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Tag "book review"

Book review: “France’s Yellow Vests: Western Repression of the West’s Best Values”

I very rarely do book reviews, but in this case I felt that I simply *had* to share with you what I consider a true gem, one of those books which one simply has to read.  I am referring to the book “France’s Yellow Vests: Western Repression of the West’s Best Values” by Ramin Mazaheri, a PressTV correspondent and a regular contributor to the Saker blog.  Though we never met

Book review: “Disintegration” by Andrei Martyanov

[This book review was written for the Unz Review] This is the third book by Andrei Martyanov that I am reviewing, the first one was “Book Review – Losing Military Supremacy: the Myopia of American Strategic Planning by Andrei Martyanov”, while the second one was “Book Review: Andrei Martyanov’s The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs”. I also interviewed Andrei about this second volume here. The book I am reviewing today,

The Saker interviews A.B. Abrams about the geostrategic developments in Asia

[This interview was made for the Unz Review] I recently received a copy of a most interesting book, A.B. Abrams’ “Power and Primacy: the history of western intervention in Asia” and as soon as I started reading it I decided that I wanted to interview the author and ask him about what is taking place in Asia in our times.  This was especially interesting to me since Putin has embarked

Book Review: The Russian Peace Threat by Ron Ridenour

[This article was written for the Unz Review] The Russian Peace Threat: Pentagon on Alert by Ron Ridenour Publisher: Punto Press, LLC ISBN-10: 0996487069 Amazon link: ******* Ron Ridenour’s latest book (this is his 10th book on international relations and politics) takes a direct shot at one of the most prevailing myths in the western political discourse: the thesis that Russia, then the Soviet Union, and, since 1991, Russia

Book Review – Losing Military Supremacy by Andrei Martyanov

[This article was written for the Unz Review] The fact that the USA is facing a profound crisis, possibly the worst one in its history, is accepted by most observers, except maybe the most delusional ones. Most Americans definitely know that. In fact, if there is one thing upon which both those who supported Trump and those who hate him with a passion can agree on, it would be that

Saker book review: POKÉMON IN UKRAINE – Tactical War Game Introduction MANUAL

Dear friends, I thought I should take the time to sit down and draw your attention to a very interesting and original book written by my Director of Research, Scott Humor, entitled “POKÉMON IN UKRAINE: Tactical War Game Introduction MANUAL“.  The very first sentence is the book is a disclaimer: “This book is a work of fiction. This manual is for illustrative purpose only“.  Really? The book is an in-depth

Book Review: Twilight’s Last Gleaming by J.M. Greer

This article was written for the Unz Review: A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article for the Unz Review entitled “The Empire should be placed on suicide watch”. As always, I also reposted it on my blog. One of the commentators, J.L. Seagull posted a comment which intrigued me. He wrote: (…) we continue to be trapped in an illusion that we are still a massive power

Guy Mettan’s book on russophobia is a “must read” for any person interested in Russia

Review of the book “Russie-Occident – une guerre de mille ans: La russophobie de Charlemagne à la Crise Ukrainienne” (“The West vs Russia – a thousand year long war: russophobia from Charlemange to the Ukrainian Crisis”) by Guy Mettan, Editions des Syrtes, Genève, Suisse, 2015 ( Initially, I planed to write a ‘regular’ review of this book, but by the time I finished reading it I realize that nothing short

Book Review: The Essential Saker: From the Trenches of the Emerging Multipolar World

“To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never,

Tom Mysiewicz reviews “The Essential Saker” for the ShamirReaders mailing list

Book Review Book Title: The Essential Saker Copyright 2015 ISBN-13: 978-1-60888-058-4 Author: The Saker Publisher: Nimble Books LLC, Ann Arbor, MI, USA 48103 Web Page: E-mail: Reviewer: Tom Mysiewicz Yahoo groups link: Unlike a woman who will not let you see her “without her face on,” The Essential Saker lets you see the Saker’s successful and unsuccessful analysis over time. It freely admits he’s changed his views

Programming Chaos: The Arab Spring (book review)

by Mark Hackard for Soul of the East Thanks to an advantageous geographical position set between the world’s two major oceans, Americans have been in large measure immune to the consequences of war, upheaval and terror in the Eurasian Great Game. Since Vietnam the United States military-industrial complex has managed to prosecute expeditionary wars across the span of the globe while maintaining losses at a level acceptable to an American

Jeff J. Brown reviews “The Essential Saker”

The Essential Saker: from the trenches of the emerging multipolar world, by The Saker (2015, Nimble Pluribus, 616 pages, ISBN-10: 1608880583, ISBN-13: 978-1608880584) By Jeff J. Brown. Cross-linked with 44 Days. The Saker and I have some key commonalities. We are both older than younger. Until later in life, we both led status quo lives, with socially acceptable jobs. We believed that what our leaders, governments, teachers and bosses were

Pepe Escobar’s new book it out, and it is very original!

Dear friends, Pepe Escobar has just penned a new book, short and very original.   Here is it’s description from the publisher (same as mine – Nimble Books): A nomadic political analyst realizes he will soon become a grandfather. So he decides to write a digital letter to his grandson-to-be; an intangible legacy, encompassing some lessons he learned from life. The letter can only be “opened” in 2030, when the grandson

The Saker Community Announcement on the Essential Saker Book and the Call for Networking Help

Dear friends, I just want to give you a brief update on the Saker’s book sales. As you know, it had launched on November 17th and to our pleasant surprise that book had immediately became a bestseller in the Politics & Government > Specific Topics > Globalization books section on Amazon. Our publisher, Fred Zimmerman, even said that amongst all his titles, it was the best book launching, for the

A pleasant interlude: Russia’s Diamonds by Yuri Dia konov

I have recently had the pleasure of reading the latest book by Yuri Dia konov entitled Russia’s Diamonds and I can immediately tell you that it is a fun read.  The weird thing is that the Amazon blurb about this books says this about the book: Some agents are bigger than life. Kllip Lugre works for Russia. You might say that Lugre is the antithesis of James Bond. But not
