Today, I want to post a few rather amazing news items about some rather weird things happening in the post-Christian West.
First, there is this pearl of wisdom: “Pope Francis directs racially charged comment towards Russians”
Chechens, Buryats and others who are “of Russia but are not of the Russian tradition” are acting with “cruelty” in Ukraine, the head of the Roman Catholic Church told the Jesuit magazine America in an interview published on Monday. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said such words go beyond mere Russophobia. Ukraine’s people are being “martyred,” Pope Francis said in the interview, conducted last week at the Vatican. “Generally, the cruelest are perhaps those who are of Russia but are not of the Russian tradition, such as the Chechens, the Buryati [sic] and so on. Certainly, the one who invades is the Russian state. This is very clear.” Speaking at a roundtable in the Russian Senate on Monday, Zakharova called the comments made by Pope Francis beyond the pale. “This is no longer Russophobia, it’s a perversion on a level I can’t even name,” she said. Later, on Telegram, she pointed out that until recently the Western media claimed that Slavs were “tormenting the people of the Caucasus,” referring to the conflict between Russia and the Chechen separatists, and now they say it’s the other way around.
WOW! Pitting Orthodox Christians against Muslim Chechens and Buddhist Buriats. What a “brilliant” and (totally not) novel idea. Furthermore, the fact that this idiot mentioned “Buriati” (which is the plural Buriat in Russian and Ukrainian) shows the origin of this brilliant statement: for the Ukronazis all Russians are basically Asiatic brutes, in other words, “Buriats”. FYI – there are less than half a million Buriats in Russia, that is out of a population of 147 million. But hey, if the objective is to create racial/ethnic/religious tensions, even a small minority like Buriats can be used, right? Divide and conquer and all that.
To say that this stupid crap offended *everybody* in Russia is an understatement:
Moscow lodges complaint with Vatican
Russia’s ambassador to the Vatican has filed a complaint over an interview given by Pope Francis, in which he accused troops of Chechen and Buryat origin of particular “cruelty” during Moscow’s military offensive in Ukraine. Alexander Avdeyev said he visited the Vatican’s diplomatic service late on Monday to deliver the note. “I expressed indignation at such insinuations,” the ambassador said, referring to the Pope’s comments. “Nothing can shake the solidarity and unity of the multinational Russian people,” he told RIA Novosti news agency on Tuesday (…). Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova responded that the pontiff’s words were “no longer Russophobia. It’s a perversion on a level I can’t even name.” Alexey Tsidenov, the leader of Buryatia – a Russian Buddhist republic in southeast Siberia – said Pope Francis’ comments were “strange, to say the least.” The speaker of Chechnya’s parliament, Magomed Daudov, advised the Pope to listen to the people of Donbass, to whom Chechens, Buryats and representatives of other nations of Russia have become “saviors.”
Well done, pelotudo! While that statement will get you a standing ovations from Nazis in Kiev and in the Neocons in the West, you have just given yet another major reason for all Russians to join forces and stand together against the demonic forces you represent and serve.
By the way, there are not three, but FOUR officially recognized and protected religions in Russia: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism. I wonder why the Pope forgot to include “bloodthirsty Jews” in his list of villains. Oh, wait! I forgot that the Latins thinks of Judaics as their “elders in faith” and that the Vatican now says that Latins and Jews are expecting the same messiah, except that for the Latins it would be his second coming while for the Jews it would be his first.

They serve the same master
One could be forgiven for thinking that de facto the Latins and the Judaics have fused into one wannabe world religion. Pseudo-Orthodox apostates will gladly join them.
But it gets better.
While the Pope is busy with Buriats, his fellow “Christians” are busy with truly amazing stuff. Check this out:
Jesus Christ could have been transgender – Cambridge Dean
Dr. Michael Banner defended a scholar who compared a wound on Christ’s body to a vagina, The Telegraph reported. The dean of Trinity College in Cambridge has called speculation that Jesus Christ might have been transgender “legitimate,” The Telegraph reported on Saturday. Dr. Michael Banner made the statement in defense of a junior research fellow who claimed that Jesus’ body incorporates both masculine and feminine features. During last Sunday’s evensong service in the college chapel, Cambridge research student Joshua Heath displayed Renaissance and Medieval paintings of Jesus’ crucifixion while asserting that one of the wounds on his body “takes on a decidedly vaginal appearance,” according to the newspaper. To prove his point, Heath used the 14th-century painting ‘Pieta with the Holy Trinity’ by Jean Malouel, which is a part of the Louvre’s collection. The painting depicts Jesus with a side wound, from which blood is streaming down to the groin. “In Christ’s simultaneously masculine and feminine body in these works, if the body of Christ [is] as these works suggest the body of all bodies, then his body is also the trans body,” Heath said, as quoted by the outlet.
Seriously! A “woke rewriting” of the Gospels. Brilliant! Next, lets censor the Bible, right? Turns out, some are already working hard towards that goal.
If this is the state of Western academia and “theology” then no wonder Russians of any faith or ethnicity (here I use the word “Russian” in the sense of rossiiskii and not russkii) want nothing to do with such freaks. And they are not just anybody, check out what Wikipedia has to say about this Trinity College in Cambridge:
Trinity College is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge. Founded in 1546 by King Henry VIII, Trinity is one of the largest of Cambridge’s 31 colleges, with the largest financial endowment of any college at either Cambridge or Oxford. Trinity has some of the most distinctive architecture in Cambridge; its Great Court is said to be the largest enclosed courtyard in Europe. Academically, Trinity performs well as measured by the Tompkins Table (the annual unofficial league table of Cambridge colleges), coming top from 2011 to 2017. Trinity was the top-performing college for the 2020-21 undergraduate exams, obtaining the highest percentage of good honours. Members of Trinity have been awarded 34 Nobel Prizes out of the 121 received by members of Cambridge University (the highest of any college at either Oxford or Cambridge).
So this is hardly some kind of “fringe” institution, but an integral part of the Western political establishment.
Chechens, Buriats and vaginas on Christ’s bodies. THAT is the intellectual level of a civilization which for about 1000 years modestly thought of itself as the “light unto the nations” and which gave birth to modern imperialism (irrespective of the ideological fig leaf of the time which was used to justify wars of aggression and the clear attempt to conquer the entire planet!
Truly, sic transit gloria mundi :-)
Now for some week-end music. Today I want to introduce you to my absolutely favorite Jazz composer and a true musical genius: Bill Evans. He was also an absolutely amazing musician and performer. So I will share two of my favorite Bill Evans compositions:
First, his composition “You Must Believe in Spring”
Next, the same composition, but performed by Mikko Hilden
Next, Bill Evans plays “We will meet again”
and here is the same tune, but interpreted by John McLaughlin and the the Aighetta Quartet
Enjoy and have a great week end!
These liars (pope and his ilk) are demon posessed creatures. They have sold their souls long ago.
A great darkness is fast shrouding the West. Spiritual darkness. A dwelling for every wicked bird.
If you are from the west and have a child.. protect them from the toxic influence of this woke culture shift at all costs.
Not to diminish the insult to Jesus but I would not be too bothered by the claim of Joshua Heath regarding the appearance of a wound on Jesus’ body. I am of firm belief that Mr. Heath has never seen a vagina and the closest he will ever get to a vagina is a painting on a museum wall.
With regard to the Pope, I believe going forward we can replace the verb “Woke” with the verb “Bought” or the verb “Compromised”.
The power of the AngloZionists is their uncanny ability to use gold, archived photographs of little boys, or loss of social status to persuade weak and unprincipled people to spew on-demand hate in alignment with the propaganda of their current agenda.
The insults to Jesus are not new in this disintegrating culture – if it could be so called. A few decades back, for various reasons, I decided not to proceed on to a Ph.D on my supervisors advice, but included in those reasons was my loss of any belief in it’s value from an angloSaxon University, when a Ph.D was awarded to a student for a “thesis” claiming that Jesus was a homosexual, and that accepting homosexuals as normal was implied in this.
Then there was the “art” exhibit, which a statuette of Jesus similar to one which had adorned my bedroom dressing table as a child was placed in a jar of urine!!!!
I started giving up on the Western world at a very young age!.
I only agree with some of the word the Pope has used. Like these:
The Ukraine’s people are being martyred. The cruelest are those who are not from Russia. (But the West)
The Latin and the Judaic Religion have fused into a one world religion.
The Vatican and the Jews are now expecting the same messiah, except: for the Jews it would be a first time to bow before the feet of the Messiah. The icon they formerly called a son of a whore, and the one they spat on and Crucified.
I find such a Jewish repentance hard to imagine, but could better imagine the Pope kneel before the Good worshipped by the Pharisees.
The Pope has just given all Christians the best of reasons to unite against the demonic forces he serve.
‘the Jews it would be a first time to bow before the feet of the Messiah’ ~ No, they would be bowing to the Anti Christ who impersonates the Messiah and so will be majority Christians.
The true Muslims who are brothers to their true Christians will be leading the holy war aka jihad against the Anti Christ, obviously the Russians are playing the lead role here.
If the Pope had any sense (?) he would keep a low profile and remain impartial regarding world events and remember what his job actually is.
Collaboration with Nazis during WW2, collaboration with the IRA during the Irish Troubles, rampant abuse and pedophilia, The Spanish Inquisition. Not really in a good place to lecture others are they ?
The Spanish Inquisition never happened. It is another fairy tale from the Anglos.
I agree with all the other crimes you mentioned.
Regarding the Pope, Bergoglio never had any sense, not even when he was Archbishop from Buenos Aires.He used to meddle in politics quite often, particularly when nobody asked him his opinion.
The Spanish Inquisition never happened.
Oh please, even the bad old Wikipedia makes more sense:
But yes, Bergoglio does look rather stupid and his statements confirm that.
I should have said (English is not my mother tongue)…” The Spanish Inquisition never happened the way the Anglos (and OTHER Europeans countries) told us it happened” It was grossly exaggerated …by you know who…
“Imperiofobia y Leyenda Negra”, Part 2, Chapter 6, Maria Elvira Roca Barea (I have the book only in Spanish, unfortunately but I know you speak Spanish) explain the myth of the Spanish Inquisition and how it goes hand in hand with the other prefered fairy tale of the Anglos, the “Black Legend” (although the Black Legend comes originally from the italians)
The myth has already been debunked by many authors. Did it happen ? Yes. The way they tell us ? No.
Torquemada’s Inquisition was the model for the 1930’s replay – see Dostoevsky’s story-within-a-story for details –
Grand Inquisitor.
I’m a Catholic and I have a true story to share: many years ago, I was hanging in Opus Dei, where they were offering evening meditations and then we would hang out. Well, one evening one of the guys in Opus started a story about “getting together to fight against the persecution of Christians in Saudi Arabia”. I voiced some concerns, mainly with the eye on stopping the Western imperialist tendencies. The dude escalated, and so did I. After a short shouting exchange, I got kicked out. I have no idea what happened between the people that were left. Never before or after was the topic raised in my presence.
And there was another thing. There was this guy who took it upon himself to wrest me from the grasp of the East. So he went to great lengths, taking Raskolnikov from Crime and Punishment as metaphor for Russian people, and tried to explain to me that “the Russian soul is split asunder”. “RASKOLnikov” (raskol == schism). It took me quite a while for me to figure out what he was going on about, but once I did, I had to give him a little counter-speech where I explained that he can’t take symbolism from random 19th century literature and use it as a measure for conclusions. Since you can’t – that’s not how logic works. :)
Actually there were more things, now that they started coming back to me. There was this one guy who asked me if I was a foreigner or Ustasha (I was neither, I was and am *SpEcIaL~ xD … well, *technically* I was a foreigner, but not in the sense of other people in Opus – Spanish, Mexicans, French…). That was approximately the second or third sentence that I exchanged with him. Lots of time later, he – I think – wanted to shove me under a tram. I’m not 100% certain of that, but I think that’s what was happening.
Ah. Such adventures I had in Croatia. <3 Truly an unforgettable time! xD
And as for the Catholic Church, we have a saying: "The Church is not a church of saints but a church of sinners." And it's true! All saints were sinners before they were saved by Jesus. ^_^ It's a fact!
The Church is not a church of saints but a church of sinners.
Yes, the Church is a hospital for sinners. But the Papacy is not the Church, it is, in fact, an anti-Church which far from healing sinners with the spirit of the Fathers poisons them with even more lies.
> But the Papacy is not the Church, it is, in fact, (…)
In the interest of improved mutual understanding, I will offer what I understand is the Catholic understanding of the Papacy: it is an institution of the Church, an organizational unit, that has its job.
After thinking a bit about this, I see there are multiple possible alternate understandings (examples: Catholic Church and Papacy are one and the same, Papacy is a god-king that has taken the place of Christ, Papacy is an infallible sooth-sayer that claims to speak the words of God but is actually lining its pocket+doing war etc.) and I won’t try to guess what are your or other people’s views. Way to many ways this guessing can go wrong.
@The Saker
Because the Catholic Church is attached to the Roman Empire of the moment (I do not know if with the Orthodox Church is the same), the Pope is a Globalist as well. But now Globalists/Fascists and Nazi are losing heavily in Ukraine, and the Papacy (in particular the Jesuits) must be in deficit…..and everything, at the end of the day, is linked to money…..
I do not know how this man may think possible for him to “help” in the dialogue of the two fighting parts!
Actually, the Latins are the ones who DESTROYED the Roman civilization in the West and replaced it with a Frankish heretical cult. See here: /putin-the-pope-the-schism-franks-and-romans/
Rome, the real Rome, the Eastern Roman Empire survived the Rome of the West by roughly 1000 years.
This is also why I refuse to call the Latins “Roman Catholics”: they are neither Roman nor Universal.
The only true Roman Catholics are the Orthodox Christians, at least those who have kept the faith “which the Lord gave, was preached by the Apostles, and was preserved by the Fathers. On this was the Church founded; and if anyone departs from this, he neither is nor any longer ought to be called a Christian” (St. Athanasius).
I wonder why so many people still signs up to the Catholic Christian religion, without reacting to the moral gymnastics conducted by the Pope. Are Catholic Christians still unable to read?
Up North we reformed the Christian Church in the 16th century, because the indulgence and confession scam used by the Catholic Church collided with the words of Jesus.
So in my mind, there is only the Farther and the Son.
There is no Holy Ghost as the middle man, who has to be paid to get in touch with the Farther and the Son.
Maybe it’s time for a reformation of the Catholic Church by segregating from the Papal institution.
But be aware that you will have to renounce Feudalism, Fascism, Freemasonic Supremacy, and must face God for your sins in life, instead of paying the Papal Institution a symbolic amount to forgive you your sins.
I understand that this is a tough decision if you fear our Father, instead of loving him.
More than hint of infallibility there, if I dare to intercede in a theological debate?
Result – 2 infallibiles at loggerheads. Not very ecumenical, that?
@ Saker
Well done, pelotudo!
Well said, Saker!
For those outside the Spanish language, pelotudo means “dumb, jerk, dumbass, stupid, fool, dummy, idiot, boob, asshole” and more, all depending on the context. It is a synonym of boludo, with a stronger connotation. It comes from Lunfardo, an Argentinian dialect from the lumpen, originally a mix of Spanish/Italian, later adding words from other languages, popularized by tango.
The “Pope” is Argentinian, he will understand the message very well.
His (very stupid) statement on Buriati and Chechens, diminishing not just those ethnic groups, but the entire Russian people, makes him deserve the title of,
Such a pelotudo!
Lone Wolf
The depravity of American education is boundless. Can’t believe anyone’s surprised, except Christ with a vagina, that’s a new form of sick. The Pope? Finished. That office was lost to millions when they removed opposition to homosexuals from the Vatican long ago and since, many new depravities added to the allowed list. But American education is just lost to sickness.
Hey, Andrei, thanks for the tunes. You and Andrei post pointers to some excellent music.
Mostly agreed (and I am a Christian of the “Latin” branch), with just a few relatively minor quibbles:
1. No it’s not Catholic doctrine that Jews are “elder brothers in the faith”: That was an offhand remark by John Paul II, and he was wrong (because no one who rejects Jesus Christ belongs to “the faith”, not to mention that post-Christian Talmudic Judaism is actually younger than Christianity);
2. The Catholic Dante put several Popes in his Inferno and he said more were on their way down;
3. Even from a Catholic perspective it’s debatable whether Jorge Bergoglio (aka “Francis”) is actually the Pope, but what is clear is that “Pope Francis” is manifestly Anti-Christian and has no spiritual authority whatsoever.
4. Nonetheless “Western” Christianity – for a thousand years, at least until recently – has included many lights unto this world, even despite how so many of its clergy have betrayed Jesus Christ. And over the centuries many Orthodox Bishops also sold out to the “Prince Of This World”, so please let’s all remember the parable of the Wheat and the Tares.
5. That said? Personally I think only Divine Intervention can purge the degenerate Roman Catholic Clergy of its scandalous Legions, and I look to God’s Mother (“Theotokos”) to rescue Christianity, as she has always done ever since she protected Jesus on their flight to Egypt. A reversion to “Orthodox” won’t rescue The Church, but God’s Mother can and shall.
A couple of issues here:
“A reversion to “Orthodox” won’t rescue The Church,” the Church is in no need of “rescue” as it is the theandric Body of Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit, and against which the Gates of Hades shall not prevail. The notion that the Church needs salvation is pure Sergianism.
I look to God’s Mother (“Theotokos”) to rescue Christianity,. Christianity is in no need of rescue (vide supra :-) and, in fact, Christianity is doing just fine, thank you.
Nonetheless “Western” Christianity – for a thousand years, at least until recently Western Christianity existed as long as the West was part of the Church. Once the Latins broke away from the Christian world, darkness overtook the West while the Eastern Rome existed for a full millennium following the fall of the Western Rome.
over the centuries many Orthodox Bishops also sold out to the “Prince Of This World”, No kiddin! Why do you think I put a photo of an “Orthodox” Patriarch next to the Pope? The difference here is first that these bishops have not been declared infallible and, second, that the sins of its members does not corrupt the Church Herself. We do not conflate ANY cleric with the Church, hence we don’t have the need to convoluted mental gymnastics like you do. We also have NO problems deposing heresiarchs.
what is clear is that “Pope Francis” is manifestly Anti-Christian and has no spiritual authority whatsoever. Sedevacantism is just a lame attempt at dealing with a basic cognitive dissonance: we proclaim the Pope as the infallible Head of the Church and when that Pope is not to our taste, we declare that he ain’t a “real” Pope. The logical fallacy here should be obvious to a 5 year old.
No it’s not Catholic doctrine that Jews are “elder brothers in the faith”: That was an offhand remark by John Paul II Bullshit, this was reposted and spread all over Latin news outlets and endorsed by too many Latins to bury it like you tried. I also note that you do not object to my claim that Latins and Judaics are now expecting the same messiah (which, of course, the Father predicted would be the Antichrist).
A reversion to “Orthodox” won’t rescue The Church, but God’s Mother can and shall. Oh but my Latin friend, you should remember “extra ecclesiam nulla salus” from your Sunday school days. The notion that those lapsed from the Church can somehow bypass the Church, say by invoking the Mother of God, and still be saved is absurd.
Now, truth be told, I did not write any of the above to answer you, since I know that your time will stick to your delusions at absolutely any cost and that to try to justify your position you will go into some Latin version of pilpul to try to solve 1000 years worth of theological absurdities and contradictions.
No, I wrote the above to show the REST of our readers how simple it is to deconstruct Latin lies and deceptions (which are targeted as the uneducated, naive, not too bright or otherwise lukewarm towards the truth as such).
Thank you for making my case so easy to make.
I thought the Elder Brother Statement was the new monthly payment by the “Church” to the usual suspects for:
(1) offing that dangerous troublemaker John Paul the First
(2) covering up the (latest) Vatican Bank criminality
(3) covering up the shenanigans of Propaganda Due Masonic Lodge
(4) maintaining the supply of kids & adrenochrome, and with the help of the media
(5) making it possible to be pro-abortion and pro-LGBTQ and still Catholic
> No kiddin! Why do you think I put a photo of an “Orthodox” Patriarch next to the Pope? The difference here is first that these bishops have not been declared infallible and, second, that the sins of its members does not corrupt the Church Herself.
If a sin of a member of Orthodox Church doesn’t corrupt the Church, how would a sin of a member of the Catholic Church corrupt the Church? Notwithstanding that obviously mortal sin corrupts that member/organ of the Body that sinned, and therefore harms the entire Body – since one organ is sick, the Body as a whole is obviously harmed and suffers. Maybe there’s even a citation to this effect somewhere in Pauline epistles.
And as for papal infallibility – this is often not understood/misunderstood. For reference of the kinds of errors that the doctrine allows, look up pope Honorius. Pope Honorius as well as several other popes were *well* known during the First Vatican council. The pope is infallible ONLY when proclaiming a dogma. In no other circumstances. The proclamation of a dogma must be perfectly obvious to be a proclamation of a dogma, just like a sign from God is never ambiguos.
But hey, we’re getting somewhere. :) At least I’m very slowly developing the idea of obstacles to union of the churches. Maybe other people are getting something good out of this too.
If a sin of a member of Orthodox Church doesn’t corrupt the Church, how would a sin of a member of the Catholic Church corrupt the Church?
Personal sins don’t affect the Church at all. Theological sins (heresies) get you ejected from the Church.
For the Latins, however, the Pope is the embodiment, the foundation and the Helmsman of the Papacy. It is the Latins themselves who opened that door with the Papal Dictates and with the First Vatican Council.
Hence their need for mental gymnastics to deal with all the resulting contradictions.
In a perfect World, the Papacy would reflect all Catholics…. just as the American and Western Governments reflect their citizens.
What we got here is corruption. The French showed the way how to correct this. And King Carlos III showed why Jesuits should not be involved in anything that reflects Catholics.
During the years that I – a non-Christian – spent in the west, remember during Christmas season when felt the true spirit of Christmas in the air as we listened to radio, television playing mostly works of Russian composers, Tchaikovsky, Borodin, Shostakovitch… And of course that had nothing to do with my personal taste but because I knew a little bit about history, culture and works of art. Today’s Armenia – one of the oldest sovereign nations – was the world’s first country to adopt Christianity and ever since it has had great influences on the development of the religion across the eastern Europe. So given its proximity to the birth place of Jesus Christ, one would think it’s as close as one can get to the original Christianity. In Italy, there’s this huge ancient Roman flying gods, powerful Caesar’s sort of bravado that have much influenced the original version up until today. Now reading the expert opinion at the U of Cambridge reminds me again during my stay in the west, how Hollywood made huge contributions to the modern day western portrayal of the Christ, depicting him as a very tall, slim, fair skin with blue eyes and other traits that have no logical correlation to the original characteristics of the Semitic people living in the land of Palestine over 2000 years ago.
remember during Christmas season when felt the true spirit of Christmas in the air as we listened to radio, television playing mostly works of Russian composers, Tchaikovsky, Borodin, Shostakovitch… And of course that had nothing to do with my personal taste
Except that none of that has any connection whatsoever to the Nativity of Christ. None.
Just like bunnies have nothing to do with Holy Paskha.
Or the Popes with Christianity…
Vatican City is the smallest country in the world and yet more corrupt than Ukraine. That this ‘proven’ den of iniquity can still control the mindsets of 1.2 billion people, speaks volumes. Fark the VC!
Thanks for another insightful article, Saker..
I must admit, the absolutely depraved state of the west has really got me down.
Is there any way to wake up all of the retards out there or are they all just going to submit to the evil that is “wokeness” without a second thought, while attacking anyone who tries to shake them out of it as “racists” and “alt-righters”? Because so far this is the trend I’m witnessing on every major public discussion forum. Using any kind of logic makes you a racist, domestic terrorist, alt-righter, and a Trump supporter all at once in the minds of these imbeciles. And they’re fucking everywhere.
Dark times.
The ludicrousness of the transgender assertion should be immediately obvious from the “methodology” of the researcher, who used medieval *paintings* as his reference source. Being as all such artworks, however piously intended, were works of fiction based solely on the artist’s conception, no realistic conclusions about the actual body of Jesus of Nazareth can be derived from them.
To wit, “Garbage in, garbage out!”
Pay em no mind, they have gone full fruit loop.
I would if they stopped trying to impersonate Christianity…
Of course, the Russian communities were highly offended, but W. Europeans were too.
And, as Americans, we, too, were shocked by what the Pope’s handlers told him to say.
We’re going to check with our Italian friends who are knowledgeable about how The Papacy has slammed Russians in the past. During the Stalin years, the Catholic Church hated “Communist Russia.”
As Russia and President Putin start to move away from the predatory nature of US Capitalism, the Pope’s remark stands to reason. Just ask The Vatican Bank about their insidious interactions with US/EU/Uk Capitalism.
Of course, the Russian communities were highly offended, but W. Europeans were too.
And, as Americans, we, too, were shocked by what the Pope’s handlers told him to say.
We’re going to check with our Italian friends who are knowledgeable about how The Papacy has slammed Russians in the past. During the Stalin years, the Catholic Church hated “Communist Russia.”
As Russia and President Putin start to move away from the predatory nature of US Capitalism, the Pope’s remark stands to reason. Just ask The Vatican Bank about their insidious interactions with US/EU/Uk Capitalism.
The Pope/Cardinals/Vatican Bank are not “anti-Christian” — they are Pro-Capitalism. Those Cardinals wallow in their capitalist entitlements.
As for “Woke” nonsense: we know that all of that stems from powerful and wealthy media Jews. Most of them are in the murky “media world.” The purpose is to “sow and divide” the populations. A House Divided is a perfect devise to garner even greater power and Profit. It’s that simple.
I submit that capitalism, being based on usury, is profoundly anti-Christian.
The new modern church as the modernists envision (at least here in europe) are meetings in a bar. Together with philosophy- based approach rather than Scriptures- based. The Scriptures warn us of people trying to deceive us with vain philosophies.
This (the bar curch) is currently pushed as a way forward in europe because attendance at churches is dwindling. Out of their own mouths.
“WOW! Pitting Orthodox Christians against Muslim Chechen and Buddhist Buriats. What a “brilliant” and (totally not) novel idea.”
Divide and Conquer is a defining American and Western colonial stratagem–for centuries and indeed millenia.
The West will instinctively sniff out any differences within a targeted nation in order to weaken and balkanize it.
This is what the West has tried to do to Syria, Iraq, Ethiopia, or the former Yugoslavia, among others–not to mention what the West is trying to inflict on its major Official Enemy nations of Russia (like in Chechnya, Dagestan); China (in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Tibet); and Iran (Baluchis, Kurds)..
These Western nations understand correctly that they only way that they can maintain their centuries-long world dominance is to weaken and balkanize any nation that dares to resist it … all under the false pretext of championing freedom, democracy, or liberty in this targeted nation.
Divide-and-Conquer and shedding Crocodile Tears about this or that ethnic/religious group in another country is fundamental to the political and cultural DNA of the Machiavellian West.
It was a strange comment by the Pope, and I wonder how he came up with it? What information made him believe this? I haven’t encountered his accusation elsewhere.
I thought the readers of this blog might enjoy this song, “So afraid of the Russians”:
Andrei My Brother,
My initial catalyst for converting from Roman Catholicism to Orthodoxy was when the Pope (it was Benedict XVI) failed to condemn the official theft of Kosovo from Serbia in 2008. I knew Kosovo has the Serbian Orthodox Holy Land. I felt as a Roman Catholic (at the time) that it was the Pope’s duty to condemn this land grab and the ethnic cleansing of the Serbian Orthodox population of Kosovo. Of course that condemnation never came (a Papal endorsement came I believe) and I knew that I would convert to Orthodoxy (which I did in the former USSR the next year in 2008).
Even though my wife is from the East (the former USSR), I am a Western man.I very much miss the Latin Rite Mass. I still pray the rosary. It was Our Lady of Guadalupe that my ancestors venerated. According to my Uncle Carlos my Grandmother (who was orphaned) was Yaqui Indian. It was through Our Lady of Guadalupe that the Yaqui people took Christianity at all. So yes there still very much is a Catholic side of me even after converting to Orthodoxy but I could never return to Rome.
I wish we had a Western Rite Orthodox Church here in the San Francisco Bay Area. I know that ROCOR and the Antiochians both have Western Rite parishes. The closest one to me is in Nevada (or LA). I think the Old Calendar Church (the G.O.C) whom I greatly respect have a Western Rite nowadays too.
As for Bartholomew who split the Orthodox Church by recognizing the Ukrainian Schismatics. I haven’t returned to a Greek Church since. It’s clear to me Bartholomew is with the Globalist Agenda if not seeking unity with the Vatican.
Have a good weekend Andrei. God bless.
This is thinly veiled Anne Applebaum: “decolonize Russia”. I.e. the problem with Russia is that it is an imperialist state and, like the UK, utilizes colonial troops to do its dirty work. If, like the modern day UK, it were decolonized it would become pure as the driven snow seeking only to work for a “rules-based” world free of the imperialist past.
Catholicism is an apostolic faith. The Pope speaks directly for Christ. Until the second coming, he is literally Christ incarnate. Or at least that’s the theory. The reality is money. The Vatican is a financial institution managing $10 to $15 billion. Parish priests are paid a pittance and actively collect money from worshipers each week, not to support themselves, but to support the Vatican. The Pope is free to do many things but not to jeopardize that scheme.
This is of a piece with what Washington D.C. (Vicki Nuland) is doing. It’s an ancient and nasty tactic of extremely stupid statecraft: send one of your enemies against another one of your enemies, planning for each to annihilate the other. In the case of Vicki, her entourage of Ashkenazy Jews with Anglicans and Jesuits in tow, and the pope, one enemy is Nazis and the other is Russia.
It works out that Russians cheerfully annihilate Nazis. However, Nazis, even stood up as the largest military formation in Europe, even reconstituted as a mercenary force under NATO command, do not annihilate Russians. Oops.
I take the pope’s statement in this instance as correlate of the Nuland entourage’s plea for negotiations: a sign of weakness risen again from direct experience that their cunning plans again have come a cropper.
A leopard never changes its spots. It’s in the Anglo-Saxons have always been on a path to rid the World of all those who stand in it’s way of global domination and eventual enslavement of all non-Anglos. After all, they do have a history of enslaving and exterminating peoples who are different. The Pope is coy, but he’s just an extension of who the Empire. They even have Priests in games like Age of Empires, they’re military units that convert enemy soldiers, peoples.
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the sakerThe Bible was censored in 325 ad at the council of Nicea, wasnt it? When the Book of Origen (reincarnation), the Gospel of Thomas (meditation) and the Gospel of Mary Magdalene ( the divine feminine) were banished from the canon. Among others.
Maybe we could say that the Bible was created as a means of censoring the Gospels? Just my opinion, no offense meant
Does anyone remember that war criminal Tony Blair? He is a catholic convert now, calling openly as late as two years ago for catholic church to recognize gay marriage, nothing less! Who doesn’t know this man’s true masters?
Church accepting this stupid man under their umbrella is enough evidence to know the tail wags the Latin dog too.
Seeing all these remarks and counter remarks it becomes obvious that the tail has played a masterstroke of renewing the schism, and succeeded. However, Europe was already won/subjugated. To me this comment by patriarch is going to rally South American mind against global South, or confuse them at least.
But that is my key point : what the Latins call “the Church” is not the Church. In essence, the Latins replaced the Church by a Pope and gave that Pope the attributes of the Church.
It does not get more satanic than that…
That is true @The Saker. But the timing of this Papal incident does not bode well for its 1.3B members.
They make up a huge number who may not be able to think for themselves. It’s unfortunate, people will defend whatever their parents and they like to follow.
Since Vatican 2 there is an heresy in the Catholic Church. To make a long story short Francis, issued from the Argentinian jesuits is a major antipope, active servant of Satan. In the Vatican there is a new wooden sculpture of the barque of St Peter’s with a Jewish rabbin at the helm. End of comment.
How about Vatican I????
Have you ever read Strossmeyer’s speech at that council?
Do you even know what I am referring to?
The so-called Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, the Vatican, is a heresy purposely built, after the fall of the Western Roman Empire (to which this ecclesiastical oligarchy was closely linked if they did not control all the levers of power) to maintain the control of the “western” population and, above all, to control, attack and perhaps destroy true Christianity, direct heir to the apostolic tradition, which survived in the East under the protection of the Eastern Roman Empire, which existed for a thousand more years , the current Orthodox Church.
(The Western ecclesiastical oligarchy, once Christianity was recognized as the official religion of the empire, clearly allied and clung to temporal power. And that has been their preferred option until now.)
Some authors affirm that the so-called “crusades” were more a pretext to destroy the Orthodox Church than the rescue of the holy lands from the Muslims, since, among other things, they correctly refused to submit to papal authority. , self-created and heretical and in which they had had no intention or involvement.
… shortening the story, since then, where the Vatican flag is planted, hatred of everything Slavic is inculcated, particularly Russia, for maintaining the apostolic heritage, that is, the Orthodox Church. The corollary of this is that in those Slavic countries where the Vatican flag dominated: Eg. Croatia, Poland, Western Ukraine, etc., the Russian phobia is more intense.
Here there is a lot of “cloth to cut”, but it can be synthesized that these oligarchies are the same as they are now, which later moved to the Netherlands and London creating the British empire (the “perfidious Albion”) with its sequel of looting, plundering , slavery, genocide, exploitation, pollution, destruction, etc. throughout the world, continuing until now, hand in hand with the USA, and NATO their heirs and, with the Vatican, always “watching their backs”…
Trump Jr. hammers Zelensky
The former US president’s son has repeatedly condemned the Biden administration for sending money to Kiev
” BREAKING: Zelensky is banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.His government has also been raiding Ukrainian Orthodox churches and arresting priests. (Prob why he’s a Dem superstar)He’s all about freedom guys. Let’s send him another $100,000,000,000.00 with no accountability.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) December 2, 2022 ”
Not a Trump campaign piece, some have noticed Kiev’s religious fervor!
The Buryats themselves don’t seem that bothered (translation thanks to yalensis/awful avalanche)…
Alexei Sambuevich Tsydenov, head of the Buryat Republic, ‘To hear this kind of talk from the head of the Catholic Church, regarding the cruelty of specific ethnic groups-more precisely Buryats and Chechens-especially when these groups are working so hard to defend the civilian population-is rather strange, to say the least. On the other hand if our Buryat warriors have been noticed on the battlefield, then that means they are doing a good job.’ Lama Damba Badmaevich Ayusheev, head of Russian Buddhist organisation, ‘The people living in Siberia and the Far East are not cruel at all. These people are strong and enduring, they have been forced on multiple occasions to defend their Motherland against fascism. It is a pity that these facts are not understood by the Latinised Europeans.’
You might like this version of “We Will Meet Again” by singer Tierney Sutton.
It seems that a strict interpretation of most religious dogma automatically qualifies God as having racist tendencies. I like the idea that different manifestations of God occurred over time, all major religious roots being from God.
However psychopaths operating as they want, all major religions have been hijacked. The truth can still manifest in, all of them, but it is far from the predominant guiding principle.
I have asked numerous scholars how does your religion address the issue of psychopathic influence. Crickets, and not the edible kind!
Prof. Hare says between 4 & 6 % of any given population are psychopaths. Does any major religion acknowledge this, let alone address it?
I can only speak to the Catholics. Being sexually abused as a child by a validated religious authority is not something that stops affecting your life.
Here’s a nice sample of the kind of question that led to regular beatings for me by those guaranteed a heavenly eternity.
If the priest who christened you is subsequently convicted of pedophilia does the sacrament still take, are you actually baptized?
Perhaps even more to the point, what if he isn’t but could be convicted? Are you blessed or cursed?
Religion seems a man-made, God inspired construct that, like all things in this life, should be able to survive some well-directed scrutiny. If censorship enables your cause, it’s a cult, not a science, and certainly not, from God.
Bill Evans, bravo! Some real beauty in the midst of so much confusion.
Cette musique de You Must Believe In Spring est de Michel Legrand (film Les demoiselles de Rochefort).
I was born in Lisbon, Portugal and thus i’m a Catholic Christian. And has many of my fellow brothers and sisters in this flock that really know the millennial content of Faith, Morals and Tradition taught by Our Lord and after by the the Apostles, trying to live by them (many are so called ‘Traditionalists” if they dismiss the New Liturgy imposed by Vatican II), I’m really appalled by the present day Vatican proceedings and deeds in general (including those of ‘Pope’ Francis)! – I’m especially scandalized by the complete alignment with the entirely stupid and malign NWO agenda of the Globalists which has nothing to do with the transcendental and spiritual mission of the Apostolic Church.
My point here is a personal view based on two assumptions I now take for granted:
– The Latin Church has finally been quite successfully infiltrated by Free Masonry and other secret societies that work for Satan, especially so the core of its government: aka ‘The Vatican” (just for this, I now believe that Rome will probably be destroyed during the Apocalyptic Tribulation).
– I have seen an unthinkable amount of true DISOBEDIENCE (aka ‘dissent’; an euphemism for the grave SIN of disobedience to the supreme authority in my church) to the Holly Father’s magisterial and moral, theological orientations ever since John Paull II. I now believe that this situation reached the point where papal authority ‘vanished’ in practical terms and now the Vatican has many ‘would be Popes’ each one trying to rule their own Kingdom of Narnia Dicasteriums, etc.
From the above I’m convinced that after forcing Benedict out, the last Conclave did not truly elected a new Pope, but instead it has APPOINTED someone to the ROLE OF POPE, which is not exactly the same thing as being elected the successor of Peter (according to my tradition, ok?)
And why this? – because for the better or the WORST, the Apostolic Seat has been the largest overseeing moral and sometimes temporal authority in this World for two millennia. That was a power and Authority Satan envied and wanted to use, so he gave up persecuting Christian Churches and making martyrs over the centuries and changed tactics. Now he decided to infiltrate the enemy and reach the top level of command (the papacy). See, he hates the centralized authority of the Catholic Church (=Unity) but sees it also as a powerful tool that once controlled could instill his venom very quickly from top to bottom in what it still remains the largest Christian flock in the World and make it spread even outside the catholic community.
Conclusion: what we have in Rome now is a collection of Satanic Freemasons and Homosexual Lobby goers, infiltrated and dressed as Cardinals, dictating rules that can only reach the flock and the world outside via traditional Papal Authority… so Satan appointed someone for the Role of Pope, but decisions ‘promulgated’ by the ‘pope’ are now coming directly from Hell. Francis is a useful decoy to sign documents and make comments originating elsewhere from this Vatican mafia that hijacked the highest level of government of the Latin Church. The Papacy has we Catholics have known for millennia is all but truly finished, destroyed… but lets be optimistic because “The gates of Hell will never prevail”. AMEN!
If you can’t grasp what I mean – aka the difference between being true Catholic Pope X being appointed to the ROLE OF POPE – I’m sorry, but I can’t find a way to be more explicit. The authority of Francis in the vatican for me is ZERO.
Is very strange for a jesuit pope that resist long to visit kiev, critized capitalism , made an enciclica laudato si for the environment. Pressure from usa must be unbearable, dispite this not pardon pope about having said Huge racist words and i expect some sort of coming back from such stupidities , i don’t imagine how