Dear friends
While there are not official confirmations (that I know of) from the Russian military, it appears that Lavrov is the first, and so far only, Russian official who declared that the 2nd phase of the operation has begun. Truth be told, pretty much everybody else thinks likewise. Considering the intensity of Russian bombings and artillery strikes overnight, which were reported by numerous sources, it certainly appears reasonable to me to conclude that this 2nd phase has indeed begun. For example, the Russian defense ministry reported on Tuesday morning that its troops had delivered artillery strikes at 1,260 Ukrainian military targets overnight, including 1,214 locations where Ukrainian troops amassed their forces.
How long this phase of the war will last is anybody’s guess. Optimists think a week, pessimists a month, but in reality nobody really knows because the outcome will be determined not by maneuver like during the first phase, but by logistics, specifically fuel and ammunition, in other words by mobility and firepower.
I remind you that the Ukronazi forces in the eastern Ukraine have been in a de facto “cauldron” (as I explained, you can be physically surrounded or you can be “blocked by fire”) since over one month, and that the Ukrainians were not able to meaningfully resupply them while the Russian side has quasi limitless fuel and ammo (in spite of the Pentagon’s hallucinations). Russia also has air supremacy and very heavy weapons, neither of which the Ukrainians have.
In other words, while the Nazi forces in the eastern Ukraine get slaughtered, the US administration in Kiev will have to change the narrative about “the glorious Ukrainian military is winning” to “Russians are killing babies” (without ever wondering WHY and HOW civilians and even kids ended up inside the Avtostal complex, assuming the recent photos of kids hiding there are real and not made in Kiev).
Nobody really knows how many Ukrainians are still in the Donbass cauldron, and neither do we know how their morale and determination to stand and fight to the end is. For all these reasons giving even an approximate timeframe for this battle is impossible, at least for me.
This week is Passion Week for Orthodox Christians and I will be leaving tomorrow to attend the church services in our parish, about a 4 hour drive one way, so I will stay there until very late Sunday evening. In other words, my presence at the blog for the next 6 days will be minimal, I will travel with a laptop, but I will mostly be busy with the preparations for, and the celebration of, Holy Paskha.
So I leave you in the tender care of my colleagues Amarynth and Herb who will continue to post guest posts and keep you informed.
For daily reports, I suggest you follow the (excellent) situation reports written by Nightvision. Just please keep in mind that due to the nature of this second phase, there will be less maps of troop movements and that moving one or two kilometers against the very heavily and deep defenses of the Ukrainians might mean much more than moving 10 or 20 kilometers on open terrain.
By the way, the Empire of Hate and Lies knows the true score, and they are massively freaking out.
They are now even declaring war on old Russian musical instruments. As for “Ze” – he has now become a UN National Hero:
Will these infantiles ever grow up?
I doubt it, if anything, their antics “by infantiles – for infantiles” combined with the most massive exercise in world history to “cancel” any “wrong” information, show both how desperate and helpless these folks are.
As for the Nazis occupiers, they just passed a law allowing foreigners to work for the Ukrainian “intelligence” services. What a surprise, at least for those who had not realized that the USA has been running the SBU, and everything else, in Nazi occupied Ukraine since the Euromaidan (and even before).
In conclusion, I just want to end with a reminder. This is not a war between Russia and the Ukraine. This is a war between Russia and the united West, the latest one is a series going back at least a thousand years. Russia has been singled out for “cancellation” and we don’t want to be canceled.
While for eight years Russia did all she could NOT to get involved, the Empire of Hate and Lies did successfully force her into an open military intervention in the Ukraine, and now that Empire will do all it can to prolong that war and have it result in the maximal loss of human life and the total destruction of the Ukrainian civilian infrastructure, exactly the OPPOSITE of what the Kremlin wants: to disarm and denazify the Ukraine with the minimum of human loss of life and with as much of the civilian infrastructure preserved as possible. These goals are as asymmetrical as can be, and it is much MUCH easier to destroy than to preserve. Please keep that in mind when the next propaganda Tsunami hits.
One last request: unless this is both urgent and important, please do not email me between today and next Monday. I will have very little time to reply, and I rather stay focused on the spiritual matter during these sacred days.
Many thanks and kind regards
Christos Anesti, Andrei!
Not yet. Wait until Sunday. Now you can say Happy Easter!
God bless Saker’
God Bless Earth
Those commerotive coins celebrating Ukraine’s defeat will be worth about as much as a “Jim’ll Fix It” badge in the UK before much longer. One of the lighter elements of the article…
Oh gosh, I watched that documentary…yuck.
One of the lighter elements
I hope they are made of aluminium – that would be so appropriate – covered with a plastic gold-coloured surface!
Meanwhile, Russia will soon mint pure gold commemorative coins to celebrate her victory over Nazism in Ukraine
Bless You Saker light a candle for our brethren in the Ukraine. I have been doing so.
My Optimistic schedule is 6-10 weeks until the cauldron is fully liberated and early August until the peacekeepers and their Ukrainian Allies are ready for phase 3
Good bless the Saker and all contributing to this blogg wich is a light of hope and tryta among this terrible darkness and lies.
Ahah….Shoigu has ” returned”…must have just a bit busy prepping for phase 2. So its also confirmation.
Please enjoy your celebration. We will be here typing away and reading all we can in your absence.
Your summary this morning resonated with what I am seeing and feeling in NYC today. As a commenter on another post wrote , “This war is now about who will accept defeat.”
Russia will not. I am convinced of that.
As you said, NATO will whine, invent atrocities and generally do war misery porn, and anything else it can think of to bamboozle America and keep it complaint with the endless draining of our countries resources in order to profit war manufacturers.
I am still hoping that the US can find a way to save face and backtrack out of Ukraine. But my hope is dimming.
“I am still hoping that the US can find a way to save face and backtrack out of Ukraine.”
Uncle $cam has already backtracked out of Ukraine. Ask the President of Ukraine. If you don’t believe the President of Ukraine ask the former President of Afghanistan. And if you cannot find the former Prez (because he might still be on the run) read today’s article by Nasrallah on this site.
According to Henry Kissinger (who ought to know) to be a friend of Uncle $cam is as dangerous as to be an enemy of Uncle $cam.
does anyone care to explain this 1000 year hate of russia by the west? i have my own ideas but would love for others to share their thoughts on the subject…..
The Eastern church.
Technically speaking the recognized Christian church is the Eastern church of Constantinople as declared by Constantine.
The Western church, the ‘Roman’ church was declared apostolic and the ‘Pope’ a Pretender around 1000CE. The western church calls it the Great Schism as if it was a mere scholarly difference of opinion over the Greek translation of the word ‘rock’ but that’s strictly for western secular high school consumption so that the Protestants don’t feel too excluded ;-)
The Western church has secret bounties on the heads of the other Christian churches, esp the Patriarch and the Monarch of England, and the so called Counter Reformation starts with the papal edict of ‘anyone denying the Eucharist or refusing the Host is to be put to death’.
Rather ambitious and still in effect as the Pope considers itself infallible.
Much to learn, Fred, but I believe we can all love and trust each other inChrist. We have to now. The times are too dark. As Pope John Paul prophesied, this “millennium of divisions”, now past, will be followed by a millennium of reunion and unity (and unprecedented glory for the whole Church). We will be dancing all together!
“we will be dancing all together!”…in the one world religion, I am afraid NOT! …huge deception coming our way. I will be among the beheaded spoken of in Revelation.
Look! I brought beer. Thanks for holding my place in line!
The essence of Christianity is that all men are guilty of sin: disobeying and dishonoring God – Father, Son, and Holy Ghost – the Creator of the earth, the universe, living things, and mankind in six days Who defined the day as one rotation of the earth before the earth was even created and Jesus was the propitiation to God for the sin of God’s elect. The penalty for sin is to suffer the eternal wrath of God. Based on Jesus propitiatory sacrifice of himself and his bearing of the infinite punishment of God, those elect of God are spared suffering the eternal hell of God that all mankind deserves. Salvation is therefore to God’s elect a free gift. All good works as good is defined by God are done from gratitude, not earning “merit” and in no way contributing or paying for salvation from the wrath of God.
The papists invented the notion of purgatory to keep the faithful humping and paying into pope’s coffers. That and dozens of lesser heresies are what separates Roman Catholics from Christians.
elects whom he will to spare from eternal wrath Justice demands that sin against perfectly good God be punished eternally. God elects whom he will to spare his eternal wrath.
The papists
The Roman Catholics are not Christian, they are a cult and the pope is the cult leader.
not only russia. same with the serbs. think the hate is not only religious driven but uncontrollability, proudness, identity and self confidence. The other orthodox slavs like Bulgarian or Greece gave up their souvereignity. This is the price to be loved by the west.
Unfortunately you are right for my country (Greece).
Except that greeks are not slavs.
There are two types of people. Those who can verify the origin of their thoughts and those who cannot. In the West, you now have several generations who grew up with Stallone, Willis, Schwarzeneggar…. These “heroes” always fought against the evil Russian. So little by little this image of the enemy crept into people’s minds. These people think that these are their thoughts and have only waited for an opportunity to hate Russians. That is the now situation. Other reason is the doctrine of british empire never let Germany and Russia build an alliance. This doctrine was adopted by the Americans after World War II, as was the rest of the British Empire. (Which, by the way, makes the British the biggest losers of WWII) If German engineering and Russian resources ever come together, there will be a unipolar world.
Who re these Germans nowdays?
Everybody who reaches Germany will get a German passport.
Really everybody from all over the world.
U will not find anymore real Germans in Politics, Economy, Culture, Media or Sport.
Take only the “German” Media. So many Russian and Ukraine with German Passports working.
Lets take the “German” journalist Pavel Loshkin.
His roots are Russian.
He hates Putin. He hates Russia. He hates Serbia. He hates orthodox religion.
The wannabe German Pavel Loshkin in an Influencer writting anti russian article for all major newspapers like Welt, Zeit, NZZ,…..
These new passport Germans and their children will be the biggest problem of Russia nowdays and in future.
They are the warmongers.
Same with Nuland, Soros, this ukro canadian minister with ukraine roots forgot her name,……
U ve to look deeper into the person behind the passport and lo and behold what we find? An Ukro or Russian or Croat, or turkish, Georgian, or or or or……
The orginal German dont even know where is Ukraine or Serbia or whatever country.
The new German passport holders using their positions in favor for or against their motherland
You are right about everything. But go to a German engineering workshop, you won’t find any “passport Germans” there. The whole world is Americanized. Hollywood is the biggest weapon of the USA. But the roots of German culture are deep, as well as Russian. If there is ever a liberation, there will also be a return to old values. An election victory of Le Pen and thus a weakening of the EU would be a good first step. All the propagandists you listed write what they are paid to write. If it were up to me, they would all pay for their deeds, but that will probably not happen. But if the dollar falls, if the euro falls, there will be no money left to pay these whores. So I pray that Russia has the longer breath. If the propaganda falls away, the Americanization will also stop and hopefully decrease.
U r citing Adolf Hitler – Mein Kampf… he’s dabbeling about real Germans and those slavic Untermenschen who only hold a German (or Austrian, to be precise) citizenship / passport, too.
Then, he starts entangeling in foreign concepts by talking gibberishly about objectively subjective ans subjectively objective, but objectively subjective Germans and objectively objective German Herrenmenschen.
If it wasn’t him having written this, it would be pure comedy
What Hitler and his mein Kampf has to do with the current composition of the German society?
In 1941 real Germans so called Herrenmenschen invaded Russia.
In 2022 wannabe German passportholders and new Herrenmenschen trying to destroy Russia.
Russian enemies are expats and immigrants from Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia, Czech, Poland, Afrika, Turkey,……ALL of them with German passports. They are feeling more Herrenmensch than Hitler and Nazis ever felt. Once they occupy a powerful position in western countries immediately they lobby against Russia.
Lazar, it sounds you are very well assimilated in German culture and know nothing about minorities.
Newsflash, Lazar: ethnic minorities in Germany/Holland don’t go along with the western hatred towards Russia. Muslims/Arabs in Holland are very much pro-Russia. And never have i experienced hatred from Arabs for me being a Serb, only from the dutch.
Christia Freeland
Christia Freeland, refer to Chomiak.
Lazar, these new Germans like Pavel Loshkin get paid and are given airtime by the original Germans to spew anti-Russia propaganda and hatred in the media.
My German high school teacher in Holland, when i was 12 yo, told her students that “Russian” in German means “cockroach”.
A Serbian acquaintance of ours, an old lady married to an old German man, she is crying because her husband is spewing hatred of Serbs and Russians to her in the face.
A German presenter asked on TV if Russians are really humans.
There is very much hatred from original Germans to everything Russia and Serbian, it showed when Germany led the destruction of Yugoslavia in the 1990s.
What you call khazars, that is only a small minority in the anti-Russia US Deep State and MIC where majority is anglo-saxon.
Never have i experienced hatred from Muslims for me being a Serb (muslims/arabs have been very kind and friendly to me), but many times i experienced hatred from the dutch including from teachers for being a Serb.
The essence of Christianity is that all men are guilty of sin and Jesus’ sacrifice is the propitiation to God for the sin of God’s elect.
Sin is disobedience and dishonor of God – Father, Son, and Holy Ghost – the Creator of the earth, the universe, living things, and mankind in six days who defined the day as one rotation of the earth before the earth was even created. God elects whom he will to spare his eternal wrath. Election is not a or the choice of the elect: the elect are dragged into the Kingdom of God against their will. All mankind are born rebels and haters of God: the elect are elect to salvation from the wrath of God against their will.
Salvation is therefore to God’s elect a free gift, unmerited, undeserved, unearned. Therefore all good works – good as defined by God – are done out of gratitude, not to earn “merit”, and in no way contribute to or pay for some supposed reduction of punishment. Justice demands God not allow the stain of sin in his presence, therefore it was necessary that one without sin and capable of bearing the punishment due mankind indeed bear that punishment of death and eternal wrath. Jesus was capable of bearing the eternal wrath of God in finite time and did as proved by his resurrection from the dead. Jesus indeed died as every man will but rose from the dead to evidence that his propitiatory sacrifice of himself was acceptable payment of the sins of God’s elect. That is why Easter is the most holy of holy days.
Meanwhile back in the world of the worldly who see no farther than their worldly lusts and have no greater aim than to dominate all others, the papists invented the notion of purgatory to keep the faithful humping and paying into the pope’s coffers. To such, pie in the sky by and by is merely a lure for the gullible to get them in line for fleecing. The power that draws gold and funds gratuitous orgies and indulgences of the flesh above the common bedazzled herd is the goal of the cult leaders, the pope and his coterie obvious among those.
The one purpose of the Christian is to use the life God gave to glorify God. I am not familiar with Eastern Orthodoxy but I am very suspicious of ornate elaborate costumes and glittering cathedrals. I cannot but believe all such wealth belongs elsewhere, that such an ostentatious show does not glorify God.
“Russian in German means cockroach”
not true. there must have been wrong with your teacher.
It starts well before that with, Rocky and Bullwinkle and Natasha and Boris, double 007
Of course it started before WW2 really but kicked off with the slaughters throughout SE Asia and South and Central America and Africa based on stopping communism. They used the school of Americas to train young men from all over to be killers of Russians
The US had to demonize Russia for helping save the Fed Gov’t in the Civil War. And for winning WW2 and letting them take credit for it. Take away Russia and where’s the U$?
This is an odd take on the action star trio. In Rambo I Stallone fought American police and the US military. Then the Vietnamese, then in Rambo III that would be Russians and Taliban. Yeah, Rocky IV, Russians. Arnold? Let’s see…he fought time traveling robots (created by the US MIC), then supernatural sorcerers, aliens, interplanetary corporations, corrupt US special forces, he actually played a Russian cop going after Georgian gangsters, he fought a fascist future US government–so no, Arnold didn’t really do any anti-Russian propaganda I am familiar with. Bruce Willis? Let’s see….Die Hard, he fought German terrorists. Die Hard II, drug dealing Latin Americans working with the US government. The next film? Germans again. The next one? Cyber terrorists. So yes, in the final Die Hard in 2013 he finally went after Russia. In between these films…let’s see, Pulp Fiction he went after racist degenerate Americans and criminal hit men. Then there were the movies were he went after super villains. I mean I could go on, but you kind of just picked three names and one of them, as far as I am aware, never made any film with Russian bad guys, and the rest of them, if you look at the body of their careers prior to 2010, they made a lot of films were essentially the US deep state was the bad guy. You see the same thing if you looked at say Steven Segal movies. All US deep state are the baddies films (which is probably why he’s in Russia now).
I only bring this up because these are films I grew up with and the overwhelming message Hollywood used to promote in the 80s, 90s and into the early 2000s with action films is that the US government was corrupt and worked with terrorists, narcos, or otherwise carried out unsavory plots. Now, if you want to talk Harrison Ford doing all that Tom Clancy stuff, sure, Ruskies evil. Or we could talk Red Dawn. Hunt for Red October. I mean sure, there was plenty of anti-Russian propaganda in film back then. But involving the three guys you named, during the Cold War I can only think of Rocky 4 as the only objectively anti-Russian film those guys made.
If I missed something in their film history, I will gladly stand corrected, but I think you just picked three names and assumed something about them.
Well,,,not exactly, in fact a single Arnold Schwarzenneger movie, Red Heat, displays quite the opposite:
Arnie plays a Russian KGB agent who travels to the USA on the trail of a murderous Russian drug dealer. He ends up being partnered with a fat wise-cracking slob of an American cop, much to both of their displeasure. The contrast between Arnold & James Belushi is stark: Arnold (Danko) is tall, herculean of physique, stern, cold, unsmiling, dour, taciturn, stiff backed, totally focused on his mission, brutally violent, Spartan etc, whereas Belushi plays a fat, lazy, irreverent, slovenly, slouching, uncouth, unprofessional, streetwise cop, happy to cut corners & break the rules to get the job done.
I found Arnold’s portrayal of the Russian cop Danko a respectful nod to the archetype of Russians we tend to share in the West: indomitable, uncompromising, Spartan, brutally effective….with an amusingly self-deprecating, sardonic, dark sense of humour, fierce loyalty & willingness to put his life on the line in defense of his friends, comrades, the vulnerable & victimized, and a gradual willingness to relax & open up to various different sub-cultures in the urban jungle his mission sends him to.
Arnold was born and raised in Graz, Austria, the son of an akcoholic, abusive, WWII veteran (ex Nazi) father, physically and mentally damaged after the war, relentlessly authoritarian, domineering, impossibly idealistic Police officer father. He was pretty much tormented by constantly being thrown into competition with his older brother Meinhard, despite being several years his junior; not only would be invariably lose, but the loss would be rubbed in his face, while his older brother would be lauded as the golden child,despite “winning” a totally lop–sided competition.
He migrated permanently to the USA in his early 20s, earned huge success & fame as a champion bodybuilder (originally under the wing of the somewhat shifty Jewish “father of modern bodybuilding Joe Weider), moved into show business where again he forged a hugely successful career, massive fortune and fame, in Holllywood (a Jewish dominated industry)..
My poiint being, it’d be understandable if he went on to resent Americans, Jews, and Russians, given the traumatic mental & emotional abuse of his childhoood at the hands of his WW 2 veteran father, but he flourished in America, first in a relatively low-profile, fringe “sport” under the auspices of a particularly Jewy Jew, then in the massive circus sideshow of Hollywood, dominated by Jews, and went on to depict a Russian narcotics cop or KGB agent in a memorably heroic, albeit exaggerated, hyper-masculine, 80s action film, leavened with an easy, unobtrusive but amusing smattering of running gags.
You may laugh, but I think a contributing factor to Russia hatred is the fact that the Russian language is written with a different alphabet. This little bit of frustration pisses off Westerners.
You might say, Chinese is written with something *completely* different.
Yeah, but, the Chinese don’t say they are Westerners. They know that they are completely different, and are proud of it.
Of course there is a whole slew of profound reasons for Russia hatred embedded in history, religion, etc.
But as I say, I think this little point of reality—especially seeing as how Russians have accomplished incredible cultural feats in literature and, especially, science that compete with the West’s that are in a sense sealed off and coded–encrypted—except to the most highly motivated searchers (those willing to learn Russian and learn their alphabet) —pisses off the West on a childish, unreasoning level. The utter lack of comprehension by both average Westerners and our leaders makes it easy for them to see Russians as baboons speaking gobblegook, or thugs, etc.
Just my 2 c/.
“a contributing factor to Russia hatred is the fact that the Russian language is written with a different alphabet”
Nope. The Greeks are not hated.
I believe the non-Latin alphabet contributes significantly to the “uncanny otherness” of Russians, as perceived by those of west European origin.
I recall some literary theory that in fiction the most unsettling adversary is the one who is similar to us… but also distinctly different, unpredictable, enigmatic and mysterious (as Mr. Churchill stated).
FWIW if Greece possessed the land, resources and human potential that Russia does, the West would indeed fear the Greeks.
It sure makes it difficult here in the west to get BOTH sides of the story, when you are as rubbish at languages as I am…
It’s not even arrogance.
I contend that the English are so bad at languages that we invented one that is so easy to learn and use for ourselves, and the reason that the rest of the world uses so much, is not because we forced them to at the point of a gun, but because it works for others as well.
More “autism” than “arrogance” really… I’ve been trying to learn Russian from the videos with subtitles, but it just DOESN’T “go in”…
In the west we get NO side of the story. It’s all BS.
Explaining the most recent 105 year hate of Russia should be easy enough. Right? The clash between capitalism (as practiced) and communism.
“It must be considered that there is nothing more difficult to carry out nor more doubtful of success nor more dangerous to handle than to initiate a new order
of things; for the reformer has enemies in all those who profit by the old order, and only lukewarm defenders in all those who would profit by the new order;
this lukewarmness arising partly from the incredulity of mankind who does
not truly believe in anything new until they actually have experience of it.” — Nicolo Machiavelli .
Well the Romanovs were quite ‘pro-Western’ so it has to be imagined that the west thought they had ‘conquered’ Russia by placing the Romanovs in charge. It didn’t quite turn out that way and 250 years later the west still felt they did not have enough influence and control over Russia.
It is parts economic, religious and cultural.
Western animosity to Communism I understand perfectly well, as Communist ideology (in the broadest sense) ruined my home nation (some where in the south of Africa, I’ll let you guess). But the failure of the west was they allowed Communist ideology/Frankfurt School/Cultural Marxism to infiltrate all the institutions, while at the same time Russia was finally FREEING itself from Communist ideology, after 75 years.
So when the Commies came to power in America (Neocons and the likes of Obama, for example) they HATED RUSSIA, with a passion. Because it reminded them of their failure. So they made sure to conflate the Soviet Union/Communism with Russia as much as possible, in the western mind.
Neoliberals are not communists.
Neoliberalism is the unregulated concentration of capital into private hands, whereas communism is the opposite.
Anatoly Klyosov, a Russian-American biochemist and visiting professor at Harvard University, is developing an interesting idea.
Aryans (Haplogroup R1a) vs Erbins (Haplogroup R1b)
I wish I knew what was behind it, but this is how the Russians see it (from Izvestia, machine translated):
Versailles World of Illusions
“And this trend is disturbing in its recognizability: once again, Europe, intoxicated with its own civilizational exclusivity, is uniting on a single ideological platform that is intolerant of dissent and of specific nations. As it turns out, it doesn’t matter what exactly underlies this ideology: the “holy inquisition”, Bonapartism, fascism or liberalism — the result is almost always the same. And again Drang nach Osten and Lebensraum in the East. Again, the armament is far beyond the necessary defense. More threats and reprisals.”
“Once every 100 years, this invariably happens. We hoped that our generations would not experience this. Our faith in the collective intelligence of Europe seems to have failed us again.”
Maybe it is some kind of European “Manifest Destiny” as happened in the Westward expansion of the United States? But in this case there are not native American Indian tribes in the way, but an advanced civilization of people capable of defending themselves. My guess is that it might have economic roots, as Europe is poor in oil, minerals, forestry & agricultural products? So, where else are they going to go? And there can be four types of incursion: economic, religious, military and cultural… in all cases leading to European control of the resources. IMHO
I agree that this comes down to a resource war.
There are some who say all wars are resource wars.
Whether this is the same as “all wars are bankers’ wars” is not clear.
Could be the same.
In the nineteenth century Russia and the USA were actually quite similar: Both were continental powers expanding to the limit of their geographical edges and encountering more or less aboriginal tribes in their way. The Russians used the Cossacks as their leading edge toward the east. The USA used its military before, during, and after the Civil War to clear out the continent of aboriginals of the West and confine them to reservations, etc. and take control of land and resources.
The resource struggle was already on in the early 19th C. Hence the Great Game.
WW1 was also to a great extent a resource war: The british wer enot going to let the Germans complete their railway to Baghdad/the ME and access ME oil.
Now the resource struggle is existential for the USA, because it has wasted more of its own resources than any other country on useless crap and an incredibly spendthrift lifestyle plus military adventures. Russia will have to defend its territory and its resources with its blood—and superior technology and advanced economic thinking.
So, seems like all the West has is the mental space in which to prosecute this war against Russia. So far they have won the mental space of most of the USA and Europe. I have a friend who is involved in organizing a fund-raiser to raise $$$ to feed Ukrainian refugees that features hand-crafted bowls or some such (don’t ask me what the plan is to get the money to them). Anyhow, I sent her a Bitchute video that shows Ukr POWs being fed by the Russian military, which showed them being served food in red plastic bowls.
Her response: “I don’t think you have all the correct information.”
I don’t even know what this means in any lexical sense.
But what it actually seems to indicate is that images of Russians treating their POWs decently simply didn’t fit into any mental paradigm that she possesses. Since she is a very religious and basically kind and socially conscious do-gooder person, I believe all relevant mental paradigms have been destroyed by endless propaganda.
How could this war possibly be about “resources”? That doesn’t make sense.
On the contrary this is a spiritual conflict where the aggressors (the corrupt “West”) seek to impose their Satanic, messianic, Judeo-communist “New World Order” on the whole planet.
The nature of the Satanic agenda (Isaiah 14:13,14) is such that it cannot ultimately succeed unless the whole planet is corrupted; and unfortunately for the Satanists, Russia, China, Iran and a few other countries are resisting, so the result is war.
The majority of Zone A’s population has been affected by endless propaganda, with the result of conformity while dulling any critical thinking. In the US, big tech/media/the ruling elite has been shaping their subjects’ mental paradigms steadily and with increasing effectiveness. From Orange Man Bad, to the Covid reactions, and now the anti-Russia campaign has been an uninterrupted torrent of misinformation and lies. Regarding secular and church fundraisers for the Ukro refugees, they are everywhere. In a quick search of Orthodox and Catholic Church websites today I found every single one in my area listing various donation drives for refugees, naturally as I would expect from any house of God. What I did not expect was the local Orthodox Church (affiliated with the Orthodox Church of America/OCA, and so are considered non-ethnic, and independent from the Orthodox churches from Eastern Europe and elsewhere) led by a former Soviet dissident émigré, state in an interview that they “stood with Ukraine”, and not with all people suffering from this war, regardless of which side they are on, seeming to distance their church from anything pro Russia (“….Putin….a dictator…”). позорный. Shameful.
Any thinking person can search for videos on Telegram, say, of RF soldiers not only treating their POWs decently, but also helping Ukro civilians, explaining their mission, or being greeted by ordinary citizens lined on the roads waving flags and giving flowers. Liberators rightly greeted. The West should know what is going on every day.
Clif High on either bitchute or Rumble had a good video a few weeks ago. He said the war was between Russia/Orthodox Church and the Khazarian Mafia. He said this war has been going on for 1,100 years. Nuland is one. The Bolsheviks who murdered 25+ million Russians and Ukrianians. Clif High also argued that the Khazarian’s were a distinct race who embraced Judaism because they were caught between the Holy Roman Empire and the Ottoman Turks. They are technically not Jews.
The Khazarians were known as the name stealers. Traders from China and also from the west would come through. They were welcomed, given food, housing and hospitality as they told their hosts their business. The Travelers were posioned or murdered and their names were stolen. The Khazarians would engage in what ever business they were planning on doing. Totally evil. Just like modern day Kolomoisky, Porochenko, Pinchuk, the Vindman klan, Epstein, Maxwells, and more.
The biggest part is the Rothschild banking klan. This is who Putin went to war with by backing the ruble with gold, oil and gas. JFK tried to take them on and was killed. All American Presidents who were murdered talked about taking on the Central Banks (Rothschilds). These Central bankers may be in concert with the Vatican as well as some of the royals. British and Dutch possibly Spain as too,
The only one who survived was President Andrew Jackson who they tried to kill. Jack was Donald Trump’s favorite President …i.e. Putin and Trump know who the real enemies are for all the people in the world. Trump is still in the game too. Trump and Putin plus possibly others are trying to overthrow this Global New World Order of evil.
I am not very fan of conspiracies, but I recognise that the one of KHAZARIAN solve lot of points that are pretty blurry in history.
Antisemitism always have some weaks sides. While there were obviously some kind of “secta” inside the Jewish elites, you can not deny that those Jewish elites in lot of occasions have promoted and financed people who actually hate and kill average Jewish people.
Bankers financed NAZIS at the beggining for example, as well as Israel finance fanatism that normal people of Israel sometimes suffer
About Russophobia there is a simpler explanation, though. It is the hate that anglosaxon have for empires that defy or are in some ways equal or superior to them.
Russophobia is not different at all that what Spanish people fall “leyenda negra”. A group of exaggeration, fakes and tales to promote a negative view of the Spanish Empire. It was created by British, Dutch and French. And casually stopped when Spain become totally under anglosaxon control in the last decades
I think there is 2 trends.
One is possible what you told about Khazarians. BTW, why khazarian hates Russia?
Second is hate of one empire to another, or rivalry.
Frustrated greed and power-lust generate hatred for the brave who refuse to surrender. There is also fear mixed in. After all, those whom you cannot defeat may one day defeat you. At the root of all this is dark, satanic defiance of the inexorable laws of karma — which defiance we may call (satanic) delusion. The fires of hatred are fanned deliberately by “thought leaders” to keep the masses “on message”. After all, they provide the required cannon fodder.
Wild men from an unconquered land of untapped natural resources.
“A mess of Russians” — Shakespeare, Love’s Labour’s Lost.
Peter the Great and the way he permanently changed Russia. His Russia has been a pain in the side of the Venetian Party and their outpost, the “City of London”, for 300 years.
In answer to your question:
“Does anyone care to explain this 1000 year hate of Russia by the west?”
Keep in mind that the Kiev/Russ, the original Russians, defeated the Khazar Empire in 965 AD, 1,000 years ago. The Khazar Empire was located between the Black Sea and the Caspian, now southern Russia. The entire Khazar Empire originated from a powerful Turkish tribe that had converted and became Jewish in the 8th Century, when it came under pressure from both Christianity and Islam to convert.
The Khazar Jews later resettled in what is now Ukraine and Poland, the only place they were allowed to settle by Russia, probably around the 12th Century. It was called the “Pale of Settlement”. That is why there eventually became to be about 4 million Jews in that area prior to WWII. But, they were merely these same Jewish Khazar converts from the 8th Century. We now call them Ashkenazim Jews, and they have been looking for revenge against Russia ever since 965 AD.
But more recently, Russia has stood in the way of the neocon/Zionist regime change projects in Iran and Syria. The neocon/Zionists want revenge for this most of all.
And also more recently, the fact that Putin replaced all of Yeltsin’s Jewish oligarchs 20 years ago, with oligarchs who are actually loyal to Russia rather than Western Zionism, is also a major factor that the neocon Jews want revenge for. Putin saved Russia from what we now suffer from, the neocon/Zionist control of our country. Putin is a hero!
Whom are we taught to hate?
Countries against whom the banking cartel wants war.
Who are those countries?
Those with massive natural resources the cartel would love to own;
and there’s also a direct correlation between countries we destroy, and countries who refuse to have a Rothschild-type central bank.
It’s easy.
But the mind-controllers make it extremely complex; all about ancient lineages and racial differences (never mind that “race” might not even be a real thing; and also about religions (they make sure that vernacular versions of Religions of Love hate each other).
Forget the fake complexity, would be my suggestion. Most Americans, for example, don’t really even know any Russians. Why would we hate them, unless someone with $zillions put a lot of effort into convincing us we should?
For me, there was an enlightening article I stumbled on that I’ve mentioned elsewhere on this site I think: The US Civil War was engendered by City of London (Bankster Central) who were nervous about a coalition among Russia, the US, and Mexico. Ever since then, we’ve been flooded with anti-Russia and anti-Mexico propaganda.
Meanwhile, the banksters also moved their ops, via the Federal Reserve to the US, to control both sides anyway. But clearly, they still see value in our thinking those other countries are, at a minimum, icky.
The West is mostly materialistic whereas Russia is deeply spiritual.
The first is evil – the second is good.
The west reacts to Russia with envy, as the evil always does towards the good.
Pray for peace in the full and certain knowledge that Russia will win this war.
YES! I know it, as everything The Empire of Hate and Lies tells is exactly opposite, or they are doing it, a few examples:
– When they point terrorists my be a danger to US, it means they created a terrorist group in a certain country, trained, armed, to create chaos in that country.
– When they said Russia will have a problem with the ammunition, it really meant THEY have a problem with the ammunition as Nightvision explained yesterday.
– When they say Russia’s President is crazy/madman/etc they mean Their President is crazy/madman and the whole world saw this clear so many times, it is really very embarassing for US. President Putin is one of the most inteligent politicians ever, he had the patience to create the circumstances so that Russia will have what it takes and also enough international support to win this was, putin worked for decades to fulfill this plan, genious.
– When they say ppl that claim only women can give birth or that a women cannot have a male sexual organ they call them transfob and extremists and haters, when actually THEY are the haters and bully, they cancel women’s and mothers.
– When they say Ukraine situation is to be blamed for inflation in US, actually… it is THEIR fault, as the inflation started with lots of time in advance before war started as they printed too much money and other bad measures Biden administration had.
– When they say Russia kills civilians, in fact THEY are the ones that were doing it.
– When they said Russia maybe will use bioweapons, when actually THEY created that bioweapons in their biolabs, using innocent Ukrainians for years.
– When they say ”Russia is close to a civil war” it actually means they are so close to a civil war. It was funny to read Russians’s comments and the one saying: If somebody will take Putin out, we will find a SUPER Putin. – of course they found a traidor, paid by the west probably, one of the agents, to say this super LIE! That is confirming once again that their true purpose is to change Kremlin government wwith a puppet one as THEY CANNOT AND WILL NEVER DEFEAT RUSSIA. They try to do it from the inside, but so far it only made Russia stronger. BTW, Ingraham and Tucker Carlson are always debunking their lies, they called them out so many times for their lies and they have the highest reach in MSM in US.
– When they said their vaccines are safe and effective, they lied. Cuba’s vaccine is ok, Russia’s is, maybe others, but theirs NOT. Now everybody knowes they lied. But now, they say it is the receipient’s fault, as they had the choice and an informed conscent. They lie again!
– When they said Irak has chemical weapons they lied, they had and used them including in Syria, when they accused Assad of it, but it was them.
– When they said Gadaffi is a danger for Lybia, they lied – they were the danger and destroyed a strong, powerful and prosperous country.
– They lie as they breathe and usually what they say about the other is what they do, they alwasy accuse the oponent of the things they do! It is so simple to see how US is standing in something. You take what they say and interpret exactly the other way around!
So.. when they say they are strong and Ukraine is winning, I KNOW FOR SURE they are lying and it is totally the opposite
Gonzalo Lira seems to have gone missing. Has anyone heard anything from him?
There are no facts available to determine why he went missing. His disappearance coincided with a series of airstrikes on Kharkiv but that is just the circumstance.
Poor man seems to have waited too long.
More videos from that channel on his story.
An American trans journalist claims that he has been arrested by the SBU.
That freakish ugly trannsexual is not a journalist at all. It is a propagandist and bullshit artist.
Watched Gonzalo’s last message. He was well aware of danger. The hateful nasty transfag thing had the hots for him, nothing worst than being the object of a desperate fake womans lust. I suspect Gonzalo was smart enought to take advantage of the confusion and with his family disappear before the tranny enabler secret closet police arrived. He just didn’t appear frightened, a little tired but still self-assured. He had a plan.
I’m wondering how the Russians wants go into offensive war in phase 2 and avioiding
the main tactical and strategy errors from phase 1, which was leaving western border free and open.
Looking at the development in Mariupol and comparing with Kharkiv u re rigging with fear that this will be a millitarily damp squib as well. If the RF continue following the bible guidelines “jesus loves u all” we will see phase 122 and 299
Well, the slow progression of Russia have one positive aspect that usually nobody point.
It allows the full dominion of the territory, the civil people have seen what Ukraine represent (nazism) and what Russia represent (humanity).
Also if shown clearly who is the Nazis. There will not be guerrilla war.
The territory that Russia took is Russian and will be Russian for forever. If in a phase 2 they took all dombass including dombass, and in phase 3 Odessa the war will be an absolute triumph.
Yes Russia will never give these territories back
Never ever
You’ve missed the plot!
Phase 1 was about taking out key strategic points; the first surge was very quick; the tail-end was a bit longer owing to the Nazis in the steel plant, but this really has only has a marginal impact on total time. Russia and the independent forces were preparing the battle field (see Phase 2).
Phase 2 is about liberating Donbass.
Skies are OWNED by Russia: as in all things “war,” there is no such thing as 100%, but Russia’s dominance is about as close to 100% as there can be, which in effect IS “OWNED.”
Supply lines are limited and are controlled by Russia’s advanced weaponry: see above “Skies OWNED by Russia.”
Russia is also methodically collecting evidence of war crimes by the West. It is also giving time slices for the Ukie govt/West to cry “uncle;” which, clearly, he Ukie govt/West refuses to do.
The Big Battle will have a massive initial impact resulting in MASS defections of Ukie forces and will therefore cause the momentum to tip very fast. It will be a point in which western propaganda no longer can sell the pig with lipstick on it. (no offense to pigs) I figure that the big impact will happen within the span of a week and that it’ll then be a matter of mopping up the Nazis (which will take time, but will be a lot more straight-forward than Mariupol and the Den of Nazis [[Azovstal]).
Lastly, Russia never stipulated a time for any actions, just that there would be phases (people can speculate on other phases, but from the Russian govt it’s only been Phase 1 and Phase 2).
Happy eastern dear Andrei
Not yet! Only Sunday after church. This really is Christianity 101.
Dear friends,
I am confused by the fact that so much time has been lost for a general global attack on NATO. The world political campaign should have started a long time ago, which could easily have been transferred to mass civil discontent around the world. Mass support could be gained because NATO sowed evil all over the world. When I say NATO, I mean the United States because it is a force that functions only according to the concept of this evil state in everything. NATO is disliked by the Arabs and the rest of the Muslim world, neither in China nor in Indochina, in Russia in the Balkans or in South America. Are they waiting to force the frightened world and to reconstruct the United Nations at will. Maybe there are still opportunities, while Russia and China are in that institution, to start with that initiative as soon as possible. If it cannot be abolished, then NATO should cut its wings, reduce it to the lowest possible branches and influence. I think that is possible or at least it should be believed.
The video I made and which slept on my channel on YOU TUBE, is designed to encourage and move on with similar media content. Let’s go and encourage others, to upload this everywhere, to make similar videos. To do as much as we can in the right direction. Greetings to all of you on this blog. Here is the video in Serbian and English.
You are alluding to something Iran already started or tried to start in 1979 when the Shah of Iran was overthrown by the Iranian revolution. At that time, the leader of the revolution called the the empire of lies “Shaytan al-akbar” or the greatest Evil. I have not fully grasped what he meant at that time as I was still a teenager, but with time I came to realise how true it is. Alas, Iran was at that time alone and could not fight alone.
Now it is maybe the right time to step in and gather all free energy and power of the free world to bring true freedom to humanity.
The free states of the world, that were bullied and punished for their ”arrogance” of wanting to be free, are finally together.
The best news I’ve read today: people of the free world (all except ”The International Community” of the 10% of the world) are openly claiming their independence from the great Evil!
With participation of Syria, representatives of the BRICS group which includes (Russia, China, India, Brazil, South Africa) and the Commonwealth of Independent States held a joint scientific symposium, entitled “State sovereignty and cooperation as a measure in a multipolar world” in Moscow on Tuesday.
Syria’s Ambassador in Moscow Riad Haddad said that the United States has exploited the unipolar to attack the sovereignty of countries, steal peoples’ fortunes, and destroy the countries that refused to submit to their hegemony as the best example of this is what happens in Syria when the United States and its allies decided to attack the country and destroy its infrastructure to establish domination over our region and the world.
Don’t worry- NATO will soon fall on the way-side along with the whole empire of dirt.
Their faith in Darwin makes them aim for the award.
Got it. Have a nice Holy Paskha week! I let you go with this wonderful classical piece, actually one of my favorite overall, by Rimsky-Korsakov, the Great Russian Easter Overture, fully able to capture the spirit and the mood of such celebration.
BEAUTIFUL thankyou. It reminds a bit of the Rites of Spring by Strawinski.
I want to send my best wishes and thoughts to Andrei, The Saker, for the time coming.
May God be with you!
Hello Saker, thanks as always.
One general question, do you feel that in the current situation, Russia has used efficiently her abbility, in your words, to “turn up the pain dial” towards the collective west, for the succesful achievement of their objectives in the SMO? (Russian succes that I expect wholeheartidly, and seems to be consolidating in good manner in the recent days)
Sincere regards
and the saddest thing after all of the dust settles down, ze and his handlers are left to roam scott free. the rotten dead canon fodder? no one cares
Zelensky knows too much and he’s a junkie, which makes him emotionally unstable and unreliable, I feel that the CIA will give him a heroes death when the correct moment comes and will dump the body in the remains of Kiev.
Possibly. But I see him spirited away somewhere for a few months (during which time he will take CIA’s excellent English language training program) after which he will turn up in his mansion in Miami and later end up as a CNN International Desk anchor!
I think elensky knows that too. I saw him in clip recently- high as a kite, reminding me of the last scenes of Scarface.
Easy to write this script! He’ll be Skripal’d. Russians will be blamed. A Hollywood movie will be made: and, well, perhaps elensky will play the leading role (actual name will have been changed and it’ll be a conspiracy theory to claim that this in fact elensky).
And to top off the frame bending, the real Z, acting under a different stage name, will be shot “by accident” on the set by . . .CIA? KGB? SBU? No one will know. Cr. recent Alec Baldwin incident.
BRAVO! (well-played!) Now only need to figure out whose hands the spent gun will be placed in (marketed as)…
Have a good trip Andrei,
Thank you for this platform. Thoughts to all as we challenge the darkness of this world. There is much to look forward to and humanity will go through a new Renaissance – a spiritual one.
As for gnashing of teeth by alphabet soups – who cares. They are becoming irrelevant and are being shown for the albatross necklace that they are on humanity. The Emperor has no cloths.
And going by a recent post on Intel Slava Z (Telegram) it looks like the US is upping the provocative challenge to a dare to be shot down (or at least that is my reading of it). Will Russia take the planes down in the air and escalate the US outrage; or wait until the cargo is unloaded and then destroy it enroute etc? *
“US will deliver over half a dozen flights worth of security assistance to Ukraine in the next 24 hours, as part of the Biden administration’s recent $800 million package, a senior defense official says.”
[* I’m assuming this implies flights into Ukraine rather than Poland — which may or may not be correct]
Poland. No way they would fly to Ukraine.
“Will these infantiles every grow up?” — The Saker, Spring, 2022.
From an old David Bowie song, the musical phrase and lyric “Look at those cavemen go” pops into my head.
“Sailors fighting in the dance hall
Oh man!
Look at those cavemen go
It’s the freakiest show
Take a look at the lawman
Beating up the wrong guy
Oh man!
Wonder if he’ll ever know
He’s in the best-selling show
Is there life on Mars? ”
— David Bowie, “Life On Mars”, 1971
Look At Those CaveMen Go!
“It’s on America’s tortured brow
That Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow
Now the workers have struck for fame
‘Cause Lennon’s on sale again
See the mice in their million hordes
From Ibiza to the Norfolk Broads
Rule Britannia is out of bounds
To my mother, my dog, and clowns”
Is there life on Mars?
Can it be any worse than life on earth?
BTW, Happy Easter!
My wishes of Peace and Love to all. :)
Is it true that Zelensky has cancelled spring call-up of military training for new conscripts?
I understand they are on their 3rd draft, all men from 16 to 60 are called up. There will no longer be the ‘official’ draft just an on going full war mobilization for ‘recruits’
There are some claims that Russian intelligence estimated that there were only 8,100 Ukrainian soldiers in Mariupol when RF and DPR encircled that town (around 9 March 2022). If true that’s just half of so often claimed numbers 14,000 or even 20,000.
Not only is this a war between Russia and USNATO, we have the battle of darkness and the Light; just who the ukronazis serve is becoming more apparent as the SMO continues:
Meanwhile, one aspect of Uncle Schmuel’s (credit to Saker, it is brilliant) flimsy and transparent attempts at oil hegemony even now (NordStreamII nearing completion had this fake admin seething, remember?) can be found here:
As always, follow the money. This recent release from the US SPR* was sold to the people as a stopgap measure against rising fuel prices in the US, ha. More deception and lies, again, who do they serve?
Rest well and travel safe, Saker. Христос воскрес!
*Strategic Petroleum Reserve
Phase II, the Z Chronicles, onto glory!
My personal opinion is the war will last until the end of the year. Hopefully by January 1st 2023 it will be over. In the 2nd phase Russia will end the war in Donbass. Then in phase 3 free the rest of the South.Then if Ukraine hasn’t surrendered (which I doubt) move into phase 4, to free all of the territory to the Dnieper and maybe a little beyond. By then autumn will be here,and if Ukraine hasn’t surrendered (still doubtful) phase 5,will see the move to West Ukraine start.By then the EU will be badly feeling the effects of the economic crisis. And it will be getting colder by the day. They will start whining for the war to end. And the Ukrainians will have to surrender ,or Russia will have finished the war at the Polish border.If we are really,really lucky,all that can be finished by the end of summer,early autumn.But I doubt it will be before the end of the year.The EU needs to suffer more first,and the winter be staring them in the face before they will lose the will to fight longer.
I think Ukraine will be finished as a fighting force by the time Russia takes Odessa. The current level of deaths, wounded and surrendered cannot be sustained in any sort of meaningful or cohesive military way on their part. Odessa will probably become a western enclave full of arms and ammo, we may be looking at another mariupol there but I don’t see how ukie numbers could even last to 2023 without massive infusions of mercenaries.
I think you are right about that the Ukraine will not surender or accept terms before EU is feeling the consequences of their selfdestructive course of action. Kiev does not have an agency of its own, save for the agency of the fascists, which I believe is not full controlled by NATO; they can urge them on, but they cannot stop them. And when they break lose or are cut lose as Al Quaida and Daesh before them, there will be a blowback which will be unpleasent to us all.
Its difficult to say just when a war will end, or how far and wide it can expand before an end can be seen, or even the damage that is caused by its continuation.
What is known is that many of the systems top elites are now depending on lying for a living, which works good when the system is based on trust, but trying to tell the truth requires lies to be kept to those who deliver them (weather for a living or not), and not between actual responsible parties.
Another known is ones ability to think straight after not sleeping for a while, so this too could be weighing heavily on the current system of enablers.
There’s “Ukraine” and then there’s the actual troops. How could “Ukraine” hold out from a surrender if all the troops have surrendered and or been killed? At some point the war is over when you no longer have troops (and or the means to actually fight).
I don’t believe I’m making a trivial point here. I expect a rapid breakdown of the Ukie forces as the Russian forces start pounding the cauldron. The pain dial is being turned to 11 now that there’s a lot less concern over hitting civilians. I’ll state it again: it’s about the TIPPING POINT. Lots of leverage/intense offensive force WILL push the tipping point sooner, and the sooner that this gets hit the more abrupt the end will be. Note, however, that Phase 2 likely also is concerned with sweeping all areas of Nazis (and dead-enders), something that WILL take a lot longer, but will be mostly pedantic compared to the early actions.
Am I being optimistic or unreasonable? I don’t believe so. The “fish” have been kettled and now it’s as close to “shooting fish in a barrel” as you’re going to get. Shoot the fish before they start jumping out.
They should just take the whole enchilada at this point. The regime showed their true colors with Azov using civilians as shields, shooting them, etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if a majority of Ukrainians wanted to be part of Russia after all is said and done. It has been well played by Russia thus far. I used to think that they should have used a larger force to end it quickly, but drawing it out will hurt Europe more and maybe cause more fracturing between Europe and the US. The US is toast, and Europe will be even worse off economically.
Holy Paskha, Andrei! And thank you for all your articles that enlighten us.
Actually Colonel Cassad posted an information that around 120 civilians were released from Azovstal. So Nazis from Azov really took some hostages.
They were from basements in houses next to the complex, not from the factory itself.
They made that clear in the information they released.
Yep here’s footage of it
Yea, I got the update latter on, that there were people in adjacent houses. I’m glad they are safe now.
So let’s the bombing continue.
I think these must be the same that were evacuated during a pause in hostilities by RF. They came from shelters near but not in Azovstal.
Hristos a Înviat!
With the beginning of the 2nd phase I am sure the Ukrainians will be even more motivated to have a false flag attack, probably somewhere in the East where the “expandable moskals” live. I fear they may shell a church service for Paskha and blame it on the Russians.
Let’s hope for a miracle and that none of this will happen.
Христос Воскрес!
How come Andrei’s travelling by pony express across the prairie when a helicopter would cut the time down to a day’s excursion?
Less important people like Hillary and Schumer conduct their affairs by private jet.
I suppose not having paid my own subscription/donation yet doesn’t help. It’s that foreign exchange/transfer that’s delaying matters but the money’s as good as in the bank, honest.
I pray that mass of Ukrainian soldiers refuse fighting and defect. I hope they understand that they being set up. It is a small chance yes. Miracles nevertheless happen. I am aware of brainwashing, however Ukrainians are no more brainwashed than Europeans or Americans. Empires propaganda is a wonder to behold. Very brilliant.
In my view this is the only real chance to end war.
I agree and really hope and pray that the regular Ukrainian troops surrender and end this
I think it is important to know what is behind the psyops operation in the West with this war. We no longer have a free press in most of the Empire of Lies countries due to this:
The link will take you to a google page with a few stories, praising the policy about what is acceptable and not acceptable news in these countries. For example:
I hope I do not get banned from this web site for this information. We have been doomed as democracies since 2018. To be clear, major MSM in the West has agreed to a mass censorship policy. This makes it formal.
Trusted News Initiative announces plans to tackle harmful coronavirus disinformation
Mar 27, 2020, Ottawa
CBC/Radio-Canada is joining an industry collaboration of major media and technology organizations to rapidly identify and stop the spread of harmful coronavirus disinformation.
Starting today, partners in the Trusted News Initiative will alert each other to disinformation about coronavirus, including “imposter content” purporting to come from trusted sources. Such content will be reviewed promptly to ensure that disinformation is not republished. This will complement work already underway by CBC and Radio-Canada to expose mistruths and disinformation around the global pandemic. See the CBC’s COVID-Check unit’s work on false claims and conspiracy theories, and Radio-Canada’s Décrypteurs for more.
The Trusted News Initiative partners are: BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter, Microsoft, AFP, Reuters, Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), The Hindu, First Draft, and Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.
CBC/Radio-Canada announced its participation in the Trusted News Initiative in September 2019.
Hi Larry Paul Johnson,
Since you brought up the TNI, you might be interested in what lies behind it. The specific psyops techniques and the fact that Putin tried to warn us about it back in 2016.
Did you ever wonder why they say “Putin, Putin, Putin” or continually use other repetitive ridiculous explanations, like “—ism”, “—- denier”, anti —-“, etc.? It is called “Nudge Theory” and those words are called “nudge phrases” & “nudge words”. More about it here:
Breaking the Spell: MindSpace, Trance Warfare, and Neuro Linguistic Programming
“In the wake of the MindSpace document and its new approach to powerful and “cost-effective” behaviour modification, the Behavioural Insights Team was established as a new psychological warfare node across the Five Eyes countries i.e. Australia, Canada, the USA, New Zealand, and Great Britain.”
“Thus, Sunstein and his cohorts have been responsible for the framing of conspiracy theories as existential threats to democracy and counter-terrorism, making very careful use of nudging and NLP practices to create powerful cognitive dissonances in the minds of anyone engaged in wrong think. Today, virtually all major public policy issues have in been “reframed” to nudge people into unconsciously making decisions that radically transform not only their lives, but the very makeup of society. Sunstein now serves in the Biden administration’s Department of Homeland Security.”
Putin actually called the TNI out in 2016. He was being deadly serious, but everyone in the West thought he was joking. He knew and was trying to warn people that the US Intelligence Community had taken over the news corporations:
Putin Claims Russia Does Not Have ‘Propaganda Machine’ Like the West
“Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia does not yet have such a “powerful propaganda machine” as in the West. “I will tell you, dear colleagues, I would like to have such a propaganda machine in Russia. But this, unfortunately, is not the case. We don’t have such global media outlets as CNN, the BBC and some others. We don’t have such opportunities yet,” he said.”
You also might remember this “slip-up”, but Brzezinski was telling the truth:
Mika Brzezinski Our Job Is to Control Exactly What People Think
Apparently, those most susceptible to hypnotism are also most susceptible to “nudge theory”. So, if you are interested in just how programmed someone is, you can play a little game and count the number of nudge words and phrase they use when talking to you.
The whole MSM is scripted psychological programming. And its roots are deeply imbedded in the psychology of Sigmund Freud and Edward Bernays. How do you get women to break the social taboo against smoking? Call cigarettes, “Torches of Freedom” and associate them with women’s empowerment:
The Century of the Self – Part 1: “Happiness Machines”
And all of that is what lies behind the Five Eyes Trusted News Initiative.
@ Rokossovsky
Thank you very much for your detailed explanation how the process of dumbification of the masses has been enhanced and expanded from the crude Mockingbird phase. No wonder: one of the first functions of TV broadcasting was the Orwellian sublimation technique.
Top notch work! Hey everyone here; take notice and say thank you to Rokossovsky.
@ Rokossovsky
Oops!!! I Meant “sublimination”! See what I mean when a Freudian slip slips in!
Thanks! If it helps one person see through the US corporate media it will have been worth the time. Consuming corporate media is like staring into a huge spiraling hypnotic disk. IMHO There are billions of dollars going into and it is directly interfaced with the Five Eyes Intelligence Communities. There isn’t a thing on it that is accidental it is all coordinated through about a half dozen corporate media conglomerates. And it is worth to make a list of all of the nudge words and phrases you hear and then start listening to the people around you… who just parrot them back at you mindlessly.
I really think Putin became aware of this (as obviously the Russian FSB was on to it) and that is why he brought it up at the Valdai Conference in 2016:
Is the US a banana republic? – Vladimir Putin [Valdai, Part 1 of 2] 2016
That whole speech is worth the time, as Putin outlines and exposes a lot of truths about what the United States has become in the eyes of the world. IMHO
Thx, a great speech indeed.
What is the URL for the Nightvision blog just mentioned? Searching only brings up night vision optics, etc. Thanks.
Nightvision’s blog posts appear at this site! Here’s the most recent one:
Anything that looks like a sitrep related to the military action in the Ukraine is probably Nightvision’s work.
OK. I get it now. I had actually read the great report re the ship sinking, but hadn’t realized who wrote it. Thanks.
Germany and the Netherlands declared today their plans to deliver more and heavier weapons to the Ukraine, including armored vehicles.
Meanwhile I was wondering, do we get rubles yet for the gas we still deliver?
So the Russians see them right away, really smart!
Sobre receber em rublos também gostaria de saber se já.
Google-translate from mod:
About receiving on rubles would also like to know if already.
A estupidez sem limites dos congressistas estadunidense.
Terceira Guerra Mundial Econômica em andamento com o confronto direto de tropas dos EUA e da Rússia no horizonte temporal. Não sera uma surpresa para mim se os Demôniocratas e os Réuspublicanos aprovarem via congresso dos EUA o envio de tropas para a Ucrânia !
Google-translate from Mod:
Demon Christians and Suicides RéusPublinanes!
The non-limited stupidity of the American congressmen.
Third World War II in progress with the direct confrontation of US and Russia troops on the temporal horizon. There will be a surprise for me if the demons and the defendants approve via US Congress the sending of troops to Ukraine!
When a former Major General from NATO contradicts all the western MSM ‘information’ campaign.
From this bazilian interview we can access the kind of internal discussion is taking place within the western military bloc. Even in the static presentation image, the flags of Russian Federation and NATO correctelly points to the wider conflict, not limited to Ukraine.
Raul Cunha, Major General of the Army, Military Judge
Military Adviser to the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Kosovo (2005-2009)
Master’s in Military Sciences from the Military Academy. Doctoral candidate in History and Security and Defense Studies at ISCTE-IUL.
Press CC buton and then select destination language (setup with the gear icon)
When the NATO narrative is contradicted by a retired NATO general, truth is coming out.
Hopefully, when the NATOmasters give the marching orders to their divisions for Barbarossa II, the general’s compatriots will display the cock-a-snook standard.
I’m no military expert but I did stay at a holiday inn express last night. Just the fact that the Russians are pounding the ukrops in the Donbass non stop with there heavy artillery while not having to immediately move location to avoid counter battery fire says the slow methodical strategy is working perfectly. People comment to much on Russian military strategy IE, moving to slow. We can see the results of this now. Not being able to resupply or rearm is having the intended consequences for the ukrops.
Exactly! However…
The pace of the war (takes two to tango) will start to ramp up as the Ukie forces start surrendering (due to massive casualties and apparent hopelessness- fragging of the Nazis will really start to take hold). TIPPING POINT <- it's this "time" that is critical, and I figure it's going to happen within a week's time, after which is a lot of mop-up work (clearing all areas of Nazis and other hanger-oners).
The full force (of the vastly increased Russian build-up) will now start to be felt by the Ukie forces and they have no resupply capabilities.
Shooting fish in a barrel. Anyone thinking it takes a long time to shoot fish in a barrel need to reconsider their thinking!
Feliz Pascuas
God’s blessings
I tried searching for this “Nightvision” reporting and couldn’t find anything. Could you be more specific or else have a link? Thanks.
Nightvision gives analysis, sitreps here near daily. You must be new here?
Look for everything called Sitrep.
Nightvision writes Sitreps here, on Saker´s blog, every other day or so.
Since phase 2 started now I have a question on the purpose of the „Kadyrowzy“, the Chechen fighters:
1. what was the Strategic purpose of Russia to drag them so prominently into the conflict?
2. what was the key gain for Operation Z to drag these guys into from military strategy viewpoint?
3. or was it simply a mix of Propaganda (to get the Muslim world on their side) and/or to do some psycho warfare to scare the Ukros off by these ruthless fighters?
5. is there any USP (unique selling point) that these troops have that’s missing in the main Russian forces?
6. What would be the purpose of these troops in phase 2 now that heavy artillery is in place to grind Ukro forces?
Chechens need to fight, is in their blood, if you let them too long doing nothing, will take this away from them, their fierceness, their identity. I guess they also wanted a good fight.
Russia has a huge army, but the first priority is to secure the borders, it needed some extra help and as Russia gives 80% of Chechenia GDP, found something useful for them and for Russia.
Ultimatelly, it shows the real strength of Russia: you can have a common country and keep your Religion and identity, in Russia so many ethnicity coexist and so peacefully, Russia is really a multicultural country and is beautiful to see people can be together as brothers as they are stronger together, but also they keep their identity and traditions!
Globalism wanted to erase this away, to mix people and erase their traditions, Beliefes, their national identity. In Russia, you can love your country and ethnicity and also love and protect Russia, as Russia is protecting you and makes sure you keep your identity and nation, which is not the case with any nation felt under the Evil Empire, they want to put LGBT everywhere and make all atheists. Protecting Russia you protect yourself if you are part of Russia of course.
The Chechens under Kadyrov are some of the world’s most experienced warriors in urban combat still alive and fighting, having survived the almost total destruction of Grozny and large parts of Syria before joining the fight in Ukraine. They have developed innovative techniques to reduce their risks and increase their success using about a five to four ratio of combatants where more conventional tactics demand a three to one ratio for the attacker.
They have a most extraordinary track record because they are fighting for Russia, the motherland. Chechens are Russians.
Yes, I have never been in Chechenia, nor in Russia, but I want to, then I will understand more. Anyway they are extraordinary efficeint, i saw! Thank you for the explanations
There are Chechens fighting on the side of Ukrainian regime, to distinguish them from those in the Russian army, they are called Ichkerians. The hatered b/n the two factions is enormous.
The Orthodox Easter is coming and there is a some confusion as to who is who in this war regarding religion. Many commenters here present Russia as 100% Orthodox, but it is not quite so.
Except for the foreign mercenaries and instructors, Ukrainian army is 95% nominally Othodox. LDNR is 100% nominally Orthodox. Russian army is multiconfessional – Orthodox, Atheist, Muslim, Budist, Shamanist. Nominally Muslim from Dagestan and nominally Budist from Buryatia/Tuva are about 30% of the soldiers – those are formidable soldiers. And all are somehow united and inspired by the values and ideas of the Soviet union. Including the Soviet flags.
Andrei My Brother,
Blessings to you and your family as we walk in His steps during this most Holy of Weeks for us Orthodox Christians.
Also may God protect and preserve all right believing Orthodox Christians in the war zone. The Russian Ministry of Defense has said they believe that the Ukronazis will be targeting the faithful on Pascha. God save them. God save the Holy Orthodox Rus.
The advantage of the lies and half truths, is it takes time for reality to catch up and expose the truth, by which time they move on to the next lie,making the truth irrelevant.
So far each side is working inside their predicted objectives , like opposing tennis players playing a long rally probing each other’s baseline.
Looking for the opportunity to get that unpredictable play or exploit that mistake
Russia entered a game it seemingly can’t win against a player who thinks it can’t possibly lose.
The SANCTIONS were the objective. The State Department does not care about the Ukrainian people. And the sanctions have failed. Which makes this a dangerous period.
@ Saker
“…As for “Ze” – he has now become a UN National Hero:”
Someone might want to correct that from “UN” to US.
“…Please keep that in mind when the next propaganda Tsunami hits…”
There are two false flags Russian media is already warning about, one in Odessa, another one targeting Orthodox Churches this coming Sunday. I cannot, for the life of me, find the links, even though the false flag to Odessa I read this morning, among other thousand news about Ukraine. The attack on the Orthodox Churches was reported a few days ago.
If any other poster comes across a link to those potential false flags, please post them. Thanks.
Lone Wolf
I read that this morning too, at a link from a MoA comment, but I don’t recall which thread or how far in.—russian-1094849478.html
I don’t understand how so many Orthodox. Christians (especially here in the West) can remain blind, deaf and dumb as to what is really happening in Ukraine. They buy this Russia is the Evil Aggressor Narrative hook, line and sinker. Unfortunately. Thanks to the Saker, Andrei Martyanov, the Moon of Alabama, Ganzalo Lira (May God protect him) and Patrick Lancaster and all the others telling and showing the truth.
@ JEinCA
Thanks!!! Now we need the other one, about the false flag in Odessa, where the UkroWehrmacht plans to kill a bunch of civilians à la Bucha, and blame it on the Russians.
Lone Wolf
Blessed day Mr Saker
“in reality nobody really knows because the outcome will be determined not by maneuver like during the first phase, but by logistics, specifically fuel and ammunition, in other words by mobility and firepower.”
Whilst deferring to your superior military knowledge etc., I have the feeling that one development that might be more important than is being currently imagined is that of morale. Ukrainian morale has been surprisingly high thus far but I suspect has already begun to crack meaning that we should be seeing steadily increasing group surrenders. That might become a wave. They have nowhere to run, essentially, so they either stay and die or stay and surrender.
As videos are published showing that those who surrender are not being beaten to a pulp or given a bullet in the back of the head, the yearning to abandon a hopeless cause will surely grow. So much so that we might even get a precipitous collapse in certain areas.
Lastly a small point. We’ve been reading about the big cauldron for over a month now but I think last night was when that entire Donbass front has now become a true cauldron. I pity all the pour souls trapped therein. What a bed they have made for themselves to be bombed to bits in.
Here’s something which may be relevant to those interested in Orthodoxy and films:
A review of the 2021 film, Man of God, about the life and works of St. Nektarios of Aegina. I hope you all enjoy this first dive into movie reviews, this film is really inspirational.
He seems to have been some sort of modern martyr, persecuted by both the state and the church. Maybe relevant to Easter.
Russia, the ancient land. Why the push into the artic? Ukraine? Connections?
If anyone hasn’t seen this movie that portrays the Ukrainian fascists slaughter of the Poles and Jews in WWII,they need to see it,before Youtube deletes it. These are the ancestors of the nazi hyenas that Russia fights today. It’s beyond comprehension that any Pole today would support the murderers of their people,but they do:
Hatred (Wolyn) | Full Movie | War Drama | Michalina Labacz | (English subs).
And the Cia works with these monsters since the 50s
The USA ( or better said the kazharian Mafia that controls the US) is so evil even Satan is jealous
The last 45 minutes are truly gruesome… especially what they do to the small children…
That link is down. The Polish Duma has an official copy up, in very good quality with 5.1 sound.
«the Ukrainian fascists slaughter of the Poles and Jews in WWII»
One of the crazy things of the madness of eastern Europe is that many poles and ruthenians (“ukrainians”) dream of recreating the Intermarium, the lithuanian-polish-ruthenian empire, and both are “prometheists”, but the poles and the ruthenian have very different idea as to who is going to be “top dog” in the recreated empire, therefore the massacres.
«It’s beyond comprehension that any Pole today would support the murderers of their people»
Sadly it is just one of many massacres, and many of them have been done by poles, many of them are also fascists and xenophobes like many ruthenians.
Bonne semaine sainte Andrei.
I wish Andrei and his family, and all Orthodox brothers and sisters in Christ a blessed Holy Week & Easter.
Somehow the Biblical imagery of Belshazzar’s Feast (Daniel 5) is speaking stronger to me since the SMO began. Belshazzar’s shaking legs & disjointing knees remind me of president Biden’s weak standing and his inabilty to grasp and cope with newly emerging geopolitical realities.
Also the writing on the wall ( “MENE, God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; TEKEL, you have been weighed … and found wanting;” and “UPHARSIN”, your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.”) offers food for thought. Again we are witnessing the demise of another world empire. Perhaps ‘the Medes and Persians’ can be interpreted as ‘Russia and China’. Who knows…
So that explains who/what he was trying to shake hands with the other day when he extended his hand to what the rest of us saw only as thin air. – Just like Belshazzar, only the senile vatloaf can see the moving hand writing.
Now if only the overthrow would happen as fast as in Daniel, that same night.
I just thought of an idea to get the Nazis to surrender in the Azio Plant. Since it is the holiday seasons. Have the Russian soldiers have an outdoor BBQ downwind of the plant where they can smell the food cooking. Have a Big party! and show them what life is all about. Then send invitations to all unarmed Nazis who want to join. Advertise: Free food, free beer, free cigs. Bring in some girls and offer free sex!
The Azov nazis of Mariupol have enjoyed ‘free sex’ since 2014 by raping the local girls – they also might kill them afterwards it seems.
I’ve read somewhere they found a pizza-bakery. Barbecue might smell too familiar.
Under the heading of be careful what you wish for,comes this:
Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil
Biden said that he will throw Russia back to 19th century. Russian atlas according to 19th century …
That’s not ignorance… that’s the actual outcome! Ahahaha :)
Can someone provide information as to how I can follow the reports from “Nightvision” as recommended in this article?
Dear Andrei enjoy Passion.
Even the White House helps these days be selling gold bullions so Europe can pay for there gas without using rubbles.
I visited the grocery store and had the look at the headlines of the local Finnish tabloid:
The purpose of the “Russia is losing” narrative is the get NATO and the EU involved in the war. Part of the disinformation is exaggerating Russian losses and hiding Ukrainian losses.
I believe the collective “Russia” made a strategic mistake in not publicizing the true number of casualties suffered by the Ukrainian forces in 2014 and 2015. It is impossible for Westerners to understand that the “low-quality proxy conscripts” in 2014-15 decisively defeated and annihilated the Ukrainian army.
Officially Ukraine only admits some 5000 killed. The real number may be up to 40,000. There were 8000 Ukrainian troops in the Debaltsevo salient and cauldron. Only some 1000 got out alive. No one has been able or willing to explain what happened to the rest. Similar cauldrons were formed and liquidated throughout Donbass in the summer of 2014. By September 2014 practically every Ukrainian unit deployed to the Donbass battlefield had been either destroyed or demilitarized. Lost Armour recored some 1500 pieces of armor destroyed or captured, most of them Ukrainian.
As others have voiced already, I suspect the ‘Russia losing’ is designed for several purposes. The main one is to make everybody think ‘Russia is desperate’ which would make many believe a false flag was credible.
Russia losing / Russia desperate / Russia uses chemical weapons = we have to act / escalate / cause armageddon.
The west love the ‘we had no choice’ excuse, it worked for Blair with the backdrop of Saddam Hussain well painted in the media as a tyrant on a losing streak, cornered by his own failure & having to resort to ‘weapons of mass destruction that could hit London in 45 minutes’
Painting the enemy as a desperate cornered animal is part of the playbook.
BBC radio 4 dedicated a whole prime time hour tonight, lamenting the soft NATO response so far and asking ‘what is the red line’ ? civilian casualties, any WMD type deployment, general atrocities like rape, damage to infrastructure. It was a highly emotive broadcast as you would imagine, but the point was clear with most of the ‘experts’ (journalists & think tank goons) wanting all out war as quickly as possible.
“The purpose of the “Russia is losing” narrative is the get NATO and the EU involved in the war. Part of the disinformation is exaggerating Russian losses and hiding Ukrainian losses.”
I don’t see how the “Russia is losing” narrative, per se, would be useful to anyone advocating greater NATO/EU involvement (they’re already involved to a certain extent) since if Ukraine is impliedly “winning” anyway what is the need for more NATO involvement?
As I see it, the “Russia is losing” thing may be an attempt to establish the context for a false-flag war crime/act of terrorism to be blamed on sore loser Russia (which might be useful in arguing for greater NATO involvement) and/or a propaganda fig leaf to hide the breathtaking immorality of their apparent efforts to prolong the war (and thus increase the cost in blood and treasure) without changing the ultimate outcome.
Also, its another tool, which enables the Ukrainians to continue fighting, if the western media keeps the ‘fake’ narrative of Russia losing, what a great way to falsely motivate, uplift their spirits, and to keep fighting to the last drop of human blood.
Isn’t weaponized ‘information war’ great… (sarcasm)
All I respectfully ask is for non-Americans on here to please know there are many Americans who are beyond grateful Russia is doing this. There are also many Americans fighting, legally, against the Evil & Corruption of the Uniparty in all levels of Government and Healthcare, Schools, business’ etc.
Many of us, who do not comply, have lost our Families/because they are brainwashed/complicit/evil themselves etc., all other costs, some of us for decades, knowing a long time ago, what this was all about. Including the difference between Faith and Organized Religion. I for one, based on my background have a lot of experience with Private Sector, Public Sector and Church Officials Criminals, in all things.
Once again, I thank the People of Russia and the heroes, who are putting their lives on the line taking on the Evil of not just Ukraine, but of the “West.”
Someday, God willing, I would love to visit Russia. Just to meet the People and spend time with them/you. Thank you again, and please pray for us over here who are fighting too. God Bless!
Russia and Putin are fighting against the Deep State and Globalists. Russia did not lock people down or force vaccinations. Russia took out the biolabs connected to Hunter Biden and others. There is a lot more evil going on in the Ukraine that Russia is shutting down like the organ harvesting business.
Russia and Putin are friends of humanity and are fighting against evil.
I want to second all of PJ’s post. As an American it’s an honor and a privilege to support Russia, its soldiers and people
And I’ll third it.
I think Russia is still acting too soft.
It is as they still hope to get some “understanding” from EU and USA.
Hristos vaskrse!
Translation. Mod:
Christ the Resurrection!
Actually, Christ resurrected. 🙃
《Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them.》
Matthew 18:20
Russians are not a perfect people, nor Mr. Putin is like that. No people are perfect. Nor anyone.
However, it was up to the Russians to sacrifice tens of millions of brothers until the red flag was raised in Berlin.
No one should ever forget this. The Russians played a decisive role in the defeat of Nazism in World War II (the Great Patriotic War).
But Nazism persisted. And it returns under its many insidious disguises. Again, it’s up to the Russians to be the vanguard to defeat him.
This is not just a war in Ukraine. Nor is it a war of the West against Russia, only. We are in the decisive battle of our times and our lives.
The war against all those presuming to be more human than others. Or even the only humans, while the others, us, are just subspecies.
Once again Nazism must be defeated. This time it needs to be forever.
《I will not be the poet of a decrepit world
Nor will I sing of the future world
I’m stuck to life and I look at my ftiends
Among them, I appraise the enormous reality
The present is so great, let’s not stray
Let’s not stray too far, let’s go hand in hand
Time is my matter, present time, present men
the present life》
Holding hands
Carlos Drummond deAndrade (brazilian poet)
Canada is and has been a hotbed of Nazism since 1945. We even have a sympathizer in C. Freeland, second in command of the country.
In 2014, through the wide window of a luxurious apartment, Frida Feeeland contemplated the carnage in Maidan Square.
have a nice and serene Easter Saker, try to forget about wars and rumours of wars this week☦
Wishing you a blessed Easter…
I am an American and I don’t hate Russia. Just for the record.
Thank you for this recently discovered venue of information. I truly appreciate it.
Christ is risen! Keep high the feast. Have a glorious Pascha.
+ Hristos Voskres, Radost Donese! +
About time Putin opened up a can of Russian whoop ass! Let’s see what plan god has for the country formerly known as Ukraine.
Happy Easter and Ramadan to all who are of those traditions.
Evening of Phase 2, Day 1, and it doesn’t look good for Ukraine. The Russian Army/Allies are advancing toward Slavyansk, artillery “softening” a wide north/south swath from Balakliya to Barvinkove (see a map, north of Slavyansk/Kramatorsk), gaining 50 kms. in one day, taking towns at breathtaking speed.
Time is up for the Ukros, the hope is they will continue to surrender, instead of littering the roads as cannon fodder for a despotic and savage oligarchy that couldn’t care less about them.
The Russian army DEMOLISHES everything in its path: The Ukrainian Army suffers MONSTROUS losses! Reports, maps, Yuri Podolyaka (evening of April 19, 20 videos)
Today, the intensity of the fighting has surpassed yesterday’s. The offensive is extremely active, the artillery strikes non-stop, the troops are moving towards Slavyansk on a wide front.
Today there was a strong artillery preparation of the Russian Armed Forces in the area of Balakleya and Gusarovka near Barvenkovo.
The biggest advance of infantry in the area of the Estuary. In the morning there were battles for Torskoye and Zarechnoye-this is close to the Estuary and Yampol in the north of the Donbass, Torskoye fell by lunchtime.
From Borovoye taken three days ago in the north and to the Estuary, 50 kilometers were covered. All firing points and defense lines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed. The losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are extremely high, as the Ukrainians themselves know very well. In addition to rockets and artillery, Tu-22M3 bombers are operating in the area of Popasnaya and Sievier-donetsk.
During the day, two strongholds and six areas of concentration of enemy manpower and military equipment were destroyed in the areas of Mirny, Slavyansk and Popasny – up to 180 personnel and 15 armored vehicles were destroyed. In the area of Barvenkovo, the Buk-M1 air defense system was destroyed. The Russian Aerospace Forces hit 31 military facilities in Ukraine: two command posts and 28 places of accumulation of manpower and Ukrainian military equipment, as well as an ammunition depot for MLRS in the Privolye region. Russian air defenses shot down three Ukrainian UAVs over Chernobayevka, Zalizny and Pokrovskoye. These are not all strikes, read more in the briefing.
The Russian Armed Forces will introduce new methods of warfare to better adapt to the current conditions of military confrontation, ” Shoigu said. Kalibr and Dagger now find new targets ten times faster thanks to a new targeting system.
A special operation to disarm the territorial defense will take place in Western Ukraine. The operation will be carried out at the request of the General Staff and the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to preliminary estimates, 10-15% of JAvelin complexes, at least 25% of NLAW complexes and about 10% of Stinger MANPADS are in their hands for the defense of the western regions.
Every month, Ukraine needs to extract $ 7 billion from somewhere in order to fulfill the budget and somehow ensure its viability. At the same time, no one is going to repay Ukraine’s debt.
Russian special services managed to clean up most of the activists in the Kherson and Zaporizhia regions, which allowed them to stop mass protests – they have not been held for almost 3 weeks.
Lone Wolf
Thanks for the timely results of the Russian approach to war using the best principles in the “the Art of War”, the five rings, jeet kune do, and OODA loop of Col Boyd.
Unfortunately, the war between Russia/China and the western colonial powers may have a terrorist component driven by the CIA/MI6 organizations. It is suspicious that murders and terrorists actions appear to be ramping up as the Ukrainian military is losing:
“A high level Russian banker with close ties to Vladimir Putin was found dead in his Moscow apartment, along with his wife and daughter. The mysterious mass murder comes at the same time Western allies vow to send more lethal weapons to Ukraine to kill Russian soldiers.”
“Russia’s security agency, the FSB, has released dramatic footage of a bust of a suspected terrorist cell which had links to Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS).”
“A high level Russian banker with close ties to Vladimir Putin was found dead in his Moscow apartment, along with his wife and daughter. ”
This may be related to domestic violence, and nothing to do with the conflict. If you read the news about this event, it also states that the incident maybe related to his wife being pregnant with another mans child, etc, etc. you get the jiff.
Another bullcrap video with no written component. Time-wasting disinformation. At least mark it as video only please.
Thank you, Lone Wolf, for your reports!
(Have an auspicious (last half of) Ramadan.)
Xristos Anesti Andrei Η Παναγιά μαζί σας
Hi, Andrei!
I know it is a bit off topic, but i found it interesting to share with you guys the two headlines below.
“To Push Back Russians, Ukrainians Hit a Village With Cluster Munitions”
“Ukraine uses cluster bombs on its own territory to retake eastern town: New York Times”
Looks like it is becoming harder and harder to hide what the UAF really is.
See links below:,Ukraine%20uses%20cluster%20bombs%20on%20its%20own%20territory%20to%20retake,town%20and%20their%20neighbours'%20farms.
Enjoy the holiday and time off Saker. All of us wish nothing but the best for you! And who knows? By the time you return Phase 2 might be over (I’m a bit optimistic I admit).
One thing I will comment on is the “Cancel Russia” movement here in the USA. It seems there’s nothing new under the sun. During WW1, there was a move to cancel all things German here in the USA, including celebrations of lynchings of German Americans in the USA by none other than the Washington Post.
Lee Camp explains the “Cancel Germany” movement of the time beginning at 29:09 of the link below:
It seems this whole “cancel” those who you are at war with is part of the USA playbook from way back. One thing that Lee Camp’s colleague Graham Elwood points out, if the USA was cancelled every time it went to war, USA culture would be removed throughout virtually the entire world!
Maybe someone can help me with this obvious question. Over the years, I have seen and read numerous reports and articles, which state that early in the 90’s Putin asked to join NATO. Additionally, there are credible reports that Yeltsin and even Gorbachev, did also but were obviously denied. We all surely understand that by joining NATO a nation is basically giving up control of its military to the ZioAmericans. Which begs the question, ” What were Putin, Yeltsin, and Gorbachev thinking ? ” Any thoughts on this ?
It was before all the color revolutions, before the West started to encircle Russia. NATO was taken in a literal sense, that of being “defensive” in nature. And in this thought one will see that Russia has NOT changed at all, that it was still beckoning for there to be common defense arrangements. 1999 changed everything in that NATO turned into an offensive force (Yugoslavia): and later repeated this violation of its charter by invading Libya.
Thank you for the answer. However, two questions still remian.
” NATO was taken in a literal sense, that of being “defensive” in nature. ”
Who were Russia / NATO planning on defending against ? For instance, Russia and ZioAmerica combined could take on the rest of the world alone without a problem. So who was the potential enemy ?
More importantly:
” NATO was taken in a literal sense, that of being “defensive” in nature. ”
Meaning Russia would effectively not control its own military. I dont believe, for one minute, that Russia did not understand that fact. Very odd indeed.
NO! It’s NOT about NOT being able to control one’s military: the US has clearly embarked on wars/military actions, you know, with its military, outside of NATO approval. NATO, by charter, is supposed to be a POOLING-together of forces as voted by the NATO countries. What it’s become (totally manipulated by the US) is another thing, but the charter IS clear, just as is the UN’s (which, as we know, is also manipulated/corrupted by US influences).
Although NATO was primarily aimed at the Soviet Union its charter doesn’t (that I am aware of- but I’m arm-chairing it here) name names in any limiting way: one cannot get too specific lest one gets painted into a corner- of course, based on the 1999 self-violation it would suggest that words/laws/charter means nothing (but Russia had yet to see this, as too was the rest of the world- 1999 had not yet happened when Russia was wanting to engage in cooperation with security arrangements).
I suspect the reason why the then NATO decision-makers kept Russia out was because Russia would then have had veto power. One could speculate that this was exactly what Russia was aiming for: to have equal veto power in order to check abuses [this would absolutely line up with all that Russia has said and done- it is totally in their character]. NATO requires total agreement before committing member’s troops. Further, there is nothing that says that ALL countries have to participate in any committed action(s).
NATO always was at best an alliance with aggressive as well as defensive purposes. With the end of the Cold War this shifted to 100% aggression. (Along with all the questioning from the many who were confused on this point, who bought into the “defensive alliance” lies and therefore looked for a “peace dividend” which never had been intended to exist, and questioned why NATO should continue to exist at all.)
The main target always remained Russia, and even though in the 1990s Russia was basically prostrate and economically stomped upon by US-driven globalism, it remained a propaganda enemy to be invoked by the imperial government and its media for purposes of power and profit. And, at first in theory and later in reality, there always remained the prospect that a resurgent Russia could come back into existence and be a hindrance to the empire’s enterprises of aggression. At that point NATO would again be the mode to organize aggression against Russia itself.
That’s why Russia never could become a member of NATO itself. This would contradict the very purpose of NATO’s existence. Unfortunately the post-Cold War Russian political leadership seems never to have understood this.
And the points for disputing what I wrote are where in there?
I get it that there’s unwritten crap that goes on. If people don’t understand the rules/laws, of which entities are supposed to operate by, then any story can be piled on and people won’t know whether it’s based in actual rules/laws and we end up slurping down crap like “[unwritten] rules-based order.”
I also get it that there can be actions taken (such as the 1999 NATO action) that violate rules/laws and that are articulated as being lawful/in accordance with written rules, but unless properly codified they are NOT THE written rules/laws (they become “common ‘knowledge'” [via propaganda]). These situations are contestable in courts of law: I’d argue that Russia is, or was, trying to challenge as such.
Hindsight is always a good predictor of what happened…
No to imperialism.
No to NATO (which has violated its charter and has become an arm of imperialism).
“Hindsight is always a good predictor of what happened…”
No, lots of people including myself said in the early 1990s: If NATO is supposed to be a defensive alliance within the context of the Cold War vs. the Soviet Union, then it no longer has a rationale and should be disbanded.
Then some of us including myself immediately drew the logical conclusion that since it’s not being disbanded, and since the US is embarking upon an expedition of plunder and destroy against Russia and the former Soviet republics and Warsaw bloc, therefore we know the US was always lying about its fundamentally aggressive intentions, including the real character of NATO.
As for laws/rules/charters, the official verbiage seldom is much more than misdirection, propaganda, subterfuge, while the reality is in what you call the “unwritten crap”. Look to actions to find reality, wherever anyone has the power to act.
This video made by Zelensky a day ago shows him intoxicated and speaking into the camera.
This competes with Saakashvili’s tie-eating video.
Have a good Easter, Saker!
The West’s attempt at censoring RT is failing. RT at now has over 40,000 followers and is one of the top 30 channels on that growing alternative video site. Here are a few more videos for today:
Civilians safely evacuated in Mariupol – Exclusive footage:
Su-34 carries out airstrike on Kiev-regime target:
Thermal imaging captures DPR night strike on Kiev-regime forces:
Russian MoD shows Iskander missile system in action:
Have a safe and pleasant journey Andrei.
Here is something to keep you in good cheer on the 4-hr drive:
Sergei Lavrov talking in English to Indian media about Zelensky:
Interviewer: President Zelensky says that Russia plans to use tactical nuclear weapons.
Lavrov: … watch the 15-second clip. His answer is precious. :D
I honestly don’t understand why everyone thinks that Russians want this to end as fast as possible.
I understand the western propaganda outlets that set the target date to be the 9th of May, which is unreasonable short timeframe for this scale of conflict. Once the imagined deadline is exceeded they can proclaim “Russian defeat”.
In reality this is a battle for Ukraine and the longer it lasts – the more fighters the United West will have to send over there to be destroyed along with equipment, weapons, instructors and so on.
This is a repetition of Syria where the Russians will bleed nazis out, just like they did with takfiris.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but Russians took half a decade to eradicate muslim version of nazis in far less complex conditions.
Furthermore the longer this conflict lasts the longer sanctions placed upon themselves by the West will last. Why should Russians stop their enemies from shooting their own feet over and over again?
As for civilians, I estimate that between 25%-50% of pre-war population will remain living there after the fighting ends. The rest would ideally go to Russia to curb demographic decline. After the conflict it will be cheaper to rebuild for less people than for more people.
What I am more interested to know is the possibility of that western elites are deliberately crashing western economies. They destroyed the dollar and we can expect more nails in that coffin to come.
Why are they doing all this?
..are deliberately crashing western economies. They destroyed the dollar and we can expect more nails in that coffin to come. Why are they doing all this?
I believe not..just lost control, 30T$ -, a quadrillion in paper derivatives. Desperate to save the $.. by crashing gold and silver as hard as poss. till that fails, within maybe weeks. They usually go to war over the $, this time.. not quite. MGuire on Kinesis is a good source. Now ep.69.
” the outcome will be determined not by maneuver like during the first phase, but by logistics, specifically fuel and ammunition, in other words by mobility and firepower.”
of course. but also morale. the only people russian military are talking to is other military people. they know it’s game over short of kinetic NATO intervention.
“Russia has been singled out for “cancellation” and we don’t want to be canceled.”
Ok, I have a question – how exactly you can “cancel” Russia? The landmass is there and it’s not going anywhere. The people are there and they’re going anywhere anytime soon. The country is there, and if the history is any indication, it’ll be there for foreseeable future – a much better startegists that the idiots in the Pentagon and Brussels have tried in the past and failed.
So, how one is going to cancel Russia? May be blocking info coming from Russia? If this is the case, such action is pretty much meaningless – it’s like living in denial like ostrich putting its head in the sand, pretending that the danger doesn’t exist (but such action doesn’t prevent the danger – a hungly lion, for example – to take out the ostrich). And no matter how much you pretend that the objective facts don’t exist, the reality, eventually, comes crashing on your head, with vengeance.
I liked the phrase of one blogger: “Offline has become a privilege. Online has become a punishment.” They are probably trying to “cancel” Russia in the minds of online sufferers who cannot afford such a luxury as offline.
“If we can dream it, we can do it”. Done!
05.02.1997 George F. Kennan “A Fateful Error” The New York Times
“The view, bluntly stated, is that expanding NATO would be the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-cold-war era”.
06.04.2022 Robert Kagan “The Price of Hegemony” Foreign Affairs
“Although it is obscene to blame the United States for Putin’s inhumane attack on Ukraine, to insist that the invasion was entirely unprovoked is misleading. Just as Pearl Harbor was the consequence of U.S. efforts to blunt Japanese expansion on the Asian mainland, and just as the 9/11 attacks were partly a response to the United States’ dominant presence in the Middle East after the first Gulf War, so Russian decisions have been a response to the expanding post–Cold War hegemony of the United States and its allies in Europe”.
But despite this recognition, the US leadership does not conclude that negotiations are necessary to establish peace and defuse international tensions.
Robert Kagan falsely and unsubstantiated accuses Russia of imperial ambitions and aggressive intentions when he writes further: “The United States is therefore an imposing obstacle to a Russia seeking to regain its lost influence”.
Robert Kagan declares the ordinary and natural desire of the Russian leadership to ensure the security of its country as “ambitions” – that’s where the demagogic defect of the article is.
The journalist considers a possible provocation with the use of nuclear weapons in the accumulation of troops in the Donbas –
”…the 9/11 attacks were partly a response to the United States’ dominant presence in the Middle East …” How so Kagan.. didn’t you hear a little birdie tweet.. that an Arab in an Afghan cave shut down the 1/2T$ US air defenses with his laptop, then had one of his 22 his L Pilots, this one couldn’t solo a Cessna172 with 600 logged hours, fly a hologram, at the impossible ground level speed of 580mph, right through a Twin Tower, and ‘crush’ it so well, that the remains could be removed overnight in 4 hours, instead of taking 4 years. That being.. Millions of tons of twisted steel girders, glass, concrete, air con machines and ducts, plumbing and sanitary ware, wiring and emergency genes, office equipment,, and 3000 HUMANS.. that in 2 100M high mounds.. (physics), not forgetting, the 2 remaining central cores, 417M high(!)! as the floors had ‘pancaked’, according to NIS. Search
In addition, Robert Kagan writes about the “inhuman attack”, that is, he appeals to the emotions of the reader, and not to his mind. This is the style of propagandists, not international analysts. Yes, after 9/11 and other antics, you can expect anything from these villains. It remains to be hoped that the Russian special services will prevent a possible infernal provocation in Ukraine.
911 is beyond human, Thomas Turk (without ignoring the humans involved). The whole thing, not just the details you cited, are beyond any human agenda. The following one must be the baddest detail and the proof of this point. It’s the first story in the book. “Women At Ground Zero” (313 pages) by Susan Hagen and Mary Carouba, published in 2002:
“We ran up the road, and as I looked up, I saw the first plane half in, half out of the North Tower. I only saw the back end of the plane, the tail end of it. The nose was buried in the building. I thought I was in a dream. There was debris everywhere. I grabbed my radio and confirmed, ‘A plane has hit the World Trade Center.'” (Page 4.)
Here is a complete archive of nuclear 9-11.
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Take any further discussion on this matter to the MFC.
Thank you, the Mod.