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Tag "weekly Syria analysis"

Erdogan loses the battle, but the war is far from over

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] Following 6 hours of grueling negotiations, including direct negotiations between Putin and Erdogan, the parties have finally agreed to the following: A ceasefire will begin at midnight. Russia and Turkey will jointly patrol the M4 highway (M5 now belongs to Damascus).  A 6km buffer zone will have to be created and enforced on each side of M4 by the March 15th (see

Who will get Mecca after Saudis are ousted, by Scott

The following is a translation/ interpretation of Cat Motya posts regarding the issue of management of Mecca. Please, keep in mind that in Russian classic literature, folklore and fairytales,  cats are learned and wise creature whose main duty is to tell tales about life in faraway lands.   Take, for example, Alesander Pushkin’s poem, Ruslan and Ludmila.  The story of their love was told to Pushkin by a learned cat. That

Week Sixteen of the Russian Intervention in Syria: a US invasion of Syria next?

This article was written for the Unz Review: This week was marked by major successes for the Syria military the Sheikh Miskeen region of the Daraa Province in the south of the country. In the meantime in the north, the Syrian Army continues its offensive north of the strategic Kuweires air base. But these military successes were eclipsed by rumors that the US was setting up and air base
