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Tag "sexopathologies"

Major political faceplant for French Resistance leader Alain Soral

Dear friends, Just a few days after I posted a report about the French Resistance to the Empire, a really sad news came out of France: Alain Soral, the leader of the movement “Equality and Reconciliation” (E&R) was involved in a disgusting and, frankly, pathetic scandal mixing race, ideology and sex.  The story just broke in the French media, the parties disagree on a number of things and Soral is

One last mention of an incredibly boring topic (or how to deal with obnoxious single-issue insecure narcissistic minorities)

I have finally found the time to sit down and reply to a question asked by Carrie under my recent post about Obama’s choices.  Carrie asked: Could we have another less ‘sexist’, less ‘macho’ term than “sissy”, do you think? For the female readers that contribute to your page view stats, the term smacks of ‘boys with toys (sigh)’. For me, term detracts from the mostly excellent content.  As soon
