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Tag "ICC"

ICC evaluates Israeli war crimes case

Press TV reports: The Palestinian Authority has recognized the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court to investigate Israeli war crimes in Gaza. Acting Palestinian Justice Minister Ali Khashan sent a brief letter to the court on Jan. 21, in which he recognized the authority of the world’s first permanent war crimes tribunal. The court made the letter public Tuesday, APTN reported. On Monday, the office of the International Criminal Court,

ICC overlooks Israel’s war crimes allegation

Press TV reports: The International Criminal Court prosecutor says it lacks jurisdiction to investigate possible Israeli war crimes committed in Gaza. The ICC prosecutor said in a statement Wednesday that the “court’s jurisdiction is limited to war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of genocide committed on the territory of, or by a national of, a state party while Israel is not a member state. Tel Aviv launched Operation

A very interesting idea: sue the bastards!

There is an interesting idea being floated around by the Iranian government and other circles. The idea is to sue Israel and/or Israeli leader for war crimes, crimes against humanity and even genocide. Sounds silly? Think again. It all began when the government of Iran asked the ICC to issue warrants for the arrest of Israeli leaders. Soon thereafter a US professor, Francis Anthony Boyle, has offered the Iranian President
