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Tag "Steinmeier"

The “friendly” Mr. Steinmeier

by Dagmar Henn There can be no doubt, western media are full of propaganda. The claims that are in the centre of this propaganda, are almost identical. They are: 1. The crash is the fault of the Militia. 2. The Militia obstructs the investigations   a. the Militia confines access to the site of the crash   b. the Militia does not confine enough access to the site.   c.

German Foreign Minister Steinmeier has a fit when confronted by anti-Fascist protestors

German Foreign Minister Steinmeier had a complete fit of rage when he was interrupted during a speech by anti-Fascist demonstrators who were accusing the German regime of supporting Fascists in the Ukraine.  See for yourself for his reaction: The good news is that this incident clearly shows that more and more people understand the nature of the conflict in the Ukraine and that more and more people are willing to
