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Tag "crazies"

Dismissing North Korea? Maybe not completely…

I have been watching the circus on the Korean peninsula with some dismay for a while already.  I am dismayed not only by the fact that both sides are acting rather irresponsibly, but also by what I consider a potentially dangerous dismissal of the North Korean threats.First, and here I am going to alienate some folks with whom I otherwise sympathize, I do not lay the blame for the current

Let the Dog See the Rabbi

by Gilad Atzmon We are used to reading about Israelis and Jews bragging about the inherent bond between Israel, enlightenment, modernity, science and technology. Hence, it may take us by surprise to find out that in the Jewish State, a dog was ‘sentenced to death by stoning’ by a Rabbinical court. Ynet reported yesterday that several weeks ago a large dog entered the Rabbinical Court in Jerusalem. The dog scared

U.S. Sen. John McCain declared national hero of Georgia

RIA Novosti reports: Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili awarded on Monday the National Hero of Georgia title to U.S. Senator John McCain. McCain, along with Senators John Barrasso and John Thune, arrived in Georgia on Sunday. The award ceremony was held on Monday in the southwestern Georgian resort of Batumi. “The fact that a part of Georgia is free today is the achievement of our friends. It was the idea of

Very interesting debate between Scott Horton and “Harvey from New York”

Two days ago Scott Horton debated a guy called Harvey Kushner from New York (I am not kidding!) at Texas A&M University and the resulting discussion is highly interesting to watch. First, Scott really ripped this poor Neocon into tiny little shreds over and over again. It is absolutely hilarious to see this so-called “expert” getting hammered by Scott who never pretended to be an expert on anything (even though

Obama adviser compares Putin to Hitler

Kate Connolly for the Guardian The former US national security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, has called on the world community to isolate Russia in protest over its campaign in the Caucasus, likening its tactics to those of “Hitler or Stalin”. Brzezinski, who was the national security adviser under President Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981, and is now an occasional adviser to the Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, said the Russian

John Bolton: might Bush bomb Iran? “Yes, definitely!”

Think Progress Thursday, May 8, 2008 In a Fox News interview this afternoon, former UN Ambassador John Bolton discussed his desire to bomb camps inside Iran that are reportedly training and arming Shiite insurgents who fight in Iraq. Fox host Martha McCallum asked, “Can you imagine a scenario where President Bush would do that before the end of his term?” Bolton responded, “I think so, definitely.” He added later, “This

You thought that all ADL/AIPAC-type of crazies where in the USA? Think again!

Jewish outrage over Christian sisterly plan with Bethlehem-Palestine A SYDNEY council`s decision to form a sister city relationship with Bethlehem has outraged members of the Jewish community, who say the move is akin to supporting terrorism. Marrickville Council, in Sydney`s inner west, has had an in-principle agreement since 2001 with the Palestinian city believed by some Christian scholars to have been the birthplace of Jesus Christ. The agreement is due

To bomb or not to bomb – two views

The Case for Bombing Iran: I hope and pray that President Bush will do it. BY NORMAN PODHORETZWednesday, May 30, 2007 12:01 a.m. EDT Although many persist in denying it, I continue to believe that what Sept 11, 2001, did was to plunge us headlong into nothing less than another world war. I call this new war World War IV, because I also believe that what is generally known as

Neocon “crazies” endorse tactical nuclear strikes against Iran

Here is an excerpt from the latest Republican Presidential debate: ——-BLITZER: If it came down to a preemptive U.S. strike against Iran’s nuclear facility if necessary, would you authorize as president the use of tactical nuclear weapons? HUNTER: I would authorize the use of tactical nuclear weapons if there was no other way to preempt those particular centrifuges. When the Osirak reactor was hit in ’86, when the six F-18s

IAEA warns of Neocon agression plans

Did the IAEA really say that the Neocons are planning to attack Iran? Almost. The word “Neocon” was not used but was replaced by a well-known euphemism. Actually, here is what happened: IAEA director Mohamed ElBaradei recently said to the BBC “I have no brief other than to make sure we don’t go into another war or that we go crazy into killing each other. You do not want to

Have the crazies finally been sent back the the basement?

On January 26th of this year I sent out a rather alarmist email to my friends mentioning the very real risk of a US aggression against Iran. Among other things, I wrote “ Unless the current campaign of leaks from various US officials to the independent media is successful and the public outrage tips the balance (which is still quite possible – as the anti-war rally in Washington, DC planned
