed the USA must start bombing itself.