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Tag "Rostislav Ishchenko"

The nightmare of “Russian Europe”

by Rostislav Ishchenko and machine translated with some edits. Our society shows tremendous unity in relation to current news from the fields of special operations. The actions of the army, navy, and aerospace forces, as well as the alleged plans of the Russian political leadership, are supported both in general and in particular by the overwhelming majority of the population, even though these plans are unknown to the overwhelming majority

The Value of Russia’s Contract Army in Modern Warfare (Rostislav Ishchenko)

Attacks on headquarters and “what did we do?” April 22, 2022 Translated by Leo V. Modern warfare is very difficult to wage. Especially a long war. On the one hand, the population of any country is easily excited and demands severe punishment for the insidious enemy, smashing his capital to rubble in response to the theft of a chicken from our territory. On the other hand, people like war

Rostislav Ishchenko on “will Poland invade the western Ukraine?”

Note: another very interesting translation from our new team of Russian translators (thank you!) Question: do you believe that Poland will send forces into the Ukraine? No, I don’t think the US is giving conflicting instructions to Kiev. The fact is that when we are negotiating with Ukraine, we are, in fact, indirectly negotiating with the United States. Because, it is clear that we are fighting not with Zelensky, but

At the peak of the Nazi terror in Ukraine, what should anti-fascists and Nazis dо? by Rostislav Ishchenko translated by V. What is bound to happen is bound to happen someday. In 2014, I wrote to appeal to the remaining anti-fascists in Ukraine, urging them to leave the country as soon as possible. I motivated this by the fact that sooner or later the Nazis will begin a complete sweep of the remnants of the pro-Russian asset There were few options: 1. Ukrainian provocations

The US is not giving up. What’s next?

by Rostislav Ishchenko for Note: this is a machine translation from the original Russian text Predictably, the United States rejected the Russian ultimatum. They couldn’t help but reject it, otherwise the Biden clique simply wouldn’t have stayed in power. The Democrats were pushed there not so that they would merge America, but so that the interests of bankers and stockbrokers would be a priority for the American government, and

To see Putin and die

by Rostislav Ischenko for source: Note: this machine translated text Joseph Biden, the 46th president of the United States, has asked Russian President Vladimir Putin for a meeting for the second time in six months. This would not be surprising: in the end, international tensions have reached a limit, and not only the most alarmist of experts, but also the most cautious of politicians have already started talking

Post-American world

Rostislav Ishchenko develops his theme first posted here: Russian World as a global project into global multipolarity and covers why and how the West ran into a dead end, and where the multipolar situation may lead. Please note it is a machine translation with some human assistance, and it is not a perfect document.  It however makes his points clear enough, for the discussion on this massive global change. Today

Russian World as a global project

Most of us at The Saker Blog are involved in either understanding or have fully joined the Russian World as a global project.  In one simplistic sense, we still talk about the splitting of the world into Zone A (hegemonic) and Zone B (resistance and this is on various levels of maturity).  This is a fine new era model to start with but we are beginning to deal with the

Buy a brick! The USA is selling Ukraine

by Rostislav Ishchenko Source: Translated by Eugenia As we all know, to sell soothing useless one first has to buy something useless. At some point, Washington bought Ukraine – for a high price. The process of buying took a long time, as Ukraine was bought part by part. When finally in 2014 all of Ukraine became the property of the US, White House quickly realized, to its horror, that

Munich-esque Davos

Rostislav Ishchenko – Crossposted with permission from Stalker Zone Vladimir Putin’s speech, delivered in the format of remote participation in the annual Davos forum, is already being actively compared with his Munich speech of 2007. Well, there is something in common. It is about the same general as between Stalin’s “Brothers and Sisters!” in 1941 and the toast “To the great Russian people!” in 1945. The Munich Speech of 2007

The case of MH17 and the imitation of a Maidan in Georgia: the provocations of globalists

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard Source:   For five years in a row the International Commissions of Inquiry created in Holland has been engaged in investigating the downing of flight MH17 over the skies of Ukraine in 2014. Every summer, on the eve of the anniversary of the tragedy, the commission lazily reports that it very strongly suspects the Donbass militiamen of (with the

Neo-Empire: Russia in the Modern World

Neo-Empire: Russia in the Modern World, by Rostislav Ishchenko  Translation by Scott Humor Source   Various historical epochs have not only seen the different internal structures of Russian state (Pre-Mongol Russia is not identical to the Moscow Kingdom Russia of the XVI-XVII centuries, and in turn, had little in common with Russia of the XVIII-early XX century, or the Russian Empire, which was fundamentally different from the Soviet Union,) but

Donbass – Military-Political Aspects

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source:   Donbass, like any frontline territory with a non-determined status, is periodically covered by waves of rumours – the most improbable and the most absurd rumours, which nevertheless are spread with the speed of a virus. Despite their regular repetitiveness and regular falsifiability, they, appearing again and again, invoke trust again and again. The

Petro Poroshenko and the Spanish Toad

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source:   There is an old Spanish fairy tale about a “hurrying toad”. It spent 7 years climbing the high stairs to a house, having a rest after each overcome step. It fell from the last one and started to complain: “Why am I in a hurry every time”? The descendants of Visigoths and Moors laugh together

A Trap in the Name of Peace – a Mechanism For the Transformation of the Nontransformable

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson & Angelina Siard cross posted with source: On February 8th 1994, 25 years ago, Ukraine joined the “Partnership for Peace” (PFP) NATO program. It happened practically immediately after the establishment of the program in January, 1994. It is characteristic that also then, in 1994, a similar plan of interaction between the EU and the post-socialist space was put forward by the French Prime

The EU in 2019 – the Problem of Survival

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source:   The European Union enters 2019 with a mass of unresolved problems, in addition to being torn apart by the most severe contradictions… The first and main problem is that the EU was created as one of the mechanisms of the US’ control over Western Europe. Without the American Marshall Plan, without opening American

Russia, Ukraine and the Minsk agreement fiction (Exclusive!)

by Pepe Escobar exclusive for The Saker Blog Rostislav Ishchenko is arguably the leading international analyst focused on the extraordinarily turbulent Russia-Ukraine relations. He posts regularly on, with frequent English translations here. In contrast to the 24/7 “Russian aggression” demonization campaign effective on all corners of the Beltway and spreading towards selected European capitals, Ishchenko’s analysis, for instance of the information war deployed on all fronts of the Russia-Ukraine

The Tomorrow of Donbass

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: Aleksandr Vladimirovich Zakharchenko, the Head of the DPR, the chairman of the board of ministers, and also the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the republic perished. He was one of the most charismatic leaders of the Donbass uprising, the potential leader not only of a united DPR and LPR, but also of all

Anti-Catastrophe – Information vs Degradation

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: June 22nd – the day the most bloody war in the history of Russia began. The day a series of the largest military catastrophes not only in Russian history, but also in the history of mankind began. The Kiev cauldron in September, 1941 and the triple encirclement near Bryansk and Vyazma in October of

Rostislav Ishchenko – Seven Against Eight or 2+2=3

by Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: On June 9th-10th, the G7 summit was held in Quebec and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit simultaneously took place in Qingdao. For the first time in Qingdao, the SCO was represented by eight participants. India and Pakistan, which were added to the SCO at the last summit, were included in this summit. Another
