Dear friends,

Our community is going through some difficult times right now and, as a result, we have a number vacancies.

[If you have not seen it yet, click here too see a motivational video to encourage you to help us!]

Here is the positions we are trying to fill:

Latin American Saker blog Team Leader: the current Latin American Saker blog Team Leader is simply over-worked and over-stretched.  He is not quitting the blog altogether, but he simply cannot juggle all the responsibilities on his own (to remind everybody, a Saker blog Team Leader is first and foremost a coordinator with the other Saker blogs, but he/she can also participate in translations, original writing, etc.)  If you can help our Latin American Saker blog, please email me.  [Please be aware the the final decision about whom to select as the next Latin American Saker blog Team Leader will not be taken by me, but by the Saker Community Executive Committee (SCEC)]

Russian->English translators: due to “meatspace” problems we are going to reorganize both the Russian Saker Blog AND the Russian->English Translations Team.  If you can translate from Russian into English and if you are willing to help us, please email me.

Video production: we are in dire need of people capable of putting English subtitles on a Russian video.  This means that we need people with at least a basic understanding of the Russian language (to correctly place subtitles) and with a good understanding of basic video issues.  If you can work as a video producer you will not have to do any translations – your task will be to place an already made translation on a video.  Again, if you can do that, please email me.

Moderators: we still need more moderators for the blog.  One has just quit, and the others are over-worked.  Please email if you can help with that.

Finally, I just want to let you know that my Research Assistant Duff has had a family emergency and that she will not be writing her SITREPs on Mondays and Saturdays.  So there will be no SITREPs on these days.


I also want to take this opportunity to thank the following people:

  • An anonymous supporter from Indianapolis who only signs his/her letter with the word “СПАСИБО!”.  Thanks for your regular support!
  • CS for sending me a most interesting report and book.  Great stuff!
  • DK from Hawaii for her beautiful letter and also beautiful card.
  • Anonymous supporter from Canada
  • PCPC and MD for their Amazon gift cards

I love “snail mail”, especially from distant locations, and I love to read your letters.  Anonymous donations totally amaze me every time.

Speaking of donations: a special THANK YOU to those of who who have responded to my recent appeal and who have signed up with PayPal for recurrent donations.  These donations are a huge help for me because they allow me to plan a budget.

These are the news for the day.  Please continue helping me, and the rest of the Saker Community, in any way you can: help us provide you with our unique mix of information and analysis!

Hugs and cheers,

The Saker