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Tag "China"

China’s Maritime Strategic Realignment If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: Written and produced by SF Team: Brian Kalman, Daniel Deiss, Edwin Watson China has begun construction of the first Type 075 Class Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD). Construction most likely started in January or February of this year, with some satellite imagery and digital

BRICS is Eurangloland’s canary in the imperial mines

By Jeff J. Brown Above, the official logo of the big BRICS summit, held in Xiamen, China, September 3-5, 2017. It was reported that there were dead canaries all over the place, covered in coal dust. No official explanation has been provided, but Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese homologue, Xi Jinping were reported to be smiling from start to finish.   BRICS is Eurangloland’s canary in the imperial

BRICS: Towards New Horizons of Strategic Partnership Vladimir Putin’s article BRICS: Towards New Horizons of Strategic Partnership was published ahead of the BRICS Summit, which will be held in Xiamen, China, on September 4 and 5. September 1, 2017 The 9th BRICS Summit will be held in Xiamen, China, on September 4 and 5. I consider it important in this regard to present Russia’s approaches to cooperation within the framework of this large and respected association and to share my views on the future of our further cooperation. I would like to begin by expressing our appreciation of China’s significant contribution as this year’s chair of the organisation,

China Makes First Step In Shifting Naval Balance Of Power In Pacific Written and produced by SF Team: Brian Kalman, Daniel Deiss, Edwin Watson; Voiceover by Oleg Maslov If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: The Peoples’ Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) launched the first Type 055 Guided Missile Destroyer (DDG) on June 28th, 2017. The vessel represents a

Putin and Xi Press statements following Russian-Chinese talks President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping made statements for the press following Russian-Chinese talks. July 4, 2017 16:05 The Kremlin, Moscow   President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr President Xi Jinping, ladies and gentlemen, The official visit to Russia by President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping is certainly the central event of this year in relations between our states. Yesterday Mr Xi Jinping and I had an informal meeting and candidly exchanged views on the most important issues of bilateral cooperation. Today we held intensive

PLA Strategist: The U.S. Uses Its Dollar to Dominate the World

(Thanks to P&N B. for sending me this most interesting article!  The Saker) original source: [Editor’s Note: In April, Qiao Liang, a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Major-General, gave a speech at a book study forum of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) Central Committee and government office. Qiao is the PLA strategist who co-authored the book, “Unrestricted War.” In his speech, Qiao explained that he has been studying finance theories

News Brief BRICS Joint Communiqué, troops deployment near Korean Peninsula

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang’s Regular Press Conference on April 14, 2017 Q: It is reported that all necessary materials for the deployment of THAAD have been delivered to the golf course in Seongju region in the southeast of the ROK. The ROK military suggested that THAAD would be deployed soon to counter the threat posed by DPRK’s nuclear and missile programs. What’s China’s comment on this? A: China has

“Reports of war” Naval Brief NB 06/17 April 13, 2017 by LeDahu

The West is currently playing a game of brinkmanship with Russia over Syria, based on the “fast and loose” principle it seems. The US Navy – eastern Mediterranean  “We prepositioned forces (the 2 US Navy ships) so that if there was an order received we could have that quick response.” US  senior defense official. This deployment of the 2 closest US warships in the eastern Med, would have not gone

Syria US missile strike Naval Brief NB 05/17 April 08, 2017 by LeDahu

Another Naval Brief- an update, only because it seems that at times, when a Brief gets published, something spectacular happens shortly afterwards.   US destroyers “USS Ross” (DDG 71) & “USS Porter”, (DDG 78)     were the US Navy warships that launched Tomahawk strikes at the Shayrat airbase in the Homs region of Syria. Yet, more than half did not reach their targets. In a nutshell, $88.5m worth of

What does the Tao say about Europe and Islam?

by Ramin Mazaheri Look, we are just butting heads here, we Muslims and Europeans. Constantly arguing over whose ideology and culture is superior. And all the while the 1% of families who own 99% of the world’s wealth are just looking down and laughing at us as they read their stock tickers. And that 1% is multicultural, multiracial and practices multiple religions. They don’t care about European or Muslim or

Trip Report: China

Period: December, 2016. By: Anil Chelampath (a pseudonym) I just got back to Canada from a 30 day trip through China, and wrote a trip report for my friends here in the Toronto area. Since I am a friend of the Saker, I thought I would polish it up, and submit it to the Saker to see if he might consider it for his blog. I had always admired China

World SITREP November 4th, 2016 by Baaz

Russia and its Allies China Joins Russia in Syria Shaping New Anti Terrorist Alliance   Serbia: Russian and Belarusian Airborne units arrive for ‘Slavic Brotherhood’ drills   Vladimir Putin’s Videoconference With Expedition In Antarctica Nov 4, 2016 President Vladimir Putin spoke via video linkup with members of the Leaders Club expedition currently in Antarctica. Kremlin, Moscow, Russia, November 3, 2016. Click on CC button for English subtitles.     [Scott]

China ups the game in the South China Sea

by Pepe Escobar for Sputnik News Joint Sea-2016 started this Monday; that’s the fifth annual China-Russia naval drill, featuring stalwarts from both navies in action at the eastern waters of Zhanjiang, in Guangdong province, the HQ of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy Nanhai Fleet. Considering this is the first time that Joint Sea is happening in the South China Sea, apocalyptic alarms from the usual suspects could not be

Between a rock and a hard (South China) place

by Pepe Escobar for RT The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, backed by the UN, essentially ruled that there is no legal basis for China to claim historic rights to vast sections of the South China Sea included in the ‘nine-dash line’. Here it is, in full legalese: “China’s claims to historic rights, or other sovereign rights or jurisdiction, with respect to the maritime areas of the South

Ukraine Poland NATO SITREP July 2, 2016 by Scott

“Poland has not perished, but should die“ – outrageous slogan in Przemysl     More images from Poland here and here Historical photos of aftermath of the Bandera’s militants attack on a train in Poland in 1944. 18+ All of the victims were Polish citizens, mostly women and old people. Atrocities of the Bandera death battalions in Poland, Belorussia and Ukraine , 21+ Actor and member of Polish Parliament Pavel

China’s President XI Jinping speech on the 95th anniversary of the Communist party of China [Updated]

XI Jinping: Russia and China may form an alliance before which NATO will be powerless Chinese President XI Jinping in his speech on Friday the 1st of July, noted the strategic need for an alliance between Russia and China, which he believes will determine the future world order. “The world is on the brink of radical changes. We see how the EU is gradually crumbling and the US economy is

Why we need to beat Russia

by Cathal Haughian 250,000 capitalists read the Financial Times, and it has been our undertaking to chronicle our understanding of capitalism via our book The Philosophy of Capitalism. A USA led team has answered the question ‘What is The Nature of the Monetary System?’ The Monetary system has three layers – the core is Religion and the unconscious mind – as they formed first. The outer layer is operational and

The IMF Changes Its Rules to Isolate China and Russia

by Michael Hudson for the Unz Review As Russia and Asia move to circumvent the stranglehold of an aging, U.S. dominated international financial and legal system with its promise of endless austerity and privatization by foreign investors, the IMF and World Bank double-down by making it more difficult for them to transact business and administer credit. A nightmare scenario of U.S. geopolitical strategists is coming true: foreign independence from U.S.-centered
