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Tag "Nigeria SITREP"

14TH September 2014 Nigeria SITREP

by Fulan Nasrallah First Battle Of Konduga  It took me almost 48 hours to obtain very reliable information of how events played out on the ground in Konduga Town, Konduga LGA, Borno State of North East Nigeria, on 12th September, when insurgent fighters in their hundreds launched a two-pronged assault targeting Kawuri Village and Konduga Town about 40km from Maiduguri to the south and east. Utilizing night cover around 3:45AM scores

Sad Note..Ode To The Dead (Boko Haram)

by Fulan Nasrullah Sad Note..Ode To The Dead Yesterday Michika LGA in Adamawa State was completely overrun by insurgent forces who took about five towns including the town of Michika itself, hometown of some of my dearest friends. All the few women left in the conquered towns are said to have been pressed into sexual service by the conquerors who gathered the few ones unable to flee and then distributed

5th September 2014 Nigeria SITREP

by Fulan NasrallahMaiduguri: Reports indicate that soldiers of the Nigerian Army 7 Division (Infantry) headquartered in the metropolis of Maiduguri are evacuating their families out of two important Army bases (Giwa and Maimalari barracks) including the divisional headquarters after letters and fliers from the Boko Haram were dropped off in strategic locations across the metropolis (including at the gates of the bases) announcing the intention of the insurgents to attack

Who Are The Boko Haram?

by Fulan Nasrullah Good question. Most people find it hard to navigate through the confusing myriad of stories about Boko Haram. Especially .the lies and half-truths and outright ignorance propagated by contemporary Main Stream Media (MSM) as ‘facts’. To understand what these people are one needs access to them. Apart from Shekau, the rest of the Boko Haram are publicity wary, viewing it as a distraction to their ’cause’ so

9TH/10TH August Nigeria SITREP (Boko Haram)

Fighting In Damboa on 5th August 2014, elements of the 7th Infantry Division, Nigerian Army, backed by light attack jets of the Nigerian Airforce, commenced an assault to dislodge combined Boko Haram forces in control of Damboa Town and surrounding areas in Damboa Local Government Area (LGA), of Borno State, that the insurgents captured earlier in July. At the same time, the insurgents captured their second local government seat and

4th August Nigerian SITREP (General)

IMPORTANT Nigerian Army alleges that explosives used by female suicide bombers in recent bomb attacks in Kano have been analysed and traced to a Chinese-run quarry in Yobe State of Northeast Nigeria that was overrun and seized by Boki Haram fighters last year. However, none of the recent bombings involving female suicide bombers have been claimed by any of the Boko Haram groups. Also sources in the Harakatul-Muhajiriin and its

29TH July 2014 Nigeria SITREP (Boko Haram and General)

29TH July 2014 Nigeria SITREP (Boko Haram and General) Kano 26th July: Two bomb attacks utilizing IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) hit kano. The first blast was carried out by a teenage female suicide bomber at a university temporary facility. Only the suicide bomber was killed. The second attack was also by a suicide bomber at a Church in Sabon Gari District, killing 6 people including the bomber. Among the casualties

July 27th Nigerian SITREP (General And Boko Haram) by Fulan Nasrullah

23rd July 2014: Two bomb attacks hit Kaduna City the capital of Kaduna State about 200 Km north of Abuja. The first blast struck Murtal Square (a public square in the city’s central area while thousands of Sufi Muslims were exiting it after attending the last Ramadan lecture of Sheikh Dahiru Bauchi, Nigeria’s leading Sufi cleric of the Tijjaniyyah Toriqoh (Path). Over 100 people die. The official narrative is that

July 22nd Nigeria SITREP (Boko Haram) by Fulan Nasrullah

Dear friends, Today I have the pleasure to announce a new regular feature on this blog, a weekly SITREP about the Boko Haram movement and the conflict in Nigeria which has potential regional consequences.  This weekly SITREP will be written by ‘Fulan Nasrullah’, an ex-intelligence analyst and private intelligence contractor who is now an Imam of the Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamaa’ah/Salafiyyah of Sunni Islam and a resident of Northern Nigeria.  No doubt,
