Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor

A criminal case under article 275 of the criminal code — “treason” — was initiated by the Federal Security Service against employees of the Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering. Security officers have accused some scientists from the famous TSNIIMASH in transferring secrets of the Russian hypersonic weapons to Americans.

Five and a half years have passed since Vladimir Putin famously uttered the “This is not the 37” phrase.  In looking at high-profile criminal cases, bloggers often ask: “Why, in fact, this is not the 37th?” After all, the situation, judging by what is happening, is very similar.

Dmitry Payson, the Director of the Research and Analytical Center of the United Rocket and Space Corporation, is suspected of transmitting secret information. It was he who, according to the investigators, received secret data from the institute staff. This is what the Kommersant newspaper claims after first breaking the news.

“Field investigators check information on participation of officials in deliberate transfer of data under a signature stamp of ‘top secret’ about the Russian hypersonic projects to foreign intelligence services. It is established that the leak came from the staff of the Institute, with whom Dmitry Payson remained in close contact,” says one of the interlocutors of the Kommersant familiar with the materials of the FSB. He refused to give the names of the defendants in this case and their procedural status, citing the secrecy of the investigation.

Let us imagine that we live in the XXII century. The fragmentation of humanity has already been overcome, the planet lives in peace, all armies have been dissolved, and the phrase “treason” sounds wild and preposterous. And one day, we find in the depths of the internet, a screenshot of a news article from 80 years ago, in which it is that a respected man named Payson was an American spy. Crazy, isn’t it?

This is roughly what domestic liberals say when it comes to what happened in 1937. But Russian hypersonic weapons is a reality, no matter what some “good persons” claim otherwise. American intelligence agencies really want to get access to it, as in the last century, the Soviet intelligence agencies were looking for ways to learn about developments in the field of nuclear weapons. And as you may remember, they did.

Finally – a characteristic detail: Dmitry Payson in 2011 moved to the TSNIIMASH from the SKOLKOVO Foundation, which is being run by a red-haired gentleman, who, according to the Russian conspiracy theorists is appointed to supervise over “this country” by the globalists. And having received the current position in the United rocket and space Corporation, Payson did not quit his job at the SKOLKOVO. According to the Kommersant’s sources, a few days before the searches, Dmitry Payson was notified of the upcoming dismissal from ORC: this was due to the fact that in the organizational and staff structure of the state Corporation, formed by the new management of Roscosmos, there is no place for the research and analytical center.

When it comes to Payson and other yet unknown to us defendants in the case of treason, their guilt will be determined by the courts, if the investigation will provide convincing evidence. But I would say that this fact looks like a motive: the desire to sell some secret data before dismissal, to get a nice chunk of money for a cloudless pension?


By the way, soon after 1937 it was 1941, but, of course, God forbid.


Scott Humor,

the Director of Research and Development

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