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Tag "2020 race riots"

What kind of “popular revolution” is this?!

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] I have to say that I am amazed that so many folks on the Left seem to think that the current riots in the USA are a spontaneous rebellion against police violence, systemic racism, and history of persecution and exploitation of Blacks and Indians, etc.  As for the violence, looting and riots – they are either excused as a result of some

The other side of darkness: Towards an understanding of the roots of the Western right-wing politics

By Ken Leslie for The Saker Blog 1. A bit more on the protests Again, I’d like to thank the Saker for publishing my essay. I also want to thank the commenters—criticisms inspire me and encouragement inspires me even more! I think we both agree that the public needs to be better informed about the roots and antecedents of the current US protests which have spread to most of the

The Barbarians Are In Charge: Scenes from the Sacking of America

by Ilana Mercer for the Unz Review, republished with the author’s authorization On June 9, I tweeted out the following: “Seattle’s East Precinct has fallen, as Police Chief Carmen Best orders Seattle Police to evacuate. The occupiers, aka the ‘peaceful protesters,’ declare victory. ‘They’ve given us the precinct,’ they boast. Not even in South Africa.” A mere day on, and the City of Seattle is de facto occupied territory, fallen
