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Tag "Lebanon"

“Hezbollah is fully re-armed” says Israeli website close the security establishment (caveat emptor!)

Hizballah Has Missiles for Downing Israeli Warplanes One Year after Lebanon War One year ago to the day, the Lebanese Shiite terrorist Hizballah sent a unit across the border into Israel and ambushed an Israeli patrol, killing eight of its members and kidnapping two. The raid, followed by a Katyusha rocket attack on northern Israel sparked the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and a 34-day war. Today, DEBKAfile’s military sources report

Can you guess where the Fatah al-Islam roots are?

The Arab extension of Fatah al-Islam When the battle between the Lebanese army and the Fatah al-Islam militant group broke out on the 20th of May, pro-February 14 (supporters of Siniora and his Imperial bosses – VS) media outlets sought to exploit the incident and link the militant group to Syria, overlooking the diversity in the nationalities of its members. Sultan Abul Aynain, the secretary of PLO factions said in

CIA Terror Bombings, Bob Gates, and The Rise of Hezbollah

Terrorism, CIA-style Today is a banner day for aficionados of the CIA. After a 15-year Freedom of Information Act struggle, the National Security Archive has finally forced the CIA to reveal the “family jewels” — a 702 page treasure trove of documents characterized in The New York Times as a “catalog of domestic wiretapping operations, failed assassination plots, mind-control experiments and spying on journalists.” Whether or not you wade through

Iran Daily’s interview with Seyyed Abdullah Safiadeen, Hezbollah’s envoy in Tehran

Hezbollah Ten Times Stronger July 2006 reminds the world of the 33-day war launched by Israel against Hezbollah. The Zionist regime’s aggressions, which were supported by the US and its allies, destroyed southern Lebanon and killed hundreds of civilians. In fact, the American cluster bombs fired by Israel during the war continue to claim the lives of Lebanese civilians. Lebanese Premier Fuad Siniora had asked the US not to sell

If Israel launches next war round as near as tomorrow … “Hizbullah is ready”!

“Israel” can`t live with impression it lost to a ‘militia’ Source: AFP, 28-6-2007 (via BEIRUT: Hizbullah is busy preparing for another attack by “Israel” in the knowledge that the Jewish (Zionist) state will not rest easy with the results of last summer`s 34-day conflict, military analysts in Beirut believe. Since a UN-brokered cease-fire came into force last August 14, the group has been steadily gearing itself up for the

The inside story of Fatah al Islam’s leader Shaker al-Absi

Here is an interesting, if clearly hostile, biography of the leader of the Fatah al-Islam, the Lebanese subsidiary of Al-Qaeda which seems to be supported by the so-called Welch Club and the USA and Saudi Arabia following the “redirection” of US foreign policy in the Middle-East. The Inside Story of Fatah al-Islam’s leader by Sami Haddad for the website Ya Libnan Beirut, Lebanon – A look at the history behind

Top Shia leaders in consultations

Moqtada al-Sadr visits with Ali al-Sistani (Voices of Iraq) – Iraqi Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr visited, on Sunday night, top Shiite cleric ayatollah Ali al-Sistani in his office in Najaf and both discussed the latest security and political developments in Iraq, a source from Sistani’s office said. “Sayyed Muqtada al-Sadr visited, today at 9:30 pm, Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani and both leaders discussed the political and security situation in the country,”

The Americans and Saudis are Behind Attacks in Lebanon

Reading the tea leaves: The tune being played by Westerners and their allies in the region under the guise of preserving international justice is enflaming internal dissention in the land of the Cedar [Lebanon]. Beirut: Since last Thursday, the day that the United States, France and Great Britain filed a motion at the U.N. to ensure the setting up of an international court to judge the assassins of former Lebanese

The secret war against Hizbollah

by Alberto Cruz 06/12/07 “ICH ” — — – A time-worn adage in journalism says that redundancy enables a better understanding of language, so here we go again : the tree of Iraq stops us seeing the Middle East wood. Absorbed in our navel-gazing, we behave like children covering our ears to stave off a reality we find distasteful. That happens in Iraq when we refuse to acknowledge that there

The Neocon regime in Washington starts yet another war

First there was Afghanistan, then Iraq, then Somalia (yes, this is a US started war), and now there is Lebanon/Palestine. Please follow me here step by step: For a description of the US “redirection”, i.e. using Al-Qaeda to fight Hezbollah and the Shia in Iraq, please read this. Then for a description of what the effects on the groud are, read this. For a confirmation that the US is, indeed,
