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Tag "China"

What the quasi-unanimous adoption of UNGA resolution on “The Situation in Syria” really means for the free world

On August 3rd of this year, something truly remarkable happened at the United Nations: the UNGA passed a resolution formally condemning the Syrian regime and the UN Security Council but which everybody understood was really a condemnation of Russia and China over their triple veto of Western sponsored anti-Syria resolutions.  The vote was 133 to 12.  The 12 who voted “no” are:  Russia, China, Syria, Iran, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Myanmar,

For the third time now both Russia and China have vetoed the latest anti-Syrian Resolution at U.N.

This morning both Russia and China have vetoed the latest “NATO-sponsored” anti-Syrian Resolution at UN: Good. At this point, this is not about Assad or even Syria, its about fundamental and absolutely crucial principles of international law. It’s about telling Uncle Shmuel – NIET! You are not the world’s policeman and you cannot force us to submit to your threats. On one hand, the fact that only Russia and China

Fars News Agency get the prize for the most delusional version of “The Russians Are Coming”

I don’t have much respect for the corporate media and, for that matter, very little for most of the alternative media.  But the prize for stupid, delusional, or even outright psychotic reporting goes to the Iranian Fars news agency which managed to print the following: “Russian atomic submarines” and “1000” tanks will soon come to Syria. Right.  I don’t know what the hell the folks at Fars are smoking, but

Russian and Hezbollah in consultations

According to official website of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon,, A Hizbullah delegation visited on Monday Russian Ambassador to Lebanon Alexander Zasypkin in the Embassy headquarters, and delivered greetings on behalf of Hizbullah’s leadership for the presidential victory of Vladimir Putin.  The Hizbullah delegation was led by Head of Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc member Mohammad Raad, and included MP Nawwar Saheli and Hizbullah International Relations Official Ammar Moussawi. 

What does the civil war in Syria really mean for Iran, Russia and China?

I was recently asked by a reader to update two of my past articles, Iran’s asymmetrical response options and For Israel war is the continuation of national suicide by other means, and that is an excellent idea, considering that the first one was written in 2007 and the second one in 2010.  I did touch upon these issues in a more recent article, Iran in the crosshair again, which does

China and Russia veto UN resolution condemning Syria

Great news: China and Russia veto UN resolution condemning Syria. God knows I am no more a fan of Assad than I am of Gaddafi, but there is no doubt in my mind that the worst possible solution would be a repetition of what happened in Libya, but this time in Syria. Furthermore, China and Russia are also sending a message to the US and its European “pack of poodles”

China-US: Wisdom not gunboats

A new US military doctrine, war games, and ASEAN troops in Afghanistan have stirred up an oriental hornet’s nest, says Eric Walberg “From a historical perspective, the US has continuously found enemies and waged wars. Without enemies the US cannot hold the will of the whole nation,” concluded Chinese Air Force Colonel Dai Xu, after perusing the 2010 US defense report. He points to the attempt to turn the Association

US-S.Korean maritime war games needlessly provocative

By Shen Dingli for Global Times The US and South Korea are implementing joint military exercises this month in the Yellow Sea, with the possibility of deploying the US aircraft carrier George Washington. The running of such exercises so close to China’s waters has left China strongly, and rightfully, dissatisfied. The US and South Korea may argue that the exercise is not in China’s territorial waters, so China has no

Russia, China, Iran redraw energy map

By M K Bhadrakumar for The Asia Times: The inauguration of the Dauletabad-Sarakhs-Khangiran pipeline on Wednesday connecting Iran’s northern Caspian region with Turkmenistan’s vast gas field may go unnoticed amid the Western media cacophony that it is “apocalypse now” for the Islamic regime in Tehran. The event sends strong messages for regional security. Within the space of three weeks, Turkmenistan has committed its entire gas exports to China, Russia and

Russia-India-China: The Bush curse

Moscow is trying to draw India and China closer to put out the flames now flaring across the continent, from the Caucasus and Central Asia, to Iran and Pakistan, notes Eric Walberg United States President Barack Obama has shown a flicker of independence in shaping US Eurasian politics. To secure transit routes through Russia to Afghanistan, he loudly proclaimed the end to US missile base plans for Poland and the

Russia and China back currency study

Reuters reports: Russia proposed on Thursday an IMF or G20 study on creating a new international reserve currency and China reiterated support for a broader discussion of the dollar’s role that was missing at the London G20 summit. Strengthened regional currencies would be a basis for the new unit, which could also be partially backed by gold, Russia said in a statement released on the sidelines of the summit. Chinese

Putin Suggests Russia, China Ditch Dollar in Trade Deals

RIA Novosti reports that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin proposed on Tuesday that Russia and China gradually switch over to national currency payments in bilateral trade, expected to total $50 billion in 2008. “We should consider improving the payment system for bilateral trade, including by gradually adopting a broader use of national currencies,” Putin told a bilateral economic forum. He admitted the task would be tough, but said it was

US Imperial arrogance on the high seas: this time in the Taiwan Strait

Sino-American Showdown in Taiwan Strait: Chinese Navy Confronted USS Kitty Hawk Newsmax via Global Research A Chinese attack submarine and destroyer confronted the U.S. carrier Kitty Hawk and its battle group in the Taiwan Strait, sparking a tense 28-hour standoff that brought both sides to a battle-ready position. The American ships were heading to Japan following China’s sudden cancellation of a scheduled Thanksgiving port call in Hong Kong when they

China Warns Against Iran War

The People’s Daily Online reports that China said on Tuesday negotiation is the best way to resolve the Iran’s nuclear issue and it conformed to the common interest of the international community. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Jiang Yu made the remarks when commenting on the recent report of the IRNA news agency on French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner’s warning that the world should brace for a possible war over the

Russia, China, Iran warn U.S. at summit

BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan (AP) – The leaders of Russia, China and Iran said Thursday that Central Asia should be left alone to manage its stability and security — an apparent warning to the United States to avoid interfering in the strategic, resource-rich region. The veiled warning came at a meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and on the eve of major war games between Russia and China. The SCO was created
