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Tag "false flag"

The truth about Srebrenica finally?

With the recent postponement of the trial of Ratko Mladic in the Hague I have been looking around the Internet to see if any new interesting documents about the so-called “Srebrenica genocide” had come out and I came across a most remarkable documentary which has been online since 2011 but which I only noticed today.  It is a truly remarkable piece of investigation which I urge everybody to watch and

Kindergarten false flag ops and other nonesense (UPDATED)

Remember the ridiculous fairytale about the  “Iranian terrorist’ arrested in the USA“?  Well, it looks like these kinds of “kindergarten false flag operations” are picking up pace.  After the clueless Iranian ‘terrorist’ in the USA, we were told about a clueless bomber in Delhi (who only managed to wound a few people) and a homemade toy bomb in Georgia (it used a regular hand grenade).  Now it get even better:

NATO lukewarm on intervention – are false flags next?

Following NATO’s meeting today it appears that the organization is lukewarm about the idea of a military intervention in Libya, including a no-fly zone.  The fact that the very same folks who illegally attacked Yugoslavia are now seriously speaking about the “need for legal sanction” is really rather disgusting, but it’s good news anyway. So what’s next? Well, a situation a la Afghanistan following the Soviet withdrawal is one possibility. 

South Korean newspaper exonerates North over torpedo

RT TV reports: A South Korean newspaper claims Russian investigators have found North Korea did not torpedo one of the South’s warships that sank in spring. The report says the vessel hit a mine. Russia has not yet commented on the story. The “Cheonan” sank off the Korean peninsula in March, with the loss of 46 sailors. Earlier, a US-backed international investigation found Pyongyang responsible. However, Pavel Leshakov, the director

The ‘Underwear Bomber’ story reeks to high heaven

The Strange Case of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab by Tom Burghardt for Dissident Voice Despite some $40 billion dollars spent by the American people on airline security since 2001, allegedly to thwart attacks on the heimat, the botched attempt by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to bring down Northwest Airlines Flight 253 over Detroit on Christmas Day was foiled, not by a bloated counterterrorist bureaucracy, but by the passengers themselves. Talk about validating

Neda’s fiance describes the circumstances of her death

Notice the syllogistic logic he uses: in Iran people are not allowed to carry guns, cops are always in uniform, therefore the person who shot Neda was not a civilian nor a cop, he therefore must have been a Basij. Also – no sniper on rooftops, no bikers in this account. Only people in a traffic jam and suddenly one single shot. Finally, while he is clearly upset about her

Neda’s fiance describes the circumstances of her death

Notice the syllogistic logic he uses: in Iran people are not allowed to carry guns, cops are always in uniform, therefore the person who shot Neda was not a civilian nor a cop, he therefore must have been a Basij. Also – no sniper on rooftops, no bikers in this account. Only people in a traffic jam and suddenly one single shot. Finally, while he is clearly upset about her

I really need your help here!

Dear friends, There are two stories which I am very interested in: The first one is the story of the “Basij thug sniper on the roof who is not on the roof but on a motorbike who is not a sniper after all but who was shooting with a small caliber handgun“. It is quite possible that the government is trying to cover up something here and is lying about

I really need your help here!

Dear friends, There are two stories which I am very interested in: The first one is the story of the “Basij thug sniper on the roof who is not on the roof but on a motorbike who is not a sniper after all but who was shooting with a small caliber handgun“. It is quite possible that the government is trying to cover up something here and is lying about

Ahmadinejad orders probe into Neda’s ‘suspicious’ death

Press TV reports: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has asked the Judiciary chief to conduct a through investigation into the death of Neda Aqa-Soltan, an Iranian woman who was shot dead in Tehran’s post-vote protests. In a letter to Iran’s Judiciary chief Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi-Shahroudi on Monday, Ahmadinejad called for a serious probe into the “suspicious” death of Neda and recognizing elements behind her killing. “Neda Aqa-Soltan was shot dead in

Ahmadinejad orders probe into Neda’s ‘suspicious’ death

Press TV reports: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has asked the Judiciary chief to conduct a through investigation into the death of Neda Aqa-Soltan, an Iranian woman who was shot dead in Tehran’s post-vote protests. In a letter to Iran’s Judiciary chief Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi-Shahroudi on Monday, Ahmadinejad called for a serious probe into the “suspicious” death of Neda and recognizing elements behind her killing. “Neda Aqa-Soltan was shot dead in

To Provoke War, Cheney Considered Proposal To Dress Up Navy Seals As Iranians And Shoot At Them

(thanks to Alex P. for this story) A Think Progress Exclusive Speaking at the Campus Progress journalism conference earlier this month, Seymour Hersh — a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist for The New Yorker — revealed that Bush administration officials held a meeting recently in the Vice President’s office to discuss ways to provoke a war with Iran. In Hersh’s most recent article, he reports that this meeting occurred in the wake

If Iran is Attacking It Might Really be Israel

by Philip Giraldi for the American Conservative The Benny Morris op-ed in the NYT last Friday should provide convincing evidence that Israel really really really wants an attack against Iran sooner rather than later. Morris is close to the Israeli government and his case that Iran must be bombed soon and with maximum conventional weaponry to avoid using nukes later was clearly intended to push the United States to do

Pro-US forces organize provocations in Beirut

Al-Manar reports: Residents of the Nuweiri area in Beirut protested at Future Movement gunmen for opening fire and terrorizing civilians, so they decided to storm into their office. Hezbollah members informed Lebanese Army intelligence service about the matter and a military unit was dispatched to the location and evacuated 21 Future Movement members from the office. The army confiscated automatic weapons and ammunition. They also found applications for new Future

Brother of murdered Turkish journalist blames USA for anti-Iranian “false flag” operation

(The following was sent to me by a reader to whom I am most grateful. VS)——- The assassination of the leftist investigative journalist and columnist Ugur Mumcu in 1993 was seen by Turkey’s secular establishment, media and armed forces as an opportunity to galvanize anti-Islamic feelings in general and anti-Iranian feelings in particular. The assassination was blamed on Iran, who allegedly used the (Turkish) Hizbullah as a pawn. In reality,

Interesting declaration of ex-Italian President Francesco Cossiga

I personally take no other position on 911 other than claiming that the official version is so obviously full of holes that it is an insult to anyone’s intelligence. My hunch is that several foreign intelligences agencies, including the Russians, Israelis and French, had warned the USA but in yet another display of its trademark incompetence the US government never acted on this info. The cover-up today is most likely

Military Drills – False Flag Provocation, Attack On Iran?

By Webster G. Tarpley ‘Solid Curtain’ And ‘Citadel Shield 2007’ Military Drills Raise Spectre Of Imminent False Flag Provocation And Attack On Iran WASHINGTON, DC — US military bases in the continental United States (CONUS) will go on special lockdown between September 17 and September 21 under the auspices of Solid Curtain-Citadel Shield ’07, a reliable source reported today. Under these exercises, US installations will institute enhanced anti-terror force protection
