Dear friends,

Two quick messages:

First, by now most of you have heard that Alexander Dugin’s daughter has been murdered in a car bomb.  The target was clearly Dugin himself.  All I want to say at this point is that Dugin never was the “‘Russian world’ ideologue as RT so stupidly wrote.  (The same goes for another supposed “ideologue of the Russian world” German Sterligov).

How many times did you hear Putin quoting Dugin? If anything, Putin’s ideological influences would be Ivan Il’in (also spelled Ilyin) and Alexander Solzhenitsyn, not Dugin.

Dugin was much more of a big thing in the West, not in Russia where most key players never took him seriously or, even less so, were influenced by him.  None of that makes a difference to the abject act of cowardice and pure terrorism which the murder of his daughter is.  And it does not take a genius to guess who was behind this attack – the same folks who have been terrorizing and murdering civilians en masse ever since the Euromaidan.

Unlike Russian officials, Dugin was not under the protection of the FSO and was an easy, if symbolic, target.  Just a civilian with no special protective security detail.  The ugly and cowardly nature of this murder has, once again, shown to those with eyes to see and ears to hear the true nature of the US backed Nazi regime in Kiev.

May God rest the soul of this latest victim of Nazi terror and all those who were also murdered before her!

Second, the blog was down for a few hours, but this was not an attack, just an internal issue which has now been solved.

I wish you all a great Sunday!

Kind regards
