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Tag "Nemtsov murder"

Nemtsov murder – more questions than answers

According to RT, Zaur Dadaev, who had reportedly confessed involvement in Nemtsov’s murder, said he organized the crime in revenge for the opposition leader’s “negative comments on Muslims and Islam,” according to Rosbalt’s source in law enforcement.  Sounds plausible? Not really.  Possible?  I suppose so.  But plausible? Zaur Dadaev  – who supposedly pulled the trigger –  was the deputy commander of the Chechen special operations battalion “Vostok”.  Hardly your typical

Important developments in the Nemtsov murder case (UPDATED)

It took the combined efforts of the FSB/SKR/MVD one week to make the first arrests in the case of the murder of Nemtsov: a group of 7 men, all from the North Caucasus were arrested.  A sixth man killed himself with a hand grenade  in Grozny when he was about to be arrested. The Russians used the combination of the “Potok” HD camera monitoring network and intercepts of all the
