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Tag "Nancy Pelosi"

Chinese Army Posts “Ready For War” Message

From RT Telegram channel and going viral very fast: Chinese Army Posts “Ready For War” Message The official account of the 80th Army of the People’s Liberation Army of China posted “备战!”, which means “Get ready for war” on its official Weibo account on Friday. The post received over 300,000 likes within 12 hours. It comes amidst heightened speculation that US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may visit Taiwan despite

Taiwan is a distraction

By Amarynth for the Saker Blog The current hot war of words regarding Nancy Pelosi’s announced visit to Taiwan is reaching a dangerous nexus and threatening to spill over into military action. China considers this belligerent approach as a threat to their stated One Country, Two Systems policy as well as a threat to the 1992 consensus. The two sides of the Taiwan Strait reached the consensus in 1992 that

Very important letter from Donald Trump to Nancy Pelosi (MUST READ)

Saker commentary: this is not about picking sides, the enemy of my enemy is NOT my friend.  However, as Malcolm X once said, “I am for the truth no matter who tells it”.  There are lies in this text, beginning with entire section about how great the US is doing.  As for the segment about Israel, I just wonder what color Trump’s tongue is by now.  Whatever color, it is
