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Tag "Transnistria"

Svetlana Pikta Interviews Yuri Podolyaka About Transnistria Conflict

The newer Saker Community Translations team recently uploaded videos to BitChute with hard subtitles. If problems occur with making the below embedded video full-screen, go to this link: Yuri Podolyaka is an analyst who recently had his channel terminated on YouTube ( There is an English dubbed unofficial channel version made by one of his subscribers: ( He can also be found on VK ( and Telegram ( The

From Odessa to Transnistria – will Crazy Misha start another war?

While the situation in the Donbass appears to be currently “frozen” in something of a “violence during a ceasefire” situation, events in the southwestern Ukraine have taken a sharp turn for the worse. Odessa By now, you must have heard that Saakashvili has been appointed governor of the Odessa region and, like everybody else, you must have had the giggle when you read that.  So did I.  But besides the
