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Tag "Spetsnaz"

Crimea – the Way back home, with a introduction by Auslander

Foreword by the Saker: The recent shooting down of the Russian SU-24 by the Turkish Air Force, possibly also involving the use of a surface-to-air missile fired from Turkey, bring the topic of Crimea right back into the center of gravity of the current conflict between the AngloZionist Empire and Turkey on one hand and Russia on the other.  Though this was seldom noted, Turkey did play a central role

Excellent footage of the “Polite Armed Men in Green” during their operation in Crimea

What had to happen did happen.  One, or more, of the “Polite Armed Men in Green” (PAMG) did use his cellphone or GoPro to shoot footage of his unit’s operations in Crimea.  According to the intro, this unit is called “detachment 0900” which could be nonsense or true, it does not matter.  What is sure is that this denomination does not conform to the Russian official/public military unit classification which

Possible signs of real changes in the Russian security and elite military forces

One of the more exotic technologies for tracking deeply submerged submarines consists of using a satellite based radar to measure the tiny elevation of the water surface of the ocean above an otherwise well hidden and silently moving submarine.  Some less exotic techniques including detecting wakes, tiny differences in water temperatures, magnetic fluctuations and many other “indirect” methods.  What I propose to do today is something similar: to try to

Who is purging the Russian military intelligence and why?

For several months already, rumors have abounded about the reported conflict between the head of the Russian military intelligence service (GRU), Valentin Korabelnikov, and President Medvedev. Today, the Russian media announced that Korabelnikov had been replaced by one of his deputies, Alexander Shliakhturov. Of all the intelligence and security services of the former Soviet Union and Russia, the GRU was by far the most secretive. It was also one of
