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Tag "beauty will save the world"

“Anthem” by Ralph Towner

Ralph Towner is definitely one of the most talented composers and guitarists of our time.  His solo career and his career with the group “Oregon” has produced some of the most beautiful and original music written in our times.  Today I want to share with you one of his compositions for solo acoustic guitar called “Anthem”.  The main reason I love it is because of its immense lyrical beauty, but

You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive by Darrell Scott

In the deep dark hills of eastern Kentucky That’s the place where I trace my bloodline And it’s there I read on a hillside gravestone You will never leave Harlan alive Oh, my granddad’s dad walked down Katahrins Mountain And he asked Tillie Helton to be his bride Said, won’t you walk with me out of the mouth Of this holler Or we’ll never leave Harlan alive Where the sun

Will beauty save the world? Maybe :-)

I just got the link to this beautiful video sent to me by a friend.  It is one of those flash mobs with a musical theme that have become popular in the recent years.  This time it is in the (thoroughly) Russian city of Zaporozhie in the (currently Nazi-occupied) Ukraine.  The song, in Russian, is a very well known-song from a Soviet movie filmed in Zaporozhie in the 1950s.  83
