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Tag "military equipment"

World SITREP June 11th, 2016 Updated by Baaz

The U.S. Stephen Kinzer: Is U.S. Foreign Policy the Most Destabilizing Force in the World Today? Stephen Kinzer discusses U.S. foreign policy and interventionism and whether it is the most destabilizing force in the world today. He discusses which US election candidate would be worst in terms of increasing war tensions and also covers the legacy of Muhammad Ali’s anti-war posture and “American exceptionalism” which is a key factor in

Dmitry Rogozin has compared Russian women with Terminator [Updated], by Scott

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin published in his Twitter a snippet of the video in which the girl-pilot in a protective suit goes through a minefield. In the caption to the post he compared the Russian girls test military-industrial complex (MIC) to the hero of the James Cameron film the Terminator. Full version of video was published on YouTube on Friday, April 22. The video was filmed during testing at

Never seen before Russian Spetznaz ‘Batmobiles’ Viking and Falcatus, by Scott

The new Russian «Falcatus» armored car spotted during an operation  in Dagestan.  The new armored futuristic-looking personnel carrier designed for the country’s special forces. The  «Falcatus» can carry 10 people into combat in various seating positions. Armored vehicle  based on double-axle chassis  KAMAZ-4911 with bulletproof windows. Spetznaz anti-terrorist operation in Leninkent Dagestan Russia on April 13-14th 2016 During the active counter-terrorist operation in Dagestan, information was obtained about armed individuals

Syrian Army tactics and few examples of how Russia, China and Iran could help

The Abhazian Network News Agency ANNA ( and and its editor in chief, Marat Musin ( have recorded some truly fantastic coverage from the frontlines of the war in Syria.  Alas, the video commentary is always in Russian, hence I do not show these videos here, but their latest video shows a good example of the new tactics adopted by the Syrian army.  Take a look at this photo:
