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Tag "Russian-Argentinian cooperation"

Brussels Demand on Argentina – Arrogance and Stupidity

Foreword: It is a huge privilege and joy for me to share with you the excellent analysis submitted to this blog by Peter Koenig to whom I am immensely grateful for his contribution.  Sadly, economic topics are grossly under-covered by this blog and I hope to correct that in the future.The Saker——-Brussels Demand on Argentina – Arrogance and Stupidity by Peter Koenig Imagine – Argentina – and the rest of

The birth of a new financial-economic system: the example of Russia and Argentina

Thanks to the lightening fast work of the Russian Team (thanks guys!!!) I can share with you a report from the Russian TV channel Rossia 1 which I find absolutely fascinating.  It shows how Russia and Argentina have been literally pushed by the USA into working with each other and the kind of results this collaboration is achieving.  Though this report focuses on Argentina, I am sure that the same
