by Emmet Sweeney for the Saker blog
The war currently underway in Ukraine, which pits Ukraine as a proxy for the collective West against Russia, is primarily an ideological or religious one, with Russia representing what is left of Christian Europe, and “the West” representing a totalitarian ideology that abhors religion in general and Christianity in particular. This statement may sound strange, given the fact that some Westerners – though fewer every day – still see “the West,” (basically Europe and North America) as Christian, and Russia as Communist, or crypto-Communist. But this is no longer the case, and has not been for some considerable time. In fact, the thirty years that have passed since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Soviet Union, has seen a complete reversal of roles; the collective West is now a totalitarian and aggressively anti-religious power-block that seeks to export its anti-Christian and anti-human ideology onto the rest of the world. And Russia is loathed by the West’s ruling elite precisely because it has resisted this process and moreover has gone in the opposite direction: having once been an active proponent of “scientific materialism” and atheism, Russia has reverted to its Orthodox Christian roots and has rolled back the more pernicious policies and attitudes of the Soviet era.
In order to demonstrate the truth of this, we need to look at the history of Russia and its interaction with the West since the early 1990s.
By 1991, when the Soviet Union was officially abolished, it was clear that the West had won the Cold War. Russia itself, under its new president Boris Yeltsin, openly proclaimed the end of all hostilities. Russia’s satellites in Eastern Europe were permitted to go their own way, and autonomous republics within the Soviet Union were allowed to declare themselves independent countries. The old Soviet system of state ownership was officially abolished, and almost everything was privatised. The press and media in general were freed of all censorship and could now say whatever they wanted. Russia under Yeltsin reached out the hand of friendship to the West – a gesture that was not reciprocated and ultimately snubbed by the West.
The euphoria of 1991 soon gave way and the1990s turned out to be a catastrophic decade for Russia and her people. First and foremost, the policy of privatisation turned out to be disastrous. A law was passed which forbade foreigners from buying Russian utilities and industries; only Russians could do so. Unfortunately, nobody in Russia, hitherto a Communist country, had any money. However, certain groups within the country – mainly ethnic Jews – had important and wealthy connections abroad. These arranged to have funds sent into Russia for the purpose of purchasing the country’s state-owned industries. Desperate for any dollars and euros it could lay its hands on, the Yeltsin administration sold these industries for a tiny fraction of their true value. (Russia’s natural resources alone make it potentially one of the wealthiest countries on the planet). The buyers of said industries became the notorious “oligarchs,” who systematically plundered the country for almost ten years, in what has been described as the biggest act of looting in history. Rather than plow some of the profits back into the businesses, the oligarchs exported almost all of them, impoverishing both their employees and the country in general. The result was that large segments of the population began to experience severe hardship. Many came close to starvation and many died of hypothermia during the bitter Russian winters. Some state employees were paid in cabbages, and it is estimated that Russia suffered over five million excess deaths between 1991 and 2000. The majority of these were caused by simple diseases such as influenza, which developed into pneumonia for want of funds to buy an antibiotic. But deaths from all causes, including murder, suicide, alcoholism, and drug addiction, rocketed. Russia was a country falling apart, and the population began to plummet.
During this time, a Chechen independence movement, spurred on by funds from Saudi Arabia and (allegedly) the West, launched a violent campaign against the Russian authorities. A savage war followed, which claimed tens of thousands of lives, and eventually resulted in 1997 in Yeltsin’s recognition of a semi-independent Chechnya. Independence movements began to appear in other autnomous regions and it was clear that Russia itself stood on the verge of disintegration.
During all of this, the attitude of the West, or of those who control the West, was striking. Western media, by that time in the hands of a few mega-corporations, was almost gleeful in its reporting of Russia’s trauma. In their suffering, the Russian people became the butt of the West’s shadenfreude. And it should be borne in mind that it was precisely in the 1990s that American corporations commenced massive “outsourcing” of their industries to other, and less expensive, locations. Entire factories, together with their machinery and technology, were exported en masse, primarily to China. Almost nothing went to Russia. This in spite of the fact that China continued to be a Communist and indeed totalitarian country. Not even the massacre of Tiananmen Square (1989) and the subsequent brutal repression could halt the American plutocracy’s enthusiasm for exporting work and business. So Russia, which had held out the hand of friendship to the West, and had permitted the subjugated peoples to go free, continued to be treated as an enemy, and was effectively plundered by Western interests, whereas China, which did no such thing, was now treated as a favored trading and business partner. How to explain such an astonishing disparity?
There seems to be no logical explanation other than to assume an underlying cultural/religious antipathy towards Russia and her people on the part of a very large segment of the West’s ruling plutocracy. I suggest that this is the case, and it is Russia’s religion that is at the root of it.
During the Communist era, Christianity was suppressed in Russia and throughout the Soviet block. At its worst, under Lenin and Stalin, the Communist regime massacred millions of Christians. Victims were mainly Orthodox, but Christians of every denomination suffered. Even after the death of Stalin and into the 1980s religion continued to be persecuted. All children were required to attend lessons in atheism, during which Christianity and religious faith in general was mocked. By the end of Communism, the Orthodox Church was a small remnant of its former self under the Tsars, but that soon began to change. Hardship birthed a spiritual revival; by the mid-1990s the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as other branches of Christianity, began to experience noticeable growth. It was not however until the first decade of the twenty-first century, and the presidency of Vladimir Putin, that this movement became really significant.
Putin had occupied a senior position in the Yeltsin administration, and he was no doubt viewed by the oligarchs, at that time the real rulers of Russia, as a safe pair of hands who could be relied upon to continue the policies which had allowed them to plunder the country for almost a decade. He was appointed Prime Minister on 9th August 1999 and, just four months later, in December, acting President of Russia, following the unexpected resignation of Boris Yeltsin. A presidential election on 20th March 2000 was easily won by Putin with 53% of the votes. One reason for Putin’s popularity was that he was seen as a strong leader during the Second Chechen War, which commenced on 7th August 1999, just two days before his appointment as Prime Minister. The war ended in April 2000, with Chechnya again part of the Russian Federation, a victory which enhanced Putin’s reputation as a strongman, willing and able to restore stability and enforce the law.
Over the next five years, Putin showed that the ruling plutocrats were very much deceived had they imagined him to be under their control and part of their team. On the contrary, the new president set about breaking their power. The next decade witenessed a series of legal cases and trials which left some of the oligarchs in prison and others forced to pay substantial compensation. Others, arguably the most criminal, fled the country and their assets were confiscated. The breaking of the oligarchs’ power, together with that of the “Russian mafia” which enforced their corrupt rule, began to restore some form of normality.
In parellel with his economic reforms, Putin oversaw a revival of the Russian Orthodox faith. In an act heavy with symbolic import, he made a visit to the great Orthodox monastic settlement of Mount Athos in Greece in 2001, just one year into his presidency. Although this attempt had to be aborted owing to a storm which grounded his helicopter, and a second attempt in 2004 similarly shelved when he had to return to Russia to deal with the Beslan School siege, he finally made it to the Holy Mountain in 2005. There he established a bond with the monks that transformed their community and impacted the lives of ordinary Russians. A major program of church-construction commenced, and the numbers attending church began to grow. Putin made it clear that he regarded Orthodoxy as Russia’s national religion and the Church was accorded a favored legal position. And such symbolic gestures were backed by new legislation which began to transform Russian society: the country’s abortion laws, hitherto some of the most liberal in the world, were tightened. In October 2011, the Russian Parliament passed a law restricting abortion to the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, with an exception up to 22 weeks if the pregnancy was the result of rape. The new law also made mandatory a waiting period of two to seven days before an abortion could be performed, to allow the woman to “reconsider her decision.”
During this period, the portrayal of Russia in the Western media moved from one of condescension to outright hostility. As early as 2005, scholars Ira Straus and Edward Lozansky remarked upon a pronounced negative coverage of Russia in the US media, contrasting negative media sentiment with largely positive sentiment of the American public and US government. As Russia displayed increasing signs of a Christian revival, so the media reporting in the West became increasingly hostile. Only rarely however did journalists openly attack Russia for its “Christianization”; normally, columnists, conscious of the fact that large numbers of people in the West continued to describe themselves as Christian, portrayed their anti-Russian commentary as a result of Russia’s “aggression,” “corruption,” or “lack of democracy.” All that however changed with the new abortion law of 2011. Now the attacks against Russia became explicitly ideological. The Russians, we were told, were oppressing women and turning their backs on “progress.”
It was not until 2013 however that the anti-Russian rhetoric went hyperbolic. In that year, the Russian parliament passed its so-called “Gay Propaganada” law. The bill, described as “Protecting Children from Information harmful to their Health and Development,” explicitly banned Gay Pride parades, as well as other forms of LGBT material, such as books and pamphlets, which attempted to normalize homosexuality and to influence children in their attitudes to homosexuality. In actual fact, since around 2006 many districts in Russia had been imposing their own local bans on such material, though these rules had no power outside their own jurisdiction. The bill, which was signed into law by Putin on June 30 2013, was extremely popular, and passed through the Russian Parliament unanimously, with just one abstention. But the impact upon the Western nomenklatura who form the gatekeepers of acceptable opinion, was immediate. Almost unanimously, Western media outlets now began to compare Putin with Adolf Hitler; he was a “thug,” a “fascist,” a “murderer.” Between bouts of seething rage, he became the butt of scathing satire. He was cast in the role of a caricature James Bond villain, routinely murdering and torturing those he held a grudge against. There is even evidence, admittedly somewhat circumstantial, that Western Intelligence bodies, such as the CIA and MI5, became actively involved in anti-Russian propaganda.
The effect of this deluge of demonization upon ordinary Westerners soon began to show: Whereas in 2006 only 1% of Americans listed Russia as “America’s worst enemy” by 2019 32% of Americans, including 44% of Democrat voters, shared this view. Only 28% of Republicans however agreed; a remarkable reversal of opinion. During the Cold War, Republican voters, traditionally the more religious and nationalistic element of the American political divide, viewed the Russians as the major threat; now it was the less or non-religious (and more pro-LGBT) Democrats who held this opinion.
But the Western elites did not confine its efforts to irate editorials in the London Times or the Washington Post: Economic sanctions now began to be discussed. There were immediate calls to boycott the Winter Olympics, held in February 2014 in Sochi, Russia. Whilst the call to boycott was generally resisted by athletes, many Western politicians refused to attend, and the Russophobic temperature in the Western media ratcheted up. And things were about to get much worse.
In 2010 Viktor Yanukovych, a native of Russian-speaking Donetsk, was elected President of Ukraine, defeating Prime Minister Yuliya Tymoshenko, in what was judged by international observers to be a free and fair election. In November 2013 Yanukovych delayed signing a pending European Union association agreement, on the grounds that his government wished to maintain economic ties with Russia, as well as with the European Union. Russia had in fact offered a more favorable loan bailout than the European Union was prepared to offer. This led to protests and the occupation of Kiev’s Independence Square, a series of events dubbed the “the Euromaidan” by those in favor of aligning Ukraine with the European Union. Whilst at times it looked as if the protests would fizzle out, there is no question that almost from the beginning there was a concerted effort on the part of Western politicians to keep them going. Beginning early in December, several politicians from Berlin and Brussels paid “morale-boosting” trips to the square, and these were followed, on December 15, by the arrival of American Senators John McCain and Chris Murphy. To the assembled crowds, McCain announced that “we are here to support your just cause.” The Russians, for their part, condemned America’s “crude meddling” in Ukraine’s affairs.
Victoria Nuland, at that time Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs in the Obama administration, arrived in Ukraine shortly afterwards, and immediately set about fanning the flames of an already volatile situation. In speech after speech she promised the protestors and rioters that America was behind them. The result was the by early February 2014 Ukraine appeared to be on the brink of civil war; violent clashes between anti-government protestors and police left many dead and injured. Fearing for his life, on February 21 Yanukovych fled the capital, initially travelling to Crimea and ultimately to Russia. A new interim government, handpicked by Nuland, and virulently anti-Russian, was immediately installed in Kiev.
When considering the actions of America and the collective West at this time we have to remember that Ukraine was and is a deeply divided society. Half the country, roughly the north and west, regards itself as Ukrainian and is historically antagonistic towards Russia. The other half, predominantly the south and east, is pro-Russian and views itself as simultaneously Ukrainian and Russian. A glance at the electoral map of the country demonstrates this division in a most graphic way, for it was the Russian part of the country, the south and east, which overwhelmingly put Yanukovych into power. In supporting a violent overthrow of the latter, the American government quite deliberately threw its weight behind the anti-Russian half of the population. And it is impossible to believe that the political elite in Washington did not understand what they were doing. They had to have known that they were making civil strife – if not outright civil war – an absolute certainty.
The civil strife was not long in coming. As the anti-government mobs in Kiev were in the process of throwing out Yanukovych, major protests against the coup began to occur in the south and east. Crimea, which was overwhelmingly Russian and had only been transferred to the jurisdiction of Kiev in 1954 by Khruschev, held a referendum, resulting in a 97% vote for reunion with Russia. Putin, infuriated by American actions in Kiev, accepted the result of the vote, and formally announced the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation. Simultaneous with this, cities and towns throughout the south and east of the country, saw massive “anti-Maidan” protests, with many people calling for secession from Ukraine and union with Russia. The new Washington-appointed regime in Kiev reacted with force. Forty-seven pro-Russian demonstrators in Odessa were besieged in the city’s Trade Union building and burned to death by a Neo-Nazi mob. Seeing the way things were going, the ethnically-Russian provinces (“Oblasts”) of Lugansk and Donetsk declared independence and prepared to defend themselves. This quickly escalated into full-scale war, and over the next two years or so around 14,000 people, mainly ethnic Russian civilians, died, as the Kiev government fought to return the two provinces to Ukraine.
The fighting in Lugansk and Donetsk (the “Donbas”) de-escalated after the signing of the so-called Minsk 2 Accord in 2015. This deal, brokered by Russia, the US and the UN, provided for a degree of autonomy for the two breakaway provinces, as well as recognition and respect for their Russian language and culture. The deal also called for the immediate halting of all military action.
Had the Minsk agreement been fully implemented, it is quite possible that all hostilities would have ended, but this was never the case. The new government in Kiev, which from May 2014 was headed by Petro Poroshenko, made no attempt whatsoever to abide by the Accord’s provisions. On the contrary, the Russian language, hitherto one of the official languages of Ukraine, was demoted, and Russian culture in general denigrated. Even worse, none of those who had committed murder in Odessa and elsewhere were brought to justice, and the Neo-Nazi militias responsible for these atrocities were actually integrated into the Ukrainian army. Worst of all, sporadic shelling of civilian targets in Lugansk and Donetsk continued – for the next six years.
To repeat; the collective “West” could not have been unaware of the dangers of its interference in the affairs of Ukraine. This was a deeply divided country; to intervene on behalf of one section of the country at the expense of the other could not fail to deepen divisions and ultimately cause the disintegration of the state. That the West took the side of the anti-Russian half of the population was entirely in harmony with the increasingly hysterical tone of anti-Russian rhetoric in the Western media in the years leading up to the Maidan Revolution. And we can take with a pinch of salt the idea that Nuland and the Obama Adminstration was concerned with “corruption” in the Yanukovych regime: America is and always has been on very friendly terms with governments far more corrupt, violent and totalitarian than that of Yanukovych.
I would suggest that the real reason, or certainly an extremely important though unspoken reason, for Nuland’s mission was that Yanukovych’s pivot towards Russia was seen by the “woke” establishment in Washington as a sign that Ukraine would follow Russia into adopting an increasingly Christian-friendly social culture; one that the “liberals” and “progressives” in Washington despised. We should note too that one of Poroshenko’s first actions as President of Ukraine was to provide openings for George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, and to simultaneously support the establishment of LGBT input into the educational system. Gay “Pide” parades became a regular feature of life in Kiev where, though distinctly unpopular with the great majority of the population, they received massive support and protection from the security forces.
Emmet Sweeney is the author of several works dealing with problems in the history of the ancient Near East.
This should be a front page story in every western newspaper. Fabulous job in bringing this story together so all readers get the true picture of the Ukraine/Russia relationship.
Indeed, it is a very good article. Too long for the majority of the westerners who can only read a few short sentences in Meta; but it would teach them something if they read it… Emmet Sweeney did a good job.
This is a fantastic read. As a westerner that read the whole thing, it was captivating. It is a shame that I am in the minority who would actually read it in entirety, but better yet have an open mind and comprehend it. When I read the 4th paragraph, it instantly struck me that the US is headed down the path that Russia has overcome.
US headed down the path of former USSR…yes, thanks to the communist Khazaarian bankers.
The war was from the beginning a religious one, now it’s mostly ideological, and economical.
The schismatic west, catholic church foremost, with it’s rabid proselytism, created a millennium of hatred, and religious wars. The fourth crusade, and sacking of Constantinople, are emblematic. The polacks, as catholicized slavs were at the forefront of the war against the third Rome.
Galicia, a polish province, later taken over by the Habsburgs (a remnant of the Holy Roman Empire) spawned a rabid fanatic hatred for everything orthodox, and not only. The same situation can be found on the border between orthodox, and catholic regions from Poland/Lithuania in the north to Croatia in the south, with the massacres of orthodox’ rumanians by catholic hungarians, or serbs by croatians in the second WW. The catholic galitians even killed a hundred thousand catholic poles in Volhynia, and Galicia. This is the background on which the current conflict in Ukraine was nurtured.
Ukraine is a patchwork of regions taken from neighboring countries, and has a mixture of different ethnicities, where conflict based on hatred can easily be whipped up.
removed, not pertinent … mod
Very good summary of recent history. I do, however, disagree with the author’s assertion that the primary motivation behind US multinationals to develop China rather than Russia was ideological or religious, although it certainly could have been a secondary motive and it is quite obvious to all informed persons that Western elites have vigorously pursued an ideological war against Russia’s ongoing recovery and defence of Christian morality.
I would assert that the primary motive of the bankers and elites was that, at that time, they considered Russia to be already conquered territory and that, based on the age and inefficiency of the US domestic industrial base, a timely opportunity presented itself to twist China to the capitalist side of the materialist dichotomy in the expectation of control of China and dependence upon the West. Time has shown that the Western elites were wrong on both points.
I agree in part with what you have expressed here. However, the world is a battlefield between good and evil. Nations will come against nations, kingdoms against kingdoms until the time appointed by an Almighty God. We only need to read the first two chapters of Job to understand whose in charge, and the last chapter see his mercy. Yes May God have mercy on Mr. Putin for he appears to be the hammer of the Lord in this. There is a heaven and a hell, there is one God Jesus Christ and two religions for mankind from the garden of Eden to eternity. Mankind can follow Jesus Christ or follow the Devil. Jesus commanded to love one another, to love your enemies, to do justly, and to love mercy, and walk humbly with the lord. Those that rape, rob, and steal, make war and kill and murder are not following God (Jesus Christ) for that is not love. Love suffers long and is helpful, lifts not up one’s self, but lifts up their neighbor….Remember Mr. Putin didn’t start this conflict the Western nations did. Russia went to battle to protect the Russians.
«the world is a battlefield between good and evil»
But, then, there starts a battlefield between our neurons and synapses where the victory of one faction (of neurons & synapses) will decide what / who is on good / evil ‘s side. Battle out, battle in.
«Nations will come against nations, kingdoms against kingdoms until the time appointed by an Almighty God.»
Pity that we weren’t told the exact date & time of that. Looking forward.
«Yes May God have mercy on Mr. Putin for he appears to be the hammer of the Lord in this.»
And all of the FSB — of course. :)
«Mankind can follow Jesus Christ or follow the Devil.»
But, again, how can poor people recognize who’s who when MSM dresses the one as it was the other? — This is an important question to think upon, especially for good willing believers.
«Jesus commanded to love one another, to love your enemies, ….»
But if his Father made us in a way we do not obey his son. This paradox was torturing my mind for many years.
«Jesus commanded to love one another, to love your enemies, to do justly, and to love mercy, and walk humbly with the lord.»
«Russia went to battle to protect the Russians.»
If it is so, it means that they do not wait for the Mighty to punish the evil that were persecuting Russians. Rightly they can’t obey Jesus about loving their enemies.
Thank you ciccio bello,
Yes we are made in Gods image and the scripture tells us God is love. However, we have been giving the opportunity to choose our destiny. God Almighty gave us the ability of choice ie., choose life eternal and live with Him for eternity, or choose evil and suffer with the devil for eternity. The battlefield is earth and Jesus is the mighty warrior that has saved us, but it’s our choice.
100 percent correct ! There are actually many people alive on the earth that don’t believe there is a life after our death in the flesh down here. Where we will spend it is predicated upon the decisions we make in this life. Eternity in heaven with our creator, or cast away from Him for eternity in Hades.
Another misconception many people who claim to be Christians suffer under is they believe God Almighty is ‘religious’. He’s not ‘religious’ rather He’s ‘faithful’. If you do things simply by mindset, people say you do them ‘religiously’. God wants your heart ! Give Him your heart and your mind will follow ! God said of King David, ” I have found a man after my own heart” ! Jesus said many would say to Him in that day(of the Judgement) but we did this in your name or that in your name, and He said “then will I profess unto them I never knew you: depart from me ye that work iniquity” (Matthew 7:23)
He wants us to develop a ‘heart to heart’ relationship with Him. When Jesus was being crucified on the cross and He gave up the ghost, the veil in the Temple that separated where the congregation had to stay from where only the High Priest could go behind and communicate with God on their behalf was miraculously torn in half (Matthew 27:51, Mark 15:38, Luke 23:45). This was done by God to open the way to go to God directly with our prayers and petitions.
There were many examples in both OT & NT where our brothers and sisters didn’t follow exactly the “letter of the law” but they were forgiven by God because their heart was ‘right’ with Him. (for example David eating the ‘shew bread’ in the temple when he and his men were hungry which was not lawful for him to do). The Lord Jesus Christ came here partly to teach us how to focus on the spirit of the law rather than the letter of it. This is a heart issue , and we do it in faith, thus emulating our Heavenly Father who is ‘faithful’.
Jesus commanded individuals to love their enemies, while he reminded us in Romans 13 that Kings fight evil with a sword. There is the difference.
The world is a battlefield between good and evil. But since the Incarnation of the Logos, Christ the Son of God, it became a battlefield between Christians and Anti-Christians from day one of the Church. The Apostle John, ‘the disciple that Jesus loved’ gave a stark warning: ” Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things”.
And who is the Anti-Christ? ”I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth. Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father. And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life”.
Thank you seraphim,
Now we know who the real enemy is. As the Apostle Paul tells us, .. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
We should always like St Paul ”thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled him, for that he counted me faithful, putting him into the ministry”.
Hasn’t he talked the same as St. John?
”Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 13 But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth”.
I am afraid that great write up has been soured up with “there is heaven and there is hell”. Suffering is felt, ecstasy is felt. They are real. But heaven and hell are just imagined worlds. Freedom from these fevered worlds brings calmness rooted in universal consciousness.
The universe and it’s consciousness will not place you in heaven for eternity. Recognizing the inherent sinful nature of the flesh, repenting of the personal individual aspects of it, and trusting and asking Jesus Christ to forgive us for our sins will.
The only one who can satisfy the human heart is the one who made it. God is real. Evolution has been proven wrong in so many ways by both pro-God, and anti-God scientists and others. If we evolved from tadpoles who crawled up onto land, grew legs and feet, and then progressed on to higher forms of animal life, why are their still tadpoles in existence ?
There’s a fork in the road we all come to while transiting through this life. Only one fork with two choices. The only opportunity you have to choose one or the other is while you’re body down here still draws breath.
To quote the back of the ‘Hellfighters’ Biker Club free new testament handout from the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally years ago,
“Heaven’s Sweet, Hell’s Hot, you’re going to one, ready or not”.
This offer expires when you do. I counsel careful deliberation, in Christian love.
Ciara, shipping off 95% of America’s industrial base was due to nothing but sheer greed and antipathy toward the American public for being? mostly Christian
I would argue that yes, the liberal elites did offshore the U.S. manufacturing base because of religion. One fact that’s not really emphasized on this site is that American elites hate and despise the American core people, and perhaps THE reason is Christianity. China was seen as ideal not just because it has a poor but intelligent and competent population that could serve as a gigantic cheap labor force, but most certainly also because it is not Christian and, at least then, was definitely a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist state.
I would even argue that the American economy is being deliberately destroyed by the elites now because the American population is becoming more and more restless and uncontrollable, and they’re gambling on enough of us being too naive to their machinations and continuing to vote Democrat. (Which in turn would be the reason for the ridiculous dumbing-down of the school system into low-IQ woke indoctrination camps.)
The elites’ plan is to make American poor and loot it basically like Russia was in the 1990s. After four years of Trump, the Biden coup was orchestrated, I believe, in order to do exactly this. And if the U.S. acts so odious to Russia that Russia turns the U.S. into a glass parking lot, that’s only a bonus in the elites’ demented minds. Americans won’t be contributing to global warming then!
Incidentally, I don’t think the rest of the combined West was targeted for impoverishment in the same manner, I presume because countries like Britain, Canada, and Germany are so hopelessly woke that they’re seen by the elites as “safe”. The issues with gas imports caused by the sanctions on Russia wouldn’t have happened if Russia hadn’t attacked Ukraine, after all. Wink wink.
May God protect Putin and give him power to control global law and order, the world will surely become a more peacefull and fair world.
No, I don’t buy the sweeping assertions. First, the West begins somewhere off the coast of Ireland; note too, the Greenwich meridian passes through Greenwich not Moscow. Secondly, the Anglo-Zionist elites are not the same as the populations they cunningly repress. Thirdly, sane people reject the false dichotomy set up here: religion vs ideology, in the sense used here, are simply sticks to beat your opponent. The jejeunery would be risible if it weren’t such a serious matter. Understand this, the sins of both demand bloody retribution, but to pose one evil against another is morally reprehensible. Check the beam in your own eye, sunshine.
Check the beam in your own eye, sunshine.
Drop that snarky tone or be banned.
“…but to pose one evil against another is morally reprehensible.”
Speaking of hypocrisy… check the bombing at Yelenovka. The “West” did not disguise their ulterior motives there. Why?
Apparently, some nazi prisoners (possibly some HVT’s too) decided to trade their lives, do the right thing, and turn incriminating evidence on their nazi employer.
Evil testifying against evil.
Does that scare you?
This is so funny and self-reassuring one is not (entirely) mad.
I just posted the core though of this article to the other article comments:
And now I open this one and can read my own thoughts from the pen of Mr. Sweeney.
Well written Sir!
A very good summation that´ll be my “5 minute introduction” to any that are willing to spend those minutes learning the truth instead of “their truth”.
Well done, Mr. Sweeney
“Not even the massacre of Tiananmen Square (1989) and the subsequent brutal repression could halt the American plutocracy’s enthusiasm for exporting work and business.”
The so called massacre was a fairy tale. Dmitry Orlov explains this very well in one of his books.
By the way, I have been in Tiananmen Square, if you think there were one million dead corpses lying there (sometimes they say half a million and they keep throwing different numbers) ,like our Western “news agencies” and politicians like to say, I have a nice bridge to sell you.
Here I have to agree with you. Good point!
I take the opportunity to clarify (not found on the internet…) that the oligarchs became such by “buying” the kombinats of Stalinist memory. 268 to be exact, Azovstal was one of them.
Religions are belief systems.
The religion of the west is money (a.k.a. democracy).
Any religion that conflicts with ‘democracy’ for profit (socialism, Islam – where usury is forbidden) is a mortal enemy.
None of the main actors on the west side are Christian, on the contrary. Can only think of one group that would frame it as “oh, look, Christians fighting each other” which is the most ancient of jokes, divide and rule.
Cheers M
There seems to be no logical explanation other than to assume an underlying cultural/religious antipathy towards Russia and her people on the part of a very large segment of the West’s ruling plutocracy… Is what you say after spending a paragraph on Russia’s instability and proposed collapse you ask, why didn’t anyone invest in Russia? China was stable and cheap, every company decides themselves and some companies did invest in Russia. Literally said gave an explanation and then said, no that can’t be it, people just must hate us!
See my other comment.
The Western society of TODAY is one of “One Truth”. And Russia is openly challenging this “Truth”. That is enough.
Sure, there are other reasons, lots of them pragmatic/utilitatarian. But the sheer hate comes from the “One Truth” aspect which is principally irreconcillable with any other. No society structure -built-on- a concept of “One Truth” can /as in is capable to/ ever tollerate some other society openly defying that Truth. It is that simple and that sad at the same time.
This is what connects the societies (civilizations ?) of Rusia, Persia, China and India. They are all old civilizations who came to understand the fallibility of man and the inevitable dead end any One Truth path presents.
From those, the Russians had this experience most recently. So they are the strongest believers in it – most in Russia lived through the proof of that. That is why they are willing to lead the fight. The Chinese, Indians or Persians learned this eons ago. So take it for granted and do not have the drive to fight for this. They also do not comprehend – as in cannot imagine – anything than a plurality of thought on the governance level. So they do not see the totaliarism as such a threat as (todays) Russians who felt it on their owns bodies just a couple decades ago.
All whose majority of stock shares are held by the same group of mutual fund managers (who have the voting proxies, not the fund participants) and ETF managers (slightly different form, same result, the ETF managers hold all of the voting proxies, not the general public who puts money into them).
The dye has finally been cast.
Thank you tons.
God Bless you and your brains for writing the Truth.
Very nicely written, cogent, and accurate as to the central thesis, that anti-Christian animus — mostly of [Ashkenazy] Jewish origin — supports the Russia-hatred.
God has no favorites. He loves all equally.
This direct, simply truth judges statecraft. God loves all equally. Statesmen abide this truth and practice it, or, they are reviled and condemned by their countrymen.
“Entire factories, together with their machinery and technology, were exported en masse, primarily to China. Almost nothing went to Russia. This in spite of the fact that China continued to be a Communist and indeed totalitarian country. Not even the massacre of Tiananmen Square (1989) and the subsequent brutal repression could halt the American plutocracy’s enthusiasm for exporting work and business.”
Sorry, sir, but i cannot consider somebody sticking to the old canard about “the massacre of Tiananmen Square” to be serious.
Please, inform yourself about that botched coup d’état.
Yeah well, I see it as a jews against the rest – conflict.
What nonsense.
Please don’t post that idiot crap here.
Next I will ban you.
don’t bother coming back
It must be remembered that not all Jews are Zionists or Anti-Russian. There does exist an ongoing dispute between Zionists and Non Zionists in the Jewish community.
Excellent review of that period of history, thank you for it.
This is perhaps an oversimplification in some regards. The Western elites are anti-tradition, and given the type of people they support it seems safe to say they embrace a Nazi ideology. This isn’t exclusively a war against Christianity as embodied by Russia, though. Yes, there are elements of the Western elites that have infiltrated and corrupted Islam, Judaism and Christianity from within but those are not representatives of Islam itself or Judaism itself as much as a Christian church that flys a gay pride flag doesn’t represent Christianity. People like Soros and Nuland are representatives of the Western elite Nazis. Every human can choose good or evil, and they choose evil.
It is also a misrepresentation of the Soviet Union to say that only Christianity was illegal. All religion was, and the Jews were persecuted as were anyone expressing any form of religion. The Western Nazi elites want to destroy humanity. Religion elevates humans, so naturally it’s something they want to destroy.
Alas, it is not that simple.
Rabbinical phariseeism (aka modern “Judaism” – conservative, orthodox or Haredim) and Zionism are very toxic and purely racist ideologies. The roots of this evil go at back at least 2000 years.
The west is being victimized by Rabbinical Phariseeism in a same way that the Soviet Union was…
This is exactly right, if people read Israel Shahak’s “Jewish history, Jewish religion”, they will understand that Talmudic (Rabbinical) Judaism, that is called “Judeo-Christian values” in the West, does not represent “Jews” as it of course does not represent Christians either. It is a dominant politicized, ideological supremacist religion, a cult that simply pushed out everything else out of mainstream and does not tolerate ANY challenge: be it Orthodox Christianity, Hellenistic or Reform Judaism. They even recognize only one version of Islam as well: political Islam, Wahhabism. This cult means the belief that human society is inherently hierarchic, some are born to be supermen, some are born to be “Untermenschen” and serfs, or slaves. It means that the world is based on “dominate or be dominated” principle and on the principle “whoever might rise to kill you, rise and kill him first”. This ideology does not recognize truth or justice, only a successful narrative, a battle of image-making, as they call it “shaping the reality”. That is why Zionism is so dangerous, because it seeks to normalize such ideology worldwide, bring back conquest, colonialism, slavery, population replacement, manipulation of the whole peoples. According to this ideology, only those are truly wise who can manipulate the world’s affairs and conditions for their own benefit. Naturally, neither normal Jews (religious or secular) nor Christians do not buy this Iron Age cult of “might is right”. But it became extremely popular nowadays.
Hi great article as a believer born again at 65 a restored Jew Romans 11 the olive tree my wife always asks me how the Jewish people missed Yeshua/Jesus, Isaiah 6 10-13 my prayers for Russia to prevail and we all worship on Shabbat Isaiah 66 it’s a dress rehearsal for when Yeshua touches down on the Mount of Olives
Leviticus 23 just imagine if all believers celebrate the Lord’s Feasts just like Jesus
Soros and Nuland (Nudleman), and the oligarchs and the Bolsheviks of decades past and the bankers who funded both the Bolsheviks AND the Oligarchs are ALL members of which particular ethnic tribe?
The NATO bombing of Serbia and Serbia’s resistance provided impetus for Russia to push back against NATO and the West. Serbia showed that a determined population with a strong moral base can fight a vastly larger enemy. That example helped to launch Russia’s spiritual/economic and cultural renaissance. I hope Russia can help Serbia in its time of need but also understand that Serbia needs to free itself first.
Absolutely , but unfortunately Russia continues to make gaffs even under Putin allowing The Hague Tribunal to be ratified by the UN. The great generals and leadership of Serbia were left out to hang and dry by the traitors. One of those was General Pavkovic who led the Pristina corps in Kosovo and did not cede one inch of territory. General Ratko Mladic with half the army seized 70 percent of Bosnia and Herzegovina protecting the orthodox citizens from massacres from extremist Muslim and Croatian paramilitaries. The Hague Tribunal was a travesty of Justice which Russia shares blame.
I didn’t know that Russia is reversing back to Orthodox Christianity. What I do know is that ‘the west’ is moving away from religion indeed. But the Neocons who run the show from the west don’t bother with any religion as long as they can use anything for their own goals. I think the situation is much more complex. For instance ‘the west’ is not just one entity with one religion or ideology. I wonder if the leaders of Russia are driven by ideology or religion. I guess ideology, which can have a basis in religion(s).
I suspect Mr. Sweeney’s thesis may be an element of the animosity of the West.
I think some of it is also unfortunate habit. Post WWII with the start of the Cold War there was very real animosity going both ways. And there may have been good reason for the animosity going both ways. There was a very real and deadly serious global competition going on.
But along with the stress of the Cold War, there came a strange comfort in it. You knew who your enemy was, or at least was supposed to be. Whole genres of movies, literature, even cartoons were largely centered around this struggle. In a strange way we liked our Soviet enemy because they stayed the same and could be counted upon to give us focus.
With the fall of the Soviet Union everything changed and the basis of so many things was undermined. One big example was NATO. Why continue it? But after so many years how do you dismantle it? But it was not limited to something big like NATO. If the Russians are not our enemy, how do we write a good spy novel? And more seriously how do you know who to spy on and who to protect yourself from espionage? How do you shed the old animosity and perhaps even more shed your old comfortable knowledge of who you needed to fear and who not to fear?
Add to that the fact that few within the West know what was really going on in the Soviet Union and then Russia. Few knew what life in the Soviet Union was really like. Then the struggles and changes that occurred after the fall were and I think still largely are unknown to most Westerners. So while Russia is very different than the Soviet Union, few in the West really know this.
So while I thoroughly agree with Mr. Sweeney and have thought about his thesis and certain other corollaries to this thesis for several years, I think there are other factors involved as well. And perhaps lack of knowledge, habit and comfort are just as powerful factors in this situation as any other.
The Leftwaffe hate Christianity because they find it restrictive, mainly the part about homosexuality and general deviancy !.
Griner & Pussy riot getting jailed, and Richard Fairbrass of the manufactured gay band Right said Fred taking a beating at the gay pride march in St Petersburg made the lgbtq’s heads explode !.
Cyprus/Kypros (my country) was invaded by Nato backed Turks in 1974-occupied and partitioned to this day,my family lost everything, women & children fled, men stayed to fight, my uncle suffered terrible torture and was left to bleed out and die with his severed penis in his mouth-a photo of this horror was published in the Turkish press, and they were gloating and laughing about it… then the Yugoslavian war where Nato aided the jihadis, even shipping in Mujahedeen from Afghanistan to rape , torture and kill Serbians, then onto Kosovo in 99′, Macedonia, Albania & Montenegro- see a pattern here ?.
Thanks to ‘proportional representation’ the U.S senate has 76 chosen ones-who have a Pentagram on their national flag-in their ranks, and they hate us. ☦
The ordinary American has no understanding that President “Putin oversaw a revival of the Russian Orthodox faith.” The ordinary American understands President Putin either to be a “crypto-Communist” dictator, or else to be a Communist dictator who saw the error of Communism, without changing much otherwise. The ordinary American understands Russians to be Atheist.
There is some truth to this. According to the following link, Russia is 41% Orthodox Christians, 6% other Christians, 7% Muslims, 1% Buddhists and 45% “Neopagans, Tengrists, Atheists, Undeclared and Believers, but not adherents of any particular religion”:
Like it or not, Russia is more non-Christian than Christian. Most of the non-Christian element is not a well-defined religion like Islam. It is the amorphous collection of random opinion that you find among the nonbelievers in much of anything.
Embrace any form of democracy, and in the long run you will have Atheism, as the Bible gradually becomes forbidden in school, and drag queen story hour gradually becomes required. To preserve Christianity, a nation needs a Christian king who has enough power to preserve the faith. Among other things, he needs to appoint Christian ministers to head up every public university–men who can make sure that every graduate learns Christian doctrine and Christian morals, along with everything else learned.
The practice of lending at interest creates artificial demand in an economic market. In the real estate market it maximizes the price of real estate and therefore of rent. Applied to corporate takeovers, it maximizes the price of stock and therefore of corporate profit. Thus, lending at interest–usury–maximizes return on capital, while effectively minimizing wages. The taxation of wages is less cunning, but it too minimizes wages, as it “robs him that is hired” (a la Lv 19:13) as much as usury does. Both the wage taxation of the Socialist and the usury of the Capitalist exploit the working class–concentrating wealth from the many to the few. Christianity has the solution.
You are conflating culture and religion. You are also assuming all religions in Russia have an importance relative to its numerical value AS PRESENTED BY WIKIPEDIA.
So, sorry, but you are wrong.
Doesn’t religion shape culture ?
Perhaps I am too optimistic but I believe the condition of Christianity world wide is better than both Christians and non-Christians believe.
In the West, we thought Christianity in Russia and China were both dead due to government persecution. It would seem in Russia, Christianity outlasted the former government and in China thrives despite the government. In the West we think Christianity is fading due to debauchery and ease. Yet I can walk you into numerous Protestant, Catholic or Orthodox churches full of people who know Jesus. And despite what they say about Europe, I have first person accounts of full churches there. Years ago I was in Tiajuana of all places on a Sunday, and walked by a big church where people were standing outside listening to the service over loudspeakers because they physically could not get any more people in the church. I hear incredible stories regarding Africa as well.
God is not and will not be thwarted.
What about all the people in the world that are non Christian, they don’t count?
‘The myth that 80-90 percent of Russia’s population is Orthodox is just one aspect of the generally superficial view of religious processes here. By our calculations, the number of Orthodox Christians in Russia is half that — 40 percent on average, in different regions of Russia. And of those, only 5 percent said they were parishioners in a specific parish and went regularly to church. These findings in no way diminish Orthodoxy’s role in Russia, they simply give one a real idea of the size and nature of the congregation of the Russian Orthodox Church.’ (Roman Lunkin. Russian Academy of Sciences).
‘Orthodoxy’s role in Russia’ is actually 90%, and despite the destruction of communism Russians have retained 90% of their traditional spiritual values. The figures and charts can be quite deceptive, for example Russian maps show huge swathes of territory belonging to indigenous religions, which in reality are just a few thousand reindeer herders.
In my view the other Russian religions should have been given some brief mention in this article ‘…the Communist regime massacred millions of Christians. Victims were mainly Orthodox, but Christians of every denomination suffered…’ The priests, monks, imams, shamans and rabbis of every Russian faith suffered.
Biggest Russia haters in west are now Cultural Marxists, call them Fake Left. They had been for years. What really has changed during this year is the split inside western populists. One part vicious Russia haters, the other more aware how this anti Russia hatred is actually destroying western societies. Very few people, i’d say hardly even 2%, have clue what really is happening.
Applying the Occam’s Razor, when we analyze on math, science, economics, fighting for resources, we arrive have to eliminate from our considerations / reasoning non pertinent factors like God. The fighting / wars, for resources and / or for instinctive spreading of genes, was going on since the dawn of time, regardless of beliefs and / or membership (infra-tribe, or civil wars later). West was allied with Ottomans to limit the Russian expansion. URSS was allied with US to limit the German expansion. Nowadays Russia is allied with not-Christian China to limit the West’s expansion.
So, not only nothing to do with religion, but I see these thesis as a precedent to bring into consideration the usual misleading and chaotic anarchism of thought that generates confusion that are detrimental to our cognitive capacity in the long term.
Excellent article. Many times over last eight years I have thought the same thing, that USA and USSR have traded places. 26 years ago in a church in San Diego The minister gave a speech saying in California Christens were in the same position as first 3 century Christians were, minorities in a Pagan society.
As far as investing, 90s Russia had two big problems compared wuth China.The high crime and power of the Russian mafia made it unattractive. Also all the Oil and gas. When you have high energy prices the Ruble goes up and the Yuan down, so better to put your factory in China than Russia.
iIn 2012 an opinion poll had only 10% of Americans with a negative attitude towards Russia. Since 2013 the nonstop anti-Russian propaganda and all the false flag anf provocations have had an impact.
«Yeah well, I see it as a jews against the rest – conflict.»
This one, written by “buratino”, is a usual rhetorical trick that aims to shift the discussion from articulated to hysterical (blaming and counter-blaming) one.
Hoping that people read, I try to transcript a very nice sketch
A man gets hit by a car. The driver of the car gets out and say “It’s nothing. Marginal”. The other protests “How dare you say marginal. You broke my leg.”. Then the driver starts “Ah, so? So you want the communism back? You didn’t have enough of Stalin, of gulags”. The poor man “What does that matter?”. Then the driver again “What about Tienanmen? Then you want Tienanmen here?”. And goes on this way. Exhausted the poor man says “Ok ok. Just go away please.”. The driver going away says whispering “This trick does it all the time”.
What the purpose of electing religious divisions as the main reason for social conflicts and wars? Can people from different religious orientation fight together the international financial and political power? Or are we postponning the day when religious differences disappears (all the people in all the countries in all the world becoming christians, or all muslims, or all hindus) to start a successeful fight?
I have to say another most excellent article. Seriously well written, organized, and easy to read. And most of all it’s accurate, true, right on point. I don’t know how anyone can claim the United States of America is a Christian country. And even Christian that claim they’re of the faith, at least the ones I know, I honestly don’t know how they claim to be Christians while refusing to recognize just what the article states. It ,makes me so angry hear Christians repeat the slanderous comments about President Putin. You tell them about the Christian laws passed in Russia and they act like it’s a lie or most times the shut down stopping the conversation.
Seriously if I were a younger man and not the responsibility I would seek Citizenship in Russia and I would go. I’m no quitter. But at some point you know it’s over. At some point you know it’s time to move on. At some point you just know to let people to themselves.
God I hope and pray whole heartedly Russia and President Putin are the real thing. What I mean I only know from what I read. You know let me correct that. God I hope and pray that You God are with Russia and President Putin, that these times and event, are Your doing, Your will God.
God bless Russia, President Putin, and all God fearing people everywhere. There’s still hope.
I believe there is some truth in what you write. The recent US Supreme Court ruling in a sense exposed the anti-Christian bias as crowds began to attack churches. Even before that the military wing of the liberal authoritarians, otherwise known as AntiFa would attack public religious events. EU openly attacked Hungary when its leader declared it a Christian nation. But the aggression toward Russian Orthodoxy is a coalition of various groups and ideologies.
1. Liberal anti-religious authoritarianism.’ Any woke group including feminists and gay rights. All democrats.
2. Various evangelical Protestant groups which view the Orthodox church as anti-Christ and false Christians.
Many republicans make up this group.
3. Christians who have adopted American exceptionalism as part of core spiritual belief system.
4. Western Judaism. Probably historical grievance than anything current. The late Russian scholar Stephen Cohen claimed that Putin was thee most Jewish benevolent leader in Russian history. Not sure of some parts of Israel as Netanyahu attended Victory Day parade while all Western leaders boycotted it.
All nations and ideologies have to run their natural course and die to be re-born again like the Phoenix.
Russia went through this process in the nineties, the U.S and the West has run out of steam and has been taken over by Sodomites, Feminism and other fringe groups…its time for it to die and be re-born.
“…the U.S and the West has run out of steam and has been taken over by Sodomites, Feminism and other fringe groups…”
Follow the money to see whom controls these trojan horses.
The history West versus Russia on the religious side is well done.
However, I miss a chapter II or article II on this issue, as the religious agenda is an extremely serious one especially just these days.
Yesterday I hit a link which got me into the heart of the Bankers control grid, the digitalisation, AI, IOT, which brings most people if not all into the devils camp crossing the Rubicon.
“According to the vision of Orthodox elders, such as Fr. Gury (Chezlov), Fr. Nikolay (Guryanov), Fr. Kirill (Pavlov) and Fr. Vasily (Novikov), accepting “vouchers”, “Satanic passports of the Russian Federation”, SNILS, compulsory health insurance policy and other documents, a person will gradually lose his mind, but not the mind as the ability to perform mathematical calculations, be erudite and educated, but the mind as spiritual vision. They called them “forerunners of the Antichrist” or “building blocks for the foundation” of his kingdom.”
Im thinking of the glass eyes, thousand mile stares, the passivity we saw in connection with the paralysis in the lock down, and peoples rejection of obvious facts and truth. My gut feeling says these elders are right that we loose will loose our spirit/soul through the increased interconnection with the 2-dimensional digital world, and the hook up on digital passport which the link call “the digital prison”, is the door of no return.
There is a lot of good stuff in the link about this subject. Hope the Saker and the Author may find it interesting too.
There is a supercomputer in Brussel called “The Beast”. All living is linked to receive God’s cosmic waves from the centre of the universe. The idea of the IOT and AI is to break this link and get all people to obey the Beast through these supercomputers, quantum computers.
So a “chapter II” would confirm the articles headline as a conflict between evil and good.
It is well advanced and not easy stuff for everybody, but I find the explanations in the link to be logical founded.
These “visions” by “elders” should be taken with 10metric tons of salt. Or even more.
Those who have the Fathers don’t need self-proclaimed “elders” and their “visions”
As for bankers, I can say this:
Capitalism is based on banking, which is based in usury, which is categorically banned by both (true) Christianity and Islam.
I can easily delete the “elders” :-), it was just to show some orthodox (religion) had their interest on the issue.
No, what caught me was this:
“That is, according to P. P. Garyaev, human DNA is a “spiral antenna” that receives genetic information from the center of the universe in the form of electromagnetic and photonic radio waves, after receiving which the DNA begins to build an organism with pre-defined physiological, morphological and mental properties.
Peter Garyaev calls this radiation “relic radiation” or radiation from the Creator, without which the body’s DNA does not work.”
“Therefore, a mandatory condition when a person passes the biometric identification procedure is to give them a voluntary informed consent to carry it out.
As soon as biometric identification of all citizens is carried out and their biometric data is collected (a total of 452 parameters), control of the “system” will be transferred to AI based on a “quantum computer”, and this moment is called the “singularity”moment for transhumanists (Satanists).
Such a computer is available in the city of Brussels and is called ” The Beast “(Previously this computer was ordinary; perhaps now it has been replaced by a quantum sample-ed.). The name speaks for itself.
Then the genome of all the inhabitants of the Earth will be loaded with a new software security, different from the “relic”, in order to breed a new type of people who worship Satan. If this computer is turned off, these people will begin to die out from cancer, becoming covered with “purulent ulcers”, which are mentioned in the Apocalypse.
The DNA of all biological systems on the planet Earth receives encrypted genetic information from the center of the Universe in the form of electromagnetic and photon radiation, as well as electromagnetic fields, without which the process of transmitting hereditary information would not be possible. In addition, the DNA of any organism creates its own electromagnetic and photon field-carrying, but not transmitting, genetic information, called in esoteric practices aura.
The idea of genetic barcoding is not new and, moreover, it is not a futurist fiction, but a reality of our days.
The adoption of biometrics will lead to the fact that the grace of a person will leave forever, and he will no longer be the same whole person, but will be part of the system that is preparing the accession of the antichrist. The mind will be taken away from him and the “animal nature “or” animality ” will become the essence of a person, and his spirit will be completely different!
According to St. Theophan the Recluse, animality consists in the absence of a spiritual principle, that is, the spirit as a carrier of personality, which leads to the alienation of people from each other. The bearer of a person’s identity and a distinctive sign of the content of the spirit of God is the Name that a person is offered to give up when receiving documents indicating his belonging to the image of the beast.
At the heart of “artificial intelligence” and the implemented biometric identification system is “rationalism without restrictions”, including transhumanism, formed on the ideas of “thelema” by the English occultist Aleister Crowley, who proclaimed complete freedom from God.
The distinctive features of “rationalism without limits” are the impersonality and alienation of all morality (as categories) that make up the “animal image”.
Sorry for the long copy paste, I know people are too lazy to open a link, I punk my own son for same. But to conclude, I see a lot of similarities between the above descriptions of evil agenda in West and the conflict based on Christian principles in Russia, thus the conflict to be a religious one. I’ll finish here.
“Capitalism is based on banking, which is based in usury, which is categorically banned by both (true) Christianity and Islam.”
Paradoxically, would it be fair to argue that Capitalism/Banking can be applied for the greater good, the same as Nuclear technology may be used for good instead of for evil purposes? Obviously this holds true for many ideas! In short, I examined that statement in the context of a) “personal Christian/Islam principle” or b) “institutional business service” in my understanding.
No disrespect intended, I may be wrong, just expressing my thinking here.
Great summation of recent history that contrasts sharply with the Western narrative of Ukraine and their clown, coke head comedian president as hero over a corrupt coutry
An excellent article. Just a comment about “the conflict is … a religious one” and “a complete reversal of roles”. No expert am I yet I want to comment on the important differences between the two main Catholic churches, what led to the Great Schism in 1054. One is and was over papal primacy.
The other difference, seemingly arcane but may be of more significance, is the filioque dispute. Which is about the Catholic Trinity. I even found some comments about what Alexander Dugin thinks about it. I post the link neither as dogma, nor because of the recent barbarity.
A couple of commentors seem to be discussing Dugin’s “Metaphysics of the Gospel”. The most relevant quote from that page being
“The “new Right” (Dugin) argues that by alleging a double source for the Spirit allows for a double or even multiple procession, thus the spirit can be possessed by multiple individuals at the same time; whereas with a single procession only one individual (the monarch) can be filled with the spirit. Dugin claims the filioque is the root of democratic thinking.”
I don’t know how related it is but it sure looks like Russia’s spirit is tougher than the Roman Catholic one was. And does this religious dispute go back 500 years or 1000 years?
The split finally occurred in 1090 when the Eastern and Western halves of Christianity sadly split, In the Western (Catholic) half the teachings regarding the Holy Trinity of St Augustine were promoted but he was not read by many in the East. There was also the problem of the Byzantine Emperors interfering with the theology and appointing their own Patriarchs of Constantinople. In the early 15th century there was a brief reunion after the Council of Florence. Unfortunately, the Emperor and patriarch responsible for the reunion were both assassinated on returning home to Constantinople. After that the West turned its back on the East and the Ottamans conquered what was left of the Byzantine Empire without any effort by the West to help them. Politics when joined with theology makes for a highly toxic brew. Vladimir Putin has sought good relations with the Roman Catholic Church and he is more aware of the prophecy of Fatima than any other political leader on earth. One element of that prophecy is that Russia will be the means of the West’s chastisement but also the means of its conversion. Russia is very much in the Blessed Virgin Mary’s mind these past 105 years since 1917. She is highly venerated in Russia and Putin kissed an Icon of her’s before the special operation in the Ukraine. That should indicate that he sees Russia’s destiny in what is rightly a clash of religious/ spiritual values and culture. It must also be noted that Kiev and eastern Ukraine are the birthplace of Russia and the Russian Orthodox faith. Lastly, there is a prophecy which I have seen on Youtube regarding three Russian armies that will enter western Europe at the height of chaos there and capture the Scandinavian countries as well as entering the Balkans. The main army will smash its way through the middle of Europe and will advance a far as the Pyrenese mountains. Rome will also fall to the Russians. and the Russian flag fly over St Peter’s Basilica. We may be seeing the beginnings of that prophecy now!
Thank you so much for this concise report. I was wondering, where can it be published if I translate that into Russian? It is funny, but this summary is as needed for Russian-speaking people, as it is needed for those who speak English, in my observation. I can email you the Russian translation.
The “West” is run by Demonic Pedophiles who are Anti-Christian, Anti-Jew & Anti Muslim – the Demons Fear GOD & Worship SATAN & are openly trying to Murder Billions thru multiple methods including Nuclear War. We are in WW3 now – most people can’t see it. Pray for GOD’s Holy intervention.
Woke Culture in the United States and the West is the latest divide and conquer mechanism
1) birthed and nurtured by the elite academic institutions of the Deep State
2) promoted and proselytized by the media elite of the Deep State
3) legislated and enforced by the bought and sold politicians (City, County, State Federal) of the Deep State
4) implemented and institutionalized by the corporate tentacles of the Deep State
5) and accepted and/or rejected by the dumb-downed population so they have another reason to hate each other and ignore the non stop looting of the nation supervised by the Deep State
In the United States, there is a long history of social movements funded, directed and controlled by the Deep State to serve the interests of the Deep State (think, ANTIFA, BLM, Feminism, etc.). It extends from the mundane and insignificant to monumental and era defining, i.e., wars.
Even if the Deep State does not start a social movement, it will quickly co-opt and hijack the social movement to serve the needs of the Deep State (recent example Ron Paul’s Tea Party, the Environmental Movement, the Counter Culture, Popular Music, Food, etc.)
The primary enemy of the Deep State is not Russia or China but the American People who must be constantly misled and confused in order for a small minority to maintain full control of this colossal nation.
If it is understood that the Deep State is the confluence of private Central Banks, criminal commercial banks, Zionists, and compromised big business, then Russia and the Ukraine were targeted for multiple reasons
1) independent thought not in sync with the Deep State
2) the pernicious disease of sovereignty, which has the potential to spread if not eradicated
3) belief in church, faith, family, morality and traditional roles of male and female
4) Responsibility/Guilt for Stalin’s purge of Trotskyites and other members of the Tribe
5) Responsibility/Guilt for Pogroms and the Pale of Settlement
6) Guilt for the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD (Rome = Church = Orthodox = Russia)
If the above sounds crazy, not to worry it is crazy.
The leadership of the Deep State is Insane; the lackeys of the Deep State are prostitutes who have sold their souls for power, celebrity, trinkets, and comfort; and the robots of the Deep State, the woke minions, are just the current generation of cannon fodder, who are ready to murder just to fit in and make the Deep State proud.
Oy veh!
Excellent write up – thank you. Sounds like I may have to move to Russia from Canada! May God continue to bless Russia and her people.
“Righteousness exalts a nation,
But sin is a reproach to any people.” Prov. 14:34
“Not even the massacre of Tiananmen Square (1989) and the subsequent brutal repression could halt the American plutocracy’s enthusiasm for exporting work and business. ”
Would just point out that this is a Western created myth, to cover over an attempted Color revolotion style coup attempt of China that failed. That both Soviet Union and China almost breaks down in ’89, suggest to me that these events are not ‘organic’ / evolutionary … but influenced from the outside.
“The euphoria of 1991 soon gave way and the1990s turned out to be a catastrophic decade for Russia and her people.”
I doubt there was any widespread ‘Euphoria” anywhere in the post Soviet space, bar the Baltics. It was a breakdown crisis, society broke down ! For over 10 years !
I always wonder why our (American) political class had such a hard-on over Russia. The Russians are no longer communists, trying to push communism onto the rest of the world, like the old USSR. No longer being an ideological threat, I’ve wondered over the past 15 years or so why the U.S. political class had such an animosity towards Russia.This explanation makes a LOT of sense. This is probably the best explanation I’ve run across.
Gary North and others show that it always was and is a war on Christ –
“Because, at the end of the day, you must either bend the knee to Jesus Christ or to the Prince of this World. You will be forced to choose a side and there will be a price. Standing proudly on your own is an illusion and it was never an option.”
Marie-Thérèse ter Haar: There’s Only Anti-Russia (((Hostility))) in Western Media For 15 Years. Why?
“In the beginning of the Putin era, even until 2014, you cannot imagine how proudly European Putin or the Russian government was. We are in the European house, we want to be a part of Europe.
What happened with us? Our Western media.
It was only negative, why was it not allowed? That Wolfowitz doctrine, it was already [there] from the beginning. There was no place for Russia. What went wrong in the last 15 years?”
Marie-Thérèse ter Haar, Speaking at the Panel Discussion, Ukraine Symposium, Amsterdam, Forum for Democracy, July 12, 2022.
It is a war for resources, for hegemony; but it is also a war of ideas, an ideological war, and has been going on for over a century. Everything Russian, mainly the majority highly principled Russian people, is threatening to the degenerate west.
Coherent explanation in a distilled version of a very complex subject matter.
Applause!! Well done!
The west is atheist only in the sense that it refutes God himself. It has replaced the belief in God by a hodgepodge of ideological tenets that coalesce into a post-Christian civic religion or anti-traditional satanic death cult with a strong anti-white slant, to be more precise. Black Lives Matter/critical race theory, LGBTQ*, the Covid cult, pseudo-futurism and post-humanism, climate change, and now the anti-Russian hate. This post-religious religion comes complete with martyrs, saints and demi gods (George Floyd, Greta Thunberg, Elon Musk), fetishes (Covid masks), magical potions and rituals (taking Covid jabs), and recently even a crusade (the war in Ukraine). Turning truth and logic as well as morality upside down, it’s turning in an increasingly self-destructive direction, which makes it even a suicide cult rather than a mere death cult.
Excellent summary of what had happened with one glaring omission: the role of Jews.
What powerful tribe hates Christianity with a passion?
What powerful tribe has a history of using Russia and Russians?
What tribe is at the forefront in pushing abortion and the anal revolution?
What tribe in America owns the media that has been vilifying Russia and Putin?
What tribe do Nuland and Kagan and most of the NeoCons belong to?
Without understanding the role of the Jews nothing about this makes sense.
Yes at least a fundamental basis of it going back a millennium. Much happens in a 1000 years experientially, so where are we now. In a flashpoint of history, while we live and speak, darkness and light gather, forces crystalizing.
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. John 3:19
There can be no doubt that men still love darkness more than light for their evil deeds have crept into every corner of society because the light sleepeth.
Quite a lot right, but considerable wrong with this piece. Author claims, “This in spite of the fact that China continued to be a Communist and indeed totalitarian country. Not even the massacre of Tiananmen Square (1989) and the subsequent brutal repression could halt the American plutocracy’s enthusiasm for exporting work and business.” ‘totalitarian’ is a pejorative term that is not truly applicable to Chinese socialism and the Communist Party of China–Chinese rule and Chinese democracy are not Western, that is sure, but not the ‘evil’ that the term implies. Additionally, considerable scholarship has shown that Tiananmen Square was not the ‘massacre’ as reported. The actual events were not even close to being the vicious slaughter ascribed by the West.
Another claim I am suspicious of is that “At its worst, under Lenin and Stalin, the Communist regime massacred millions of Christians.” I have never heard this piece of gossip before. I do know that at the onset of Revolution, there were lots of killings by peasants of Church members and clergy because the Church was one of the largest exploitative landlords in the Russian Empire.
Another point is the material considerations of the Great Plunder of the Yeltsin years. American finance capital was thick in looting the USSR and they were the ones working with at least some of the oligarchs to make vast fortunes for themselves. Bill Browder was one of them. When Putin stopped the steal and kicked these vultures out of Russia, they initiated just as much or more of Russian and Putin vilification as any liberals.
When Putin helped Syria stop Obama’s pending attack due to false claims of chemical warfare, he earned further enmity from the neocon class who wanted to recolonize Syria. This was enhanced further by active Russian military operations in Syria to defeat ISIS.
About Ukraine, one important omission is that the same process of privatization, theft, and looting underwent in the Ukraine, creating oligarchs and wealthy Western capitalists. However, Ukraine never had a Putin to put things right and save the populace. The result has been a corrupt government and a poor country that was very susceptible both to illusory promises of Western prosperity and to outright Bandera fascism.
The Maidan Coup was accomplished by Galician fascists trucked in from the West to be the shock troops of the coup plotters. There is evidence going back decades of CIA involvement with and support for this group, descendants of Ukrainian Nazis who allied with the Germans to kill Jews, Poles, Slavs, and Romani. The Nazis were the kicker that made the coup worked and literally drove out Yanukovich fleeing for his life.
Before 1914 Socialism had a definite meaning, understood by all who claimed to be Socialist. It meant the common ownership and democratic control of the means of production and distribution. Thus the only surprise offered by this definition from 1906 is the author: ‘Future society will be socialist society. This also means that with the abolition of exploitation, commodity production and buying and selling will also be abolished and, therefore, there will be no room for buyers and sellers of labour power, for employers and employed—there will be only free workers…Where there are no classes, where there are neither rich nor poor, there is no need for a state, there is no need also for political power, which oppresses the poor and protects the rich. Consequently, in socialist society there will be no need for the existence of political power’ (Anarchism or Socialism?).
Ironically, the author of this piece would thirty years later, in a complete volte-face, declare the USSR to be socialist. That same year, on the 28th August, Pravda proclaimed him divine: ‘O Great Stalin, O Leader of the Peoples,Thou who didst give birth to man,Thou who didst make fertile the earth,Thou who dost rejuvenate the Centuries,Thou who givest blossom to the spring . . ‘. And a mere mortal observed: ‘There are in the U.S.S.R. privileged and exploited classes, dominant classes and subject classes. Between them the standard of living is sharply separated. The classes of travel on the railways correspond exactly to the social classes; similarly with ships, restaurants, theatres, shops, and with houses; for one group palaces in pleasant neighbourhoods, for the others wooden barracks alongside tool stores and oily machines. .It is always the same people who live in the palaces and the same people who live in the barracks. There is no longer private property, there is only one property – State property. But the State no more represents the whole community than under preceding régimes’ (What the Russian Revolution Has Become, Robert Guiheneuf, 1936).
Napoleon had he been around would likely have recognised that the old lie ”Under God and the Tsar all men are equal’ needed only slight modification and that religion had been replaced. “How can one have order in the state without religion? Society cannot exist without inequality of fortunes and inequalities of fortunes cannot exist without religion. How can a man dying from hunger sit next to a man who is belching from overeating, unless there is an authority that says ‘God wills it so.’”… “It is necessary that there be rich and poor in this world. We need religion to say that in eternity it will be different. I see in religion not the mystery of the incarnation but the mystery of the social order. It relegates to the heavens the idea of inequality so that the rich are not massacred here on earth.”
Another old lie: Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. W. M. Hughes, Prime Minister of Australia during the war to end all wars observed: ‘The increasing intensity of competition for economic markets must lead to armed conflict unless an economic settlement is found. This, however, is hardly to be hoped for. Talk about peace in a world armed to the teeth is utterly futile’ (News Chronicle, 25 July 1936). And today: ‘A senior U.S. State Department official said Thursday that a massive Ukraine aid package ― which contains $4 billion in grants for allies to buy American-made military hardware ― is partly aimed at eroding Russia’s share of the global defense market’ (US poised to bite into Russia’s global defense market share, yahoo, 13 May). War stems from capitalist struggles for markets, trade routes, sources of raw materials, and places of strategic importance.
The 99 percent in Russia and the Ukraine have more in common with each other than with their respective rulers. ‘Russia’s 500 Super Rich Wealthier Than Poorest 99.8% ‘ (Moscow Times, 10 June 2021). “In total, the top 100 wealthiest business people in Ukraine control around $44,5 billion, according to Forbes, which accounts for 27% of Ukrainian GDP in September, 2021.” ‘Since the onset of Covid-19 in early 2020, the combined wealth of the 650 American billionaires has increased by nearly $1 trillion’ (Alternet, 1 December 2020). Warren Buffett, whose 117+ billion dollar fortune makes him the 6th richest person on Earth, once stated: ‘there’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.’ Winning worldwide.
Maybe what the author of this article points out is a Modus vivendi between USA and Russia and the ordinary people on both sides don’t know that. It’s been many times resets between those two and Trotskyists like Gorbachev and other masons take over in Russia and let the West to rub Russia for trillions this time around. It looks like Hegelian dialectic thesis + antithesis = synthesis. When you control thesis and antithesis you get deliberate outcome, a huge profit in this case for the expense of ordinary people. They privatise profits and socialise debts and we’ll pay in huge taxes inflation and deflation included. The money and the satanic power is the name of the game. Religions and nations are set to divide and rule ordinary man. All I know we’re living spirits and we must not kill each other and we must obey universal 10 commitments. That is what makes us sapiens sapiens and maybe sapiens sapiens sapiens in the future.
I agree with the points made of a Christian Orthodox revival. Putin sent a message across all Christianity with the passing of the anti LGBT bill for the protection of all children. The traditional orthodox countries of the Balkans are struggling to align Christian Orthodox values and the European Union, state and NGO’s. The battle appears to be lost in Bulgaria and Romania while Greece and Serbia still have large segments of the population holding on.
It’s amazing how the roles and character of US and Russia got reversed. The enlightened West is on its way to spiritual, cultural and economic hell while Russia rediscovers it’s spiritual, cultural and historical roots that give life. Good article.
Good writeup Mr. Sweeney.
Please publish a follow-on article about the expansion of NATO by the US and EU after we told both Gorbachev and Yeltsin: “Not one more inch east”.
Look up “AEGIS Ashore” and note which countries it is in, what it’s actual capabilities are, and why Russia won’t allow it to be extended to Ukraine.
“by the mid-1990s the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as other branches of Christianity, began to experience noticeable growth. It was not however until the first decade of the twenty-first century, and the presidency of Vladimir Putin, that this movement became really significant.”
…THAT is why the western elites (deep state) luved the USSR but hate Russia & Putin (in particular, and coincidentally, President Trump too), for the deep-state is ‘of’ anti-Christ – so gotta pray for Putin, Russia & Trump… and God bless Mr. Sweeney too.
Agree, though I do think that ending communism was a bigger reason to favor China over Russia after the later collapsed, than is religion. Moving all those factories to China would thus be in the interest of building a middle class there (always more dangerous than the working class). Also, it seems to me the Russians are more technically competent (both grew by stealing capitalist technology, but Russia did launch Sputnik first, presumably without our help. It remains to be seen what China can do without our “help”) and so a more risky place to put our used factories. This article bolsters my theory that communism was a capitalist plot. Turning feudal societies into capitalist ones is dirty business when you are in a hurry, and it is better to put the blame on someone else. The basic incoherence of their system pretty much insures collapse when we quit supporting them. Live by corruption, die by corruption.
Thank you very much for this article! So much of what we have been seeing from Putin, Russia and even motives for impeaching President Trump make so much more sense! This article brings a lot to light!