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Tag "Made in Russia"

The Crimean bridge in November

  The Crimean bridge in November. Up close and in details.   Approaching the Crimean bridge from Kerch     The Crimean Bridge. Technological operations.    

Made In Russia VIII

by Scott Humor As the story goes, someone was driving a European guest to Yakutsk from Magadan. After they took off for their journey, the passenger got concerned about the absence of a GPS/ GLONASS device, even after the driver explained that he didn’t need the device because he knew the route well. Just to calm his passenger down he got his GLONASS device from a glove compartment, plugged it

MADE In Russia VII September 1 – 15 2017

  by Scott Humor What does Russia produce? 1 What does Russia produce? 2 What does Russia produce? 3 Made In Russia SITREP IV Made in Russia V Made in Russia VI   Time Forward!       The transcript of the video with sources The best news of the week that you might have missed. Time of Production [0:23] In Yakutia opened a new mining and processing plant with

Made In Russia VI SITREP

by Scott Humor   Sunday August 27, was the closing day for International Military-Technical Forum Army-2017 Expo. According to the statement posted on the event’s website, it’s the third large-scale event of the Russian Defense Ministry. Representatives of large Russian and foreign companies, leading research and development institutes as well as project and design offices participated in this Expo. The Forum rightfully enjoys the  reputation of one of leading exhibition

Made in Russia V SITREP

by Scott Humor Made In Russia SITREP IV What does Russia produce? 3 What does Russia produce? 1 What does Russia produce? 2    Time – Forward! #253  Russian transcript We often hear that Russia spends too much money for the defense and that we should give this money away to poor people and pensioners.  Let’s see if this statement is true. But before, a few news for the past

What does Russia produce? 3

What does Russia produce? 1 What does Russia produce? 2   Space Exploration Space complex rockets Angara New generation rocket engine RD-181 Engine RD-191 Progress 66 Cargo Ship Docks at the Space Station The automated Progress 66 supply ship docked at the space station at 3:30 a.m. EST (0830 GMT), parking itself at the station’s Russian-built Pirs docking module   For space exploration Russia also develops and  manufacturers Mirrors for
