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Tag "nuclear weapons"

Secrets of Russian hypersonic weapons were leaked to Americans, Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor A criminal case under article 275 of the criminal code — “treason” — was initiated by the Federal Security Service against employees of the Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering. Security officers have accused some scientists from the famous TSNIIMASH in transferring secrets of the Russian hypersonic weapons to Americans. Five and a half years have passed since Vladimir Putin famously uttered the “This is not the

Moscow accused Trump of lack of professionalism

by Mikhail Moshkin translated by Eugenia Source: Donald Trump, having believed the rumors about the Russian deployment of cruise missiles in violation of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force Treaty (INF Treaty), promised to touch upon revision of the previous agreements in the upcoming talks with Putin. His intention “to make America great” in nuclear weapons could start another round of the arms race. Anyway, only four years are left until
