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Tag "Russian MoD statement"

Briefing by official representative of Russian Defence Ministry Major General Igor Konashenkov Full Transcript

13.04.2018 (18:00)   The Russian Centre for Reconciliation jointly with the Syrian authorities is completing the large-scale humanitarian operation in the suburbs of Damascus – the Eastern Ghouta. In total, 170,152 people have been evacuated during the operation, including 63,117 militants with their families. All the settlements in the Eastern Ghouta are currently under the control of the Syrian government. The Russian military police has been deployed in the

Russian MoD declares it will shoot down any aircraft flying west of the Euphrates river

RT reports: The Russian Defense Ministry announced it is halting cooperation with its US counterparts in the framework of the Memorandum on the Prevention of Incidents and Ensuring Air Safety in Syria following the coalition’s downing of a Syrian warplane. The ministry has demanded a thorough investigation by the US military command into the incident with the Syrian government military jet, with the results to be shared with the Russian
