I begin with the most patriotic people in Russia, the Chechens. Here is a photo of the latest batch of volunteers which Ramzan Kadyrov is sending to the Ukraine:
Next, one of the favorite techniques used by Ukrotrolls is the mantra “Where is the footage!? Where are the bodies?! Show me the supposed destroyed equipment?!”
This is a very effective technique, consider the following:
- The Russian military has a total ban on cellphones, especially in a combat zone. So all the footage you see either comes from the Ukronazis or from the LDNR forces.
- The Russian military is quite obsessed with secrecy and it takes quite some time for the Russian MoD to release any footage.
- Hence, by the time the Russian MoD *does* release something, that something has long faded away from most folks whose attention span fluctuates between a few minutes and a few days.
Still, eventually, footage does come out.
Remember those barges used by the Ukronazis to try to land an assault force to seize the ZNPP? Well, some “alternatively gifted” sofa-generals suggested that these barges being that slow and that undefended, they would never EVER be used by the Ukronazis. That genius missed the simple fact that it is precisely that look which could have made it possible for these barges to sneak by, especially while combat was taking place in another nearby location. Whatever may be the case, the Russian intel spotted them (probably knew about the entire plan from the get go, and might have even used Russian assets to encourage this “brilliant” plan). Anyway, here is the footage of a pair of Ka-52s detecting the barge from a distance of 15km and destroying it with supersonic anti-tank missiles (Vikhrs specifically) from a distance of 8km, too far away from any MANPAD to be used against them:
Speaking of the ZNPP, the IAEA report was hopelessly anti-Russian and “superbly blind”. Here is a photo of the IAEA inspectors presenting their findings:

Western “observers” hard at work
Which is hardly anything new.
Western “observers” did not see tens of thousands of Russians murdered, raped, tortured, enslaved and displaced by the Western-backed Wahabis in Chechnia.
They never noticed the mass murder of Serbians living in the hills around Srebrenica by the Western-backed Muslim forces in Bosnia.
They never noticed 14k+ Ukrainian murdered by the Western-backed Ukronazi military in the Donbass
These observers are STILL not seeing the vicious persecution of Serbs by Western-backed Albanians in Kosovo.
But they *did* see a “genocide” in Srebrenica and in Racak and we can be absolutely confident that they will find *plenty* of “evidence of genocide/crimes against innocent civilians” in the Kharkov region now that the Russians have withdrawn.
You can think of it as “Bucha on steroids” :-)
I could go on listing examples for pages and pages.
Speaking about Western “observers”. I can personally declare that I know for a fact that typically half of them are full-time intelligence officers.
I still continue to think that Russia ought to withdraw from any and all Western-controlled international organizations which are “international” only in name, but which are financed by Western powers and which, therefore, a run by Western agents.
I would also kick out all the Western propagandists à la CNN/BBC from any territory controlled by Russia.
And now, a short summary of what the Ukronazis have been up to. That will be short:
- Terrorist attacks on officials in the liberated Ukraine
- Terrorists missiles strikes against the civilians of the LDNR and one small Russian border town
- Massing more forces for “immense strategic counter-attacks” (aka as “suicidal tactical-level attacks)
By the way, some sofa-generals have pointed out to me that the Ukraine has 30M people and that it can continue to throw meat at Russian forces for a long time. I disagree. For starters, the real population is under 30M, but that is not even the point. If you have 100 people, only a certain percentage (say 25%) can be used as soldiers (even old clueless Volkssturmers). “Ze” spoke of “only” ONE million soldiers, and that included everybody from the local cop to the top army generals. But even the one million misses that point. The Ukronazis are having massive manpower shortages (hence their constant waves of mobilization which I have lost track of) not only due to the Russian meat-grinder, but because many/most Ukrainians are trying to avoid being set to the frontlines. The rich have already left (either for the EU or Russia), the really hardcore nationalists are being killed en masse by the Russians. The numbers of Ukronazi soldiers pretty well trained by NATO is only in the tens of thousands. As for the Ukronazi elite forces (death squads, diversionary-reconnaissance groups, terrorists gangs and GUR/SBU special forces), there are maybe a few thousands max (probably a few hundreds).
Also, whatever the actual size of the Ukronazis forces currently may be, the bigger the force, the bigger the logistical difficulties in keeping these forces at the right locations and adequately resupplied. And, of course, the closer these Ukrainian forces are, the more the Russians can destroy them AND their supply lines.
So, my alternatively gifted sofa-generals, you can wave your Ukie flags even harder, just don’t get your hopes too high :-)
In other news, Iran has now become a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
The SCO is happily and quickly growing
For the Western economies, this is the proverbial “writing on the wall”.
And now, some week-end music I hope you will enjoy:
First the French Manouche guitarist Angelo Debarre:
Next, a superb Spanish guitarist, Vicente Amigo:
Next, an absolutely beautiful composition by John Mclaughlin entitled “Lotus Feet”. Yet another illustration that sometimes the most simple music can be the most beautiful one too.
Next, one of the best Brazilian guitarist ever, Raphael Rabello, and a pretty good singer, Marisa Monte:
Last, but not least, the amazing French Canadian group Uzeb interpreting Bill Evans’ (not Miles Davis’ as most people believe) “Blue in Green”
Enjoy and have a great week-end!
Classical Composer Reacts to music by Yamandu Costa (Brazilian Guitarist) | The Daily Doug (Ep. 442) – YouTube
Oohh!… but the hole is further down, as we say in Brasil when something is not so simple as it seems ↓
*Russian Heritage
So relax and enjoy↓
Yamandu Costa – Disparada – YouTube
Yamandu Costa is currently the greatest expression of Brazilian Music, and he is currently one of the most incredible Jazz Folk World guitarists in humanity.
I also wonder why Americans still ignore Yamandu Costa who was given a standing ovation by Paco de Lucia in Brazil, on the border with Argentina, a region where Yamandu shaped his musicality in communion with all Latin music. Yes Paco de Lucia went to visit him.
Yamandu continued Raphael Rabello, and evolved. Yamandu is artistically greater than Hamilton de Holanda. He is the current representative of Brazilian music and one of the biggest in the world today.
And besides, Yamandu Costa is an admirable and incredible human being, a pleasant and humble person!
“I still continue to think that Russia ought to withdraw from any and all western-controlled international organizations which are “international” only in name, but which are financed by western powers and which, therefore, a run by western agents.”
Well, Tass reports that Russia cannot pay its dues to these Orgs. because of sanctions! Q.e.D.
LOL! This is great news, thank you!
And I love it when its “because of sanctions”
pretty good trolling of the West :-)
Incredible. These sanctions are truely a growing win-win for Russia.
Tip of the iceberg :
And this is totally out-of-date :
Russia could offer to pay in Rubles if the UN opens an account at the RCB?
Just a thumb up from The Netherlands. Been following this site now from 2006, I guess. Started with the excellent analyses of the situation in the Middle East. Good to see how the site has grown. Tx, Albert
Ukraine war is also about the United States (Rand Corp) destroying Germany economically according to Swedish news source. (see halturnerradioshow)
You may dismiss the source but it is very logocal. Many German companies will be destroyed with no gas. Germany’s SAP has serious competitors in America. SAP’s revenues in 2021 were 28 billion euros. Many chemical and car companies, banks and thousands of other German companies destroyed.
They better cut a deal and open up Nord Stream 2 – fast.
I wish Switzerland apply for the SCO. I’m Swiss I’d vote for it. We’d much better off with it than with the “evolutive neutrality” adopted by the present day governing body.
Swiss Air Force would also be much better equipped with SU57s than with F35s. The former have a much better reputation than the latter.
Btw, I’m Swiss.
What an insult. The F-35 is a fine aircraft . . . as long as you don’t actually need to use the targeting system . . . as long as you don’t actually need to fire its weapons . . . as long as nothing goes wrong and you don’t need it fixed in a hurry . . . oh, and as long as it’s not raining where you actually need to fly.
BTW, I’ve got some cheap Zumwalt-class destroyers to sell, pity Switzerland doesn’t have any oceans.
didn’t the Swiss end their neutrality recently by agreeing to participate in sanctions on Russia?
Speaking of footage. Something that struck me about the recent Ukie counter offensives was the lack of footage of dead or captured Allied soldiers. I’ve maybe seen two or three pictures of captured soldiers but that was it. Contrast that to the scores of pictures of left behind or captured Allied equipment (tanks etc). To me that further indicates that it was a strategic withdrawal and not a panicked retreat.
What is so unique about Chechen patriotism?
Or can it be replicated elsewhere?
Chechnia is unique in many ways, and it is homogeneous, which is a huge advantage sometimes (not always).
Also, it has a very strong male and warrior culture. Chechen kids won’t hesitate to fight several adults if needed.
Then there is the power of traditional Chechen Islam.
No, I think that Chechnia is unique, but what Chechnia does nowadays is show the Russian society how it ought to behave, think, react and generally live.
The Saker my older brother.. you know I have been with you forever and will till the day I die. I recently went deep diving a bit with my limited knowledge into history a number of hundred years ago; I am correct in saying that the Chechnens is a direct descendant of the Cossacks? From my understanding they are hence there big F you to the Western wannabe lords, as they showed them the middle finger hundreds of years ago. Love their jubial fighting spirit, if only the rest of the world had this magical woriar spirit the hegemon would be defeated at an instant. On a side note, dont worry about these CIA trolls, the true guard of your site had been filled with your and some of your commentaries wisdom for years, we are immune to this bs by now. The truth makes sense, the wicked will fall and the righteous will celebrate. Thank you for being the light in our geopolitical struggle Mr Saker.
No Chechens are most definitely NOT descendants of Cossack.
You are reading the wrong books!
As a Russian, we don’t look up to or intend to be anything like Chechens and Chechnya. The Russian mentality is like oil and water compared to theirs. I can go into detail about what exactly we have problems with, but I don’t think this blog will agree with it.
You can bash the Chechens in anyway you like, but you can’t deny the fact that they rose to the occasion and have been doing their part for their country.
I love Kadyrov’s Chechens , but patriotism and genius at war still resides in Non -Russian Europe,too. The Serbs and Greeks are still the most martial people there. Please don’t mention the Germans; they never came close in ability ,nor in longevity of fighting back . The Greeks and Serbs kept that honed by constant rebellion against the Muslims ( Turks / Albanians ) , and they have still not lost it. Whatever elan the Germans had in WWII ( which I dispute) , has been long lost now (see how noone stopped marauding “migrants” raping their women in 2015 and hence…not even the much vaunted till then German Skinhead NeoNazis.
Yeah but Greeks protested against austerity measures and nothing came of it unfortunately despite all their martial arts charm
If it wasn’t for those heavy-duty zombie meds US.gov pharma section is feeding the Ukrans then I’d put them up there, especially the ones in no-mans-land@fodder.com.
One German police chief in early 2015 leaked at least 1,500 gang rapes and 33,000 assaults on German women during the first 18 months of Merkle’s wave. I drove across Germany in 2016 and after 10 pm, the migrants come out like cookarachas…
Iran is not a full SCO member. Pay attention: Iran has signed a MoU to join. Will join probably as a full/permanent member at the 2023 India Summit.
It is nonetheless good news.
“The Russian military is quite obsessed with secrecy and it takes quite some time for the Russian MoD to release any footage.”
If anyone is interested in why that is, I really recommend this book:
Soviet Military Deception in the Second World War
“This seminal work on Soviet deception (maskirovka) practices and operations is unique in its depth and scope, covering every one of the Red Army’s deception operation from the war’s start to finish. It examines the increasingly sophisticated techniques the Red Army used to deceive German intelligence and how deception was integrated into its operations and strategy to make it one of the most decisive factors contributing to the Red Army’s eventual victory.”
That book is very informative but no light read and it helps to be very familiar with the Great Patriotic War. One of the things that constantly shows up is the use of the smallest details: to either deceive the enemy or discover what the enemy is doing. One of the things I didn’t realize was that the mainstream media of that era would accidentally give things away, like reporting on an invasion or bombing raid “in progress”, before the Germans figured out what was happening or knew the target. The BBC often helped immediately eliminate the confusion. This is the reason why the Russians are so strict about cell phones and social media; all it takes is one loyal, patriotic well-intentioned social media post to accidentally give away an entire operation at the cost of many lives.
Adding on to the Ukrainian population point.
Ukraine has a rapidly aging and shrinking population pyramid. A lot of old women with the population shrinking drastically by age groups younger than mid-30’s (i.e. the age groups most capable of fighting).
This is a country destined for generations of a rapidly shrinking population, even ignoring the war.
The mostly young men dying in these battles will leave gaps in the economy and society that cannot be replaced (factory workers, professionals, police, teachers etc.). This is the ultimate tragedy of this war for Ukraine regardless of the outcome.
Ukie terrorists have now murdered 2 top officials in Lugansk,and 2 more in the liberated territories. As I’ve said over and over until Russia forms Smersh counter-terror (Cheka) teams (as the Soviets were smart enough to form) they will not get a hold on this Ukie terror. Terror must be met with counter attacks. In the Ukie territories their officials need to be struck. They should not feel safe in Lvov and Kiev. Enough of turning the other cheek. Arrest, interrogate,trial,and immediate execution of terrorists,is the one and only way to end this nazi terror. Thinking that being weak is the way to go,is a sure way to lose:
Blast kills LPR prosecutor general
“This is unacceptable honestly.
LPR and DPR officers + people collaborating with Russia in liberated territories are being killed almost on a daily basis.
It looks like the Russian Army and the FSB are still incapable to guarantee security. Extremely bad situation.”
Uncle, I believe counter-terrorism wise, there is a Smersh equivalent in the FSB and the GRU. The LDNR have their own counter-terrorist outfits.
There is a very active secret and quiet war being fought by the intelligence services on both sides. There are reports of UkroNato DRGs being intercepted and destroyed by RF forces, and vice-versa.
Attacks on soft targets like the Lugansk prosecutors are intended to elicit FUD amongst the Russian/LDNR citizens and their supporters. Some of these are successful eg Lugansk, Darya Dugina and a few others — and they make the headlines, — but we don’t know about others that were prevented or interdicted.
People who, deep down, have little or no confidence in RF capabilities, like jojo above, are easily ‘FUD-ed’ by the Ukrainians and either go out of their way to find a TG post deriding RF as incapable of guaranteeing security or put in a defeatist comment of their own.
Estas Tonne – Internal Flight
Sorry, I really absolutely hate this guy, his pretense and his compositions.
I think that he is a terrible guitarist, but a great showman.
YMMV of course!
Have you seen the viral photos of Ted Cruz, spotted leading the Azov Battalion in Country 404? Ted obviously didn’t want to be left out of the conga line of drug addicts, celebrity drug addicts, and government honcho drug addicts to “visit” Penis Piano Player Zelensky and made a statement only Zelensky and his followers could truly appreciate for the art that it is. See for yourselves the mighty and majestic bulkitude of this besotted knight, loins girded for battle, seeking the garter of his lady love, Zelensky. Music included. Be swept away in this medieval romantic tale of unrequited love and US government largesse. “A Cunning Combination Of Rat And Ape”.
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the saker
I am terrified at the idea that the Ukrainians may win, and I have not yet understood clearly if the retreat in Kharkov was an intelligence failure or a planned move. It is very difficult for me to see what president Putin has in mind, and I do not have his nerves of steel. But the whole issue has emboldened the enemy, in EU Ursula says that Russia in in “tatters”, and at SCO meeting there have been “concerns” from China and India….
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the saker
I think the retreat was a collapse due to lack of manpower – forces stretched very thin – and serious underestimate of U.S./NATO-backed Ukraine.
It does not seem like Putin nor those in Russia are taking it serious yet, and it is costing lives of civilians, including those inside Russia who are now targets of Ukrainian in Kharkov.
Isammart and JoJo: the two future commanders of the Russian military (I mean, whatever is left of it after the Ukrainians totally mop the floor with it and reach Kamchatka).
It’s pretty obvious that Russia is still giving UKR/NATO as much rope as possible to either come around and join in a multipolar world or hang themselves.
Knowing the ignorance of our leaders and the controlling elite, the latter is far more probable. Which will result in Russia actually “starting” the war for earnest.
The outcry in western media will be huge, conveniently forgetting that the US was the country which primed “Shock and Awe” and demolished a whole country’s infrastructure in a matter of days.
I have lost any and all hope that our benevolent western masters will admit defeat.
Well what about two members of the SCO fighting each other right now. Is the US behind this or perhaps another case of Erdogans attempt to grow his turkic muslim alliance alongside the attack on armenia?
I do not understand what Putin sees in Erdogan other then an enemy.
And in case the ngo’s i agree they should have not even let them become so credible in the rest of the world.
The ngo’s and US/ UN lackeys should have been called out by russia and china every single time.
But since they did not the rest of the world still believe to some degree into them and the massacar marketing of the brits and americans will go on and on.
Erdogan has been helping Russia in other ways and for that are being threatened with sanctions by uncle sam
Really interesting new Foreign Agent live stream video today. iEarl Grey talks about a reported Ukie/US “peace plan” they sent to Russia (spoiler alert,it’s a no go). And there is a really funny video about new King Charles (don’t miss that one):
LIVE STREAM: Friday September 16th 2022 – News From Saint Petersburg
I hope everybody like me that lives in the west are ready or getting ready for what’s coming.
There can be no doubt that the west is headed for total self-destruction, economic collapse, and most likely, total societal breakdown. Well, it’s either that or a nuclear ww3, so I would prefer the former.
It is not going to be a pretty time. The ruling establishment elites will attempt to take advantage of such chaos in order to strip away whatever limited freedoms we had left and complete the total enslavement of the population. However, this will not be accepted by a large percentage of the population. This means conflict as a result of all this is inevitable. A conflict will arise between those who want to be free and those who have chosen self-enslavement and propaganda.
But we’ve got time. It’s not happening today or tomorrow, although things are accelerating. It’s up to all of us to take advantage of the time we’ve got and prepare as best we can. Arm yourselves and make sure you have ample supplies of food and water. Get to know your neighbors and have a plan.
There will be an opportunity based on the outcome of this conflict to rid the US of these establishment elites and essentially retake the country from the AngloZionist empire. It won’t be easy, but it is possible. And I believe it will happen. The US, or whatever is left of it, can then begin to repair its relations with the world, ditch the empire for good, establish peace between all the superpowers, and permanently destroy whatever hold these elites may have still had on the world. And all the divisions that exist in the world today, can begin to heal, with nobody left to deliberately exacerbate or take advantage of them.
By God’s will it will be done. The alternative is quite literally the destruction of our world.
It was worse in the US during the 60s and 70s.
Alain Caron bass and Paul Brochu drums, from the UZEB trio, are still playing great music under the new name Alain Caron Quartet. At least they were until a few a few years ago.
Have a good weekend one and all
Switzerland needs a revolution for all of this to happen. Unfortunately they are in bed with the US and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
(I’m Swiss too).
As a Swiss myself, and one who had access to the top government level, I can tell you that it is over for Switzerland. This country basically committed political suicide in 1991 and ever since it is the US’ punkass bitch with no spine or personal opinion.
What a crying shame…
They are either the only country, or one of the very few country’s, where its legal to commit suicide. So no need for tall buildings from which bankers can jump.
So I guess they have more spine and opinion than our punkass bitch gvt, who has to have every man slaving away until their mental or physical disorder requires treatment away from the self induced or medicated one.
@Saker, what exactly happened in 1991?
Something got really smelly when Barschel (Irangate) was murdered in 1987 right across from my apartment, at Beau-Rivage, and La Suisse newspaper showed photos of footprints. That great paper then was deep-sixed! Then I found out what really goes on in Geneva!
After that the BCCI bank scandal , and the United Banksters of Switzerland, the plot thickened!
Can only pray that future fodder can learn of their fate and be able to think. Some footage of those inside waiting to die would rattle your cage. On some level they were saying goodbye to the living and hello to those gone ahead for hours before that moment. Perhaps these new energy drinks have some unnerving ingredients, must be.
it would be very revealing to compare a miss plume of water to those hits. The hull & inside of those barges absorbed most of the explosive energy.
Goddamn those who brought this devastation to pass, it started eons ago and its psychopaths. God bless Putin’s efforts to end it.
The US had humble people in it. Hard working, honest, loyal. Smart! Based on a true story, listen to it just for the guitar. The US needs to smarten the f up more than ever and take those 3 steps toward the door, just like lynard Skinnard talked about in 73. Literally hate most versions of this song. This band was hijacked after the plane crash. The guitarist died. This is the real deal.
Off the studio album original, the only 8 track tape in the crews mess on a six month med run. All the country shit went through the TDU soon after we sailed out of our home port Charleston. It wasn’t me on the trash disposal unit. There’s probably still a price on his head.
We all loved this tune. Maybe especially the red necks
Thanks for the tunes! Heres one for you.
Im into early music.
Have a nice weekend.
Dear Saker,
even if you mark me as a troll, I have to write few points as for me you describing that almost everything is fine or according to some strategy is not close to reality:
– I admit that I have no military background and that I only use logic (as the matter of fact your background is also not a military one, although you were a part of intelligence – western one if I remember correctly). But not using logic and having a military background is much more “dangerous” than not having military background and using logic.
– ukies do not only use their own forces but foreign mercenaries and soldiers. In bigger numbers than RF admits in their briefings. Demonstrated in their latest offensive in Kharkov. Poland already prepared big forces on the border with ukie land and most probably they will enter at some point… The combined western intel and army commands help ukies, even if they are not on the highest professional level, they for sure are not to be underestimated.
– Psyops are an important part of any warfare. If you manage to demoralize the opponent it loses the will to fight, so is an easy target. This is a basic even to those of no military background. And here combined west is winning a big time. That’s how my home-country Yugoslavia was destroyed, aftermath with hot conflict was much easier.
– The same Psyops and propaganda will for sure cover casualties of western soldiers as they are doing for ukie ones. And most of people of the western world will believe it, as they believe it for decades now…
– Destruction of infrastructure and civil population is a way of winning wars. That’s what the combined west is doing for centuries. That’s why they are still on top of the rest of the world, even if this is true evil. They may not have won some wars, but for sure they put back those countries for decades and used their resources for decades latter. I am not advocating such tactics (Russia demonstrated in few occasions), only pointing out facts from not so distant past – Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, what used to be Ukraine’s best part – Donbas, Africa, …
– Although speaking of how Russia knows all the perpetrators of terror acts and that they will be all caught in not so distant future… Well it does not help. Only today 3 simultaneous terror attacks from ukies – Kherson, Lughansk and even in Russia – Berdyansk… Killing important people… Not to mention that not much has been done to stop ukie after killing most of LDNR legendary commanders – Batman, Givi, Motorola, Dremov,… Or those who committed a massacre in Odessa 8 years ago (8 years!!!).
– combined west starting hot crises between Armenia/Azerbaijan (Turkey itself sending tens of thousand soldiers to the Armenian border – not Artsakh, one and the same Turkey being one of bigger arms suppliers of ukie state), Turkmenistan/Kirghistan, meddling with Georgia, Japan being rearmed and its constitution changed… It is turning in a total war that only Russia itself cannot win…
– stealing of Russian property and assets in the west continue – Germany only today put under its management one of Gazprom assets. Where are some counter measures by Moscow? Reducing gas supply by one third on a yearly level??? Most probably you know that European gas storages are more than 75% full. EU is printing money similar way but in lower numbers than USA. They can continue this for quite some time – the so called depolarization (similar with Euro) is not really gaining a traction. While Russia is fighting with real economy? Dear friend – one look (cheating) in your opponent’s cards is worth much more than any strategy. So mid to long term unfortunately cheating brings success, not playing fair game… That’s why the combined west is ruling our world…
– there are no allies per se. Everything is connected to an interest. If they have the interest they support you. But if you are out of their interest, they turn away to others (even if that means against you). So Russia has to bring so called allies close because of their interest, not only because it is a right way to fight against the evil hegemon… This is only in fairy tales and Hollywood movies…
– SCO member states increased only from 6 to 8 in 21 years (actually in the last 5 years)… Others are some kind of observers/dialog partners only…
– Will see what happens if combined Turkey/Azerbaijan attack Armenia (not Artsakh). Will collective treaty organization led by Russia jump in and protect Armenia??? Does Russia has resources to engage in a third front with some success???
I don’t want to be pessimistic, but I do not think that Russia was ready for this war. Not with their own “elite” being disconnected to people like elites in the western world – they are Russia’s elite role models… Not with no real allies… Not with good but small economy… Not with most of her monetary reserves in western world, ready to be stolen from her…
Russia is not some super duper country, nor are Russians supermen. They are people like others. With good and bad characteristics. They showed remarkable heroism in many occasions. The biggest one for sure being 2nd world war. But with huge suffering and loses. Now they are in a potentially bigger threat to their existence, so there is no time for rosy words and comfort. It is a time to be ready and working towards a victory. The time to finally chose what you want of the future – freedom that comes with great sacrifice or slavery that brings much greater pains for you and your generations to come!
Al the best to you and your dearests!
Hi Saker,
another setback. Ukies crossed Oskol river and took over eastern part of Kulyansk. I know the standard answer from the last week when this ukie offensive started. It is a tactical withdrawal, trading bodies for territory and so on…
The fact is that they crossed the Oskol river and are pushing east. In a week time RF didn’t pull enough reserves to stabilize the front. Nor were there any massive attacks on ukie positions… To me this is wrong concept and nothing more. I remember when Strelkov (whatever we think about him) retreaded at the beginning of war, back in 2014, from Slovyansk. He was mush criticized – as far as being a traitor, even by high ranking officers of RF. And what we have today? Retreat after retreat… Strelkov being denied to join volunteers…
Something is very wrong with this SMO. Ukies having initiative for more than 3 weeks after 7 months of this proclaimed successful operation, with announced 200 k of ukie casualties, destroyed two armies of ukie equipment… Russian not using airforce en mase, not even enough of aerial reconnaissance. Huge casualties among LDNR militias. Hot conflicts starting around Russia. Iranians sending drones to Russia (what on earth did Russia learn from setbacks in Syria/Libya/Artsakh to not have enough cheap drones)???
Yes I admit I do not understand this operation-war. Well known BS pro-claimer Mr. know everything Martyanov will call me an ignoramus. Maybe I deserve to be called that way. But being skeptical of a way this SMO is being conducted and the initiative of the ukies (combined west) on the battlefield I think I and others who have doubts shouldn’t be called ignoramuses or sofa generals, while at the same time getting explanation that everything is OK and according to some super duper not known plan, netcentric warfare, extraterrestrial IC4ISR. Well everything is not OK. 5-10 calibers a day for sure do not win a war… My former Yugoslavia was bombed with hundreds of bombs and tomahawks almost 30 years ago and its army sustained about 5-8% loses after 78 days of extensive bombardment. The war was stopped because of tremendous destruction of civil infrastructure and poisoning of the environment. The outcome is to have Serbia and Montenegro and Bosnia de-facto as vassal states to the emaipre of chaos…
I hope and pray for all the RF and LDNR soldiers to be successful in their military actions and for Russian civil and army leadership to start taking this all seriously. It is a war – the war, and calling it with other names and committing minimum resources wile at the same time committing war-games thousands of kilometers away, will not help us win it!
All the best to everyone reading this portal and to the brave soldiers of allied (RF/LDNR) forces!
Dear Andrey,
If I may say something of relevance. I am not a military person, though like many others I have studied history and learned much from it. Modern wars are generally preceded by military build up, and pretend war games along the periphery of the eventual battlefield. Sometimes this is just posturing, and others times it is a disguise over actual intent to attack.
If you think back to January and February of this year you will remember the build ups and denials of intent from both the Russians and Ukranians, both of whom actually intended to attack when the time was right.
Now look at Russia’s situation with regard to NATO, and you will see how both sides are conducting war games, supplementing their forces along borders, putting naval assets in place, etc..
What I am saying is that there is a bigger game afoot. Both sides are positioning for a broader conflict, which does not mean there will be one, but that they are preparing for the eventuality. In this context, Ukraine and the SMO, tragic as it may be for the ordinary person from Ukraine, is only part of a larger struggle.
The old saying, ‘All is fair, in love, and war,’ is true. That is why Ukraine’s info war is legitimate, and Russia’s silence is legitimate. There is no right or wrong way to prosecute war, as long as you win.
Russia is winning the small war, but it is preparing for the big one. And to be prepared and capable of winning is the only way to prevent it from starting, history has shown.
Take heart, and be well.
Both Rybar and Deepstate (Uk equivalent of Rybar) agree there is no evidence Ukraine managed to take control of the Eastern bank.
Today the President of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador on the day that commemorates the Independence of Mexico proposed a peace initiative between Russia and Ukraine. Below is the proposal. I don’t think they’ll take any notice, but I’d like to hear some feedback from the Saker community:
“Politics is the only instrument we have to avoid war; however, interest groups, located in positions of governmental or economic power, strive to lead politics toward armed conflict. And once they have made this mistake, instead of correcting it, they choose to deepen it without caring about the suffering they inflict on humanity or the damage they cause to the stability of nations and the well-being of societies.
In this way they originated the Russian war in Ukraine, the subsequent sanctions adopted, and the massive shipment of weapons to the invaded country, actions that gave the current confrontation an additional dose of irrationality.
We should start by asking ourselves if the war could not be avoided and if the UN and the politicians of the main powers did not fail in their responsibility to promote dialogue between the parties to peacefully resolve the dispute. The truth is that nothing or very little has been done in this regard: the UN remains inactive and as if erased, prey to formalism and political inefficiency that leaves it in a merely ornamental role.
Even more reprehensible is the behavior of the great powers that, explicitly or silently, position themselves before the conflict only to serve their hegemonic interests. Therefore, the suspicion cannot be avoided that, although it may seem wicked and incredible, this war, like many others, is being fueled by the interests of the war industry. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is undoubtedly reprehensible.
I take this opportunity to endorse that we Mexicans do not accept any foreign intervention because we have been victims of five of these great calamities: one, with several attempts to reconquer Spain; two from France, and two from the United States of America. Those invasions have cost us blood, martyrdom, and territory.
But that does not mean we can stop wondering how it was that the member governments of NATO denied Ukraine its entry into the organization at crucial moments on the one hand, while, on the other, they offer weapons and economic or commercial sanctions against Russia. , measures that have only served to aggravate the conflict, produce more suffering for victims, their families, and refugees, aggravate the shortage of medicines and energy, and boost world inflation; phenomena, of them, that harm the vast majority of the world’s people.
However, it is never too late to correct a mistake, especially if it has become an attack on the entire world’s human, social and economic rights.
That is why the Government of Mexico proposes that, instead of continuing to fuel this painful and absurd war, a Committee for Dialogue and Peace be immediately constituted, which would be integrated, if it is accepted. There is a will to participate in potential mediators, by the heads of state of India and the Vatican, as well as by the UN Secretary-General. I am referring to Prime Minister Modi of India; Pope Francis and the Secretary General of the UN, António Guterres.
The peacekeeping mission must immediately seek a cessation of hostilities in Ukraine and start of direct talks with President Zelensky of Ukraine and President Putin of Russia.
Additionally, this committee, according to our proposal, should also achieve a multinational agreement to agree to a truce of at least five years, unanimously approved by the UN Security Council, which implies the immediate suspension of military actions and provocations. , as well as nuclear and missile tests.
The agreement would establish the commitment of all States to avoid confrontations and not to intervene in internal conflicts.
We believe that, in this way, an environment of peace and tranquility can be created that allows all the efforts of governments to be devoted to addressing the devastating problems of poverty, health, and violence that are suffered on all continents and to face the migratory phenomenon of a humanitarian and fraternal way.
Without peace, there will be neither economic growth nor much less justice. Governing should not be an exercise of hegemony or domination, but above all, the search for well-being for the people. Power only makes sense and becomes a virtue when it is put at the service of others.
Hopefully and we will be successful.”
Greetings from Tehran to Mexico. In my opinion certain things must be clarified first. The current conflict in Ukraine was forced on Russia by NATO, an organization which represents the combined forces of western nations whose broader strategic aim is to maintain the global hegemony of the US dollar in turn controlled by globalists/zionists. They are playing Ukrainians as their foot soldier to inflict huge damage on Russia and ultimately topple the world largest sovereign government and divided it up into maybe over 50 smaller states as happened with the former Yugoslavia. We have to be very much grateful and send thousands of thanks to Russia for standing up so heroically and almost single handedly against the entire west. It’s for this reason that while the empire of lies (US), is being kept so busy challenging the Russians in Donbass that countries in the Zone B like Iran and Mexico … could focus more on their own sovereignty and dictate their own national interests in the international arena. Frankly, if it wasn’t mainly for Russian efforts since the 90’s, the globalists would have swallowed up most of the countries in the Zone B with Mexico topping their list and would have forced their WEF woke agendas such as the gender bender nonsense, own nothing but be happy program, insects diet …etc. upon them by now. It should be obvious by now that Moscow has absolutely no interest in fighting Ukraine and also zero interest about conquering territories. If she would not have taken the initiative, the dollar-paid puppets in Ukraine and their western sponsor would have waged an all out invasion on the Russian speaking people living in the Donbass and then pushed further eastwards creating more problems.
This train (peace initiative of Mexican President) departed long ago. There was no listening to Russia’s stance the last eight years. Why should Russia stop now.
I say, no stopping until the SMO achieves it’s aims.
The Chechens are being very patriotic and helping greatly. Russia today seems to be recreating the way during the Russian Empire the martial peoples of the North Caucasus were recruited into the military in special units. They were extremely loyal to the Empire. The Soviets changed that by doing away with most purely ethnic military formations and focused on an All-Russian Red Army. But today we see some return to that prior system,and it is working. The downside for today’s Russian government is that these peoples believe in only victory. They don’t give up or surrender. And military honor and pride is very ingrained in their culture.If they see weakness and dishonor towards the blood shed by their soldiers,they will not take that easily. We can see that with statements by Kadyrov today. He and others are not happy the way the lack of manpower is impeding the operation of the SMO. And he is not alone there. Even as far away as Vladivostok Russians are talking about that (see Cross Talk for that report).
One good sign is that the other day Kadyrov challenged all the 85 federal regions of the RF to form 1000 man volunteer units to fight in the SMO. Several of the regions have agreed to that already including Crimea. If the plan works that alone would provide 85,000 new troops for the SMO. And the Wagner PMC has been given permission to follow the example of the Soviets during the GPW and recruit from the prisons to form Penal Units to fight in the SMO (there are videos on TG channels showing the Wagner head giving a recruiting speech to prisoners) . Especially he is wanting to form “storm units”,which I’ve heard are to be used at the Donbass front to attack the Ukie entrenched strong points.According to The MSC,that might add another potential 20,000 troops to the SMO.
So there are some serious moves being made to increase the SMO manpower shortage.Without the problems connected with a general mobilization.Some experts believe that Russia now has (including the allies) around 200,000 troops assigned to the SMO. That is about half the numbers needed for victory accordingly it appears. Hopefully these actions can add the needed troops over the next few months.
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the saker
Where is the footage!? Where are the bodies?! Show me the supposed destroyed equipment?!
But when is all this supposed to end? Ukrainians will just run out of minimally suitable soldiers or political resistance to casualties will prevail? West will just drown in energy crisis and stop supporting Nazis in any possible way. ? To me it seems like this is now some kind of Russian attrition tactics. I have to say, it just seems risky. I felt better when RF was making headway on battlefield.
It should have ended.
“much” seems to be being made head of Wagner recruiting in various “encampments”.
I had believed Wagner is composed of only ex military.
Question: is the recruitment we see today just for ex military in the encampments or anyone that wants to serve….??
Quite different than Z opening Ukr prison doors to join Azov etc of course.
I hope that China steps up to the plate after the SCO summit. Russia could benefit greatly from their unequalled mass production capabilities, especially in drone production where Russia lags, although I imagine there is plenty of other area that China could help. The only problem is that China’s production capacity far exceeds the ability of Russia to supply operators for the equipment and I don’t think China will allow its own operators to participate at this point.
China has to import most all of inputs (raw materials, energy, etc) to her industries. If China overtly supports Russia, those inputs will be embargoed.
Most of China’s imports come from friendly countries. And those that don’t can be resourced from other more friendly states. Along with Russia sanctions on China would be counterproductive. And boomerang on those doing the sanctioning.
“Speaking of the ZNPP, the IAEA report was hopelessly anti-Russian and ‘superbly blind’.”
The US/EU/NATO specialize in packing international agencies with their spies and stooges. This was completely obvious with OPCW investigations of the Syrian gas attack allegations. With specific regard to the IAEA, the Iranians just a couple of weeks ago denounced their shenanigans with inspections under the JCPOA. Therefore, it is troubling that the Russian Federation instinctively turned to such a compromised body for an assessment of the ZNPP. While it is true that the UNSC currently has safeguards (i.e., the veto) to prevent the US from doing whatever it wants under the color of a UNSC resolution, those safeguards are under attack from the West, and in any case they leave the Russian Federation no opportunity of getting its own resolutions passed. It’s time to consider a break from the New York-based UN and the formation of a new UN beyond the control of the US.
Financing the US’s ‘War on Terror’ would be nuts.
The OPCW-IAEA-WHO-NWBM (Nurses with big melons), should all be on Russia’s banned list, like the Taliban (or has that situation changed recently)?
Like inviting the local habitual paedophile (ankle-bracelet or not) to mind your children, when inviting the above US proxies into your home. The jury’s still out on the NWBM until I get a closer look/feel.
Behind Ukraine’s “counter offensive” w/ Mark Sleboda Railroad Strike
Posting links without comments is against the rules!
Good article by Mark, and i think he hits the nail on the head,not sure what the thinking is in the Kremlin but its clear they need more troops to get the job done,and the question is why have those command and control centres not been hit,they are still fighting with one arm behind their backs,and i dread to think what reign of terror is being inflicted on people in the areas the Russians have left,Nazi Einsatzgruppen come to mind with all the horror that involves,this should never have happened again in History,i believe the mistake Russia made was not hitting the Nazis 8 years ago after the nature of the Regime became clear,they have had all those years to build defences,and as Mark said its a Nato operation.
From pro-Russian TG today:
Today, in the first half of the day, the Ukrainians have:
– shelled the city administration building in Kherson while a meeting was in session, also hitting the city center & random civilians
– assassinated the Prosecutor General of the LPR and his Deputy with a bomb in his office
– murdered the Deputy Mayor of Berdyansk and his wife
… while Moscow continues playing nice.
… while Moscow continues playing nice.
Coming from you?
I’m sorry,I know we disagree on this. But I don’t think enough is being done (by a long shot) to counter these Ukie terrorists in the liberated territories. And Russia will be losing the support of all those people that were turning to Russia’s side in those areas. I saw a horrified Russian reporter wrote that for the first time today he saw people refuse,out of fear to take aid. And panic when they saw the cameras around. Russia wants to hold referendums in those territories. But if they don’t get a handle on these killings they won’t have any voters,nor people to even staff the administrations.For months now I’ve been posting my worries about this problem (I have pro-Russian friends in those territories,so have a personal worry about it). And instead of the problem being fixed it’s been allowed to escalate until here we are today.
In my opinion it’s as simple as that:
– Russia does not want this war, US/NATO wants it
– Russia from the beginning (2014) did the utmost possible to allow NATO or UKR to come to the table and hammer out an agreement
– Russia did the utmost possible to wage a “humanitarian” war, meaning sparing civil infrastructure, sparing fortified positions in cities from artillery fire, no carpet bombing or other mass strategic strikes except in the first weeks to neutralize airpower and comms
– Russia gave much leeway even if pushed into corners (constant violation of the text of the minsk-treaties, western sanctions etc)
The problem is that the western elites know their economic weakness and want to use their least chance for a military solution, be it only a destabilization of Europe and Caucasia, thus creating a massive problem for Russia in the future and removing Europe as a competitor and also a trading partner for Russia/China, weakening them all.
I really don’t see a peaceful way out of this.
If i’m not mistaken, most of these liberated areas are w/o electricity, basically welcome to your new 3rd world status.
So staffing these locations or losing support is not that significant, tis better to relocate forces and fortify areas that are not new 3rd world locations before they become one, in my opinion.
Can we ever defeat pure evil?
“Can we ever destroy pure evil?”
It begins with destroying the evil in our own hearts. Evil in the world is the collective external projection of our own fears and desires. One cannot kill evil by killing anyone else.
Yes, indeed Ruth, but many shall perish before doing so.
@Ruth Nock
Can we ever defeat pure evil?
Yes we can, Turning back to our Heavenly Father, God Almighty and becoming righteous by honouring his Commandments and laws set out by Christ our Lord!
The only way
Germany has nationalized Rosneft assets including the Schwedt oil refinery.
Will Russia launch a missile strike to destroy the stolen property?
Andrei – I want to begin by thanking you for this excellent site, and for making me aware of so many things over the past few years including the concepts of “Zone A and B” and of the “Anglo-Zionist Empire” of exceptionalism.
To me Truth is God, and the qualities of courage, love, goodness all flow from it (as opposed to confused woke goodness or humanitarian R2P which are tricks of shadow and darkness). In Truth we are one, undivided and inseparable, mortals painted on the canvas of immortality.
Truth is something precious and elusive, and it is arrogant to think we humans can own it. I think it is enough to be committed to searching for it, and also to simply shut one’s ears to BS.
The “Collective West” (another wonderful concept of yours) is the Master of Bullshit. The Empire of Lies is built on a foundation of bullshit, with brick upon brick of layers bullshit.
I have found while the truth can be elusive (such as what exactly are the Russians in Kharkov doing), it is much easier to recognize bullshit and reject bullshit in entirety.
As Hemingway said, the truth has a certain ring to it. In the same way bullshit has a definite smell to it.
Many thanks and stay well. I consider you a servant of the Truth. The truth is greater than all of us.
2 000 000 000 000 EURO will be burned in 2023. Because of energy policy from the EU best brains in Brussels. Golden Sachs gloomy opinion. Glad that is only 25 current annual budgets of my country, Czechia. I think that feldkurat Otto Katz was in fact very prudent as to financial matters.
Goldman Sees $2 Trillion Surge in Europe Energy Bills by 2023
Power generation price caps likely in response, analysts say
Energy bills to represent 15% of European GDP, they say
And the energy caps will be introduced soon, already approved by Brussels politburo. Kind of bread subsidies for hungry mob. Plus the real war of attrition against national budgets among other things. Also in winter two sweaters against cold plus the third one booster to destroy the beast of Kremlin. No warm showers and victory is ours.
“Goldman Sees $2 Trillion Surge in Europe Energy Bills by 2023”
Most of that $2T will go to the US, who will use it to buy arms for the Ukies. Unintended consequences so it seems.
If just the whole European population are slaves it doesnt matter how many €trillions they burn off………..LOL.
“Alternatively gifted sofa generals”
I love it. You don’t mind if I use it elsewhere?
Have a good weekend – from Australia
The West is not going to collapse in an energy crisis. The notion is absurd. They can tighten their belts for years, even decades.
If your military strategy is based on the other side doing something (running out of energy), you need to rethink your strategy.
This is just brilliant, a spoof using DPRK BBC voice reporting over film footage of Queen Elizabeth’s funeral.
From an excellent article by Craig Murray:
The west is collapsing. Christendom generakly (including Russia) has been disintegrating for many decades. But it is a slow burn. These cycles take a while.
Some videos for today.
Ukrainian soldier has a very blunt message for those who believe that Kiev is winning (must see):
Plane carries a large number of Kiev regime wounded (probably many Western mercenaries) to Europe for emergency treatment:
The Kiev regime continues its campaign of terror against the civilian population of the liberated territories:
Russian artillery and drones destroy Kiev regime military equipment and personnel:
DPR mortar team pounding the enemy:
LPR troops pound enemy positions:
Multifunctional Mi-35 helicopters take part in special military operation:
In neighboring Moldova, brave locals blocked a NATO column and told them get out of their country (must see):
many thanks for the great links Nate
Cheers From Nova Scotia
You’re welcome. Here is another batch for today. For those who post elsewhere on the Internet, please share some of these video links so more people find out what is really happening in this conflict.
T-72 tank crews destroy Kiev regime military targets:
Russian Su-25s strike enemy positions:
Russian VDV artillery unit shells enemy positions:
Russian artillery & UAVs destroy Kiev regime military targets:
DPR tanks destroy Kiev regime infantry fighting vehicles near Ugledar:
DPR artillery destroys Kiev regime positions north of the Donetsk airport:
Kiev regime sabotage and reconnaissance group captured near Krasny Liman:
On this day, back in 1967, The Jimi Hendrix Experience’s first album “Are You Experienced” entered the Hot 200 chart where it stayed for 106 weeks, including 77 weeks in the Top 40. Strolling Bone magazine gave them number 15 out of the 500 greatest albums of all time. A copy was pulled for permanent preservation and now resides in the National Recording Registry in the Library of Congress in the US. Everything looked bright for his future.
Two days from now, September 18th, 1970, Jimi was pronounced dead at St. Mary-Abbot’s Hospital in London, at the age of 27, after reportedly drowning in his own vomit. Swanky way to go. No one’s checked out like that since Ida Lupino. Jimi left a message on his manager’s phone machine earlier in the evening stating “I need help bad, man.”
There are so many different rumors and conspiracy theories around his death one could do a book on them alone. His best friend, Eric Burdon, claims Jimi committed suicide while others say he was in too good a frame of mind. Him being a junkie kind of takes some of how much good he could have been doing out of the equation. In 2009 a former roadie for Eric Burdon’s band The Animals said that Jimi’s former manager admitted to him that he had Jimi murdered for wanting out of his contract. There you have it, the beautiful world of rock.
It was also on this day in 1970 Jimi Hendrix took the stage for what would be his last public performance. It was at Ronnie Scott’s in London and Jimi jammed with Eric Burdon and War. So, Alpha and Omega in one week, though years apart.
With all due respect, please search for the 2010 release of the actual Official Coroner’s Report on Jimi’s death.
They concluded he was drowned in red wine. His lungs and esophagus we’re filled with it. As I’m sure you know, he was on The Official FBI Enemies List, after his NYC Benefit concerts for the Black Panthers. Monica Dannemann was an MI5 plant most likely as she changed her story more times than her underwear.
Eric Burdon also has never told the truth about that morning, probably because he doesn’t want to wind up “suicided” like Monica and Devon Wilson.
For example, in the Official Report, the ambulance attendants stated that when they arrived, the doors were flung open and nobody, not Eric, not Monica we’re present. Jimi was on the bed fully dressed, a rolled up towel propped under his neck, his clothes and sheets soaked in red wine. 2 empty bottles tossed in the corner of the room.
Do I need to mention his manager, Michael Jeffries and has ties to organized crime and MI5/MI6?
Getting the picture, my friend?
I love you and your wonderful site.
I know you love Jimi, like so many of us.
All I ask is to do a little digging and you’ll see what really happened to one of the Greatest Musicians of the modern era.
Slava Russia
Dugin calls for general mobilisation and to finaly retaliate to NATO agression.
“If we put aside psychological effects & natural experience of patriots, it should be recorded that we have come to the point of no return. We are on the verge of WWIII, to which the West is obsessively pushing us. And this is no longer fear or expectation, this is a fact.”
“And yet the threat of a third world war is getting closer. Whether it will come to the use of nuclear weapons is an open question. But the likelihood of a nuclear Armageddon is increasing every day.” — Alexander Dugin
Moscow’s military reserves may be smaller than initially assumed – German defence minister
Huum last time Germans made this mistake it did not finish very well for your side baby.
Brandon in ‘false flag’ and ‘nuke chem ‘ mode tonight
Joe Biden has warned that Russia would face international consequences if it uses chemical or tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine in an interview with CBS:
I do have a very very bad intuition.(remember the leak of former Suisse services, ex nato J Baud who confirmed Biden signed an exec order april 2 or 22, to allow a first strike.) Video on YT, sud radio j baud (700.000 + views)
I already posted here.
A new one: regime change is the goal https://youtu.be/rFLRa6Vx6fM
Slobodan Despot (Swiss Serbian born, lived in Beograd during nato bombing), journo and philosopher, our Dugin a bit. About WWIII.
Some crazy stuff is clearly in the making, usually it happen during a week-end (as WS City closed).
Tonight former French Premier Phillipe (Macron 1): ” we must absolutely win this war against Russia’
Izium false flag bucha 2.0 in full force everywhere + new victory in Kharkov
I never saw such a 24/7- 7 months psyop like this in my life, 9/11 is a joke compared.
So Biden can only imagine a false nuke or chemical in Ukraine, nowhere else. Then its up to Russia.
Hmmm… It’s not at all a barge they’re shooting at. They’re shooting at a remnant of bridge build by the nazis during WWII. Seriously, what was MOD thinking making that video? I suspect the pilotes know but then some button pusher from the propaganda unit is tasked to make a video telling a story and somehow believe no one will notice?
Good morning everyone, I hope am not kicked off by the “security” because I just want to compliment Andrei Raesky for his job and his exquisite music taste and all staff here. And I’ll say once again that Raphael Rabelo was outstanding and this duo with Marisa Monte is superb. Thanks a lot for propagating high level brazilian music for everyone Raesky, I’m not a religious person but if God exists He certainly likes good music and appreciates real art. Cheers from a cloudy and damp (12C, drizzling n foggy) Vale do Ipiranga
Dear Moderator.
If you find this comment does not fit your requirements, please let me know. I will correct it. I spent a lot of time to prepare it. There are also additional “articles” which I prepared, but put links to them in case you cannot accept them.
Cognitive Trap of Reflexive Control
(Когнитивная ловушка рефлексивного управления)
I rarely saw article in such depth. It helps immediately analyse current situation. This is a responsibility of a reader, to study it. Such analysts like Michael Hudson and Andrey Martyanov should give their thought from the point of their expertise.
[1] Source:
Google auto-translation
The operation to denazify Ukraine in the context of the World War
Операция по денацификации Украины в контексте мировой войны.
Sergey Glazyev – September 8, 2022, 0:39 am
Сергей Глазьев -8 сентября 2022, 0:39
(Possibly the same)
Here are my immediate comments resonated from this article. Feel free to correct.
Gas for ruble sale myth
Comprador’s culture and Nikolai Gogol
[2]Russian obligations
1) this article may imply that Ukraine would not have decisive offence on the south in the near future.
Why? because U. does not need anything decisive: the goal is to prolong conflict and make most damage to Ukraine and Russia. U does not need to shorten the time of conflict.
U understands that it has no advantage in the south now. So why to attack? It may prolong conflict other way. Why to slaughter own Ukrainian troops in south attack if they can be slaughtered later?
So these “analysts” like Yurii Podolyaka saying that “decisive battle coming” may be wrong. And also the idea that time is on the Russian side is wrong. And if R MOD bites this decoy for imminent and desicive battle, the MOD is mislead. Because MOD may think that U goal is to win the battle? Again, no, the goal of U. is to lose, but to prolong and destroy Ukraine.
But again, read G. He said this better.
2. It is hard to believe “collective Putin” will overcome “reflexive control”. Because he has to admit many of own mistakes.
a) Obsession with the “international law” and suppressing liberation of Donbass in 2014 – 2022.
Wrong evaluation of West behavior: it was thought that escalation in Dobass may lead to the war with the West. Typical “reflexive control myth”. It is a myth, because it is simply a logical error. Even in “some blogs” (they may know they are), the idea of the military liberation of Donbass was condemned as an idea of “sofa-generals” who does not understand geopolitics. But in fact it was simply a logical conclusion.
b) Which law to follow if a “partner” constantly breaks laws? Being “polite” with one who is not polite?
c) believing in Western variant of capitalism and listening to uneducated possibly charlatans like Anton Siluanov and Elvira Nabiullina.
3. The most effective control of the country is “cognitive” or “refexive” control of the leaders. Being of CIA agent, one firstly will study habits, mental paths, of the leaders and then build the informational pyramid around the leaders via long-raging informational waves. This is like controlling a fish immersed in chaotic gas. All believes, contacts, friends, coworkers, society around a leader is random like a gas, but every gas has physical laws for the waves which propagate there and focusing these waves may produce desired effect.
a) Some side myths. R MOD reports of Ukrainian losses are praised in pro-Russian blogs. This is a short thinking. These losses destroy Ukraine materially and discredit denazification goal. This is exactly what West wants. Why to praise them? It is a tragedy. It is actually and in the long term is a loss for Russia. Because Russia does slaughter “own people” even a brainwashed.
so, the strategy of R MOD based on maximum damage to human content of U. is wrong. It may be under “reflexive control” too. Military may think in military terms. G. thinks in global economico-military-political.
Based on this, it feels that the SMO must be achieved as fast as possible. Instead of slaughtering people (by applauding West), R. can immediately shut down all electricity, refineries, transportation in Ukraine and take over the late and noisy party immersed in the dark.
And if there will be a huger and misery in downed Ukraine, send Russian grain not to the West, but to help Ukrainian people. And prevent selling Ukrainian grain abroad which (by applauding West) with Russian short-thinking-help goes on.
b) Glaziev: “..Could the USSR have won the unification of Europe by the German fascists if the obligation to supply raw materials and materials to Germany had continued? …”
(Мог бы СССР победить объединенную немецкими фашистами Европу, если бы продолжал выполнять свои обязательства по поставкам сырья и материалов в Германию? )
c) and possibly one of the most stupid myths and trends: some say West puts sanctions on us and we respond with sanction on them. Nothing is most stupid and wrong. Because we do exactly what West wants: break connection with Europe. We don’t need to make Europe to suffer. We don’t need to put Europe to knees and to crisis. This will only strengthen Russians adversaries.
Like making forward sanctions on Ukraine. But see G. He said this better.
d) I think the analysts which possibly tend to have too narrow scope and tend to be “hurray” analysts” have to study this article. Like perhaps A.M. Why this? These are my raw thoughts: [2]
Here is a link to Glaziev’s Google autotranslate to English:
Instead of link which is broken in my original comment.
Mr. Saker gave us here some nice links to very haut and refined art.
I d like to add this one, true it is just an old poem, no arty musik. Will it be published here?
During his life they failed to made the author a coward for his poetry, He was in the trenches, invalidated. Aged 25 yrs and 6 months – awarded by the Military Cross. Aged 25 7 months 17 days – killed during the crossing of the Sambre Canal.
Dulce et Decorum Est
My granddad served on the Italien front. He survived.
The 100,000 combat ready soldiers rumored to be offered from N. Korea to assist Russia ? Darn, must have just been a rumor, but it sure made sense to me, they are right there in close proximity, would have made a nice shot in the arm and if nothing else could be used to firmly hold ground, and not to mention maybe sent a sobering message to the US who could have done nothing to stop or punish it.
One thing that has became clear is that when forced to choose, Russia clearly sees Kherson as more strategically important and worth defending than Kharkov.
Very nice music. :)
Вежливый Отказ
Zelensky, NATO, and EU are a fraud. I attribute my critical thinking to may father by adoption. My biological father was killed in WWII. I grew up between four contradictory views of the world. As a child I accepted being hungry, fatherless, lice infested as normal. I was happy. The best day was after school when I went to pick up the empty bottle from my aunt in which I brought milk on my way to school, and she gave me a big slice of white bread with lard on top sprinkled with sugar. At age 12 I was adopted by an uncle and aunt from Canada. I came to live in privilege.
My uncle lived through the depression, working on farms just to have a place to sleep. He became a business owner who never forgot the soup kitchens and jail time for hopping freight trains while seeking work. He became a socialist and remained so all his life. He attributed inequality to social hierarchy which was accepted even by the ones whose forfathers were sent to the colonies in chains.
My aunt was born in the USA. As a young girl she, went to work with carboard in her shoes. My uncle’s experience made him generous with people who were marginalized by society while my aunt, even during plenty, made sure that every leftover from a meal was saved and used in the next meal. I became more like my uncle than my aunt.
My next experience that shaped my world view was my Canadian high school education where every a.m. we sang God Save the Queen, said the Lords Prayer as we stared at the queen’s picture by the loudspeaker on the front wall in the classroom. Everything English was glorified in print. Colonialism, wars. Exploration, innovation was explained as a civilizing process. Like the Media today we were fed one narrative and we passed our exams parroting that narrative. I accepted the narrative of English goodness to be accepted as a person. I did, however, learn that there were many other countries in the world that had a different world view from what we were learning in class. It took me a while before I accepted the idea that all this civilizing process could be fake.
Two university professors and my life work opened my eyes to critical thinking. My life work involved teaching others to be critical thinkers. How does one teach critical thinking to people who don’t know the difference between Austria and Australia. How does one reason with a person who stands in line to pay respect to a Queen who died leaving behind a legacy of archaic behaviour of conduct, and undemocratic social order over which she presided. How does one reason with people who don’t understand that the graves we see on TV are Ukrainian war casualties. The media silence on this issue and the lies of Zelensky is a demand that we “collude in a corrupt system of establishment rule and hierarchical privilege.”
Critical thinking on Ukraine and Russia has been silenced through censorship and every government official and news editor and almost every journalist in the West parrots the same narrative as they did on the Iraq war, the Libya war, the Syria war, Yugoslav war and now NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine, is a narrative shaped to serve those same interests.
Now that some days have passed, I want to make some points in relation with this previous post
and the subsequent discussion on it.
On Sept 12th the allied forces mostly withdrew behind the Oskol river (still a small part of Kharkov oblast, according to the maps published). It seems they are consolidating there. For five days now the overexcited ukro troops have tried to advance there, got propely clobbered and retreat to original positions. Similar process has also happened in Kherson and Donetsk.
Considering this, is even possible that the claim of the Russian Mod of the withdrew in Kharkov as a preplanned move have been truthful, however it´s also true that the haphazard way of communicate about it made it, at the moment, sound like it was BS.
Nevertheless, I think is also important that the concerns expressed by The Saker about the risks of that “informational defeat” becoming a force multiplier doesn’t seem to have realized so far. The allies behind the Oskol and in the rest of the frontline are standing confidently, according to the same Telegram channels that were the most angrier in the days of the breaktrough. BBC and Wikipedia, deprived of new advances to report, are milking the “atrocities porn” foretold by The Saker for all his worth. Even CNN, as noted by A. Martyanov is tryng to calm down the western euphoria.
Meanwhile winter approaches, and it seems clear that Russia has decided to let Europe (and the Kiev regime) enjoy at least one cold season freed from the so evil russian energy and heating. Let’s see how it works for them. It will also be interesting to see the moves of the allied forces once the green cover of forests begin to thin as the fall and winter began to set in.
For the people with a very intense musical sensibility, two links for this weekend :
If you feel a strong emotion listening pure beauty, prepare a box of Kleenex…
WIth regard to weekend entertainment, I’d like to recommend watching, and listening to the music in, the Russian movie “White Tiger”, especially for its, how to put it, spiritual aspect, as well as its amazingly prescient final two scenes. (Who is the other, silent character in the final scene?)
The Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin (on his unofficial website) seems to recognize in a recent essay that things are not going well for the Special Operation and that things must change fundamentally. In other words, Russia must inform its population that it is officially at war, even an existential war, and prepare the people accordingly, without calling for a draft. Dugin appears to suggest, as others have done, that NATO trained mercenaries are operating in determinative numbers in Ukraine. In other words, that Russia is already at war with NATO elite trained “mercenaries.” This war can quickly become a defensive war for Russia in Crimea, Donbass, and the Russian border itself. With the dismantling of Russia at the edges, precipitously inward, being not far in the horizon, abetted by certain former satellites of the USSR.
In sum, Dugin says things did not have to escalate to the very edge of a Third World War, but the US-led NATO has brought it to precisely that point. Only the US and its allies are ever allowed special operations, such as the ones that destroyed Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Thus the possibility of a Third World War, a truly existential war, for Russia is looking more and more probable by the day.
I don’t expect announcement while Putin is abroad.
I do expect an announcement soon though.
Will Schryver’s Twitter account @imetatronink and blog:
is worth keeping an eye on.
See for example this, his latest, thread:
‘Some additional reasoning for which I remain convinced the Russians deliberately invited NATO commanders of the Kharkov-based AFU Version 2.0 to commit their forces to a counter-offensive in the place they did.
I acknowledge I’m one of relatively few that believes it was a deliberate move.
These are the relevant facts:
– all Russian regulars were withdrawn in advance, leaving only a token force of Donbass militia and Rosgvardia
– large numbers of civilians evacuated in advance
– it is false that significant amounts of equipment were left behind
– it was a perfectly orderly if rapid withdrawal, with pre-prepared ambuscades along the way
– they withdrew to pre-prepared lines of defense on the east side of the Oskol River
– the reserves they brought up were deployed on the east side of the Oskol (to the pre-planned line of defense) while Balakleya and Kupyansk were still Russian-controlled
– they have continued to defend and hold the strategic part of Kupyansk against all attempts to take it
-The Oskol and Donets rivers form a pocket enclosing the now-stalled Ukrainian advance
– Izyum is not the strategically important hub many believed it to be; Kupyansk is
– the attacking force has been exposed to massive artillery and airstrikes throughout the pocket
– The force used for the counter-offensive has been savagely depleted; many thousands KIA, even more WIA; AFU ver. 2.0 is ruined
– They are clearly, imo, planning an offensive against Nikolaev/Odessa, and now the AFU’s strongest force is unavailable to reinforce in the south
In my considered opinion, virtually everything points to a classic Russian cauldron construction by luring this force into a natural geographic pocket, with the intent of wrecking it in advance of a major Russian offensive towards Nikolaev/Odessa.
6/end ‘
The West has nothing left but propaganda and suicide: https://julianmacfarlane.substack.com/p/lies-damned-lies-the-media-and-kharkov In the Pacific War, the Japanese lost the war when they lost their carriers. They had a huge battlefield and were constructing the world’s most advanced battleships– of course obsolete in concept since the age of battleships was over. The Yamato and Musashi were like US carriers today. Good for showing the flag in the absence of real opposition. Japan also had a lot of bases in the Pacific. And lots of troops, willing to fight to the death. But the war was lost early on. And after that the only war that the Japanese won was in their minds — the Propaganda War – which like the MSM’s media war targets only those inclined to belief in Americanism in the first place. This war is in your mind too. The Japanese people were told that they were winning — with do or die tactics – suicide tactics, on the ground, at sea and in the air. The Ukrainians are told the same thing. And they too practice suicide tactics. The US is, of course, also committing national suicide, diverting resources to the benefit of a tiny cabal of rich people who make money from the defense industries, simultaneously depriving their country of the things that it really needs to survive. Bye, bye,
American pie.
Analysis: “Ukraine. Figurehead of Washington”: The Spanish magazine “Rebellion” writes that Ukraine will not be able to repay the debts of the United States and will pay for military assistance from the West with its territories.
“Ukraine, after the February 2014 coup, which signified the triumph of the ultra-right and prone positions in Washington and NATO, has become a destabilizing actor in the region and a leader of orchestrating a policy of maximum pressure on Russia. Ukraine has become a tool of the US administration to implement its hegemonic interests at different levels. Western powers such as the United States, France, Britain and Germany primarily seek to subjugate Russia and make it bear the enormous burden of carrying out military operations that only benefit large military conglomerates. -industrial, but do not benefit the people.
✔️ A Europe that, in addition to being mired in conflicts with unforeseen consequences, is fast approaching winter and has a strong chance that its economy will suffer from the drop in oil and gas imports. In this climate of uncertainty and sanctions against Moscow, the weakest sections of society suffer the most. And in this, European countries are bearing the brunt of high inflation rates, the colossal rise in fuel prices and the protest of the population, which is only in its infancy, but which can lead to explosions large-scale social.
✔️ Currently, Western countries, especially European countries, are under enormous economic pressure and hardship due to economic management subordinated to the demands of the United States, which has placed the policy of sanctions against Russia above any consideration of the peoples of the world. Thus, an arms trade is imposed, which implies that Kyiv must buy obsolete military equipment and make its economy dependent on orders and supplies. And at some point, sooner rather than later, you’ll have to pay for it.
✔️ Ukrainians, as a society, with their future development will have to pay for the renewal of their arsenals and at the same time witness enormous corruption. Bloomberg points out that Ukrainian assets are already pledged on the basis of payment for the services of foreign advisers, mercenaries, services and logistical support, in addition to Western software, which creates dependency on the Western industry and, therefore, the impossibility of its own independent development.
✔️ Ukraine, having submitted to the West, has completely laid the foundation for the future of the next generations of its population. Evidenced by the signing by US President Joe Biden of the Lend-Lease Act, which is mainly to facilitate military supplies with future payment. This law will allow Ukraine to borrow about 100 billion dollars.
✔️ Thus, a serious threat to the sovereignty of this European country materializes, and this will undoubtedly mean that if it is impossible to pay the debt, the Ukrainian political cliques will be forced to make their territory available to American troops and to NATO. By creating dozens of military bases, as they did with Germany after World War II, by creating strict rental conditions. And they will promote investment, which means the privatization of Ukrainian energy services and access to the food industry. Ukraine is digging its own grave, showing that it is on its way to becoming Washington’s main figurehead in Europe, spearheading the interests of that country’s energy lobby and military-industrial complex.
This is exactly why Ukraine must be neutralized.
Emotional speech of Russian political scientist Sergey Kurginyan on 17.09.2022 on the talk show “The Right to know” (from 47:50) – https://youtu.be/1A-FJ8ZamXQ?t=2870
In the 90s, there was an avalanche-like regression and deindustrialization in Russia. Putin’s government has stabilized the situation, but has not turned it into progress. For low loads, this was normal. It is necessary to use the existing potential differently. There is no common betrayal, traitors are individual people.