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Tag "Big Brother"

Big Brother reprimands his unruly subjects: Obama lectures the UK population on how to vote in the Brexit referendum

by Leon Tressell As a British citizen I was both bemused and outraged at President Obama’s recent lecture telling us how to vote in the upcoming referendum on EU membership. It reminded me of a medieval feudal lord going to visit his one of his dominions and telling off his subjects and giving them a clear warning of what was expected of them. Since World War Two Britain has had

Privacy in the time of Google

The recent and controversial changes to Google’s privacy policy have reignited many of the old disputes about Google’s privacy policies.  Even beyond the issue of Google itself, more and more people are sounding the alarm that our rights are being put gravely at risk by the new technologies.  And they sure have a point: threats are emerging on all levels.  More often then not, those who warn of the threats

Look at the sick crap Chertoff is peddling now

Nude Awakening – The dangerous naked machines. by Jeffrey Rosen for the New Republic Last summer, I watched a fellow passenger at Washington’s Reagan National Airport as he was selected to go through a newly installed full-body scanner. These machines–there are now 40 of them spread across 19 U.S. airports–permit officials from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to peer through a passenger’s clothing in search of explosives and weapons. On
