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Tag "Colonel Cassad"

Akhmed Chataev: An inconvenient “fighter against Russia”

 Original by Boris Rozhin (Colonel Cassad); abridged translation by J.Hawk submitted by SouthFront: It’s like it’s a holiday of some sort. The main suspect in organizing the Ataturk Airport attack is a Chechen militant by the name of Akhmed Chataev whose biography will simply knock your socks off. The fact that some particularly stubborn types hurried to find a “Russian trail” happened largely because they did not bother to

Yet another version of Mozgovoi’s murder.

by Colonel Cassad (Boris Pozhin) Source: Translated by Seva Journalist Roman Skomorokhov proposed yet another version of the murder of Alexey Mozgovoi. It sometimes happens that the story is over, and it makes no sense to return to it. One cannot revive the dead, whereas issues of honor and memory in some places do not matter, to put it mildly. But as far as this story goes, I could

Murder of Mozgovoy – by whom and for what?

Colonel Cassad has published a very thorough discussion of the possibly identities and motives of those who have murdered Alexei Mozgovoi.  Thanks for the fantastic work of my brother in arms Uncle Martin I can now post this entire analysis in English.  Please forgive me the poor formatting of the article, but I simply have no time to do a lengthy formatting job right now. The original translation by Uncle

Mini post about the rumors of a Ukie attack

I consider the blog of “Colonel Cassad” the best informed and most honest blog about the situation in the Ukraine, bar none.  Right now, he is reporting that while there is an increase in the combat operation, this is more a case of “combat reconnaissance” (opening fire to try to evaluate the enemy disposition) then of a real full-scale attack.That is the good news.The bad news is that a energetic
