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Tag "military coup"

BREAKING NEWS: military coup in progress in Turkey! (OPEN THREAD)

Russian, US and EU sources are all reporting that a military coup is in progress in Turkey. It is way too early to comment on these events, but I have to say that while I was hoping for exactly such an events for the past 7 months, the timing here looks very suspicious to me and I wonder which side is behind it. This is huge and I am creating


EDITOR’S NOTE Follow @Evagolinger on Twitter for up to the minute updates on the Ecuador situation A third coup d’etat is underway against a nation member of the Bolivarian Alliance of the Americas (ALBA), a Latin American bloc of nations that opposes US hegemony in the region and has created new mechanisms for trade and integration based on principles of solidarity and independence from imperial powers. In 2002, a coup

President Zelaya makes an important statement on DemocracyNow

I have just listened to President Zelaya talking to Amy Goodman on Democray Now. Here is the exchange which concluded the interview: AMY GOODMAN: We have ten seconds. What would bring you, your side, back to the negotiating table? PRESIDENT MANUEL ZELAYA: [translated] After four months, I cannot go back to negotiation with the coup regime at all. AMY GOODMAN: Five seconds. Translate? PRESIDENT MANUEL ZELAYA: [translated] This is now

US backed putchistas renege on power-sharing deal

Looks like Honduras is back to square one. Even though the agreement specified that Congress should meet to restore Zelaya to power for the interim period until the next elections in November, the putchistas declared that they “did not consider the Congressional vote demanded by Mr Zelaya to be an essential part of the agreement”. According to AP President Zelaya has now officially announced that “The accord is dead (…)

Another setback for the US Empire?

It appears that President Zelaya has won something of a victory in his struggle to return to the Presidency of his country: the putchistas have agreed to let him return to power to complete his mandate. President Zelaya reportedly expressed “satisfaction and optimism“. Does that mean that all is well in Honduras now? Absolutely not. While I don’t have any details about this, I am confident that the deal between

The Sound and Fury of the Honduran Coup: Acoustic and Chemical Attacks on Brazilian Embassy

by Laura Carlsen for Americas Mexicoblog * “Acoustic arms” employed by coup government against Brazilian Embassy and protesters*Analysis of chemicals used in attack on Embassy*Reports of radioactive cesium*Offshore factory workers forced to make up days lost due to coup curfews*Political ground shifted to demand for constitutional reforms We have received many reports today of the use of sonic devices and chemical warfare in attacks on the Brazilian Embassy by the

Coup d’Etat Underway in Honduras: OBAMA’S FIRST COUP D’ETAT

by Eva Golinger for Globalresearch President Zelaya of Honduras has just been kidnapped [Note: As of 11:15am, Caracas time, President Zelaya is speaking live on Telesur from San Jose, Costa Rica. He has verified the soldiers entered his residence in the early morning hours, firing guns and threatening to kill him and his family if he resisted the coup. He was forced to go with the soldiers who took him

Coup d’Etat Underway in Honduras: OBAMA’S FIRST COUP D’ETAT

by Eva Golinger for Globalresearch President Zelaya of Honduras has just been kidnapped [Note: As of 11:15am, Caracas time, President Zelaya is speaking live on Telesur from San Jose, Costa Rica. He has verified the soldiers entered his residence in the early morning hours, firing guns and threatening to kill him and his family if he resisted the coup. He was forced to go with the soldiers who took him
