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Tag "Saker Community news"

Saker Community Translations and new collaboration launched!

Dear friends, Excellent news!  First, I am happy to announce the official launch of the Saker Community Translations YouTube channel which you can find here: This project has been launched by three volunteers of the Saker Community and its main goal is to regularly post the insightful political commentaries of Ruslan Ostashko, one of the most insightful Russian analysts whose videos have been regularly translated and subtitled on this

Saker community news, supporter thanks and VACANCIES!

Dear friends, Our community is going through some difficult times right now and, as a result, we have a number vacancies. [If you have not seen it yet, click here too see a motivational video to encourage you to help us!] Here is the positions we are trying to fill: Latin American Saker blog Team Leader: the current Latin American Saker blog Team Leader is simply over-worked and over-stretched.  He is
