Byzantine Blog reports:

Hague tribunal’s decision to assign no other but the biggest Serb hater, Dutch judge Alphons Orie, to preside over the trial against former Republic of Srpska President Radovan Karadzic is the latest evidence of the kangaroo court’s pathological Serbophobia. Judge Orie has gained notoriety as a man who had released Kosovo Albanian butcher Ramush Haradinaj, while issuing maximal convictions to all Serb indictees who had a misfortune to stand before him.

Belgrade Pravda cites lawyer Toma Fila, who said this is a major problem, because Holland has been engaged in a row with Serbia and Republic of Srpska.

“Problem with Alphons Orie is that he is Dutch, and Holland is openly hostile to Serbia and Republic of Srpska because it is directly responsible for Srebrenica events”, Fila said, adding that “Dutch government fell because of their battalion stationed in Srebrenica” during the civil war in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

“At the time, they had a duty to ensure Srebrenica gets disarmed as a [UN] protected zone. Instead, they have allowed Naser Oric and his gangs to wreak havoc in the region”, Fila said.

Asked whether this means Radovan Karadzic has been already convicted, he said:

“That doesn’t have to be necessarily so, but it would be much better if it wasn’t the Dutch that is trying him. Afterwards, when Republic of Srpska Army entered Srebrenica, the Dutch battalion surrendered and behaved in a humiliating way. That is why Holland demands that Serbia is not allowed to join the EU until General Ratko Mladic is also arrested, to wash off their dirty conscience,” Fila explained.

Professor of Law Kosta Cavoski confirms nothing is a mere coincidence in the Hague, and assigning judge Alphons Orie to run the trial against Dr. Karadzic is yet another proof of the sham court’s blatant bias.

“Karadzic has been assigned a judge who acquitted Ramush Haradinaj. Nothing is a coincidence in that court,” Cavoski said.

Asked which aggravating circumstances can be expected to follow this appointment, Cavoski said that Orie will most probably “use all means to obstruct defense, including denying Karadzic’s right to self-defense”.

“In that court, all the verdicts are brought in advance, and that is especially true for Dr. Radovan Karadzic. The activities of this court are quite obvious in the very fact everyone talks about one’s verdict, up in advance,” Cavoski said.

Orie’s Infamous Record: Acquitting Non-Serbs while Most Severely Punishing All Serbs

Zoran Krasic, Dr. Vojislav Seselj’s legal adviser, is also convinced Alfons Ori was purposely assigned to try Dr. Karadzic, as a judge who issues the maximum convictions to all the Serbs and is “a well-known Serb hater”.

“That is far from coincidence, since the assigned judge is well known as the fiercest Serb hater who issued the maximal punishments to the Serbs, while letting all the non-Serbs go off scot free. He should have not been allowed to be the judge in the process against Radovan Karadzic. In 2000 he took over the Vojislav Seselj case from Agius and imposed a legal representative to him. Orie forced Seselj to resort to hunger strike. In 2006 he was literally expelled from that case. I believe that this man is incapable of enabling a just trial when it comes to Serbs, although he is quite gallant when it comes to non-Serbs. This has been done on purpose, in order to hurt the dignity of Serbian nation even more, and at the same time to support those ‘women in black’ who haven’t been climbing down from B92 — Stojadinovic, Kandic, Dimitrijevic…”, Zoran Krasic said.

Patriotic Pilot

In a separate news, a source from Serbian government is cited revealing that transfer of Dr. Karadzic from Belgrade, first to Rotterdam and then to Hague, which was planned for Tuesday evening (around 10 p.m., in the midst of massive Belgrade rally), has been unexpectedly delayed to around 3:45 a.m. Wednesday, because pilot of the Serbian Government’s air fleet assigned the task to fly Dr. Karadzic to be delivered to the Hague, has refused to fly the plane and assist in delivering Radovan Karadzic to NATO’s kangaroo court.