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Tag "Zakharchenko"

The Tomorrow of Donbass

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: Aleksandr Vladimirovich Zakharchenko, the Head of the DPR, the chairman of the board of ministers, and also the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the republic perished. He was one of the most charismatic leaders of the Donbass uprising, the potential leader not only of a united DPR and LPR, but also of all

Very high risk of false flag operation in Kiev!

The Leader of the DNR, Alexander Zakharchenko, was interviewed yesterday on the most watched talk-show on Russian TV, “Evening with Vladimir Soloviev” and when asked by the host whether the local accomplices who had made such a murder possible had been identified, he only replied “the investigation is still ongoing”.  This short exchanges illustrates a couple of interesting things: First, even though there are some who don’t want questions to

DPR PM Zakharchenko hospital interview after injury in Debaltesvo

  [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually which will take some time to complete. You don’t have to repost your comments from blogspot here. We’ll take care of it in the process of time. You can post new comments if you want

Quick update on Zakharchenko

He is doing fine. Here is a photo of him in the Lugansk hospital: He will, however, have to take three days off, not just one night as he had initially planned.   The Saker   [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually

Breaking news: Debaltsevo almost taken, Zakharchenko lightly wounded

Russian sources are reporting that NAF commanders estimate that Debaltsevo will be taken by the end of the day. Also, Alexander Zakharchenko has been lightly wounded in the leg by some shrapnel. He is resting and will resume his normal work tomorrow. I will keep you posted as best I can later in the day.   The Saker   [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the

” When the word comes ‘it’s time’ “

By Aleksandr Zakharchenko [ Note from editor: This article was MISTAKENLY attributed to Alexander Zakharchenko. See here for details: Ouch – we screwed up… ] Translated from Russian by J.Hawk for FortRuss   If one is to speak without geopolitical complexities and nuances, the situation is extremely simple. This is a battle for the continent, for the international system, for one’s own taiga. They are desperately attacking us and are

Zakharchenko offers to return their flag to the Ukrainians

I like Zakharchenko more and more. First, there was this exchange with a Ukie officer near the : Then Zakharchenko’s men finally took the airport, and Zakharchenko invited Poroshenko to negotiate face to face at the airport. And then there was this – Zakharchenko’s offer to return to the Ukrainians the flag they died under at the last terminal they controlled at the airport: [Note from editor: That video does
