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Tag "Karadzic"

Sacirbey: They knew about Karadzic deals

By Afshin Rattansi for Press TV The following is Press TV’s exclusive full-length interview with former Bosnian foreign minister Mohammad Sacirbey. Press TV: I noticed that Richard Holbrooke is saying that it is an outrageous fabrication. What did Karadzic mean by a deal with Richard Holbrooke? Sacirbey: I have actually been aware of the deal from almost the day it was made. In the summer of 1996, Karadzic withdrew from

Fiercest Serb Hater, Dutch Judge Orie, Assigned to Try President Karadzic

Byzantine Blog reports: Hague tribunal’s decision to assign no other but the biggest Serb hater, Dutch judge Alphons Orie, to preside over the trial against former Republic of Srpska President Radovan Karadzic is the latest evidence of the kangaroo court’s pathological Serbophobia. Judge Orie has gained notoriety as a man who had released Kosovo Albanian butcher Ramush Haradinaj, while issuing maximal convictions to all Serb indictees who had a misfortune

Former Bosnian Foreign Minister Mohammad Sacirbey confirms US-Karadzic deal

Press TV reports: Mohammad Sacirbey, former Bosnian foreign minster says that US diplomat, Richard Holbrooke made an unambiguous political deal with Serb leader Radavan Karadzic. Sacirbey pointing out that he has been telling this story for more than a decade now, said the Holbrooke-Karadzic pact called for Karadzic to give up leadership of his political party and to drop out of public life in return for his already existing war

Karadzic’s Arrest: Bosnian Myths Rehashed

by Srdja Trifkovic for Chronicles Magazine The spirit of the media frenzy surrounding the arrest of the former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic on July 21 is based entirely on the doctrine of non-equivalence inaugurated in 1992: Serbs willed the war, Muslims wanted peace; Serb crimes are bad and justly exaggerated, Muslim crimes are understandable. This doctrine was spectacularly reiterated a month before Karadzic’s capture, when the Muslim wartime commander
