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Tag "Israeli cowards"

Israel’s slow-motion collapse

Israel has never been the military superpower its propaganda claimed it to be, but neither was it a paper tiger.  At the very least, the Israelis did an excellent job triggering conflicts when it best suited them, they excelled at camouflaging what where surprise attacks into a “defensive operation”, and they always managed to conceal their real losses.  But none of this would have been possible if Israel did not

Israeli hardware defeated by Palestinian morale

Assuming the ceasefire holds, it is now time to assess the preliminary results of the Israeli attack on Gaza, and I would score this one as a definite victory for Hamas.  Why?Because it is pretty clear that the IDF was deterred from entering into Gaza whereas the usual orgy of violence unleashed by the Israelis on the Gaza Strip did not deter Palestinians at all.  It is also pretty clear
