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Tag "saker francophone"

The last news about the Gilets Jaunes

by Le Saker Francophone for The Saker Blog You no longer hear about the Yellow Vests in the media and you think that the movement finally stopped after six months of activity, without getting anything. Well, that’s not the case. Of course the decrease in the number of demonstrators is huge. From 300,000 at the end of 2018 to 30,000 by mid-2019. But every Saturday these few tens of thousands

Gilet Jaune SITREP for Labor Day and Acte 25

by Le Saker Francophone for The Saker Blog 7,400 police officers and gendarmes have been mobilized, including 22 CRS companies and about thirty squadrons of mobile gendarmes. Didier Lallement, the new prefect of the capital, intends to act firmly and orders the police to “go to contact”. 164,000 people took to the streets on Wednesday, May 1, including 28,000 in the capital, according to the latest assessment by the Home

Six months after it begins, the oligarchs/Macron versus Gilets Jaunes battle is still raging and will keep on

By Le Saker Francophone for the Saker Blog This battle that the French people will win – we do not yet know when, but sure it will – is the vanguard battle of a Western world in full decline because their elites, no longer able to plunder the rest of the world as they did before, are beginning to plunder their own country in order to continue to accumulate a

Gilets Jaunes SITREP. ACT 19 and 20.

by the Francophone Saker for the Saker blog To try to hamper Acts 19 and 20, the government banned the demonstrators from entire neighbourhoods and perimeters. The Champs Elysées for Paris and the city centre for large cities. Any offender will receive a fine of 135 euros to be paid immediately or 190 euros to be paid later. For instance, a couple has been fined for simply wearing a sweater

February 2019 Gilets jaunes SITREP

by Le Saker Francophone for The Saker Blog   After the Act XIII held on Saturday, February 9, we can witness that the movement is still holding and will not falter by spring. Too many people have now understood what is at stake. Between 50,000 demonstrators, according to government figures, and 250,000, according to the figures of a police union have rallied all around France and not just in Paris,

Gilets Jaunes SITREP

Do not expect the French medias, all owned by the French 1%, to be objective when speaking about the Yellow Vests. We shall then look at the Sputnik News France to get a fair vision of the phenomenon. Here is a translation made by Le Saker Francophone after the 8th act, hold on January 5th. By Fabien Buzzanca – January 9th 2019 – Sputnik France The Yellow Vests came back

The “gilets jaunes” movement as seen by the French-language Saker Blog

by Le Saker Francophone for The Saker Blog The genesis of the yellow vests Back to French presidential election in 2002, second round, Chirac won against Le Pen (father) 82% vs 18%, same scenario in 2017, second round, Macron won against Le Pen (daughter) 55% versus 34% Just after the presidential election comes the choice for the legislative assembly. In 2002, after Chirac’s victory, his political party, UMP, won 356
