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Tag "Turkey’s military operation in Syria"

Turkish Operation Peace Spring In Northeastern Syria, Explained Turkey officially announced that it had launched a military operation in northeastern Syria. Over the past years, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other representatives of the country’s leadership have repeatedly announced this idea. However, this time promises were turned into reality. On October 6, the administration of US President Donald Trump released a statement saying that Turkey will soon carry out its “long-planned operation” into northern Syria. According

The World SITREP October 16, 2016 by BAAZ

Quote of the week from our author “No loyal American worth his salt would ever question the basic goodness of dropping bombs on foreigners. Any foreigners (the darker the better), any time, any kind of bombs (the bigger the better), no valid reason required. ” Jeff J. Brown Miracle of the week Russian bombers perform flight to stratosphere Russian Eastern Military District Sukhoi Su-34 pilot crews have performed flights to the
