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Tag "Eugenia"

Shoigu and Gerasimov cause serious confusion in NATO (MUST WATCH!)

This video has its source here and was subtitled for the Saker Blog by Eugenia Update: If one does not want a video to be available, you strike it with a copyright strike and it goes offline until things can be sorted. But a commentator (Thank You!)  printed out the transcript from the closed captions, and this is copied below. Note by the Saker: I guess that for the folks

The colonial status of “The Independent Ukraine” publicly confirmed

By Eugenia for The Saker Blog On May 19th, the member of the Ukrainian Parliament (Rada) Andrei Derkach revealed at a press conference tape recordings of the phone conversations between the then-President of Ukraine Petr Poroshenko and the then-US Vice-President Joe Biden. The conversations are in English and can be listened to here (1). In and of itself, there is nothing at all remarkable that a President has had a

Chemical weapon named “Novichok” – a reality check

“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”. Carl Sagan, an American astronomer “A wise man … proportions his belief to the evidence”. David Hume, a Scottish philosopher by Eugenia for the Saker Blog Britain accused Russia of poisoning a double agent Sergey Skripal and his daughter Yulia using a super-secret nerve agent with an easy to remember name “Novichok” (“a newbie” in Russian). The accusation came with a suspicious speed: the Skripals

Grandmaster Putin (Grandiose multi-step operation lasting 16 years)

by RoSsiBaRBeRa Translated by Eugenia (a huge THANK YOU to Eugenia for this huge and complex translation! The Saker) Source: The 1990s are behind us, as is the breakup of the Soviet Union. The 2000s balancing over the cliff, the years of the debt slavery to IMF, unlimited rule of the oligarchs, the status of the regional power, gangs of non-systemic opposition by the American embassy, isolation and haughty
