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Tag "defense"

Comfortable places for proxy wars, Jewish strength, monarchy, Terminator 2 and other news

July 8th, 2017 by Scott Humor and Baaz   Family photo at G20 Germany tried to place Trump at the end of the line, but Macron jumped in and saved the moment. Family photo #G20Germany tried to place Trump at the end of the line :)Good boy Macron jumped in, saved the moment — Scott's Humor (@ScottsHumor) July 7, 2017 Emmanuel Macron jostled his way to the front of

The World SITREP October 16, 2016 by BAAZ

Quote of the week from our author “No loyal American worth his salt would ever question the basic goodness of dropping bombs on foreigners. Any foreigners (the darker the better), any time, any kind of bombs (the bigger the better), no valid reason required. ” Jeff J. Brown Miracle of the week Russian bombers perform flight to stratosphere Russian Eastern Military District Sukhoi Su-34 pilot crews have performed flights to the

General Konashenkov: Russia will take down any unidentified flying objects in Syria

    Oct 6, 2016 Press briefing of the Russia’s Defense Ministry spokesperson Major-General Igor Konashenkov ‘S-300, S-400 air defenses in place’: Russian MoD warns US-led coalition not to strike Syrian army Video credit Russian MoD Greetings dear colleagues. Some respectable Western media outlets reported about the leaks from the White House briefings discussing possible air strikes against Syrian Army. History tells us that often this kind of “leaks” happen
