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Tag "Bhadrakumar"

Two quick pointers – Asia times and Obama’s “sissy on steroids” option

First, yet another great piece by By M K Bhadrakumar in which he outlines the sequence of Kerry gaffes this week in an article entitled “Kerry becomes first war casualty“.  I highly recommend it – great read! Makes me wonder: what is “wrong” with the Asia Times?!  How can a corporate newspaper publish such top notch authors like M K Bhadrakumar and Pepe Escobar?!  Well, whatever the reason, may they

US outed, and far from drawn down

By M K Bhadrakumar for the Asia Times The United States-Pakistan relationship has reached a turning point reminiscent of the run-up to October 1958, when Washington encouraged General Ayub Khan’s coup, apprehending the coming into power of an elected government in Pakistan that might have refused to collaborate as the US’s Cold War ally against the Soviet Union. An innocuous-looking thing happened on Sunday – Pakistan regained possession of the

Analysis: Russia Moves To Counter NATO

By M K Bhadrakumar for the Asia Times Many people wouldn’t know that former United States president Ronald Reagan’s signature phrase “trust, but verify” is actually the translation of a Russian proverb – doveryai, no proveryai. Two decades into the post-Cold War era, Moscow wants to reclaim the self-contradictory phrase from the American repertoire and apply it to Russia’s “reset” of ties with the United States. The shellacking that US
