Trump got a huge support, there was support from the most unexpected places. But, what was supported? What was Trump opinions about other countries and general issues, was it really a mystery? And is it unpredictable?

He won the presidential run, wow, came out of nowhere, nobody could have imagined. But is that so?

By 2014 his tweeter feed was full, packed with messages of support for a presidential run. To some of those messages he gave a reply while he retweeted others.

The First Weeks

He enters the office. Nominations that would be making the rounds on the news and public debate were expected.

There was even a telephone call with Vladimir Putin, people on news media and blogosphere celebrated.

Some days go by and there is news about War Games on the Persian Gulf. A raid in Yemen. The Ukraine conflict flares up. By this time both China and Mexico were already pissed from the welcome they got. Flynn’s “putting Iran on a notice” statement.

A research on the messages he posted on twitter gives us good background to better understand these actions and maybe the others to come.

Here they are:

The focus is on his thoughts about Iran, Russia and China.

Trump – Iran

War games on the sea, association to the attacks made by the Houthis, accusations of violating the JCPOA.

It was possible to see that his actions and opinions were not really a mystery or a secret.

Iran as a national security threat. But are you sure?

And how to deal with them?

Go with diplomacy?

Already in 2011?

Hey, don’t do it!

There’s more. Let’s check this.

And the irony:

Before going to China, these ones:

Trump – China

Actions towards China were less surprising but equally aggressive.

Trump considers China to be stealing US jobs, developing a bigger economy than that of the US, expanding its naval fleet and stealing US technologies and secrets

China is a threat, not a friend.

It’s a threat so he wants to reassess the relationship.

Espionage and again a threat, this time for the economy.

Stealing secrets, not a friend but an enemy! Quite an indictment.

Expansion and Containment?

He’s really blunt regarding China.

Must get tough with the Chinese.


Tough again!

China is called a rival and greatest, major threat.

Hacking and again an enemy!


So, a finger against ISIS will bring gains to China, Iran and Syria, he does not seem to appreciate the deal but it may be necessary?

Tough one more time.

Trump – Russia

On the tweets that mention Russia, he is more thoughtfull when choosing the words.

Clear opinion about Snowden, more than one or two times.

Seems to consider a stupid idea to go into Syria!

He had Miss Universe in Moscow.

This is mentioned a number of times, destroying the economy.

Initial thought on Ukraine situation.

Destroying the economy! ObamaCare instead of sanctions.

He is aware of the risks.

One more thought on Snowden.

A second thought about the Ukraine situation, “Russia is on the move”.

It has taken Crimea!


When mentioning Putin directly, Trump is more blunt.

He says a lot of times that Russia and Putin have no respect for Obama.

No flexibility!

His objective?

Obama’s weakness when dealing with Putin.

Putin is scheming on how to take over the World!

By rebuilding the Russian Empire.


This was a retweet.

This was his view.

Putin, guns blazing.

We have already seen that Russia took over Crimea.

Before finishing, some others.

Trump – Mexico

Trump – News Media

And lastly:

Thank you.