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Tag "William Browder"

Davos: Browder Confronted Head On: “When Will You Give Back the Money You Stole From Russia!?”

Davos: Browder Confronted Head On: “When Will You Give Back the Money You Stole From Russia!?” Subscribe to Vesti News… They’re searching for enemies to win a political game but are disrupting the global economy. That’s how the USA’s strategy was described at the World Economic Forum in Davos. While Washington is threatening its partners with trade and sanction wars, Russia is helping to find the cure against dollar

How my book unmasking Bill Browder was censored by Amazon by Alex Krainer

[Note by the Saker: for my review of Alex Krainer’s book please click here]   “I always say the truth is best even when we find it unpleasant. Any rat in a sewer can lie. It’s how rats are. It’s what makes them rats. But a human doesn’t run and hide in dark places, because he’s something more. Lying is the most personal act of cowardice there is.” ― Nancy
