By Ken Leslie for The Saker Blog

1. A bit more on the protests

Again, I’d like to thank the Saker for publishing my essay. I also want to thank the commenters—criticisms inspire me and encouragement inspires me even more! I think we both agree that the public needs to be better informed about the roots and antecedents of the current US protests which have spread to most of the world. In a sense, this is a continuation of my previous polemic which received mainly negative reactions. Although I had anticipated this, I was still puzzled. Not only is the case for protests solid but all the counter-arguments (George was a criminal, Soros is funding the dreaded Antifa etc.) sounded hollow and contrived. The reasons for supporting the uprising (however ephemeral it might turn out to be) are overwhelming. If you empathise with the predicament of the Black Americans, you will see this as a genuine cri de coeur and demand for change (see recent pronouncements by Angela Davis, Cornel West, Black Agenda Report and Spike Lee). If you don’t and have been on the receiving end of the Empire’s benevolence for the last 70 years, you will appreciate the irony and the sight of the mighty Exceptionalistan (with apologies to Mr Escobar) stumbling around, riven to the bone by internal strife and hatred, for once focussed on its own misery and less able to inflict pain on the rest of the world. In the immortal words of Nancy Pelosi, “it is a wonderful sight to behold”.

So, why are most of the alternative media (with the honourable exception of Caitlin Johnstone and Saker) completely silent about such a momentous event. Moreover, media such as RT are actively engaged in smearing the protesters and bolstering the official right-wing narrative (in contrast to the Russian officials who have criticised the US posture). Is it possible that all the years of anti-imperial “struggle” have been a propaganda sham? It felt like I woke up inside a bad-ish dream in which the people around me turn into strangers. How could I be so disconnected from my friends and people I’ve been following and cheering on for years? Have I turned into a SJW overnight or have they all become raging racists? After a few days of pondering the strange situation, it occurred to me that neither interpretation was correct. Rather, the strange reaction that caused such a surprise was due to something else.

This is about reassuring the frightened white people that their status will not be threatened by the unruly unwashed masses. Everywhere, I see unproductive and uncreative white people hiding behind great inventions and works of art a la: What have the blacks invented/written/etc. Well, the black people have never done me any wrong and their music has enriched my life beyond measure. It was the white imperialists, racists and supremacists who have destroyed countless lives and nations. I feel no allegiance to these soulless people and am siding with the younger generation, black and white, which is tired of hypocrisy and psychopathy of power. In the meantime, several black men were ruthlessly killed by the police—and no, they were not career criminals.

To my Soros-hating friends: If you think that Soros is capable of organising and co-ordinating mass protests around the world so skilfully that none have been drowned in blood thus far, I sincerely believe that you are mistaken. By accusing Soros and the Illuminati of controlling the universal call for the end to neoliberal dictatorship, you are removing all sense of agency from a large proportion of humanity. You think they are stupid and incapable of recognising injustice. You in turn are condemned forever to bend your knee before brute force and false idols of the West. We live in a world governed by three unproductive parasite businesses whose profits dwarf GDPs of large states. Soros is targeting your democracy? Look at the state of the Western media – it is much worse than it was in the reviled Soviet Union. Your “culture”? Again, the USSR and the socialist block countries’ culture and education are still the envy of the world. The West did everything in its power, including pretending to be democratic, in order to destroy them. Forgive me if I don’t cry bitter tears over the legacy of slave owners and murderers. You are so afraid of change and so wedded to the rotten system that you are prepared to suffer countless indignities in order to feel superior to less fortunate human beings.

2. Ideological roots of US conservatism

This part will seem only tangentially relevant to the above section. Yet, I believe it is crucial for a better understanding of the current crisis in the United States. With the gradual revival of the right-wing politics in the West, there was some expectation that the nationalist politicians in Europe and the US would gradually defuse and dismantle the neoliberal order advanced by the United States and Great Britain ever since the 1980s. The fact that during this period both countries have been ruled by reactionary right-wing regimes leveraging patriotism and profit in order to squash any dissent or attempt at improving economic and social justice (and no, the Catholic convert war criminal Tony Blair does not count as a leftist).[1] You heard it right – it was the great anti-communist “patriot” Ronald Reagan who launched the United States on the road to perdition. A B-list Irish-American actor of questionable cognitive abilities, he was also one of the spiritual fathers of the alt-right. The irony must not be allowed to escape us—neoliberalism came from the right which has now morphed into fake “new nationalism” and anti-liberalism. That was the same Ronald Reagan who named April 10th (the founding of the Independent State of Croatia) a national holiday in California and laid flowers on the graves of SS butchers at Bitburg.

I am starting to believe that the exaggerated focus on and demonisation of Soros and his fake-left initiatives is a plan hatched by the fascist right aimed at hiding its dark purposes. This is not to say that Soros is innocent or God forbid—good. It simply means that in order to understand the current situation, we must reach beyond the platitudes served by people whose nefarious plans affect the entire world.

The topic I am trying to introduce here is vast and fascinating. It requires thousands of pages and it is utterly impossible to do it justice within a couple of thousand words. Yet, try I must. And although the subject matter is somewhat removed from the current focus on race, its understanding is crucial for a full appreciation of the roots of the current predicament of the US empire. The thesis I wish to develop is that far from being some kind of benign force whose aim is to liberate people from the yoke of evil Zionist Marxists, the Western right in all its forms is a reactionary, fascist, criminal cabal whose Drang was briefly interrupted in 1945 by the victorious Soviet army. This criminal enterprise which transformed the United States into the most powerful empire in history has many faces and hides behind many guises—anti-communism, conservatism (I consider myself a conservative with a small “c”), struggle for “freedom”, traditional family etc. None of these ideals is wrong in itself but is doubly invalidated if touted by liars, murderers, paedophiles and supremacists.

This is precisely what happened to the right in the West after 1945. It was hijacked by the Vatican and its agents. Their unctuous pronouncements on the sanctity of the family and nation hid unmentionable crimes against individuals and nations. My understanding of the pernicious role of the Roman Catholicism in world politics is so far removed from the current “Marxist Pope” alt-right blabber that I feel compelled to say something—and pronto. By the way, Jesuit Francisco Bergoglio was deeply involved in the dirty war in Argentina in which tens of thousands of innocent people were tortured and disappeared by the bloodthirsty fascist regime. So please, think twice before repeating the “Marxist Pope” trope. His “traditionalist” predecessor beat that by joining Hitler Youth. And what about his predecessor (the “holy” one)? There is evidence that he worked as a salesman for IG Farben, selling Zyklon B to the Nazis. And what about his predecessor? By all accounts a good and caring man intent on exposing the Vatican’s banking empire, pope John Paul I was dispatched after only 33 days on the throne. In this context, perhaps Pope Francis IS a raving Marxist.

It is important to state here that I do not wish to bash Roman Catholics, many of whom try to follow the teachings of Christ as best they can and many of whom have fought valiantly on the side of good. On the contrary, I am aiming to expose the nefarious role of the Vatican in the creation of the post-war quasi-fascist “West”, the role which has disgraced it forever and condemned it to increasing irrelevance. Nor am I trying to say that no other denominations/ethnicities have contributed to the rise of the US empire. I am simply shedding some light on a topic that has been largely neglected by Washington watchers in their blind focus on the “Jewish peril”. I see my essay as a belated attempt at “glasnost” and “perestroika” sorely needed by the West. It is a kind of catharsis that has been long time a-coming but like in the case of the USSR, it might have come too late.

Of course, here, I can only offer a brief sketch of how Roman Catholic networks underpin the current “Anglo-Saxon” hegemony. It was said by many that Adolf Hitler’s government was the most Catholic in German history (Himmler, Goebbels, Hitler and many others). It is interesting that the “patriotic” governments of Ronald Reagan were the most Catholic in the US history. Some of the RCs employed by Reagan (all Irish-American) included William Casey (Director of the CIA), Richard Allen (National Security Advisor), Judge William P. Clarke (National Security Advisor), Robert McFarlane (National Security Advisor), Alexander Haig (Secretary of State), Vernon Walters (Ambassador-at-Large), William Wilson (Ambassador to the Vatican State), Donald Regan (Secretary of the Treasury), Raymond Donovan (Secretary of Labour), Margaret Mary Heckler (Health and Human Services secretary), Joseph Biden (Subcommittee on European affairs), Daniel P. Moynihan (Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs), John Kerry, Terrorism (Narcotics, and International Communications), Christopher Dodd (Western Hemisphere and Peace Corps Affairs). Note the presence in the sub-fascist Reagan regime of two fake RC democrats—Biden and Kerry. This is just a further illustration of the point I made earlier that the “Democrats” are nothing but Repub light. The two faces of (the Roman god) Janus might disagree on abortion but never on the need to expand the empire and subdue/cleanse/convert the heathens. Why then would people anywhere in the world support either option is beyond me.

Thus, the ruling elites of the two most powerful empire states in the modern history were stuffed full of Roman Catholics at the point at which the destruction of the Soviet Union was on the cards. Of course, as shown on Saker’s website, the Roman Catholic hatred of Orthodox (and Protestant) Christianity goes back centuries and has little to do with stopping communism. The best proof of this is the fact that the cardinals in the Vatican jumped with joy on the news that the Orthodox Empire was overthrown (see works of Hansjakob Stehle). For a decade, they tried to co-opt the Bolshevik regime into giving the Church the religious primacy within the new state. When the Bolsheviks refused to play along, The Vatican suddenly discovered “the men of destiny” Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, both of whom bent over backwards to please the Church. Here, president Putin explains once and for all who has been the principal enemy of Russia (he did not go as far back as the times of Alexander Nevsky).

The question arises here—why has Donald Trump (himself a Jesuit pupil) surrounded himself with Roman Catholics? Many people are so obsessed with the Jews (the Zionist half of the Anglo-Zionist equation) that they are blind to the massive revival of political Catholicism under Trump. Given the predominance of (mainly Jewish) neocons in the previous governments and the synchronised attack on the paedophilia in the Catholic Church, Trump’s victory could be viewed as a mini Reconquista—return to the acme of late 1940s and early 1950s when under the guidance of Cardinal Spelman and Jesuit geopolitician Edmund Walsh, Joseph McCarthy hunted down (mainly Jewish) leftists. That was the time when the Catholic James Forrestal who had funded and co-ordinated the political cleansing of Italy jumped from a hospital window in a bout of anti-communist paranoia. That very same creature funded the Uniate Ukrainian Nazi rebellion inside the Soviet Union. The Vatican’s freedom fighters called their unit “Nightingale” after the notorious Ukrainian Nazi extermination battalion Nachtigall. Look no further if you wish to understand the current tragedy of the fake (Vatican-created) Ukrainian nation.

This was the golden time when the icon of Mary was taken from the Vatican to the US Embassy in Moscow to inspire the fight against “godless communism” and the Catholic fanatic Secretary of the Navy Francis Matthews advocated a nuclear first strike against the Soviets. It was the time when the Roman Catholic dictator Ngo Dinh Diem ruled South Vietnam with an iron fist, working hard to extinguish the Vietnamese Buddhists (almost 90% of the population) in a manner similar to that employed by Ante Pavelic in his Civitas Dei called the Independent State of Croatia. It was also a wonderful time when the Roman Catholic zealot William Donovan created the CIA and began work on the creation of the (Roman Catholic) EU. Those were the halcyon days of Jim Crow and the Nazi-loving Dulles brothers.

What has this got to do with Trump, you’ll ask? Well, the warmongering Russophobe Spellman’s private secretary was one Roy Cohn, a despicable “communist hunter” of McCarthy infamy and the prosecutor at the trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. As a Jew, Cohn worked very hard to ingratiate himself with the fascist Catholic underbelly of America which became equated with American “patriotism” mainly thanks to a clever propaganda campaign by the Church (remember hundreds of maudlin Hollywood renditions of Father Donovans, sergeant Kowalskis and constable O’Haras). Cohn leveraged his pathological anti-communism to become one of the great “power brokers” of US politics (both closeted gays and homophobes, Spellman and Cohn hid their true preferences behind a macho, patriotic façade). He was a popular guest at the court of Ronald Reagan and mentored a number of young conservative politicians before cosmic justice reasserted itself by granting him a painful death in 1986. One of Cohn’s mentees was young Donald Trump whose stellar rise to fame and power owed much to the machinations of a Roman Catholic fixer and Cohn’s protégé, Roger Stone.

The second “fixer” whose work was crucial in engineering the unlikely electoral victory for Trump is Steven Bannon. Although self-evidently Irish and RC, Bannon has flown below the pope-dar. All that most people remember about Bannon is his dissolute appearance and the fact that he used to work for Goldman-Sachs. And yet, Bannon is as close to an ideologue/geostrategic thinker as it is possible to get in the modern US. Bannon is the inheritor of the Roman Catholic geopolitical line which sees the United States as the bastion of Christianity that has to assert complete dominance over the world in order to defend the “civilisation” against the onslaught of socialist or more generally, non-Catholic powers. The progenitor of the “Christian” geopolitical school was Fr. Edmund Walsh, an Irish Jesuit whose views on the role of the United States in world affairs were and remain very influential. The (Jesuit) Georgetown University has a School of Diplomacy bearing Walsh’s name. This elite school sets the tone for the US global supremacist doctrine and has been the home to a number of RC war criminals including Kurt Waldheim (the patron of the Austrian-born “gobernator” of California Arnold S.), Lev Dobriansky and Madalene Albright.

Walsh’s co-religionist and successor, Zbigniew Brzezinski was instrumental in co-ordinating the joint Vatican-US offensive on the USSR which resulted in a decade of untold misery for the peoples of the USSR and Eastern Europe. He also played a critical role in the (s)election of Karol Wojtyla to the papal throne by (again) co-ordinating the work of US, Polish and German cardinals under the auspices of the CIA and US government. Compared with such “achievements”, Brzezinski’s role in fomenting the war in Afghanistan hardly deserves a mention.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the geopolitical situation changed drastically and a dying Russia ceased to be seen as the primary enemy for a while. Focussing on Israel’s geopolitical needs, the ex-Trotskyite neocons schemed to destroy the possibility of a thriving and progressive Middle East. Like their RC patron Brzezinski, they zeroed in on the Islamist infrastructure and used it to destroy the region. Although this strategy seemed unconnected with Russia, it was conceived as a way of surrounding Russia with US Islamist proxies and weakening China by putting pressure on its western Muslim-inhabited regions. This strategy failed ignominiously with the entry of Russia into the war in Syria. At the same time, the economic slide of the United States accelerated and despite fake stock market interventions, Trump was faced with a difficult choice. Instead of fulfilling his anti-imperialist election promises, he tried to distract his supporters by blaming China for all America’s ills. This “last-chance saloon” strategy required an ideological firebrand who would provide necessary ammunition.

From Haaretz (2018): “Stephen Kevin Bannon was the third of five children in a Catholic family of Irish descent, born in 1953. His mother was a homemaker and his father a telephone technician. They sent young Steve to a Benedictine-Catholic military high school for boys. It was in Richmond, Virginia, the former capital of the Confederacy. There he received a classical education.”

Bannon’s rise was funded by among others Robert Mercer, the tech billionaire, who has a penchant for supporting right-wing Catholic politicians (Ted Cruz, Kellyanne Conway etc.). The symbiosis between right-wing WASPS and Roman Catholics in American political life is nothing new. A more interesting question is—how did Bannon manage to smuggle his right-wing Catholicism past the ever-vigilant Jewish-owned “liberal” media? By calling himself a Christian Zionist and a defender of the “Judeo-Christian” civilisation, Bannon skilfully shifted the US geopolitical doctrine from the failed neocon PNAC to the Antemurale Christianitatis (the bulwark of Christendom) model. This narrative sees the US in the same way that the above-mentioned RC fascists of the Eisenhower era viewed it—as a Panzerfaust of Western civilisation whose primary task is to destroy its (non-Catholic) enemies. In Bannon’s case, these enemies are Shia Islam and Communist China. This time around, the Jews are viewed as equals (at least for the time being). This shift from targeting Russia might be baffling but is easily explainable—again from Haaretz:

What the U.S. needs to do, he believes, is avoid pushing the Russians into the arms of the Chinese (which is critical for Israel with regard to the Iranian problem, where Russo-Chinese collusion could prove very problematic). Just as Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon wanted to improve relations with China in order to isolate Russia, Bannon wants to improve relations with Russia in order to isolate China. That’s something Trump understands deeply, he says.

So, part of the reason why Russia-friendly commenters are reluctant to criticise Bannon and Trump is because ostensibly, the dynamic duo are treating Russia as an equal—a potential partner in a new Yalta-like carve-up of the world. This of course is a complete sham—a cheap and incredibly arrogant red herring. US politicians and experts understand very well that American empire is fading fast and that in order to maintain its grasp on the world, it must split its enemies and attack the more dangerous one first. By focussing on Russia, Bannon would have had to shed the mantle of a freedom fighter and concede that the underlying reason for American belligerence is a Crusade against non-Catholics. In the eyes of the Vatican, Orthodox Christians remain heathen barbarians. Hence the sanctions, murders of Russian diplomats and soldiers, theft of diplomatic property, ramped up threat of a nuclear attack, the ripping up of all nuclear agreements—all under Trump. At the same time, China, that last bastion of freedom from Roman Catholic imperialism, is thus a natural target for Bannon and Trump. Not only would Its destruction inject some badly-needed blood into the weakening body of the empire, it would also guarantee an instantaneous revival of Roman Catholicism as the most powerful religion in the world. The Vatican employed the same tactic against the Russian Empire and Soviet Union and its struggle for world domination continues apace. Bannon is simply their plausibly deniable pawn.

Attacking China is easy, especially for an RC ideologue. China is one of three countries that does not have formal relations with the Vatican (the United States succumbed under Ronald Reagan). China is “godless”, communist and authoritarian—all the tired tropes once used against the Soviet Union have been taken out of the closet only to be wielded by the bibulous Crusader knight to little effect. No mention of the Vatican’s genocides (at least three in the 20th Century), of the destruction of three Slav federations and the reunification of Germany under an RC camarilla (Kohl, Genscher, Kinkel etc.), the bloody concentration camp called Latin America—Roman Catholicism, even though completely discredited as a political force, is the last hope of the dying empire. Placing any false hope in the benevolence of this arch-criminal institution is dangerous and self-defeating. Russia and China must work together for a new world purged from imperialism and supremacism.

As can be seen from the actions and pronouncements of the Russian government, Russia is well aware of the Bannonite trap and is highly unlikely to fall for it. Why? Simply because Trump’s actions have been as anti-Russian as those taken any one of his hard-line predecessors. Instead of elaborating on this, I wish briefly to outline the mechanism behind the Bannon-inspired Hong Kong riots. The British (and the French) have been very adept at using religion in order to maintain their imperial possessions. The last governor of Hong Kong was Chris Patten—a zealous Roman Catholic who distinguished himself not only as a sworn enemy of the PRC but also as a notorious Serbo- and Russophobe. Although he ruled Hong Kong as an outpost of the empire, after the handover he became inordinately interested in the state of “democracy” there. In the shorthand of RC imperialism, “democracy” equals the takeover of institutions and media by the RC-friendly agents who then actively undermine the state’s ability to fight CIA-orchestrated colour revolutions. The principal RC agent in Hong Kong has been Cardinal Joseph Zen who has been fighting the “godless” communists for half a century. Patten ensured that a large number of RC-friendly agents remained embedded in the Hong Kong apparatus of government and that many West-friendly oligarchs were supported in their piratical activities.

The Patten-Zen nexus was behind the British involvement in the “umbrella revolution” of 2013 as well as the more recent unsuccessful protests. Hiding behind religion is an old imperialist ruse and the Chinese government had to be careful in order not to trigger a manufactured global outrage. The fact that they succeeded in dealing with the protests suggests that they are very much aware of the above points. Patten’s dark scheming received a significant boost with the election of Trump. To many of us, it was strange to see giant posters of Pepe the frog and US flags all over Hong Kong. The explanation was simple—the protests were directed by CIA cut-outs (e.g. NED) through RC (but not only RC) churches, institutes and schools. Bannon’s incendiary rhetoric was complemented by the conspicuous (shamelessly so) presence of right-wing RC senators (Cruz, Rubio etc.), US “diplomats” and “charity workers” who directed the riots convinced that the Chinese government would fold and admit defeat. Consequently, there was no attempt to hide the orchestrators’ symbols.

For his failure to sever Hong Kong from China and for thwarting the BBC Jimmy Saville enquiry, Patten was rewarded with a chancellorship of the University of Oxford. His last media appearance was a couple of days ago when he criticised the protesters who were trying to topple the statue of the notorious colonial buccaneer and racist, Cecil Rhodes. Bannon on the other hand has doubled down on replacing the EU with a slew of “nationalist” fiefdoms subservient to the US and trying to topple the government of the PRC by lobbying for an exile ex-football player(?) billionaire who is supposed to rule the great nation on behalf of Bannon’s masters. Hopefully, this will distract from the renewed attempts to weaponise Roman Catholicism in order to overthrow popular governments in Bolivia, Venezuela and Cuba. The greatest irony of all (and the subject is replete with them) is that a rabid exponent of the most universalist, globalist and imperialist religious ideology has been trying to sell himself as a nationalist and nativist patriot.

On a personal note, I must state that like many anti-imperialists, I supported Trump against Hillary Clinton. Although hugely disappointed with his actions I don’t believe that Trump is a racist in the sense in which the warmongering fake left aims to portray him. At the same time, he is presiding over the most massive blowback in US history. Having leveraged US power in order to stem the bleeding, he is living a nightmare predicted by many—a United States eating itself from within thanks to massive class and racial inequalities. My humble submission is just a small part of a complex mosaic which can nevertheless help explain why despite the attempts by Soros and various others to co-opt the cause of racial, social and international justice, we must not uncritically run to right-wing politicians and ideologues as potential saviours.

  1. It is interesting and not inconsequential that Tony Blair was converted by the same priest who later converted Bannon’s right-hand man, the Englishman Benjamin Harnwell. The priest’s name is Michael Seed.